Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (224)

2017-08-27 12:00:02 | 日記
27/08/2017 (Sunday, morning) It's cloudy. Clare came to my space, and took the photos of "Sleeping Miyuki", without previous notice to Miyuki, and she said so in front of the door of the office. Miyuki continued to pretend to sleep.

Then some guy, entering to the office, and came near to Miyuki, and repeated this behavour twice, and got off the office.

At 9:00 almost, YUKARI came to the offce and put some plastic object, probably basket, and entered into the bath room, and took water for 5 minutes, reason unknown. Then she got off the office.

At 9:30, almost, my father came to the office and used the toilet.

during his stay in toilet, HARUMI and YUKARI came together, and HARUMI said to YUKARI, "It's not used by any guy", in a loud voice, and they entered into the office, and dashed to the bath room.

They both stayed there in silent mode, and then, HARUMI left the office, and YUKARI remained. YUKARI started to her washing job!

And then, her father got off of the toilet.

Then, HARUMI came again, and said something to YUKARI, and she left the office. Then, YUKARI left the office, and entered into the washing room.

repetitive, and both together, are their inclination, since yesterday. Today, this tendency is so evident. What happened? Probably, degradation change happened. They can't act by only one. They need each other's help, to bahave as only one fellow.

The toilet was used, however, HARUMI said totally contrally. Why? Confusional remarks, here and there!

For them, getting up in the morning means "we should stay in our chamber" thus, as early as possible, others should be targetted. We need sacrifice. We are powerful, as always. We need to show our power to others!!!

Thus, they did wrong! Shoots picking is one of the worst their crimes. They like to kill the shoots, and concealed them in the plastic bag. They all cried. Owners of orchards, also. Fruits kingdom, Shirakawa turned to be, They all thought, and tried, and they were killed like that. Family betrayers, here and there, and they chose wrong.

Miyuki is now in the mood of her caltivation. Thus, Miyuki is targetted as their hatred no.1 in this rural village. Todai related, want to be orchard owner, and she is now almost 50 trees and berries. Clare likes her way of life. coolish! She ignored the both, as much as possible! For Junior high, too too difficult. They are just nasty old bugs, and for Alex, slow stupid bitches!! She couldn't send his money to the addressed guy. She failed and failed, and as Miyuki predicted, with sly smile, "Please forgive me, I am not accustomed to do it. You should come with Miyuki, your mother. I came here on behalf of you, instead of her. Thus, MIYUKI should be accused by you, not I, YUKARI Sato." Alex got dissapointed. YUKARI ordered him, not to rely on MIYUKI at all, because she is totally mentally illed. Thus, YUKARI is always with him. Nasty BUSU bitches, he really thinks so. However, no way!, he shuddered. GAKKURI, or dissapointed entirely. He did it, as soon as possible, and YUKARI was too too slow, thus, no chance for them both. Always together system, they started. Collective attacking. Miyuki is the number one target. Hatred Nomeru UNO, Dr.Miyuki SATOW!!!

暗い世界の真ん中で🎶 The theme of Francis Coppola's film, with Marone Brando. God Father.

Miyuki remembers Naomi SAGARA, a regular participant of Laughing Exicise of Mind. Team Mate of 大橋巨泉 or Kyosen OOHASHI, the presentator, a fat, big guy, who retired his professional career as playwrighter of TV only, and moved to HAWAII to play the golf, with 55 years old.

So early, Miyuki thought. Alzheimer?, Moriko also thought of it. And Bill Gates, also.

Quickness is required in this field. Even with his almost 100 years, 桂米朝 or Beichou KATSURA is skilful. Classic only RAKUGO story teller, he is, and Miyuki was shocked at the value of the new year's presents for his family and team mates. At total, almost US$10 thousand!!! Each year!!! He has so lots of kins and juniors, thus, as predissesor, he is obliged to provide such a mount of money. Almost 100 figures, and each guy gains US$100, in the new year visiting. Super rich! Superb! Exists rich RAKUGO comedian!!!

Shocked, yes. However understandable...the total, it would be...And Beicho tald this episode, with his reluctand mode. Unwelcome, however, as a duty, I need to put up with this torture, financial one, like impression, Miyuki caught.

Investment...not so amusing. My precious money, US$10 thousand, in several days, turns to be thiers, without exception. Torture, yes, however...we should be stronger...Burden polished him...

At Kyorin Vestity, Miyuki paid so much, unnecessarily. The loss was so big. Old kinkiest Alzheimers only world, she was in. And she was obliged to attend their flamboyant changing requirements. How she paid? Energy, Blood, Sweat, Time, and sometimes, money.

Miyuki was forced to pay US$200 to donate for establishing new building of Kyorin Versity in INOGASHIRA area in MITAKA municipality. Where? They didn't comment exactly. Miyuki needed to know the information by way of another site, rather cramschool only type. At first, they said, "KICHIJOJI campus", then, "INOGASHIRA Campus".

According to the staff, MITAKA municipality locates beside MUSASHINO municipality, where KUCHIJOJI exists. Thus, MITAKA municipality claimed. Thus, Miyuki and her colleagues were obliged to call it, "INOGASHIRA Campus". Thus, they changed.???

According to the advertisement found in KEIO line's SHIBUYA station, New Buildings for Kyorin Versity are located so near to Faculty of Medicine and its hospital at the same KYORIN versity, which is 15 minutes from MITAKA JR station. Only accross the road, the big map said. Too too confusional! The staff never explained like that! Miyuki took the pictures of the map. At KICHIJOJI station, the same advertisement with the map, Miyuki found.

The explanation on the location is already contradictional, and they didn't inform the exact address at all for us. How they moved from the campus in HACHIOJI?

Skewed information system, they addopted, yes. Thus, their failure. "Miyuki is not here, any more! I checked, and I didn't find her in the office." HARUMI said in her so cheerful mode. Probably she is thinking that Miyuki is diceased, already now.

