


2009-09-25 15:02:05 | 代替ニュース

What has been said on RoundTable CCs by Rama/Tara/MotherSekhmet and on GRT and Ashtar-on-the-Road CCs is all true. Obama does wear 2-3 hats and must be aware of the context when he is speaking or acting. Many have been killed to make it possible for him and the White Knights to begin to turn this around. Their lives and his and the whole plan depends on revealing changes in the right contexts; at the right times and in the right sequences. You do not put the roof on a house until you have supports in place.
Faction 3, which includes the Ashtar Command and Intelligence coming from 38 levels above the President does not give Alex Jones information. Therefore Alex is a conduit for Faction 1, Rothschilds, and Faction 2, Rockyfeller, intelligence sources. They are very frightened of the changes Obama is charged with making and is making. In their fear of loss of control and even arrest for their war crimes and criminal actions they are feeding Alex, Tom Heneghan, Casper and others hateful and false information trying to undermine Obama’s effectiveness.
They will fail. Obama is receiving good intelligence from Faction 3 through direct contacts with the King of Swords/Associates and Ashtar, Lady Master Nada, St Germain and others. The Provost Marshall General is also providing Obama and the new Attorney General and Patrick Fitzgerald with important information on the results of their audits and arrest plans. As a result a smooth series of carefully planned actions are occurring about which F1/F2 know next to nothing.
Mark on Alex Jones’ “The Obama Deception”…
