

Indian Head Rock and Serpent Mound, its Mystery and Secret

2014-09-30 11:57:48 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
1082B(Additional Version)追加版
Answer to Serpent Mound and Blythe Intaglios Giant
What are they?
Why are they there?
What do they mean?
Who created them?

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/hMflSMZ2nT0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

All these facts in this video have been found by Hiroshi Hayashi and no one is allowed to use my ideas in any case without my personal permission, for which I need your cooperation.Thank you.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.30th, 2014

what for,why,what,Serpent mound,Blythe Intaglios,Great Candle Sticks,Mesa Verde,Hiroshi Hayashi,サーペントマウンド,ブライスの巨人,三叉の大燭台,はやし浩司,なぜ,何のため,だれが,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

1083(revised #324)
Mystery and Secret of Indian Head Rock, USA
Revised 323ふぉrBilly S., my friend.
Mystery of Indian Head who has a stick in his left hand.

Here is physical evidence that Indian Head was created by Aliens.

Who created Indian Head? Why? And who is this Man? Indian Head is full of mysteries and it has been long argued whether this is a nature effect of man-made? But I never hesitate to say that this is of course a man-made figure on the goround. He is holding a stick in his keft hand and he is looking at something in the air. But what is he looking at? You will agree with me when you see this video. Here is the answer.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/lo-6C2k2gzM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

インディアン・ヘッドは、だれが作ったのか。どうしてここにあるのか。なぜ? それとも自然の産物なのか? インディアン・ヘッドは多くの謎に包まれています。が、もしこのビデオを見てくだされば、あなたも、私の意見に賛成してくださるものと思います。もちろんインディアン・ヘッドは、エイリアンが描いたものです。杖の部分を見てくだされば、わかっていただけます。杖は、明らかに山肌を削って描かれたものです。ですから、正しくは、「インディアン・ボディ」と言うべきではないでしょうか。杖をしっかりと握る左手も描かれています。見れば見るほど不思議な絵ですが、この1枚の絵だけでも、エイリアンの存在を証明できます。なぜなら、人間に、この絵を描くのは不可能だからです。少なくとも、古代の昔においては、です。またインディアンといっても、アメリカインディアンではありません。このインディアンヘッドは、サーペンと・マウンド、さらにはテオティワカン、カラクウムルと密接に結びついています。これらのビデオの中で、それを詳しく説明します。どうかお楽しみください。

Sep. 30th, 2014
Hiroshi Hayashi

インディアンヘッド,Indian Head,Mystery of Indian Head,謎のインディアン,異星人の描いた絵,宇宙人の描いた絵,はやし浩,Hiroshi Hayash,i謎の絵,謎の彫刻,異星人の彫刻,Alien ,Aliens's masterpiece,エイリアンの描いた絵,Hamamatsu, japan,Japan,in Canada,Evidence of Aliens,physical evidence of Aliens,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Mystery and its Answer to Serpent Mound USA by Hiroshi Hayashi

2014-09-29 20:13:06 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
1081+1079(Nazca Theory)
Machu Picchu was a Prison Camp of Humas for slaves. Its Evidence and Proof.
Humans were slaves for Aliens and this is a very sad story to prove the facts.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/ssRCW2IeqNg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

All these facts in this video have been found by Hiroshi Hayashi and no one is allowed to use my ideas in any case without my personal permission, for which I need your cooperation.Thank you.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.28th, 2014

Blythe Intaglios,収容所,監獄,人間奴隷,マシュピチュ,はやし浩司,camp,Prison,human slaves,Machu Picchu,Blythe Intaglios,Cahokia,Serpent Mound,Cuzco,Berneukpan,South Africa,Candle Sticks,Great Candle,三叉の大燭台,カホキアサーペント,マウンド,大仙陵,daisenryo,人間収容所,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Answer to Serpent Mound and Blythe Intaglios Giant
What are they?
Why are they there?
What do they mean?
Who created them?

