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TS7C 26000QSO's

2009-01-15 19:32:05 | Weblog
Hi friends

This night Arno, OE9AMJ, could sleep a while after he had took some drugs. He was replaced for the traffic.

This morning he is a little better. Jean Paul, F8BJI and Dieter, OE8KDK also with some drugs feel better and can take their traffic vacations.

No news about the missing transceivers . So we will not talk about that anymore. Know that the 80 000 QSO’s goal will not be reached because of this missing.

Yesterday evening one of the PC’s stopped suddently.

Our antenna farm has grown and is now at its maximum of the antennas number to be settled.

We had the good fortune to count in the team, Tony, G0OPB who is our Mr Antenna.

So tanks to him, minimal losses had been observed since we are on the air. Our signals strength and quality are part of his good skill.

This morning at 1000 o’clock, these are some information about the traffic :

QSO’s : 26 217

CW : 8 321

RTTY : 8295

SSB : 9 601

EU : +or- 71%

AM : +or- 20%

AS + AF + OC : +or- 9%

To day’s programm on http://www.ts7c.net

Maurice F5NQL, Internet Communications for TS7C


2009-01-15 06:52:21 | Weblog
The March departure date is fast approaching and all team members are rarin to go.

The total list of ops are: IZ3ESV, K5YY, N2OO, N2OZ, SQ8X, SQ9DIE, SV2KBS, VK1TX, VK3HJ, VK3QB, VK4IO, VK4VCH, VK5CP, VK5PO, W5SL and VK4FW.

VK4FW will travel to LH on Mar 22nd to immediately begin unpacking. On Mar 23, 4 others will arrive and the rest arriving as originally planned on Mar 24th.
We will assemble 7 full HF stations at 2 seperate sites as well as one for 6m.
Modes of operation are SSB, CW and RTTY.

We will use mono band yagis and mono band verticals to allow us to possibly have 2 actual stations on the same band similtaneously. There are also a quantity of wire antennae for the low bands. A full list of operating frequencies will be designed to enhance our plans.

With the rising fuel prices and the international economy crashing around us we have been able to secure a vessel to freight all of our equipment in. We are still trying to get more support to cover this cost so please be so kind to visit our web site www.odxg.org/vk9la.htm and make a donation.

The qsling chores will be handled by VK4FW.

We will set up an online qsling system that will permit you to apply online to help cut your postage costs.

More on this later. Qsl cards will be printed very quickly by UX5UO.


Bill Horner
PO Box 612


2009-01-15 06:50:16 | Weblog

I will go to Gili Nanggu (Nanggu Island) OC-150 for holiday. From 16 to 18 January 2009
Holiday style operation as YB3MM/9 with one trx and one antenna, mainly on 17 meter cw and rtty.

Operation time is not known, depends on the electric supply from the island hotel (www.gilinanggu.com )

QSL via IZ8CCW or buro.

See you on the air, 73.

Adhi Bimbo YB3MM