

“Deer” sensei

2015-03-07 21:57:15 | つながり
Carolina Galindez Silva

  How to start writing about so many memories?
  When I think about my time in Japan, not only doing my Master’s but living there, lots of great things come to my mind. And I think that’s the beauty of it, that it wasn’t just studying, it was living the real Japanese style of life. This made me feel very lucky because not many foreign students had that opportunity.
  Almost as soon as I landed in Japan, I went to Hokkaido! An amazing trip that was! I remember sitting at the top of a mountain looking at the trees dressed in beautiful reds and greens. It was Autumn, so pretty! I also visited Wakayama and other places. Takatsuki-sensei, you were always thoughtful about us getting to know your country. You opened the door, not only of your office, but also your home and your heart. That is something that I will always be grateful for. And your family, oh your family! So lovely! They were so warm to me, they let me in.
I was very lucky to be part an amazing group of students. One thing that I value about the Japanese culture is the camaraderie; everyone helped each other at all times. And we had so much fun together! We could always count on each other. Japan is a great country, and you are a very good ambassador of its culture.
  Some moments that come to my mind as I write (not in chronological order at all) are:
• When we played the flute, and I played the flute and you the guitar (at a party in the lab).
• In one of the field trips (to Wakayama perhaps), when we woke up each morning we whistled “Top of the world” by The Carpenters, it was a sign that we were awake and it was time to get up. I remember I smiled every time. It was a great way to get out of the futon. I actually bought the cd in a second-hand shop after that.
• When you realised that I could speak Japanese. We always communicated in English so you couldn’t notice that I was learning my way through the language. One day, in a completely different scenario in the field, I said “toriaezu” and you were so surprised that you had to tell everyone around about it. I felt shy, but in a good way.
• On Kinkazan singing and dancing (me) to La Bamba. You played the guitar as well.
• “Takadanobaba, Takadanobaba desu”.
• When I first met your family, we had cherry tomatoes as part of dinner and one of mine jumped across the table when I tried to grab it with the chopsticks. That was a bit of an embarrassing moment that then I could laugh about.
• You telling other students to call to my home phone while I was away so they could hear my message on the answering machine in Japanese and in Spanish, you always liked the sound of Venezuelan Spanish, you said it was musical.
• Outside Starbucks when I was about to leave Japan. It was very hard to say goodbye.
You were not the conventional Japanese supervisor in the sense that you didn’t keep a distance and hierarchy with your students. I always felt fortunate that you liked having lunch with us and enjoyed being around people of so many different cultures. One thing that I didn’t get you to do was to dance with me ha ha. It would have been awesome. We still have time though (-:
You have always been supportive. You were there to discuss topics related to the thesis and to any other things as well. You made sure I was fine. You cared about me and my family; that meant a lot to me. For example, you always asked if everyone back home was doing well. And when my mum and sister went to visit, you couldn’t wait to meet them. I thought that was very sweet. You arranged a visit to a park (can’t remember the name of the place); they were sooo jet lagged, but that didn’t stop them from having a great time.
As a supervisor you were marvelous! And even better than as a supervisor you were and still are as a friend. You’re a very kind person with a great heart. I love that you’re a romantic, I feel connected because I’m one too. It’s been wonderful that we have kept in touch for almost fourteen years now since I left Japan. I wish you a very happy retirement and I hope we can meet again sometime in the future.
A warm Venezuelan hug from me to you (-:
Love, Caro
(2001年 東京大学大学院修士課程修了)

「Deer」 センセイ
・ (研究室のパーティーで)二人でリコーダーを吹いたとき。私がリコーダーを吹いてあなたがギターを弾いたとき
・ 最初の野外旅行(たぶん和歌山)のとき、毎朝起きるとカーペンターズの「トップ・オブ・ザ・ワールド」の口笛を吹いたこと。あれが「起きているよ、もう起きよう」という合図。いつも笑っちゃった。あれはフトンから出るよい方法でした。あのとき、中古の店でCDを買っちゃった。
・ 私が日本語を話せるとあなたが気づいたとき。私たちはいつも英語で会話していたから、あなたは私が日本語で生活の勉強をしているのを知らなかった。ある日、野外でまったく違う状況で私が「とりえず」と言ったものだから、あなたはびっくりしてまわりのみんなにそのことを教えた。私ははずかしかったけど、(実は日本語が話せると伝える)いい方法だった。
・ 金華山で私が「ラバンバを」歌って踊った。あなたはギターを弾いた。
・ 「タカダノババ、タカダノババデス*」
・ 初めてご家族に会った時、夕食にミニトマトが出たのですが、私のミニトマトがピョンとテーブルの向こうに飛んで、私がお箸でつまもうとしたんです。ちょっとあせりましたが、笑うことができました。
・ あなたが学生に私のところに電話するようにいったら、録音から私の日本語とスペイン語のメッセージが聞こえました。あなたはベネズエラのスペイン語が音楽を聞くようだと好きでした。
・ まさに離日するというとき、スターバックの店の外で「さよなら」がうまく言えなかった。


* カロリーナさんはベネズエラからの留学生で、我が家に下宿してくれたので、いっしょに西武新宿線で通いました。高田馬場というアナウンスの響きがなんとなくおかしいので、どちらからともなく「タカダノババ」といって笑うことがあり、今でも文通の文章の中に突然「タカダノババ」と書いたりします。文中で出て来る公園は小石川植物園(高槻)

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