Every minute, her thought changes. Thus, Miyuki is free from her illusion. The mood only guys, the both, HARUMI and YUKARI are. "Today, I want to wash your clothings. Get off your dirty clothings, as soon as possible!" and now, YUKARI came, and remained in the inside the office, opening the glass sliding door. Why always unnecessarily YUKARI enteres into the inside the office? She always pretends to put her trash taken in the washing rooms into the bin, witch is located inside the office. Why she can't use the bin in the washing room? Miyuki remembers that up to spring, it was in the washing room, and then, vanished. However, even with the existance of the bin in the washing room, YUKARI used only the bin inside the office, opening the cartain and glass sliding the door. How troublesome! Why she doesn't use some portable bin or plastic disposable bag? Stupid!

And recently, she comes, remains in front of the bin, just standing doing nothing at all, and then, she leave there. Repetitively. Strange Alzheimer habit!!!

They steal, we insisted. However, any guy believed. YUKARI and HARUMI are thieves, we said, however, they denied, and we turned to be suspects. Suspect No.1 was Miyuki. Always she was in the courtyard, and says something strange. Thus, she was thought, strange kinkiest guy in Shirakawa. And the pots?

Miyuki is caltivating something. So many shoots in her pots. And now, some of them were picked up, every day! They were killed. After their training, they turned to be thierves. They are professional thirves. A bit a bit type.

And Miyuki is always rightous. Stable. She remembers what she said before. Miyuki did her stealing job, because she inogores us all! HARUMI and YUKARI said. Only Alzheimers, we do know well. However, who are Alzheimers? YUKARI, yes, of course! Every day, kinkier and kinkier, and now, illegible, probably. Instruction, she couldn't read at all! for me, difficult. Miyuki should have come here, she almost cried. For her, too too difficult to deal with each machine. "I am not good at machinery", she confessed. Thus, each day, their lesson not to forget to the switch of the eacn simplest machine. Micro-oven, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and so on.

Tiny lesson is enough. We are cleverer than you, both, Alex and Clare! Respect elder guys!

NEKO kashite, or "Please bollow me your one wheel cart!" and her father didn't recognize the meaning. NEKO is one while cart, in Shirakan language. Why he didn't recognize it? Strange. Thus, Miyuki said, "One wheel cart!"

Easy vulgar way to say so. In her school pupil days, her mates said so. Miyuki, not. Because she is always "Urban type", and uses Tokyo standard language. However, for vulgar old guys, we use the technic. Old way of saying. NEKO is not used now. Probably, no one works here in this region. Insurance, Property renting or selling, only. Thus, agricultural farmers, don't exist now. And they really don't know the danger of chemical product. Thus, "Drink all of agricltural insecticider medicine, all in a body! Various! Cocktails, it turns to be! Show your bravery!"

Miyuki was said, "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" by her father. "I am now caltivating. Almost jobless, however, at least Renting independent KOSAKU farmer. 自営小作農民 or JIEI-KOSAKU-NOUMIN. Better than non-working idiots!"

Easy and quick, and fruitful. Miyuki thought of Japanese Law Suit without advocate, and tried, and failed. Not because of her skillless attacking, but because of Japanese Injustice called Judiciary. Thus, Miyuki forgave it already. It doesn't work under idiocracy.

Now, Emperor of Fruits! Emperor of Japanese Judiciary, she failed. Thus, next, another emperor. 帝王 or TEIOU, or 低能 or TEINOU or 天皇 or TENNOU??? TEINOU is brainless. TENNOU is Japanese Emperor. Oh, No!

At least, in a certain field, I want to be somebody. Emperor of Latin American Studies, she failed. She was refused to offer her article, after showing her refusal against their superficial formality requirement. "Oh, such a type! Thus, I would take your association in the suitable level." And then, she was declared to drop from the members of the encyclopedia of Latin America. OK, your choice. Your priority is NINOMIYA or Alzheimer's side. I am free from their stupidity!

Thus, Miyuki survived. Why she didn't beg to them a pardon? Because they failed, I should have won, however, they faked to win against us all. Thus, their failure. Shame, to participate in such an all lies world. Emperor of idiots, not at all! I am already Emperor of IGNOLANDIA.

Now, she is exhancing her field. Agricultural Forestry. Orchard and berries. As you like business. Profittable, yes. However, a bit takes time. Miyuki is rather impatient. However, she has several different jobs. Thus, part-time Emperor of Fruits!!! Managing is independent, thus, 自営 or JIEI. And the earth is rented. Thus, KOSAKU. The fact. Why not?

In rural area, almost for free. No price, before her starting the job. After her recognition, they put price tag. Always. Thus, counterattack. Thrifty beam!!!! Miyuki is too too thrifty and gained a lot of prize at this point. Every guy is so thrifty, and now, so few ANIME voice actresses and actors. Miyuki recognized that so many characters are played by the same voice actors. They used technic of recording, and editating. Miyuki recognized that HIROSHI NOHARA, KURE-SHIN's father delayed a bit, during one scene. His voice was put at different moment. Only a bit, however, exists the difference. Not natural conversation. Always, slight moment of delay in his responce. And the sould of cut and paste. Their technic. Professional, however, far from perfection.

Miyuki presumed that he was dead already, and used his voice, after cutting from his earlier works, and the scene was composed.

BINGO! Male voice actors were cut, earlier! Thus, the farewell party was held, and he cried!!!

No ANIME voice actors are needed, they were informed. Thus, quitting the job, is the rightous answer. However, they didn't know what to do. Why? Doing job is so difficult. ???

Anyway, I am not non-working class. Jobless, almost. However, I have money.

And entirely rich in knowledge. Almost all of things are so easy for her type. 70% is qualification line. Thus, easy. And carpenter? For quick job, OK. However, so patience needed type, it would be difficult. Concentration is in her more academic job. Casually, she is so easy to get tired. Monky, in just.

Today, she would make flames of the Emperial Palace No.1. After pushing out all of satans, she has a lot of promissive potencial sun rooms for any fruits trees, and chilblain type plants. Forever Green Garden, for them, in case of necessity. Thus, it would work!!!

Gum tapes are needed. Not so much, however, needs some skill to put the pieces in the bumboo correctly. She will find some special method, later!!!

Thus, her majesty, Emperor Miyuki, will do her garden orchard job. Making a sun room series!!! The cheapy way, she prefers. And easiest way, of course!!! Life should be! Amusing, and educative! Self education system, she adopted. Thus, each guy, learn, when you like.

