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2010-03-22 09:01:58 | Weblog
from OPDX news

T32, EASTERN KIRIBATI (Update). Operators Nils/SM6CAS, Steve/G4EDG,
Mike/K9AJ, Derek/G3KHZ and Steve/9M6DXX are now on their way sailing to
Malden Island (OC-279) as of March 20th; the first of 4 uninhabited IOTAs
to be activated in the Southern Line Islands group. As per their Web
page (dated March 21st, 08:15), the team sailing boarded the "S/V Kwai",
did not have favorable wind at present and their estimated time on the sea
is "at least 3 more days". Watch their Web page for an accurate arrival
time. The callsign to be used on Malden Island will be T32MI. Their
length of stay is not known. The team wants to remind everyone that this
is "primarily an IOTA operation". They will be "concentrating on providing
a contact with as many different stations as possible irrespective of
band or mode". Activity will therefore be 80-10 meters using CW and SSB,
"whichever is providing the best propagation conditions at the time."
There will be no operations on 6m moon bounce, RTTY, PSK, low band SSB,
160m etc, etc. For more details and updates, visit the T32 Southern Line
Islands DXpedition's Web page at: http://t32line.webnode.com


2010-03-22 07:59:35 | Weblog
fron OPDX news

CY0, SABLE ISLAND. Randy, N0TG, informs OPDX: "Planning is continuing
and we have identified MID-October for the operation. Commitments of
support continue to come in, most recently from the German DX Foundation
(GDXF), Tokyo 610 DX Group, 59-Magazine( Japan Ham Radio), Mississippi
Valley DX/Contest Club, The Danish DX Group, JA1ELY, and loan of the
Battle Creek Special antenna by W8UVZ and group. All sponsors' LOGOs are
displayed on the Web site: http://www.CY0dxpedition.com
Our thanks and appreciation to advisors and information providers:
K1FK, K9LA and NA5U."

A52SW by W7VOA

2010-03-22 07:56:06 | Weblog
from OPDX news

A5, BHUTAN. Steve, W7VOA, is scheduled to be active again as A52SW next
month in Thimpu from about April 23rd until, at least, May 1st. Activity
is planned for CW and SSB, primarily 80-10 meters. RF output is limited
to 100w, and his planned antenna is a full-length G5RV. Steve informs
OPDX that he will be the sole operator. This is a work trip, so his
activity will be limited mainly on the weekends and during the evening
weekday hours. Paper QSLs go to his QSL Manager K2AU and e-QSLs via
the LoTW only. Steve states (edited), "Although my goal is to complete
DXCC for the A52SW callsign. I'll be happy to work as many North American
and JA stations as I possibly can."


2010-03-22 07:52:49 | Weblog
Haru, JA1XGI/W8XGI will be active from Western Kiribati as T30XG (or T30/T32XG) from June 3 – 9. Activity on 40 to 6m, including the WARC bands. He will use CW and Digi modes. QSL via JA1XGI, direct or bureau.