東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

自分の英語に自信がない…自分の間違いに自分で気づける基礎英語力をつける第一歩!English Plusレッスン受講生用2021年5月第3週英語レッスンの復習(英語編)

2021-11-25 08:04:42 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning and thank you very much for your time to stop by English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

【English Plusからのお知らせ 】
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(高校生以上の大人向け最大4名までの90分グループレッスン、小学生向け・中学生向け最大4名までの60分グループレッスンなど)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。詳しくはEnglish Plusの公式ホームページからお気軽にご相談ください。最高な英語教育サービスを提供します。

Today, let's practice English from English Plus' lessons.
At English Plus, we encourage our students to try to speak English a lot especially during lessons.
Once in a while, they make some mistakes, but they really try hard and try to express what they want to say in their own words. (Great Job!)
Through the lessons at English Plus, I realized there are some mistakes our students often make, so today let's review not to make the same mistake again.
Now, let's find errors from our lessons during the third week of this May below.

1. Cooking don't easy for me.
2. You’re good sense.
3. I usually choice decaf.
4. 100 company entry the exhibition on the beginning of May.
5. I pulled my wisdom teeth out at a dentist last week.

Let's improve English skills little by little!
Justin case, the answers are below.
By the way, we provide some English lessons, and one of them is "Conversation."
This is good for those who would like to improve basic English skills.
If you have any questions about English Plus lessons, click English Plus Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「sense」に関する記事一覧

今日の答え:"1. Cooking isn't easy for me. / 2. You have good sense. / 3. I usually choose decaf. / 4. 100 companies entered into the exhibition at the beginning of May. / 5. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out at a dentist last week."

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - https://www.englishplusjp.com
Copyright:© 2021 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します

English Plusの新しい動画「English Plusの新規開講レッスンはどんなレッスン? イングリッシュプラスの『はじめの一歩英会話レッスン』紹介動画」を公開しました(英語編)

2020-12-29 08:34:18 | 東京田町芝浦の英語学校English Plusからのお知らせ
Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

【English Plusからのお知らせ 】
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(大人90分、キッズ60分)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。詳しくは下記のリンクからお気軽にご相談ください。最高な英語教育サービスを提供します。

Today, I'd like to write about English Plus' latest promotional movie.
At English Plus' English school, we are frequently asked some questions about our lessons, service, and so on.
One of the most frequently asked questions is "What is English Plus' lesson like?"
There are a lot of differences between our English school and other schools; for instance, we offer 90-min lessons, max 4 students in a class, and so on.
As we explain orally when visitors ask us or in our brochure, it's often difficult to show them what our lesson is like; therefore, this time, we've made a new promotional movie and uploaded on YouTube.
In our latest movie, we're introducing our new lesson called "1st STEP English" starting in 2021.
Our new assistant instructor "Natsuko-sensei" is mainly in charge of this lesson, and introducing this lesson in the movie.
In the movie, she is demonstrating the lesson and explaining it.
If you are interested, please check out English Plusの新規開講レッスンはどんなレッスン? イングリッシュプラスの『最初の一歩英会話レッスン』紹介動画
Also, if you need more information about English Plus, please check out English Plus Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「movie」に関する記事一覧

< English Plusの新規開講レッスンはどんなレッスン? 東京田町の英語学校English Plusの新レッスン 英語初心者におすすめのファーストステップイングリッシュ(はじめの一歩コース)>

今日の英語でのひとこと:"Check it out!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - https://www.englishplusjp.com
Copyright:© 2020 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します

English Plusのレッスンの復習 ~ 自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力をつけていこう ~ 2019年8月第2週の英語レッスンの復習(英語編)

2019-09-12 08:57:29 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning and thank you very much for your time to stop by English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

< English Plus 9月限定~もうすぐ8周年キャンペーンのお知らせ >
1.English Plus内で使えるクーポン
2.English Plusのオリジナル自己学習ファイル
当キャンペーンの適用には、9月28日までのお申込とお支払いが条件となりますので、入学をご検討中の方は English Plusのお問合せページよりお気軽にご相談ください。

Today, let's practice English from English Plus' lessons.
At English Plus, we encourage our students to try to speak English a lot especially during lessons.
Once in a while, they make some mistakes, but they really try hard and try to express what they want to say in their own words. (Great Job!)
Through the lessons at English Plus, I realized there are some mistakes our students often make, so today let's review not to make the same mistake again.
Now, let's find errors from our lessons during the second week of this August below.
1. How many years have you been marriage?
2. "My sense of directions is not good." "Me too."
3. I'm not intelligence.
Let's improve English skills little by little!
Justin case, the answers are below.
By the way, we provide some English lessons, and one of them is "Skill-Up Conversation."
This is good for those who would like to improve basic English skills.
For more information about English Plus lessons, click English Plus Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「how many」に関する記事一覧

今日の答え:"1. How many years have you been married? / 2. "My sense of directions is not good." "Me neither." / 3. I'm not intelligent."

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus


詳細はEnglish Plusの公式ホームページ(キッズレッスンについて)をご覧ください。ご質問等は、お気軽にお問合せください。

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - https://www.englishplusjp.com
Copyright:© 2019 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します

自分の英語の間違いに気づける英語力をつけていこう ~ 2017年7月第3週の英語レッスンの復習(英語編)

2017-09-03 08:21:45 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning and thank you very much for your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, let's practice English from English Plus' lessons.
At English Plus, we encourage our students to try to speak English a lot especially during lessons.
Once in a while, they make some mistakes, but they really try hard and try to express what they want to say in their own words. (Great Job!)
Through the lessons at English Plus, I realized there are some mistakes our students often make, so today let's review not to make the same mistake again.
Now, let's find errors from our lessons during the third week of this July below.
1. She always says, "you have not a good sense."
2. He's lucky position.
3. Many abroad people use the pool.
Let's improve English skills little by little!
Justin case, the answers are below.
By the way, we provide some English lessons, and one of them is "Skill-Up Conversation."
This is good for those who would like to improve basic English skills.
For more information about English Plus lessons, click English Plus Official Website.