Educator should be. Moriko, OKINO, and Fu-san, who graduated from Faculty of Education, reached this same point. Thus, Miyuki gained the medal of Doctor of faked Educator!!! ADACHI cried!!! Why I was obliged to be ADACHInDerela? On behalf of her! I am now a maid!!! Cleaning is not her preference. Thus, they adopted the cruel washing everyday system. Miyuki's case, she refused their dirtiest offer of cleaning! Of course! Easy job! Alzheimer cleaning is just making the house dirty and anti-clean, anti-hygene.

Miyuki was shocked at the towel used for the kitchen, after used exclusevely HARUMI's bathing. Oh, Alzheimer, at this level, already, and she doesn't recognize how dirty it is, even now.

Priority is like that, from the begining. I am Goddess, thus, you, slaves, work for me! And My pet is YUKARI! This is the real HARUMI. Alzheimer world's residents, they are!!! Queen and her pet Mad Dog. The Alzheimer twins.

Thus, with full stomack, Canadian pork slices, with Mexican lime squeezed juice, seaweeds, and two cups of caffe latte, a big TSUGARU apple, Miyuki will do her first garden carpenter job, as almost jobless.

See you later! VANIS

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (223)

2017-08-26 23:02:08 | 日記
Alzheimer clerks, so many, unnecessarily, in each Supermarket, and the commercial facilities always want other clerks. Miyuki took the photos of the advertisement of the "wanted! Come to join us, especially, domestic wives!" in every building of the supermarkets.

Human resources' cost should be cut, was Business Decision. However, in Shirakawa, Business would not be establish, because they don't know any Business rule at all. Economy, they don't know. Just accumulating debts, they are. And they themselves are free from anxiety. The state tax was used for this stupid shopkeeping play.

Now, the debts of the state is calculated US$10.78 billion at all. Even though, Japanese government continues to suppert this childish Alzheimer play. The satans they are, and they themselves pay the debts, of course, and of course, earlier than our collecting job, Total Vanishing of Satans, all in a body!!!

Satanic black trousers, they wore today in commercial facilities. To conceal their leeking of shit or fass in the diapers, Miyuki said it clearly. Black is formal use in case of necessity for all Alzheimer satans. Muck is their liking word no.1, thus they speak in a loud voice, on such a dirty word!!!

When Miyuki approaced to the cheese corner of Benimaru-Mega-Stage shopping mall, two famale middle aged BUSU fat short bithes came to disturb her check, ans started to talk on their desire to work in some supermarket. "I want to work there, however, I am busy, thus, I am now in wonder..." Oh, they are busy! Like YUKARI! Always busy, according to her thinking. Always she is busy to do it, to do cooking, to wash the clothings, to collect the trash, to sleep in her chamber, to disturb others' happiness, to do wrong, etc, etc.

Busy fakind was called Business, in Japan. Thus, Miyuki remembered that Kyorin staff expressed always as if they were busy. Busy by what?, was not be questioned. Only Miyuki was accused when she confessed that she was really in busy. "Why you said that you would not participate in the meeting?" As always. And she was not allowed to ask the reason to the colleagues. Unilateral. Non eveness world, she was there!!!

For Miyuki, formal denial mode, while for satans all, informal OK, OK only mode. Kyorin rule was called Kyorin standard, and it was transmitted to AOYAMA GAKUIN Versity, by way of Munehide NISHIZAWA, ex-Kyorin staff.

NISHIZAWA's teeth were so black and dirty was Miyuki's impression on him. YANI-TORA, Miyuki nickenamed. Taeko FUKUDA liked to meet him, the real version. And now? Oh, black guy, she thought, however, not so much! Only teeth were black. Really dirty, he was!!!

got interested him, because of the nickname, and followed his academic careers, and found, "Oh, Knocked Out Versity graduate. Thus, he disliked Miyuki, and chose FUKAWA." Miyuki was saved by their exclusion of Miyuki from their trip to France and Portugal. They wanted to trap Miyuki to be killed. For Miyuki, a struggle against AOYAMA GAKUIN versity started with NISHIZAWA's exclusion in judiciary level.

AOYAMA GAKUIN versity had no future already, Miyuki presumed. And now, the real sodomy world, they are! Oh, oral was replaced to doing ass hole type? Both. Oral is not so unusual, while, by ass hole, not so much. Oh, thus, Ass Holl Versity. And many Shirakawans, rural type, want to go there to study sodomy???

Miyuki said clearly the fact in Tokyo. You can buy bitches, foreigners, at US$70 per 30 minutes. Thus, Shirakawans now are moving to MITAKA area. Good choice. Near Musashi Kosugui. Exist big dome and private airport. Arround there. Route 16 is near. Thus they put Route 12 on the caravan type unusual red and white van, near Shirakawa high school. Oh, the three stories pink building has the van. For boys only type? No. チンドン屋 or CHIN-DON-YA or Old fashioned Japanese Advertisement system. Sandwitch Man, it is called, and the impression is really this type. Shame! Miyuki said so in short!

for them, it was coolish!!! Oh, Sandwitch Man is coolish for them! rural potato boys they are!!!

For them, going to Tokyo is unusual experiment. Thus, they are now in a good mood. OK, go, now to Tokyo, Inferno, the same!!!

Thus, they vanished, already. Miyuki learned a lot in Shirakawa, yes. However, so much muck, incessantly. Mad Dog type, are the real Shirakawans. Old is already "I can do it as I like" Means in Shirakawa. HARUMI is such a type.

Alzheimer electric poles are here and there also. They put as they liked, and now, the result. Unnecessary electric poles, so skewed cabled ones, eatrh put ones, mazohistic tight metal put type, knit like so many cables put type, inclined ones, variety of strange and dangerous electric poles world.

Now, Miyuki is going to take a shower. She feels stiky in her throut. Thus, see you tomorrow on our blog, Rightous Brothers!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are ugly bitches, beyond the limit of our morality! Satans, you are! Muck! Shit! Fass!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI, and her supporters, called 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!! Yacult likes her way of cleaning up! He sould like to love with Miyuki! Oh, welcome!!! And he doesn' want to be touched...I respct his choice, yes. however, I would like to touch, after his accordance. Before, not at all! Miyuki is not rapist!!! Fluff-Fluff, their brest feathers are, yes. However,up to the certain moment, Miyuki refrains from touching his brest feather. Attractive, yes. However, minimum morality, it belongs the pledge. Thus, Miyuki is waiting for his accordance!!!

