東京港区田町芝浦の英語学校English Plus英語講師arataのブログ

東京田町の小学生~大人まで『基礎英語力』習得を目指す英語学校English Plus英語講師の英語・日本語表現ブログ

English Plusレッスン受講生にお聞きした【English Plusのいいところ】

嬉しいニュース!English Plus 英語講師として嬉しいレッスン受講生たちからのTOEICのスコアアップの報告(英語編)

2019-12-16 07:51:29 | 英語講師の日記
Thank you very much for visiting English Plus blog!
English Plus is a small school located in Tamachi, Tokyo.
We're providing fun, student-centered, practical English lessons.

< English Plus 体験レッスンのお知らせ >
毎週火曜日~土曜日、English Plusの通常レッスン(大人90分、キッズ60分)にお入りいただける体験レッスンを随時実施しております。
レッスン実施日時等の詳細はEnglish Plusのお問合せページよりお気軽にお問合せください。

Today, I'd like to let you know about happy news.
From last month to last week, some of our current students have been showing us their TOEIC results that they took recently.
One student, who is taking our private lesson once a week, got over 700 in the last TOEIC test.
He previously took the test 5 months ago and this time it was 80 points better than the last time.
Another, who is taking our Skill-Up Conversation lesson, got over 800 this Oct.
She took the TOEIC test this Jan, and her score was 40 points better than this Jan.
The other, who is taking our TOEIC test preparation lesson, got over 600 recently.
He took the test 5 months ago, and this time it was 70 points better that the last test.
Actually, there are some other students whose TOEIC score have gone up too this year.
We are really happy to hear their good news because we know every one of their efforts to study English here at English Plus.
Because of our students' happy news, we've decided to continue supporting all of English Plus' students improvements on their basic English skills from now on too.
Currently at English Plus, we're accepting new students.
Our students are elementary school students, junior high, high school students, university students, adults and those who retired.
We have a wide variety of students.
For more information about English Plus, please ask us directly or check out English Plus' Official Website.

<関連記事> このブログの中の「happy」に関する記事一覧

今日の英語での一言:"Every one of you has done really well this year too!"

東京田町で英語ならEnglish Plus

・初級者も基礎から学べる「基礎英会話コース(Skill-Up Conversation Course)」
・英語でもっとコミュニケーションを図りたい方へ「応用英会話コース(Power-Up Conversation Course)」
・TOEICのスコアアップをお考えの方は「TOEICテスト対策コース(TOEIC Exam Preparation Course)」
・小学3年生からのフォニックスおよび基礎英語力を身につけていく「小学生向けキッズ基礎英語コース(Kids English)」


詳細はEnglish Plusの公式ホームページ(キッズレッスンについて)をご覧ください。ご質問等は、お気軽にお問合せください。

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