H40 - Siegfried, DK9FN provides further information on his 2-16 March
activity as from Lata, Nendo Island (OC-100), Temotu Province
[425DXN 923]. He hopes to get the same callsign he used back in
1999 (H40FN), and will operate CW only, while Bernhard, DL2GAC
(H44MS) will work SSB as H40MS and Herrmann, DL2NUD will be on 2m
EME (H40 callsign to be issued). They will have three separate
stations with amplifiers. Siegfried thinks he will concentrate on
160-30 metres, as the current propagation predictions do not
promise anything good on the higher bands. QSL H40FN via HA8FW:
all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau,
for those who need a direct card the address is Mihaly Bela,
Csongradi SGT. 122/A, H-6724 Szeged, Hungary. Further information
on this activity, including details on the antennas to be used,
can be found at www.hari-ham.com/h40fn
activity as from Lata, Nendo Island (OC-100), Temotu Province
[425DXN 923]. He hopes to get the same callsign he used back in
1999 (H40FN), and will operate CW only, while Bernhard, DL2GAC
(H44MS) will work SSB as H40MS and Herrmann, DL2NUD will be on 2m
EME (H40 callsign to be issued). They will have three separate
stations with amplifiers. Siegfried thinks he will concentrate on
160-30 metres, as the current propagation predictions do not
promise anything good on the higher bands. QSL H40FN via HA8FW:
all of the QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau,
for those who need a direct card the address is Mihaly Bela,
Csongradi SGT. 122/A, H-6724 Szeged, Hungary. Further information
on this activity, including details on the antennas to be used,
can be found at www.hari-ham.com/h40fn