

【英日語放送】■The GHQ (US ruling class) has ・・・GHQ(米国支配階級)は戦後の日本を100%植民地支配する為の仕組みを日本国憲法の中に埋め込んだ!

2017年10月04日 21時49分58秒 | 政治・社会
Hello Everyone!

みなさん こんばんは!

Thank you very much for your kind attention to my English-Japanese broadcast from Japan.


We are now Wednesday the 04 October 2017 at 9.0 PM in locla time.


My name is Yasuhiko Yamazaki.


I am a japanese independent journalist based on internet media.


I am also a political and social activist.


I am broadcasting everyday in Japanese 【YYNewsLive】 except Saturday and Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. in local time for more than 5 years.


Approximately 500-2000 people are watching each time.

I started English-Japanese broadcast biweekly on Wednesday night from the 7th February 2016 in order to talk directly to 1.4billions of
English speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths on Japan and the world.


【Video】 31m17s



【the principal subject of today】


■The GHQ (US ruling class) has embedded a mechanism for 100% colonial domination of postwar Japan in the Constitution of Japan!


Japan surrendered unconditionally with the acceptance of Poddam Declaration on August 15 1945, was militarily occupied by GHQ (US ruling
class) with General MacArthur as general commander


The GHQ (US ruling class) who thought that it was better to use the ancien emperor system with the Emperor Showa-Hirohito of before-war to
dominate after-war Japan at 100% has set the mechanism in the Constitution of Japan and enforced iton May 3 1947.


The GHQ(US ruling class) did not abolish purposely "the Constitution of Great Empire Japan" of befor-war which has mobilized all Japanese
citizens to the Asian-Pacific aggression wars and to the national crackdown by brainwashing of the cult religion "Emperor" giving all powers to the Emperor as the living god.


"The Constitution of Great Empire Japan" forces in 1890 has been drafted by almost one person by Hirofumi Ito,the command tower of the coup d'etat who defeated the Edo Shogunate with armed force during the Meiji Restoration.


"The Constitution of Great Empire Japan" drafted and enforced by Hirofumi Ito gave to the Emperor not only five secular powers (①national
governance right ②military command right ③emergency power right ④right to dissolve the parliament ⑤legislation drafting right) also priesthood
that made the Emperor the "super-dictator of living God" that surpasses any king or emperor in Europe.


Why did Hirobumi Ito make the Emperor the "Super Dictator of the Living God" by the "Constitution of the Great Empire Japan ?"


Because in order to completely hide the two serious crimes committed by Hirofumi Ito and other leaders during the Meiji Restoration coup d'etat
(①to assassinate the two Emperors ② to replace the Emperor Meiji with the young of coup d'etat forces),it was absolutely necessary to raise
the Emperor to the "absolute existence" whose criticism or doubt will never be allowed.


The GHQ (US ruling class) was familiar with the "secrets of the Emperor".


The GHQ (US ruling class) who should completely abolish the "Constitution of Great Empire Japan" and the Emperor System and create
an entirely new democratic and modern constitution from scratch used the ancien "emperor system" to rule at 100% after-war Japan.


The GHQ (US ruling class) renamed the "military dictatorship emperor system" of before-war as the "symbolic emperor system" and disqualified
the war crimes of Emperor Showa Hirohito who has led the pre-war Asian-Pacific aggression wars and the citizen crackdown and set him as
the top of the "new emperor system" by changing his images at 100%.




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
情報発信者 山崎康彦