Spakoinoi Nochiyu!!! Good night, Rightous Brothers!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (222)

2017-08-26 13:32:03 | 日記
26/08/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) Miyuki did her cleaning job, and ADACHI assisted her so much! ADACHInDerella, Miyuki nicknamed him in this field. So diligent to clean up each corner! Ohly wet tissues can do it type job, he did!!! Wet ADACHI, thus...Dry Tissue papers wanted Miyuki's running nose like OHTA, while, wet ADACHI, likes her cleaning job mode. She cleaned the deskside, and the face washing basin side. Not complete, however, evidently clean, ADAHI yelled! BAKAYAROU!!!, how dirty your offece it! Any male could put up with this nasty situation!!! Only uncle type could put up with it! And Uncle MIYUKI was stolen her precious US$5 coin inside the house.

Now, the value reduced, however, even now, some one does stealing in the office. Alex would not move only by US$5. He wants to be richer type. Thus, he would not the suspect.

Recently Clare often comes to the office, however, to meet Alex, mainly. And Miyuki came back to the office, earlier than before, thus, Miyuki had chance to meet Clare. Reasonable.

And today, it had a heavy rain at 7:10, for almost 20 minutes, then, the sun started to appear and now, so hot! While Miyuki was planting seeds, YUKARI started to wash by impulse. Not so many dirty clothings, however, at noon, almost, she started to wash. Strange. And Miyuki got to notice YUKARI's washing, when she came back from the courtyard.

YUKARI popped out from the office, opening the door, with a basketful of wet clothings. Oh, today, she did it within one hour! Marvelous! And she continued to wash next basketful of clothings, and did it, and left it after the machine's stopping. Forever washing mode, again. And why, so late, she started to use the machine? 9:00 would had been fine her washing.

She is accustomed to come to the office, while Miyuki is in the bath, yes. And now, during Miyuki's courtyard job. Miyuki is so cautious their wrongdoing, thus, she brought her portch in the courtyard. Thus, she was not stolen her precious money.

Even one coin, they steal, was Miyuki's new recognition. And Miyuki recognized the smell of soap near the desk. Some guy with this smell came, however, didn't enter into her territory.

Probably, YUKARI was there with her basketful of clothings to conceal the money stolen from Miyuki's wallet. Probably it was her technic of the survival in HACHIOJI. Miyuki stopped paying for her, because she lost so much money in vain, and she didn't come back to SHIRAKAWA after Miyuki's repetitive request. Terrible! Why she is here even now? How she pays her foods? Miyuki got upset. She should pay, if she wants to stay in my residence! Useless dirty snail like existance!

And YUKARI did her kids' washing job, only. Miyuki refused her cooking, errand, washing and so on. However, she continued to wash their clothings, and collected the trash, up to the end of her stay in HACHIOJI. The same happens in Shirakawa. Alzheimer's inclination to the both. Dirty, however, like to work only in this fields.

YUKARI was accustomed to do so, and HARUMI was her adviser. They are the team, and HARUMI's chameber is an ideal place to observe who is in the office. The sound effects. And they like to steal from other members of their own family! Thieves, in short!!!

HARUMI's advice for survival. Instructor HARUMI. How DDMs could live in this harsh moment.

The book would be called like that!

Now, Miyuki would go to her errand, dispite of her so few coins in her wallet. Yes, she is now rich in fruits. Fruits kingdoms, Miyuki gained, and her orchard, field, garden would be called Ignolandia's Fruits Imperial Palace.

After her marking jobs, they atacked Miyuki's pots. So many kiwi kids were picked up off, and died, drying up. Torture! They came to meet us all, and they did, even now! They are team work, and always, they fake as if they did unintentionally! Crazy and forgetful, thus, they believe that others believed their inocence!!! Stupid!!!

No time for the loser! YUKARI, now, again started her third basketful of washing!!! Time consuming, terrible energy loss. Mad Dogs, they are!!!

Forever washing, in her head, and in the washing machine. Terrible satans. Vast indemnization should be paid!!!

See you, rightous guys! Miyuki can't put up with the sound of the washing machine! How farmful, they both are!!!
They are ETE, only Alzheimer twins could do it!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Forever virgin, because of your Alzheimer disease!!!

Miyuki made a circle trip of 6 supermarkets of the rural village SHIRAKAWA.

She found one more NOGUCHI note in a wallet! Strange, however, it appeared. Anyway, better to be nothing. Thus, NOGUCHI, my love! You came back!!!

Yesterday, she said "Chiao!" to him. No any NOGUCHI, more. Only US$9 left...And sighed. She confirmed. And calculated, and during the errand, he popped out. "Return to see me, NOGUCHI! You love me so much! I missed you, so many times! Don't go to satanic world, forever!!!"

Spell cast for him. A necessity. He is reuse type. Thus, even without his intention, he departs from Miyuki. Adeu, Miyuki! I need to go! My mission! Oh, NOCGUCHI, I will cry for you! I will miss you!!! Oh, Oh!!!

Thus, the system change. Noguchi only world, now. Thus, Shirakawans do so many errands, up to fill the baskets.

This afternoon, Miyuki watched an old bug, who did put two basketful of errands in Benimaru-Shiwamachi. Absurd! Why she needed to buy so much? And how she will bring the products to her vehicle? With the cart? Unusually much of errand, she did!!!

Miyuki only bought US$1 package of meat, namely, Canadian sliced pork and chiken legs, each. She bought also a package of Wang Tong or 雲吞 or soup type small Chinese meat pyes, and another package of シュウマイ or Chinese meat stoll cylinder shape steamed up type meat pyes in Beisia, at US$1 per each. Thus, she can economise so much, for several days.

Her fredge ans freezer is small. Thus, just for few days would be fine to think the all of the contents. She can calculate all of the combination of her sext few meals. Just like Miyuki's brain. Quicker, she wants, and not so confused, please! Chinkor and Yacult yelled. So scarse, would be fine. However, needs knowledge, and skill. More appliable knowledge, she is gaining now.

