

Miyako-duka Tomb Mound in Nara, Japan

2014-08-17 18:29:08 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
Change your viewpoints to see the World.(視点を変えよう。そうすれば世界が見えてくる)
A Tomb Mound,”Miyako-duka Kofun” in Nara and A Queen with a Mask in Chino-city Nagano, Japan(都塚古墳のピラミッド+長野県茅野市の仮面の女王)
土偶はエイリアン(Dogu Clay Figures are Aliens)
その証拠と証明(The Evidence and its Proof)
Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan(Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians.)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/7CnQ85Wmzoc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

2014年08月17日現在、どなたにも許可していません。リンク張りは自由にしてください。No one has been allowed to use my ideas in this video without my permission and names.

Aug. 17th, 2014
Hiroshi Hayashi

都塚,都塚古墳,日本のピラミッド, Pyramid in Japan,Miyakoduka,Miyakozuka,Miyako-zuka Mound,Tomb Mound in Nara,Pyramid in Nara,Miyako-duka,墓好き,石舞台,明日香村,視点視点を変える,茅野市,土偶,仮面の女王,Chino,Chino City,Pha Team,Lascaux,Tashili n Ajjer,Cueva de las Manos,Baja,PPintadosIdoziri Archeological Museum,hand marks,手形,謎の手形,山梨県立考古博物館,Idoziri,井戸尻,長野,甲府,井戸尻,考古館,doki,Earthenware,clay figures,土器,土偶,宇宙服を着たエイリアン,Alien in spacesuit,Hachinohe,Hakodate,Azteca,Maya,マヤの土偶,八戸,函館,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Jomon Earthernware,Mystery of Jomon Earthernware,UFO in Japan,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Aug. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Who was Jesus? Who was Maria? And then what is the Religion?

2014-08-17 11:07:19 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
Concocted History of Jesus Christ and The Real Image of Maria
Who is Jesus Christ? Where does he come from? Who is Maria? Where did she come from? イエスキリストとは誰なのか? またどこから来たのか? マリアはだれなのか。またどこから来たのか?
(When Gods separated Humans into Two)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/gFZP4oCZstw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Mystery of Moses and Zeus(Who is Elshaddai)


If their God is Moses, Moses is Zeus with the physical evidence in Ancient Greece. But this is very unacceptable for Christianity as well as Judaism and Islam. Then “Elshaddai”, which means “God of All-mighty”.These are based upon Akatsuki-san and Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to use my ideas and theories in any case without my permission and my names.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Aug.17th, 2014

マリ,アリリト,女神マリ,マリア,Mari,コピー,マリアの正体,受胎告知,2001年宇宙の旅,Space Odessay,キリスト洗礼,キリストの洗礼,コピー教,イエス・キリスト,イエスキリストの謎,ミトラ教のコピー,ヘリオス,モーツアルト,魔笛,ベートーベン第九,Helios,Mithra,モーゼとゼウス,ゼウスとモーゼ,エルシャダイ,Faure,Gabrial Foure,フォーレ,シチリアーナ,神の神,ギリシア彫刻,モーゼ,ゼウス,Moses,Zeus,Ancient Greece,sculpture,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Aug. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Video Diary (Aug.17th, 2014)

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/yycxUx3Q9f8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

If their God is Moses, Moses is Zeus with the physical evidence in Ancient Greece. But this is very unacceptable for Christianity as well as Judaism and Islam. Then “Elshaddai”, which means “God of All-mighty”.These are based upon Akatsuki-san and Hiroshi Hayashi’s original ideas. Please keep it in your mind that no one is allowed to use my ideas and theories in any case without my permission and my names.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Aug.17th, 2014

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Aug. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】