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■__/dance izen.

KYOTO Music and feldenkrai kinda day 2013/10/27 Sun

2013-10-16 | Feldenkrais Lesson

【Music and feldenkrais kinda day at Japanese traditional house】


With beautiful autum breeze from Yoshita Mountain.

We are pleased to inform you helding the fifth workshop "Music and feldenkrais kind of day" in Kyoto
In Japanese house, we live with 4 season in order to sense the light changing the morning through the night and to smell the odder of plants and flowers.
One of the most beautiful seasons in KYOTO, FALL, please come and enjoy music and kyoto with us ♪


suggested donation:travelars 3000yen, With student ID 2000yen.

(We are plannning to have Lunch at vegetarian restaurant TOSCA near by.It costs 1500yen to 200yen. There are many other restaurants around as well.)

■TOSCA http://tosca-kyoto.com/index.html

■Dialogue of the worksohp includes following questions:

1.Where does the movement come from?

2.Why dowe practice somatic education in Japanese style houses?

Dialogue among participants includes the owner of Machiya who is music therapist and teather of the day,Mutsumi Abiru.

3 How we eat relates how we act? Lunc at organic cafe/restaurant TOSCA

4.When do we aware of ourselves? We will have some time walking/hiking at Yoshida mountain.

■Teacher of the day

★Mutsumi Abiru (Japan-US authorazed music therapist)




■Miyuki Kobayashi
(feldenkrais practitioner, improviser and Ki-Aikido practitioner)
Movement Art Company http://blog.goo.ne.jp/felcafe/
dance izen http://blog.goo.ne.jp/bwlkyoto/

■町家「人と生活研究所 音楽と植物と・・・」


12 Yoshida, Sakyo-ku,Kyoto city,KYOTO Japan

Tell/Fax 075-751-5178

■contact to Feldenkrais/Movement Art Company
e-mail: felcafe@gmail.com


