My life


The Musashi Imperial Mausoleum.

2016-05-31 23:59:46 | ウォーキング

I visited Tama-goryo (The Musashi Imperial mausoleum) from Nishi Hachioji Station on foot on the 11th of May.  

This type of mausoleum was adopted for mausoleums of the imperial family, such as the Fushimi Momoyama Mausoleum of Emperor Meiji, the Musashi Mausoleum of Emperor Taisho, and the Musashino Mausoleum of Emperor Showa.

After Emperor Taisho, the imperial mausoleums for the emperors (Taisho&Showa) and the empresses (Teimei&Kojyun) were built inside goryochi (an Imperial estate) in present Hachioji City, Tokyo.


                                  The entrance.

The en



The approach to the Musashi Imperial mausoleum.



The Imperial mausoleum of Emperor Taisho.






I didn't have enough time to see the Imperial mausoleum of Emperor Showa and Emperess Kojun.


That's it.