She found an old house, in the middle of being taken off. Wooden house. Old principle house was reformed so many times, and turned to be a big house of almost 5 rooms and a living room, and a kitchen. 5LDK. Two stories.

Miyuki watched the skelton of the wood slumbers, and found some so effective suggestions from her detailed observation. Poles are enough with 10cm x 10cm type. And if Miyuki mathematically calculates well, and uses a holizontal line measure, she would establish such type of house, so easily by herself. Oh, the rest is just a cover. Thin slumbers are used for walls. And the rooves are thin steel type parts' combination.

And she found the fundamental big mistake on the building. The facade triangle is supported by the connection of two fat slumbers, and one is wider more 2cm rather than other. After the combination, the carpenters did notice the big mistake, however, they prefered to conceal the fact, covering the wall on it. And now their shame got exposed.

From the begining, Shirakawan capenters have been degraded. Such a level! I would build the wooden house better than them, by myself!!!

Not so difficult for some guys, who are percistent to calculate well, the position of each part. Math exactness, their job is required. However, Shirakawans are idiots, and not liked such troublesome job, and they did, as they liked. No conception of danger or safety.

Alzheimer carpenters. Sidione got upset! Dirce accused him, "He is cruel for me! He should be called Side-ONI!", in case of their struggle. At first, Miyuki got so astonished at their relationship. Oh, cruel devil! Why dirce gets along with him? So unusual!

And she found that this is the way for Dirce that she is not satisfied with his conducts. From outside, they got along with each other, so much. However, according to Dirce, he is ONI or devil!!!

Just "He is chilkish!" Dirce wanted to say, Miyuki later understood. However, she was really upset against him. More frank uncle type. Italian, plump and robust cheerful carpenter. Thus, Miyuki remembers him. He made chests for her kitchen, Suitable for the size. Just, it should be.

However, Shirakawan carpenter lied a lot. Now, in the moment of the desconstruction, it appeared. So many faking jobs, here and there. Even these skewed poles, the house remained over 50 years.

and Miyuki found that Shirakawan carpenters had a conception of flatness of surfice, however didn't have that of holizontal line. Thus, always, "I think this is flat." and it turned to be the base. Thus, from the begining, the house was fated to be inclined.

In Tokyo, buildings were established like that, and it caused Miyuki's appalled eyes, and NEMO-KATSU's rolling mode with his hands on the belly. Anyway, sustainable for several years. Then, they forget. We gain a lot.

So expensive, these cheapy houses. Miyuki calculated at max US$10 thausand, if she buys the materials in some Home Center. Thus, their choice was all skewed, confirmed.

Carpenters are needed for her work, they yelled. And carpenters were satans, in ancient age. ONIROKU or 鬼六, they were called. In stead of the life, they offered unusually rapid and sustainable job, like bridge construction, palace making and so on. And Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA failed, because of it. Alzheimer erotic satan, he was revealed.

And he had a lot of admiror in this region. Tea Ceremony Club was composed by funs of him. And these male bitches had a dirty work tradition. Arrogant, Ugly, selfish, Jealous!!! Miyuki never got along with any of them!!!

Wild flowers are beautiful, however, after picking, they get chilled. Thus, with roots, we appreciate, with total accordance with them. And in case of denial, just watch them, in their place. Agreement system, Miyuki adopted, thus, it worked.

sometimes, it needs to persuade them. however, they can change their mind, after her attmpt to persuade. If they deny, she respects their judgement. Thus, she is popular among them!

She found that in Beisia campus, there is ATM of JP bank, which functions even weekends. Thus, she tried to use today, on Sunday. And found a grasshopper, green and brownish a part, and a tiny ASAGI-MADARA type black with white dots type buttefly inside the ATM corner. Thus, Miyuki tried to save them both. However, the butterfly refused to exit. And a grasshopper, finaly decided to move from there. Thus, Miyuki brought him to the nearest abandoned weeded courtyard, back of Beisia. Sometimes, satans attaked there, however, many of the weeds survived. Thus, she put the grasshopper on the long leaves with a bit brownish part. Just like him, Miyuki thought. And he liked it! Dew dropping type! In case of necessity only. And sometimes, inside of ATM is better than Beisia Campus.

Grasshopper was quiet during the movement. She talked on him, that probably the nearest evacuation, she would put on. Not so promissive, yet. However, better than campus. This is rotten place.

Thus grasshopper liked Miyuki. She predged to leave him alone. Not to eat! I ate your kin INAGO, however, I dislike it. Not for eating. Just on behalf of you. However, I enjoy this trip with you. And so on.

Grasshoppers would be welcome in her forever green palace of Ignolandia. Emperial Palace for Fruits. Thus, now, she is interested in carpenter's job. Not so difficult, however, persistent calculation is necessity. Just fit, would be fine. And the slumbers should be drying up for several years!!!

Thus, old and non-crack type would be fine to use. Confirmed the strength. However, in Shirakawa, gaining it would be difficult.

The poles are not necessary to be eaqual size. We could calculate the size and the place. 10cm x 10cm or more, is the correct answer. Horizontal like measure, would be the suitable answer. Miyuki could build a hut, after satans' vanishing! As a trial, she would be! For precarious stay would be fine, however, she prolongs the stay more and more. HARUMI and YUKARI started to claim. And you, HARUMI and YUKARI?

For them, "This is our place. MIYUKI is nasty. She is a kind of stranger. Thus, she should live in another place." This is their remarks. They think as they are. And they are both Alzheimers, who forgot that they were just occupationers, not legitimate power holders. Alzheimer twins, Miyuki yelled so much.

They frustrate others so much. They are unkind, and cruel for us all. Satans. Clare yelled for Miyuki's audacious ignorance against HARUMI.

When Miyuki got out from the office and went to the courtyard, HARUMI popped out from the main house, and yelled, "If you like, listen! I would like to ask you how to throw the recycable trash!" And Miyuki ignored HARUMI entirely. She doesn't exist for me. Satans. Unnecessarily she popped out and started to catch me. Miyuki was going outside to make an errand. Thus, Miyuki did so, totally ignoring HARUMI's yell.