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Rt9SyjLRqww" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

All these facts in this video have been found by Hiroshi Hayashi and no one is allowed to use my ideas in any case without my personal permission, for which I need your cooperation.Thank you.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.28th, 2014

what for,why,what,Serpent mound,Blythe Intaglios,Great Candle Sticks,Mesa Verde,Hiroshi Hayashi,サーペントマウンド,ブライスの巨人,三叉の大燭台,はやし浩司,なぜ,何のため,だれが,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Machu Picchu, A Camp Prioson of Human Slaves

2014-09-29 13:42:17 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
Machu Picchu was a Prison Camp of Humas for slaves. Its Evidence and Proof.
Humans were slaves for Aliens and this is a very sad story to prove the facts.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/bDiLgyy5P7A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

All these facts in this video have been found by Hiroshi Hayashi and no one is allowed to use my ideas in any case without my personal permission, for which I need your cooperation.Thank you.

Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.28th, 2014

収容所,監獄,人間奴隷,マシュピチュ,はやし浩司,camp,Prison,human slaves,Machu Picchu,Blythe Intaglios,Cahokia,Serpent Mound,Cuzco,Berneukpan,South Africa,Candle Sticks,Great Candle,三叉の大燭台,カホキアサーペント,マウンド,大仙陵,daisenryo,人間収容所,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Aliens' Base on the Earth

2014-09-28 19:31:53 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
This is Ancient Japan (4).
A short Video for Overseas Friends.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/H3KEfx-1DWs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

This is Ancient Japan (1~4)

Hiroshi Hayashi

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Sumerian Goddess wore Masks. Mystery of Masks in Sumer.
シュメールの女神は仮面をかぶっていた? シュメールの女神と仮面の謎。
Inanna - Sumerian goddesses was at once lovely and terrible, seducing many great men and then killing them. Her unearthly white skin and glowing red eyes warn those who might answer her as she beckons with her right hand.
+A Queen with a Mask in Chino-city Nagano, Japan(長野県茅野市の仮面の女王)
土偶はエイリアン(Dogu Clay Figures are Aliens)。その証拠と証明(The Evidence and its Proof)。縄文文明の謎(縄文土器・土偶の謎)
Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan. Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/FxaSRZ_v5sI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

No one has been allowed to use my ideas in this video without my permission and names.

Sep.28th, 2014

Hiroshi Hayashi

仮面の女王,縄文,茅野市縄文の女神,シュメールの女神,マリア,縄文ヴィーナス,ハイレグ,ハイレグ・パンティ,Ishtar,土偶,仮面の女王,Chino,Chino City,Pha Team,Lascaux,Tashili n Ajjer,Cueva de las Manos,Baja,Pintados,Idoziri,Archeological Museum,hand marks,手形,謎の手形,山梨県立考古博物館,Idoziri,井戸尻,長野,甲府,井戸尻,考古館,doki,Earthenware,clay figures,土器,土偶,宇宙服を着たエイリアン,Alien in spacesuit,Hachinohe,Hakodate,Azteca,Maya,マヤの土偶,八戸,函館,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient,Civilizations,Jomon Earthernware,Mystery of Jomon Earthernware ,はやし浩司,異星人,宇宙人,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

A Man from the Mars in Copan, Honduras. And Aliens’ Base on the Earth, Aliens who came, most possibly, from the Mars.
Aliens’ Bases on the Earth (Special Edition)
Where are Gods living?

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/fq1hHmt2ay8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Here in this video, I show you two Aliens’ Bases on this earth, one is Salarde Coipasa and anther one is Mt. Kinabalu. If not , what are they? These two are connected with the Sphinx, Giza with the two Lines. This is the story about the mystery.The important thing is just re-examine these facts by yourselves and make sure by yourselves what I have been talking is correct.Please do so for you as well as for me.No one is allowed to use my ideas and theories in any case without my name and permission.
Salar de Coipasa山(ボリビア)と、Kinabalu山(マレーシア)、それにUlawun山です。Coipasa山とKinabalu山の2つは、ギザのスフィンクスを介してつながっています。またナスカにも、同じ直線があります。もし基地でないというのなら、ではそれらは何なのでしょうか。このビデオは、その謎についてのものです。


Hiroshi Hayashi
Sep.28th, 2014

No one is allowed to use my ideas in any case without my personal permission, for which I need your cooperation.Thank you.


