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English Plusならいつでも英語学習が可能!英語講師おすすめの英語の本(3月・英語編)

2014-03-10 08:43:53 | 英語学習のポイント&アドバイス
Good morning and thank you for visiting English Plus blog!
Today, I'd like to recommend a good book this season for English learners from English Plus Cafe.
There are a lot of good English books, magazines, and newspapers at English Plus Cafe.
Actually, it might take some time to read a whole English book; however, I'd like to recommend reading a book little by little when you have time, such as lunch time!
One of the books I'd like to recommend today is "How to Talk to Girls" by Alec Greven since "White Day", which is March 14th and on White Day men who got presents from women on St. Valentine's Day give something in return to those women., is just around the corner.
This book is good for those who aren't used to reading English because this is a picture book and it is written in simple English.
The point of reading English books is just keep reading even if you come across some unknown vocabulary.
If you don't know the meaning of vocabulary, try to guess it from the context and don't stop reading!
At English Plus, you can read English books little by little!
Reading English regularly means improving your English skills regularly!
This habit is very important to improve English skills!
Let's try to read English books!

今日の英語での一言:"Let's read English!"

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