

Retirement doesn’t mean the end of your active life.

2015-03-07 22:01:12 | つながり

Retirement doesn’t mean the end of your active life. It just signifies another chapter and journey. Enjoy it !

Palitha Jayasekara

I am struggling to start to write this, I am sorry, I could not start. Want to have a brake, mmm what should I
do, have a cigarette? , no I don't smoke, then have a coffee, mmm good idea. Ok let me have a coffee to collect my mind to write this. I am going to the back yard to drink my coffee, it is too hot and it's steam covers the
lenses of my glasses.
I am walking place call Karangini National park, 2000km north of Perth, in Pilbara bio region. My colleagues
are nowhere near me, Vehicle is two kilo meters away from me. I am carrying four litres of water in my back
pack, my two-way radio is attached to my back pack. GPS in one hand and my plant collecting bag and data sheet in the other. So hot here, not many big trees but lots of grasses. From time to time Kangaroos come and greet me and hop away, on one occasion I got stuck to a giant spider web, the spider looked at me to understand who this giant animal might be, stuck to his web. I can see caves, wanted to have a quick look !! shhhh aboragene
paintings!!! in some places very strange feelings, I could not work here, someone watching me, who? Nobody is close to me, but I feel someone is watching, Ok I know this area must be a grave yard of aborigines, there are a
lot of spirits surrounding me and asking me to leave the place. OK don't worry I am going. However it seems all are happy, because I am trying to save their habitats from mining. Trying hard to find rare plants, and animal
habitats, as many as possible, to persuade the government not to mine this area. I am so tired, I want to have a brake, sitting in the shade. Wanted to have a drink, but water got warm and don't fancy drinking it, but I have to drink otherwise I will die of dehydration. The beautiful landscape take my tiredness away, I can see rolling hills and above that beautiful sky. When I am looking at the sky, I suddenly remember our isolated Japanese soldier
(Igota san) and min min (Sato san). Why I remember them, it is strange, OK I know now, I remembered Igota
san's presentation on deer migration, and I remembered min mins red colour truck got bogged in the forest
because our wagon was bogged on the way to the field. Oh, I can’t stop, every one in the Takatsuki lab to come to mind one by one, oh my God, my face fills with much of laughter and is also full of sadness. I didn't see them for the last eight years. Really!! But I didn't realize, because we remembered them a lot. I am asking confused
question, have eight years passed without seeing them? I don't know when I will see them again then what is the point to keep them in my heart, leave them. I am asking myself again, can you leave them? I am having sad
again, no no I couldn't. We were good friends and a kind of family. What makes us to so close? Is it a difficult
question to answer… No it is because of Prof Takatsuki or our sensei’s that attitude makes us so close. He led
the way and we followed. He always wanted to have a good relationship with his students and this inspired us
greatly. When someone was in trouble he helped by leaving his work, and inside the lab, when someone is got
stuck, every one helped because we were a tight unit.
Sometimes our friends asked what makes your laboratory so friendly. My answer to them is, my Prof is so
friendly and he stimulates everyone in the lab.
Now I can remember many things about him. I first met him in Sri Lanka back in 1997. From that day until June 2008 we had a good time. He is not only my Prof, but some time he acted as elder brother or father figure. Sensei is behind me through all the difficult as well as happy times. Thank you very much for educating me academically and personally.
Life has moved on and we all selected different paths, we have children and now our priority is to give them
the best education. Therefore it is difficult to keep in touch through social or other media as frequently, as we
would wish however, even if we didn't meet you or our colleagues for the last eight years we still remembered
all with deep gratitude. Why?? The answer is simple, it is because of you, it is not because of Prof Takatsuki. It is because of you sensei!! Your presence, your guidance and your supervision inspire us to do better. A Sensei like you is simply irreplaceable. No one can ever replace your position in my heart.

Happy Retirement for you!!!
(2001年 岐阜大学大学院博士課程修了)




* パリタさんはローズさん(U.R. Weerasinghe)さんの夫君で、岐阜大学大学院でスリランカ熱帯雨林の動物による種子散布の研究をおこないました。文中に出て来る伊吾田氏は現在酪農学園准教授で、シカの狩猟についての研究をしています。坊主頭だったので、パリタさんは日本兵みたいだといっていました。佐藤喜和氏も現在酪農学園准教授で、ヒグマの研究をしています。(高槻)

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