


2009-05-31 16:54:07 | コズミック・ディスクロージャー

祐親の 鼓動にのせて そよ流る <蛇庵>


2009-05-31 07:00:58 | 代替ニュース

YouTube/Richard Gage on KMPH Fox 26 in Fresno, CA
ゲージ氏は「9/11の真相究明を求める建築家・エンジニアの会(Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth))」の設立者であり、ワールドトレードセンタービルの崩壊はアメリカ政府の発表した火災によるものではなく「人為的な爆破(controlled demolition)」によるものであることを主張し続けている。講演の記録は以下に公開されている。
9/11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA -

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封印された世界史 1

2009-05-30 15:12:56 | 闇の世界史
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 封印された世界史へ

ダイアン・シリアン5/29:世界大変化の概略 3

2009-05-30 13:34:07 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You can thank the Beings that have joined you through natural means by birth upon your planet. They have brought the higher Light with them and a determination to draw others into it. For them the darkness must be revealed and transmuted, and for quite a few generations now they have arrived in increasing numbers and their presence is having an ongoing effect. They are Wayshowers that are highly spiritually and knowledgeable, and have a mission to bring out the truth and reveal the Light in other souls. Already they have helped exponentially to increase the consciousness levels of Mankind, and with all other Beings on the path of Light are part of the great upliftment that is carrying you forward to Ascension.
I am Diane a Sirian, and grateful to have this opportunity to speak with you. As a member of the Galactic Federation I have access to the Akashic records, and can tell you that every deed and thought is recorded but is not used against you, and is there to ensure the truth is undisputable. It follows that when we can at last meet you, our teaching of your true history can be supported by irrefutable evidence. It is important from a spiritual point of view that you know the truth about your experiences upon Earth. There is some irony here, as you of course come to Earth precisely for experience. However, it has left many with emotional and mental problems, and it can be in part be helped by a full understanding of your past lives. Healing can also be given, through the energy of Love and is most potent and successful. We shall help you in this connection, and introduce new healing techniques and methods.
Thank you Diane.Mike Quinsey.
Diane Sirian Update May 29/09
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ダイアン・シリアン5/29:世界大変化の概略 2

2009-05-30 09:24:12 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
You have had so much taken from you that would already have lifted your quality of life. Successive U.S. governments in particular have a lot to answer for where your well-being is concerned. Your health should always be of prime importance, and it has been of great concern to us that it has been neglected. Treatment according to what you can afford has in effect “rationed“ it, or denied it often to the most vulnerable people. You have been one of the wealthiest countries that could well have ensured that treatment was freely available to everyone. You would be overwhelmed with shock if you did but know the enormous sums spent on the military and covert operations that have not benefited you at all. On the contrary you have as a country alienated many others, through the insidious campaigns against regimes that have not gained your favor. We do not address the people who are innocent of what has been happening, or those who have unknowingly been the puppets of the Illuminati. They have cleverly covered up their tracks, and cried “wolf” to deflect attention from themselves.
Dear Ones, we are the bearers of the Truth, and in time you shall fully understand how you have been hoodwinked and manipulated for centuries. Cleansing is not just a physical application, but it also concerns your history which as recorded bears little resemblance to the truth. The dark forces have hidden their activities by re-writing it, and presenting themselves as your saviors. In modern times they have instigated and connived to create many of the very incidents that they have clamed to save you from. Their ways are very subtle, and Man who has a natural trusting nature has been tricked into supporting them. However, you are now in a time when secrets are being uncovered, and proof found that reveals much of the deception that has taken place. Hitherto, you have tended to ignore such revelations, but with the clamor for change and back to honest dealings and fairness in all matters, a different view is being taken.
Diane Sirian Update May 29/09
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ダイアン・シリアン5/29:世界大変化の概略 1

