

An urgent message from Ashtar to all Lightworkers.

2011-02-27 09:05:43 | アセンション

Dear Ones, 

I have receive the message below from Jean Freezer (a Dutch lady still living in the USA) through Winny that knows her quite a long time and can refer her as a very good and trustworthy channeller.

Jean has also been asked that the message should be conveyed urgently to all Lightworkers. Being so, I kindly ask you to translate it in your native languages and it will be posted at Amiable Contact with a picture of Ashtar Sheran and link to the blogs.

Hi Jean,

Yes you are ok in receiving me. I am Asthar greeting you.

With me is a member of the High Council of Universal Wisdom. We are here to update you for the time to come.

Time has been speeded up by us. So Earth will be ready to move on. We are a council of Galactic Beings of all planes, stars and planets .Because we are all together working on the Ascension of Earth and the people upon Earth.

This is a big organization because all of us including Earth people have to move at the same time.

At this moment it is a crucial time for everyone because a lot of people could be hurt (physically and emotionally) and that is not what we want.

Please be alert all of you for we are not bringing fear but Hope.

The messages you are receiving are all the same. Saying that we are being careful but determined to do what has to be done.

The Earth will now slowly be surrounded by big ships and we will restore her energy. And bring it up to the energy she needs for Ascension.

Then we will start building up the energy for the people. This is more difficult because we do not wanting chaos.

We are not messing about with your heads/minds or your bodies. All we are doing is building up your aura so your physical body will be able to prepare for the change.

The Council of the Federation has decided that the time is now. They have taken on their tasks and all the nations/realms are ready for the big move.

We are telling you that Earth and her inhabitants will be moving within a couple of days. The shift will be felt as a light shock when it starts. Don't panic everything will be fine. Then all the peoples that believe in their own power and not in our power will lose their power, like army's etc. (will taken away from them)

For now let your friends know we are preparing for the great shift of all beings in the Universe.

I am Ashtar.

Channeller: Jean Freezer

For your knowing, I have also received a note from a channelling of Kauilapele about this impulse for Ascension and he refers a thing important to me and many times referred by Matthew, that the Ascension will be more at conscious level. Please read Kauilapele’s opinion:

“Mass movements” to higher consciousness are occurring, and some will be called to higher elevations, apparently in a physical location sense of the word. Reference is made to an increase in clarity, of all of our senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clair-radiance). And that those who operate from the “intellect-only” closed-mind mode may experience “spectacular explosions”. I presume this means, hopefully for them, “spectacular awakenings”.
We are encouraged to radiate our Light in all our affairs, and to operate from Joy. “That is your Highest Guide.”

and quoting his channelling:

….Some may say that their role is not significant. To those we answer that, as their intent is to awaken and ascend in consciousness (Ascension, as some call it), then their paths will be cleared for their missions in the next phase of this.
As all accept the incomings at this time (we speak of higher energies, increasing in vibratory intensity*), there will be mass movements to higher elevations, in awareness. We speak not here of physical elevation. However, many will be called to regions of the physical planet where above sea levels will be large.** And all may assume that their clarity will increase. Their clair-, -voyance, -audience, -radiance, will increase. They are seeing, hearing, radiating, higher dimensional essence. Can you see the higher colors? Can you hear the higher sounds? Can you see, sense, know, the Higher radiance emanating from each individual being? In particular those groups of beings who have joined in harmonic intent, to rise, to serve those who are rising, and those who wish to rise?
We might say that, how we see this, in your simple word of awe, is… “Wow!”


Being so, both messages speak about Ascension happening in some days. One the rising of the planet with all beings there ascending with her and the second one speaks more specifically about the incoming of higher energies increasing and enlarging /ascending our conscious levels.

Being so I thank you in advance for all collaboration in translating and spreading it.

In Love and Light.

