

Duran Duran - The Reflex 1983 

2007-08-12 | 音楽で振返る80年代

"You've gone too far this time"
But I'm dancing on the valentine
I tell you somebody's fooling around
With my chances on the dangerline
I'll cross that bridge when I find it
Another day to make my stand
High time is no time for deciding
If I should find a helping hand

So why don't you use it?
Try not to bruise it
Buy time don't lose it
The reflex is an only child he's waiting in the park
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre
Every little thing the reflex does
leaves you answered with a question mark

I'm on a ride and I want to get off
But they won't slow down the roundabout
I sold the Renoir and the TV set
Don't want to be around when this gets out

Oh the reflex what a game he's hiding all the cards
The reflex is in charge of finding treasure in the dark
And watching over lucky clover isn't that bizarre
Evey little thing the reflex does
Leaves you answered with a question mark

歌詞から想像するとザ・リフレックスとは(鏡に映ったような)現実とは異なるもう一人の自分自身と解釈できる。"Every little thing the reflex does
leaves you answered with a question mark"とは面白い言い回しだが、毎日これで良かったのかと細かいことで後悔の連続ということだろうか。まぁ他愛のない内容ですが。

例によって当時のPVを観てみよう。なぜかこのPVではバッキング・ヴォーカルの女性の腕を振る姿が焼きついていました。またBuy time don't lose itのあと、唄がない間奏が続く曲想が面白いと思います。

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