For Miyuki, "I didn't like to listen. I chose, and she said, "If you like!", thus, I didn't listen." Good girl, HARUMI wanted. And for HARUMI's primitive understanding, YUKARI is ideal for HARUMI. Thus, they combined.

Only such a trifle, she popped out from the main house. Why she chased Miyuki unnecessarily? Miyuki disposes her trash, by herself. What is her reason to disturb Miyuki?

Just HARUMI wanted to yell in public was the rightous answer. "I am yet respected by my daughter, professor of law, Dr.Miyuki SATOW. Only one guy, who has doctral degree in this rural village." And HARUMI was ignored in public.

Any guy could yell, yes, however, they were all refused by Miyuki harshly!!!

To gain Alex's affection, YUKARI talks in artificialy childish language. Like talking to pet, is YUKARI's attitude toward the kids. Miyuki dislikes it. "Shokka. Iko, Iko!" YUKARI says to him, as always. This is "Soudeske. IIKO desune." in correct way. The meaning is "I see. Good boy!"

And Alex responded in her level! Nasty, however, probably for him, a kind of training. To use various levels of language, Miyuki thinks so. Alzheimer kids' language school, Alex presumes.

MIYUKI got astonished at the dinner of Alex, which YUKARI cooked and brought to the office. Only a bowlful of rice, a soy bean paste soup, and some side dish. Any main dish at all. How he can survive?, Miyuki got in wonder.

He requested a piece of fish, however, YUKARI brought another, saying, "You ate one already". This is the technic to conceal their big mistake. "Your fault, not mine." Miyuki does know well this technic. YUKARI uses so many times in case of her failure. Alzheimer from fatus type. YUKARI came here to distroy Miyuki's life, probably.

48 old bitch in the childish way of saying? Yes, this is the reason of Miyuki's catch. They replaced the reason of mentally illed situation of YUKARI and KUSODAMARI toward Miyuki's catching reason. In family level, YUKARI, while, in professional leval, KUSODAMARI.

Alzheimer disease is increasing in Japan. Morally degraded satans are wandering in car, here and there. And also in a bicycle.

Miyuki was so emotioned by the beauty of the dramatic sunset of orange clouds and blue sky. Absurbing blood. So many guys were killed, it means, Miyuki thought, and she took several photos near the Big Cross, on the way from Benimaru-Yokomachi. She started to sing, "Bebado e Equilibrista". Bloody Absumptious clouds, Joan Gilberto sang. The same scene. The brush touch is that of David, the french painter after the Revolution age.

She was in the side of Benimaru, and she got astonished, whey an old male bitch yelled as if in his drunken mode, "you don't do it!" in a loud voice. He was in the bicycle, presuming the sould of pedal stepping. She thought that he was a Mad Dog, who had experience to be faked police man. Miyuki didn't recognize what he prohibitted. Anyway, he ordered some prohibition. Who is he?

Miyuki avoided to cross to his side, which were the side nearer to her house, and waited in the big cross, for a while, and watched him, a rider on a bicycle. He was beside another old guy, however, soon, they splitted at the cross, and the rough rider went toward 円明寺 or EMMYOUJI direction. He wore Festival's Shirt, called 祭半纏 or MATSURI-BANTEN. Probably, he is the Mad Dog, hired at Benimaru-YOKOMACHI. Nationalist wearing, as usual. And he couldn't recognize the different between inside the supermarket and outside, on the publice road.

Any prohibition is OK to be done by old guys, was Shirakawans tradition. Scolding mode. Old Alzheimer threteners are left now. For them, anything is allowed, subjectively. Always they are correct, while others are impolite. No excuse at all for their past and actual wrongdoings. Snails, we yelled to them.

HARUMI refused to admit her Alzheimer disease holding. "I am normal. Totally mentally sane. Miyuki is different. She is menatally illed." Is HARUMI's remark, as always. No excuse at all, we said to them, however, they both, accused to be called Alzheimers. NINCHI-SHOU, or just idiots. BOKE. HAYA-BOKE, Koukotsu-no-hito. Illusionists. Rumour only world's residents. Believers of IKKYO, without knowing the religion's name. Politeness is superior to Justice. Mad. Crazy. Stupid. Acepharos. Brainless. Ugly bitches. Satans. Muck.

Soundless mode, they both are. Thus, Alex took advantage of them both. He tried to search of the hour of opening of ATM banking. After one hour, YUKARI informed to him, "365 days, from 7 to 10." Thus, Alex said, "OK, thus, here we go! We are now at 21:00. Good time to go outside! Wait three minutes! I will prepare for it!"

And now, the both, YUKARI and Alex went out. Oh, YUKARI went out in the night! An adventure for both!

Why Alex didn't check it by internet? how YUKARI searched without internet? What is her tool to search the hour? Exist ipad or so to search it?

She refrained from the office to do the search. Thus, probably in her chamber, some tools exist. Magic Trritory, her chamber is. Thus, Miyuki doesn't touch her secret at all!!!

Miyuki found some young generation trees under the Eleking Tree. They came! Eleking chose correctly, probably. He needed to choose leaves or fruits. Thus, his choice was fruits. and the leaves dropped. However, Miyuki remembered that stings are kind of leaves, and also produce oxigen with chlorela. Thus, a bit early autumn for him. Almost bold except green balls like fruits. Miyuki deeply sighed. Good grief. Anyway, your kids are here and there. I will pick the green balls, as much as possible, to grow in our garden. they would be the protectors our Emperial Palace of Orchard. At least four Eleking kids, in the corner. East, West, South, and North. With stings, they would protect our palace. Twigs also sting type. TOGUE-TOGUE. For unkown guys, needles, they would be!

Aroma defusers, they are! Smells good. Thus, they came. They would delay to appear, however, Miyuki waits for long long time. Every day, some seeds, just increasing only. So many promissive areas and promissibe trees, here and there. Miyuki found some, and started to negociate on their suitable near future place.

Olives, three, agreed her idea! Near River Bank of YANTA. Their kins already wait them three there!

yes, they survived, however, the biggest one was inclined for the sun direction. Not suitable for him, probably. They are rather pretty with fruits, and now, at Cainz Home Center, in the section of fruits trees, Miyuki watched a strange fenomenum. No fruit at all fenomenum. Satans picked them all off! Why they took all? To sell at Supermarkets? They are not so mature yet. Why they picked them so earlier? And they didn't change the tag.