2009-05-30 08:43:35 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
There is nothing yet that can fully prepare you for what is coming. We try to convey a picture of what is to be, and we leave you with an impression of activity on a vast scale that will surprise you. Because of our resources which are virtually unlimited, we can dedicate our Galactic members in such a way that every country in your world is served according to their needs. Wherever you are in the world, or as you call them Third World countries our plan to bring you into the New Age will operate quite speedily. Most of our technologies are simple and easily installed, and allow for much more independence than you have now. We shall set high standards where your daily needs are concerned, and bring you all into systems that are self-supporting. This is essential in locations where people are away from the main areas, and tend to be isolated,
It is a matter of equipping you in such a way, that your standard of life is immediately improved. A clean supply of water and an ample supply of free energy will overcome many health problems, whilst at the same time giving you heating and lighting where conditions warrant it. Housing can be lifted to a level where it affords adequate protection and comfort from the elements, and constructed from pre-formed sections of material that is eco-friendly and recyclable. These will be produced conveniently near the sites, and require little labor because of automation. We can also employ robotic help that has the capacity to make decisions within its role as overseers, and these will be pre-programmed. Computers much more advanced than you are presently use will control all operations in such plants.
Diane Sirian Update May 29/09
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2009-05-30 06:10:50 | 代替ニュース
This is correct information. Hillary/Bush are desperate and it is backfiring on them as fast as they order these agitators to ’start a diversion’ to take people’s attention off the coming War Crimes Trials that will permanently remove them from power. These actions are being exposed as fast as they are hatched.
Neither the Japanese gangs, nor actions in either Korea will achieve the cabal’s goals. As King Of Egypt reported yesterday, Kim Jong Il’s son will take over as the new leader of No Korea and he is a moderate politician who cares about the people. Likewise, in Japan, Yukio Hatoyama, is the likely one to win the Japanese election in July and he has already shown his interest in exposing the 911 conspiracy. The tide is swiftly reversing.
Benjamin Fulford - May 27, 2009 w/ Mark’s Comments
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2009-05-29 10:25:03 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
What you are undergoing is a transition from the world you currently know to one that more truly reflects who you are becoming. The technology you use is no longer adequate for your needs and for your planet's changing circumstances. You require a huge leap in your technological potential and this feeds directly into your shift in consciousness. As a society grows in awareness of its responsibilities toward its world and itself, a fundamental revision of what is 'real' ensues. This process is now happening to you, and it is also where we come into the picture. You need a guiding hand which, at the right moment, can nudge you gently and, above all, responsibly in the direction of your divine destiny. This is the part we call our 'pre-contact' mission, and the element on your world we are most involved with is our Earth allies. This part is now almost completed.
After the caretaker regimes and just before the actual mass landings, we intend that there be a period in which we can introduce to you your long-sequestered technologies. These can go a long way toward solving your current energy crisis and your global pollution problems. The inventors of these technologies worked at the leading-edge of your science, and even went some way beyond it by making use of electrical and magnetic phenomena that were generally downplayed and kept out of the public arena; hence, these discoveries were unknown to even the most informed of your general populace. These technologies are to be merely the first steps out of the pit of your current environmental crisis, to be closely followed by the ones we will provide as part of first contact.
First contact is to vault you quickly into pre-full-consciousness mode, and for this we need to bring you up to speed on a wide range of fronts. You are being prepared at this point for your move to Inner Earth and your three-day journey to full consciousness. Then comes learning how to handle your fully conscious vehicle under the tutelage of your mentor, and part of this is your introduction to our advanced technology. The intent is to move you, once the mass landings and accompanying preliminaries are completed, into full consciousness as quickly as possible. You are a vital cog in the unfolding of divine Creation in this galaxy. This is why first contact is inevitable and is planned to happen in your very near future!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation(抜粋)
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2009-05-29 05:54:04 | 天国からのメッセージ
3 多くの皆さんが完全な愛と平和が地上に実現する日を何十年も待ち続けておられることは存じています。一方最近になってようやく地球が黄金時代に向かうスピリチュアルなプロセスにあることに気づいた方もおられるようです。そして皆さんが共通して知りたいのはこの点ですね。「いつ戦争と暴力が終わるのか?」「いつスペースファミリーと会えるのか?」「9・11の真相公開はいつ行われるのか?」「いつ地球浄化が完了するのか?」「いつ動物虐待と環境破壊が終わるのか?」「いつ環境汚染がなくなるのか?」
3. Many of you have been waiting for decades for the promised era of love and peace on Earth, others have become aware only recently about the spiritual and physical journey into that era, and most want to know WHEN: When will wars and violence end? When will we meet our space family? When will the truth about 9/11 come out? When will planetary cleansing be completed? When will cruelty to animals and destruction of the environment stop? When will polluting our world cease?
4 愛する地球の皆さん、もし私たちが上の「いつ?」やそれ以外の「いつ?」に対する答えを用意しているのなら、喜んでお答えしたいのはやまやまなのです。しかし地球のポテンシャルなエネルギーフィールドの荒れが収まるまでは正確なタイムラインを確定することができないのです。もし皆さんが地上の約6億の魂の思考と行動に作用するエネルギーを観察するなら無数の変数が「いつ何が起きるか」という結果に影響していることがおわかりだと思います。確かに言えることは、2012年の終わりまでに完全に地球上のすべての闇は光に転化するか消滅するということです。この点については誰も疑問をはさむ余地はありません。地球が第4密度に移行するにつれて個人個人の変容は時間差を伴って進行していきます。したがって次の点に留意してください。これから最終的なステージへと移行する期間には忍耐と不動の信念を保持して内面の平和と魂の強さをもたらすことが重要です。皆さんの期待をはるかに上回る自然と完全に調和する愛のバイブレーション:ゴールデンエイジに向かうために。
4. Beloved souls, if we had answers to those and your other “when” questions, we would joyfully share them with you. But until there is no more tumultuousness in Earth’s energy field of potential, exact timing of specific milestones cannot be precisely ascertained. If you will put this into the context of approximately six billion souls sending forth energy with their every thought, action and reaction, you can see that countless variables constantly are affecting what happens when. Yes, absolutely all darkness on Earth will have been transmuted into light or vanquished by the end of your year 2012―there is no question whatsoever about that, only about the timing of individual advances as Earth moves into fourth density. Thus we say, patience and steadfastness in the light will give peace of mind and strength of spirit during these transitional stages to the ultimate reward, life in the Golden Age, where the vibrations of love and harmony with all of Nature exceed your grandest expectations.
全訳はまもなく玄のリモ農園ダイアリー に掲載されます。
にほんブログ村 トラコミュ 天国からのメッセージへ天国からのメッセージ


