Rise and shine!
Thank you for stopping by!
Today, I’d like to introduce another tongue twister to improve your pronunciation.
*About the related episodes to this blog, click here:
A tongue twister I’m introducing from now on is a bit longer than the two tongue twisters that I previously introduced.
Hopefully, you practice and improve your pronunciation!
Here you are...
Betty Botter bought some butter.
But, she said, the butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter,
That would make my batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter.
Better than her bitter butter.
And she put it in her batter.
And the batter was not bitter.
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.
It’s a bit hard, isn’t it?
Enjoy improving your English skills with tongue twister!!
*The sample tongue twister in the following YouTube is a bit different from what I'm introducing here, but you can learn pronunciation!!
本日は“英語の早口言葉で発音の基礎となる口の筋肉を鍛えようPart 3”です。
*前回の“英語の早口言葉で発音の基礎となる口の筋肉を鍛えようPart 2”はこちら:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/6f9313729b8fe56468a11c07b0b2632b
今からご紹介します英語の早口言葉は以前紹介した2つ“She sells”&“Peter Piper”よりも少し長めです。
Betty Botter bought some butter.(Betty Botterはバターを買った。)
But, she said, the butter's bitter.(だけど彼女は「バターが苦い」と言った。)
If I put it in my batter,(もし生地に入れたら、)
It will make my batter bitter.(生地が苦くなってしまう。)
But a bit of better butter,(だけどもう少しいいバターがあったら)
That would make my batter better.(生地が良くなるだろう。)
So she bought a bit of butter.(だから彼女は少しバターを買った。)
Better than her bitter butter.(彼女の苦いバターよりも良いバターを。)
And she put it in her batter.(そして生地にそれを入れた。)
And the batter was not bitter.(生地は苦くならなかった。)
So 'twas better Betty Botter(だからいいことにBetty Botterは)
Bought a bit of better butter. (もっといいバターを少し買った。)
*なお、上記YouTubeのtongue twisterはここで紹介した物と一部内容が違いますが、発音の確認になるかと思い載せておきましたので、参考までにどうぞ。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Continuity is power!"
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します
Thank you for stopping by!
Today, I’d like to introduce another tongue twister to improve your pronunciation.
*About the related episodes to this blog, click here:
A tongue twister I’m introducing from now on is a bit longer than the two tongue twisters that I previously introduced.
Hopefully, you practice and improve your pronunciation!
Here you are...
Betty Botter bought some butter.
But, she said, the butter's bitter.
If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter,
That would make my batter better.
So she bought a bit of butter.
Better than her bitter butter.
And she put it in her batter.
And the batter was not bitter.
So 'twas better Betty Botter
Bought a bit of better butter.
It’s a bit hard, isn’t it?
Enjoy improving your English skills with tongue twister!!
*The sample tongue twister in the following YouTube is a bit different from what I'm introducing here, but you can learn pronunciation!!
本日は“英語の早口言葉で発音の基礎となる口の筋肉を鍛えようPart 3”です。
*前回の“英語の早口言葉で発音の基礎となる口の筋肉を鍛えようPart 2”はこちら:http://blog.goo.ne.jp/artismart/e/6f9313729b8fe56468a11c07b0b2632b
今からご紹介します英語の早口言葉は以前紹介した2つ“She sells”&“Peter Piper”よりも少し長めです。
Betty Botter bought some butter.(Betty Botterはバターを買った。)
But, she said, the butter's bitter.(だけど彼女は「バターが苦い」と言った。)
If I put it in my batter,(もし生地に入れたら、)
It will make my batter bitter.(生地が苦くなってしまう。)
But a bit of better butter,(だけどもう少しいいバターがあったら)
That would make my batter better.(生地が良くなるだろう。)
So she bought a bit of butter.(だから彼女は少しバターを買った。)
Better than her bitter butter.(彼女の苦いバターよりも良いバターを。)
And she put it in her batter.(そして生地にそれを入れた。)
And the batter was not bitter.(生地は苦くならなかった。)
So 'twas better Betty Botter(だからいいことにBetty Botterは)
Bought a bit of better butter. (もっといいバターを少し買った。)
*なお、上記YouTubeのtongue twisterはここで紹介した物と一部内容が違いますが、発音の確認になるかと思い載せておきましたので、参考までにどうぞ。
それでは今日の英語での一言:"Continuity is power!"
クリックしていただけますとランキング応援票になります よろしくお願い致します