In Beisia, this week, Miyuki found that all of Downward Flowers were taken off from the pots. And the price tag was the same. Almost US$150 per each pot. Ridiculous! Orquid, without flowers is the same price, of that with flowers. And the day after, they were all replaced with the same species with flowers, with the same price.

they really don't know the price at all. At Supermarkets, Miyuki found the same type fanomenum, especially in fruits section. So rotten peaches were put so expensive price, and the reason of rottening was pushed by Alzheimer consumers. Miyuki gazed the process, directly.

a mother with a faked kid, a boty with 10 years or so, touched so hard on the surfice of the peaches. They allow her to do so. Alzheimer priveledge. for them, kind, while, for us, cruel, because the shopkeepers are all Alzheimers.

HARUMI and YUKARI, both Alzheimers, are doing their Family Keeping Play, in their childish mode probably. Alzheimers are brainless, and they are satisfied with treated as kids. Thus, to be nasty against them both is too too correct answer. They are superior, they both think. Thus, we should get obliged to pretend to be inferior. Clare dislikes Miyuki's Alzheimer yelling. Ms.Forgetful only, please. We feel like we are all Alzheimers. Almost! If you were rightous, you don't need to think as Alzheimers.

For Miyuki, it's OK, because Miyuki is totally affirmed that Miyuki is superior to them both, in every meaning. However, for others, they are superior to them in some point. Exist such points?

For Miyuki, astonishing. However, for them both, they are all inferior to them both. KAMI-NARI, or Semi-Goddesses, they are! Thus, Miyuki continues to ignore both of them. They don't exist at all. Zombies, they are. Alzheimer satanic zombies. Muck, in short!!!

Miyuki is not good at cleaning, thus we can wash, they declared. And their way of washing is just wasting of energy, cost and time. Big Loss. They themselves are big loss for others. Burden for us all!!!

For Miyuki, cleaning up is a process, and exists another purpose. Staying in a clean atomosphare is feeling good. Thus, ADACHInDerella, she turns to be. For both of them, not at all! For others, OK, I accept as my duty as stayer.

Seeds were picked up by Alzheimer twins was Miyuki's presumption, and it was revealed as the fact. So many times of caution, Miyuki got to recognize it. Terrible attackers, they both are!!!

No choice for the Alzheimer Twins. Sly smile to beg forgiveness, while harsh attack to give a big damage for us all. Cruel, and sly. nasty, in short. Only muck can do it!

Picked up, and stolen. They thought as if they were superior to Miyuki, when they were picking Miyuki's shoots. For them, substitute of Miyuki, they are.

Today, YUKARI used amphetamine, to wake up. Thus, hush-hush mode only. time consuming washing process, and wrongdoing in the courtyard, and BLA-BLA-BLA, all day. HARUMI likes YUKARI's "vivid mode", thus, she is also in high tension, when YUKARI uses Amphetamine. Alzheimer medicine, it is called, and they are categorized as third, now, as you know. Thus, they can use it, as they like.

Alex can do his money related job only under the accordance of YUKARI. Pet dog, he turned. And now, marifana smells. YUKARI also smoke in her chamber, however, not lit type. Electric Cigarette, it is called. Thus, YUKARI is categorized as third grader. Alzheimer schooling play, they are doing. Dr.Dull like Dr.Idiot, she and HARUMI. All Alzheimers, and think all of them, as if they were superior to us all. Team Play, however, so childish, and all lies world.

Ignorance is the first step for Alzheimer. Thus, Miyuki would be categorized grade 1 by their doctor. And he failed. He is forgetful, and he forgot the name of their disease. Some A related. Amirodosis? Oh, no, not at all! Sticking process, they are passing. Thus, soundless mode. Steps were aukward for them both.

Dirty nasty ugly bitches, however, it was nice to see YUKARI's panic mode in ATM corner. Always, "What shall I do next? Do you know, Alex?" And Alex reads out the instruction in a loud voice, in his childish mode. And YUKARI decides what she should do. Always, so many minutes for her. Alzheimers, they are. Thus, it takes so many times to do unusual jobs. Custom job only. Thus, always, washing and trash collecting. Terrible repetition, however, not at all for them.

Reliable guys they are! Alex thought on Miyuki's Kyorin Staff, and failed. Just only dumbs. And now, all Alzheimer guys. 3G especially!!! Grand son, Alex was said by one of them. Grand son of whom? Miyuki's. Oh, where is my son or daughter???

We don't know. And Miyuki was killed already, in the faculty. Exists a legend in Hachioji Campus at Kyorin Versity, that Prof.SATOW was killed here, thus she vanished. So presumable. A monument, they should establish. And the reason? Some guy, who realy hated him, shot her! Oh, understandable! almost, yes. Already Miyuki was attacked violently there!!!

For Miyuki, laughing legend, and for us, also. Monument would be a good idea!! They put it in vain. "Look at the clock tower! At noon, she was shot and killed instantly! Brave, she was! The real rightsous guy, she was!!!" The fight at noon. TOMOCHI liked the idea!!!

外し、or HAZUSHI, in Japanese, the destruction of building is called. 解体 or KAITAI is also. HORIKAWA Industrial Company is doing now. And then, they start to construct new wrong prefablic houses. They are not reliable, Miyuki does know well. They are doing so bad, and gain well. However, vanished, already, so many times.

Each time, they appear, and do, and vanish. As always. Just precarious way, they asked, and they did, and vanished. Precarious is also beyond the limit of endurance. Thus, they all in a body should vanish, immediately!!!

For Miyuki, training period, now. And orchard job, she gained, yes. And legs? Underpart, yes. Now, under and upper, both parts of legs. And upper body, also. Body, entirely.

And now, Miyuki is cleaning up the toilet. Miyuki remembered "God of Toilet". Thus, probably Miyuki would gain more beautiful face also!!!

Toilet is basic necessity, thus, we need to open the door of the office, The Alzheimer twins yelled. You both have a banch of keys, yes. And why you need to say so???