2009-05-28 16:02:55 | 代替ニュース

EXPRESSION(English Translation)

サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 5

2009-05-28 10:12:22 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and my companions share my anticipation of a glorious reunion with the people of Earth. It will be a time of great celebration, and it will be one to be remembered. You will see all kinds of craft moving around Earth, and some of you will be privileged to come aboard and meet us. It will not take long for you to recognize the different Galactic Beings, and particularly those who have come from dimensions within your Solar System. Their visitations in the past have been recorded, and you will see that we have been with you for thousands of years.
I will leave you with your thoughts, and hope you have been enthralled by the prospect of our arrival. Our time to join you is not far away, and we do not expect opposition from your governments. It is truly an exciting time to experience the events taking place on Earth. Enfold them in your love and see the beauty in the way the Creator moves you onto the path of Light and Love.
Thank you SaLuSa.(Mike Quinsey.)
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 4

2009-05-28 09:37:49 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
There will be times when the powerful incoming energies will make you feel tired, so listen to your body and rest accordingly. Conversely, as you integrate them into your body, so you will gradually need less sleep. You will partly gain your renewal of energy from outside of you, from the never-ending flow from the Central Sun. What you experience will be quite natural, and have no ill effects of a lasting nature. With these upliftments you will begin to feel a lot lighter, and at times as though floating on air.
Getting down to Earth, we must say that we are delighted with the response to sightings of our craft. Gradually there is acceptance of our presence in the skyways of Earth, and the fear that was felt before has greatly resided. The old images of monstrous alien Beings has long past and with the coming of the Space Age, people are far more open minded as to life elsewhere in you Universe. Even your orthodox religions are more receptive to the idea, and it will make a transition in your beliefs much more easier. We of the Galactic Federation are a membership of peaceful civilizations, that have proven their loyalty and service to others. We have approached our tasks with absolute care and love for all forms of life, and stories that tell otherwise are either false, or relate to other civilizations that are separate from us.
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 3

2009-05-28 06:43:35 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
What is happening in the Universe is affecting your beautiful world, and the increasingly high vibrations that are bringing about Ascension will carry you along. It cannot be otherwise, and it cannot be stopped as the mighty Beings of the higher realms wield their powers of creation. This should please you, and re-assure you that your grand future is nearer than ever. Once you ascend, you will find that higher Beings will more readily come into your new dimension. Your true reality will return, and since you have all been this way before it will be like going home once again. You know the higher dimensions well, but your memories have been dimmed and lost by living in the lower vibrations for so long. However, beauty, peace and happiness are your natural states of being, and that is what you will find with Ascension.
Heaven as you understand it comes from distant memories of beautiful dimensions above you, they are not in total perfection but neither do they share the dark energies. After Ascension you will create your “Heaven” and it will be beyond any of your present expectations. Words would fail to do justice to it where all is absolute beauty, moving in the energies of perfect love. What could be a better incentive to hold onto your Light, and focus on your future?
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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サ・ルー・サ5/22:後戻りできない光へのマーチ 2

2009-05-27 12:16:00 | 宇宙からのメッセージ
We are your formidable friends, who carry the plan for Man and will ensure it is completed according to God’s Will. We are like your Guardian Angels, so close to you at all times and watching over you. You have an advantage over the dark ones because we play by the rules, and attract the higher energies and forces. The dark so often cannot agree amongst them, and this is their Achilles heel. Left to their own devices they will implode and take many dark souls with them. That will not affect those of the Light as the Creator has decreed exactly how this cycle will end, and it is not to be in destruction.
A great step forward will come with our open arrival on Earth, and allow a release of your frustrations and disappointments from the last few years. It will bring a time of wonderful happiness, and great expectations for the immediate future. Most importantly world peace will be assured, and Man will be able to put away his awful weapons of mass destruction. Your energies will be devoted to all that is positive and fulfilling, and the period of Earth cleansing will quickly get under way.
SaLuSa Sirian Update May 22/09
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