

Mystery of ジャパン+Mystery of Ena、Japan

2013-04-30 08:48:13 | 日記
282(改)+179 謎の点と線+恵那山の謎(Mystery of Ena, Japan)

Here in this video I’d like to talk about the mystery of Mt. Ena.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3niRctEhvRc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



The most sacred mountain in Japan is Mt. Ena, which has been a holy mountain for good people in Japan. In this video I’d like to explain that this mountain is not just a holy mountain but it’s a very important foothold for God, or Aliens who came to Japan in ancient times. This is the story about it.

April 30th 2013
No one is allowed to use my ideas in these videos.
Thank you for your attention.

Hiroshi Hayashi

恵那,恵那山,高千穂,高千穂神社,daisen-ryo,Nintokuryou,Hiei-zan,Koya-san,Ise,Ise Shrine,Mystery of Osaka,Cross Point China,日本の謎,Ena,Mt. Ena,Mystery of Ena,Ena-san,Takachiho,Mystery of Japan,Mystery of God, Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司,はやし浩司,クロスポイント,クロスポイント中国,Cross Point China,

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

Mystery of Mt. Ena, Japan

2013-04-30 00:10:08 | 日記
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

282 恵那山の謎(Mystery of Ena, Japan)

Here in this video I’d like to talk about the mystery of Mt. Ena.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/wLpv5uw5TwY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



The most sacred mountain in Japan is Mt. Ena, which has been a holy mountain for good people in Japan. In this video I’d like to explain that this mountain is not just a holy mountain but it’s a very important foothold for God, or Aliens who came to Japan in ancient times. This is the story about it.

恵那,恵那山,高千穂,高千穂神,社日本の謎,Ena,Mt. Ena,Mystery of Ena,Ena-san,Takachiho,Mystery of Japan,Mystery of God, Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司,はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

Himiko, Saitohara and Stonehenge in UK

2013-04-28 22:14:44 | 日記
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

281 Saitohara & Stonehenge(西都原とストーンヘンジ)

This is a story about the strange connection of Saitohara and Stonehenge U.K..

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/HQzqpWRh2XM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


April 28th 2013

西都原,ストーンヘン,ジSautohara,Stonehenge,大宰府,宇佐神宮,Usa Shrine,Dazaifu,Ise Srine,出雲,出雲大社,謎の出雲大社,Salar de Coipasa,Kinabalu,Mount Kinabalu,Mt.Kinabalu,Mt. Coipasa,Aliens’ Bases on the earth,Aliens Base,Aliens’ Homeland,異星人の基地,異星人の故郷, Mystery of Japan,謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司,はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

Was Iwaya-Iwakage Ruins a astronomical obsevatory?

2013-04-27 11:53:39 | 日記
Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司

【281 岩瀬岩陰遺跡(巨石)の謎】
+279Mystery of the Big Dipper(北斗七星の謎と疑問)

Mystery of Iwase Iwakage Ruins, Gifu, Japan

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dq1IoViEfME" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


In Gifu, there we can see very strange-shaped huge rocks, which are similar to those in UK, called “Stonehenge”. My wife and I are going to examine them soon and before that I just chek these rocks on the Google Erath. Here is the story.


April 27th 2013
Hiroshi hayashi


岩屋岩陰,遺跡,岩屋,Rock Shelter Ruins, Iwaya Iwakage,Iwaya Ruins,岩陰巨石,金山,飛騨金山,遺跡,下呂,奇石,謎の文明,Iwaseiwakage Ruins,Stoenhenge in Japan,謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines.林 浩司,はやし浩司,岩陰遺跡,ストーンサークル,

Hiroshi Hayashi+++++April.2013+++++はやし浩司・林浩司