Copan,Hondras,Honduras,はやし浩司,Salar de Coipasa,Kinabalu,Mount Kinabalu,Mt.Kinabalu,Mt. Coipasa,Aliens’ Bases on the earth,Aliens Base,Aliens’ Homeland,三叉の大燭台,ブライスの巨人,アタカマ,アタカマの巨人,Atakama,Blythe,Serpent Mound,Kalaluml,Calakuml,火星人の故郷,異星人の基地,異星人の故郷,キナバルキ,ナバル山,コイパサ山,ナスカ,ナスカの直線,ナスカの地上絵,地上絵の謎,直線の謎,Palenque,Nazca,Nazca Lines, Line Pictures,Mystery of Japan,謎の古代文明,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient Civilizations,Aliens,文明の謎,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines,林 浩司

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Jomon in Nagano,Ishtar(Jomon Venus) are Reptilians, its Evid

2014-09-28 11:52:43 | 謎の点と線byはやし浩司
This is Ancient Japan (4).
A short Video for Overseas Friends.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/H3KEfx-1DWs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

Hiroshi Hayashi

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

This is Ancient Japan (1~4)

Hiroshi Hayashi

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】

Jomon in Nagano,Ishtar(Jomon Venus) are Reptilians, its Evidence and Proof. 縄文の女神とイシュタールは、とかげ人間だった! その証拠と証明。
Inanna - Sumerian goddesses was at once lovely and terrible, seducing many great men and then killing them. Her unearthly white skin and glowing red eyes warn those who might answer her as she beckons with her right hand.
A Queen with a Mask in Chino-city Nagano, Japan(長野県茅野市の仮面の女王)
土偶はエイリアン(Dogu Clay Figures are Aliens)。その証拠と証明(The Evidence and its Proof)。縄文文明の謎(縄文土器・土偶の謎)
Mystery of Clay Figures and Earthenware and its answer at Idoziri Acheological Museuma, Nagano, Japan. Jomon civilization is Father of other civilizations around the Pacific Ocean, including such as Maya, Inca and American Indians.

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/t-nm494MPRA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hiroshi Hayashi++++++++++++はやし浩司

No one has been allowed to use my ideas in this video without my permission and names.

Sep.28th, 2014

Hiroshi Hayashi

縄文,レプティリアン,とかげ,トカゲ,とかげ人間,茅野市縄文の女神,アマテラス,卑弥呼,イシュタール,マリア,縄文ヴィーナス,5人は同一女神,ハイレグ,ハイレグ・パンティ,Ishtar,土偶,仮面の女王,Chino,Chino City,Pha Team,Lascaux,Tashili n Ajjer,Cueva de las Manos,Baja,PPintadosIdoziri Archeological Museum,hand marks,手形,謎の手形,山梨県立考古博物館,Idoziri,井戸尻,長野,甲府,井戸尻,考古館,doki,Earthenware,clay figures,土器,土偶,宇宙服を着たエイリアン,Alien in spacesuit,Hachinohe,Hakodate,Azteca,Maya,マヤの土偶,八戸,函館,Hiroshi Hayashi,Hamamatsu,Mystery,Ancient,Civilizations,Jomon Earthernware,Mystery of Jomon Earthernware ,はやし浩司,異星人,宇宙人,神々,Ancient History,歴史の謎,謎の歴史,Mysterious Lines,林 浩司,

【Hiroshi Hayashi******Sep. 2014******はやし浩司・林浩司】