今日の答え:"1. She always says, "you don't have a good sense." / 2. He's in a lucky position. / 3. Many foreign people use the pool."

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - http://e-plusweb.com
Copyright:© 2017 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します

ポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.のひとこと

2014-05-11 09:34:30 | ポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ
Good morning and thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to share a positive English message.
Today's message is by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. who is an American author.
Here is his quote:

"You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life."

Let's move forward every day!
Have a great day!

おはようございます。English Plus英語講師のarataです。

本日は“ポジティブな英語ひとことメッセージ ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.のひとこと”です。

今日のポジティブなメッセージは、アメリカの作家であるH. Jackson Brown, Jr.のひとことからです。


"You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life."



それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's step forward!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - http://e-plusweb.com
Copyright:© 2014 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します

英語を学びたい人が取り組むべきはじめの英語学習 ~ 5.英語をたくさん話そう(英語編)

2014-04-22 07:13:52 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning and I really appreciate your visit to English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to write about some English learning tips.
*Some other tips I've previously written are here...
1. "Vocabulary" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/3dbddcacbe68033bab25f8b4953707ed
2. "Grammar" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/ee6828f63e25200b2bf73bbbdffda28e
3. "Listening" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/dfb4c516f9f24789816b855a4998d8f3
4. "Reading" - http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/9e33b7bf1deefc4fa5b7cd6aefb1d65f
There are some English learning tips I've mentioned previously in this blog, and today's tip is the last one.
Today's tip is about "speaking."
When I first went to Canada, I couldn't communicate well in English.
There were several reasons why I couldn't communicate well, for example, my vocabulary and grammar knowledge were poor, my listening skill wasn't good enough to follow natural English and so on.
In addition to these, the biggest problem was I didn't have enough confidence to speak English.
Speaking English was really hard since I had to make sentences in my brain and output them orally.
Also, I was worried if the sentences sounded strange or what I said didn't make sense.
To overcome thisr, what I needed to to is to practice speaking English.
So, I can say in order to get used to English communication, you need to practice speaking English!
(At the same time, you also need to learn vocabulary & grammar and practice listening & reading English!)
As a famous proverb says, "Practice makes perfect!"
Let's speak English a lot and get used to English communication!
Here at English Plus, you can practice speaking English a lot in our lessons!
For more information about English Plus' lessons, please visit our official website: http://e-plusweb.com

それでは今日の英語での一言:"Let's improve English skills!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します

If you click this, it means you "cheer me up" in the ranking. Thank you for your cooperation!!


東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus - http://e-plusweb.com
Copyright:© 2014 English Plus All Rights Reserved.

コメントやお問合せはEnglish Plus公式ホームページよりe-mailでお送りいただくかFacebookでお受け致します


2011-03-08 06:57:05 | English Plus英語レッスン受講生のためのレッスン復習トレーニング
Good morning!
Thank you for your time to read my blog!!
Today, I'll recommend an English training to help you react quickly.
This training doesn't require anything special, but your sense to respond.
Now, look at the picture below, which is waffle and maple syrup, and make a comment in 3 seconds!!
Were you able to make one by yourself?
Was it like...?
"Looks great!"
"It looks delicious!"
"How tasty it looks!"
Any responses / comments are okay.
Let's set a situation in your daily life and train your response speed as quickly as possible!








"Looks great!"
"It looks delicious!"
"How tasty it looks!"


それでは今日の英語での一言:"Make English training your daily routine!"

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します


2010-12-11 06:56:47 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
How are you doing?
I hope you had a good week!!
Today, I’d like to recommend a very simple yet effective training method “Ondoku - reading out loud.”
Recently, I read a good-related article in Nikkei Business Associe. (21st Dec, 2010)
In that, Prof. Itsuo Shirono, who is giving a lecture at Meikai University, is recommending Ondoku - reading out loud training for TOEIC test.
I, as an English teacher, personally agree with his method for not only improving TOEIC test score, but also daily English training!
Here is how to do Ondoku...
1. Prepare a book, which has English & Japanese translation on it (e.g. TOEIC official test book)
2. Do Ondoku (Read out loud) in English first, then Japanese every day
*The point is that you need to continue every day even if you don't have time, you should read out loud at least 1 passage.
As the result is shown in Nikkei Business Associe, I’m sure you’ll be able to improve your English skills as well as your TOEIC score.
It’s because you read sentences out loud, and at the same time listen to your own pronunciation.
This means you are using your eyes, mouth, ears at the same time.
Good training is that many senses (such as seeing, speaking, listening) should be used, therefore, I can say Ondoku training is a really good training method!
Actually, I’ve been trying this Ondoku training ever since I started this career as an English teacher.
So, I can really recommend it!!





日経ビジネスアソシエの中では、特にTOEICの, スコアアップのために音読が推奨されていますが、英語講師として個人的には、音読はTOEICに限らず、どの英語の分野でも応用の効くトレーニングだと思っています。





(良い英語トレーニングほど多くの器官 - 耳・口・目を使います。)


それでは今日の英語での一言:“Keep practicing English, and you’ll make a big difference!!”

にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語講師・教師へ
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します