They just like to be attacked by others, or want to get them to attack Miyuki. They are such kind of guys, in short. Miyuki is targetted as aim of their hatred, and now, the level is explosive. No reason. Just hatred. As usual. Alzheimers, all Shirakawans are! Supermarkets' clerks are all showing their hips, to avoid to be heard something from consumers. Avoiding is the symptom of their forgetfulness. Miyuki does know well on this attitude in the campus of Kyorin Versity. Downward eyes, they are called. Anti-productive, and greedy, at the same time. Arrogant, in case of HARUMI and YUKARI.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (221)

2017-08-25 22:50:34 | 日記
Alzheimers, Shirakawans are! Miyuki yelled. And their conversation is always starting "How long we have not seen you!"

Today, at the market BENIMARU-Yokomachi, this type of conversation was heard by Miyuki. They said above, both. And then BLA-BLA-BLA. "How about the film? You said you had one ticket?" "I am thinking of going to see it!"

Miyuki felt strange. So long, they were unseen each other. And even now, the roadshow movie was not seen, and in the exhibition yet! Typical Alzheimer conversation.

"Listen and repeat!" Miyuki yelled, with her sly smiling. The Alzheimer learning method. Slow Learning. Now on sale!!! After several weeks of training of presentation, OOKAWA appeared in the monthly meeting in Hachioji Campus at Kyorin Versity. Thus, he disliked others' question at all, because with it, he got in panic. Thus, he started to chase Miyuki. unusual situation, Miyuki really thought. Meeting for what? Explain well to all of the staff. And OOKAWA was just a time keeper. Miyuki said to her pupils that Dean OOKAWA should be replaced by US$1 shop's Alarm Clock, because what he does is just time keeping. OOKAWA was worse than US$ clock, because he started to get delayed, namely, unpunctual. Only one merit of him was punctuality, and he lost it, thus, no value.

The much more worse was, Rector bought him at the cost of US$100 thousand anually. The rector is also idiot! Figure he can't understand. Math Alzheimer fenomenum. US$1 clock is suitable for OOKAWA's role, however, Kyorin Versity paid for him, unnecessarily, more than 100 thousand times more! How stupid Kyorin Staff were!!!

Miyuki is now fruits eater. She ate a bunch of Cambel Grapes for her dinner, and soon after, her stomach got totally full, and then, even now, not hungry at all. Only a piece of Ripchen, a cup of vineger put seaweeds called MOZUKU, and the grapes. So so full, her stomach was. Thus, she couldn't drink milk at all then. Now she is thirsty, however, she is not hungry.

Fruits are satisfaction factor, probably. Only few were already so much for her tiny stomach. Combination with meat is also good. Sour type is also good for every guy. For her, why the delisious skin fat old type Summer Orange vanished?

Miyuki liked the super sour flavour. Puniching! And in case of sweet lover, just put suger, as they like. Lemon also. Miyuki liked so easy honey lemon. Just put lemon slice in honey up to soak it! Miyuki liked to eat all!

Sustainable, rather than she thought. However, waterly yes, she gets thirsty. Why?

Only lemon is also good. Miyuki's favorite bottle was KILATE Lemmon. 40% of juice with soda in a petit green glass bottle. In any convenience store and supermarket, it was seen. Now so rare. Big hit, Miyuki thought. Delicous, and complete without eating anything. For her, ideal. So tiny bottle, however, enough for only once drinking up guy. Especially in the middle of the classes, good!

So variety of cocktail type alchoolic canned drinks on the shelves of each supermarket. All of them are disliked by Miyuki. Chuu-High, is Miyuki's haterid No.1. Sweet with Alchool needs some special technic. It should be inside the so narrow zone. Thus, exist bartenders. Canned are all sweeter than Miyuki's taste.

However, versity pupils liked these cocktail type sweet alchool. Probably for them, substitute of sweet. And Miyuki requres for alchoolic drink, apperitif, or company of the meat or the fish, namely, main dish. The usage is totally different. Thus, sweet alchoolic drink is nasty.

However, port wine, is used as dessart. After dinner, who wants a bit sweet flavour, it works. and now, Miyuki wants to have several wineyard for various grapes. Because Cambel is delicious for sour fruits lovers, however, for wine, she is not sure!

the suppost wineyard place smells already sweet honey wine. Thus, probably, good for mature type wine. Yes, sweetness comes from fementing process, thus, the sour grapes also can turn to be a delicious wine as possibility. however, probably more mature type grape would be fine for this wine yard.

Lemon like grapes, sour and delicous. for her, OK, however, for wine, undecisive. Yes, it would be good for red wine. However, another possibility should be thought, of course!!! Thus, Berry A, she wants to produce. Now the price is expensive. Thus, always "Almost rotten corner" expert, Dr.Miyuki SATOW is now.

For her, too too natural to buy only one product at Supermarkets. Why not? No grocery practically. Supermarkets only society Shirakawa is. Thus, we need to use them as small family running shops' counterparts.

3 hours are enough to do her comarativist walking. 1.Washio, 2.Gyomu Super, 3.Mega-Stage Shopping Mall, 4.Beisia, 5.Benimaru-Showamachi, 6.Kawachi, 7.Benimaru-Yokomachi. All "Almost rotten corners" only consumer, she turned to be. Thrifty, yes. Why not???

Lean. Dark Skin holding. Longer than averege. P or H? in wonder type. Years? Unknown. Walker. In the cross, electric pole kicking exercise doer. Departure from NOGUCHI is so so sad fact. So rare in Shirakawa. Unusual, from the begining. In Tokyo, already rare. and in rural area? More rarer!!!

Today, Miyuki watched an ambulance, a fire department police type patroling car, and a fire engine in silent mode. Friday is for fire department, Miyuki recognized. No police car was seen today.

Recently Alex come back at 20:00. Probably he is working for some shop as part-time job. To gain several money, he is doing some so so boresome job. However, better than being attacked by evil twins in the main house. HARUMI is sleeping, while YUKARI, always semi-dromsy now.

After unusual excitement, she went to sleep earlier than usual. Calm down, she turns. Thus, no supper at all! Good grief. Casual attacking by their feeding system is just torture. 13kg was gained by Clare!!! Unusual, they yelled. however, according to the evil twins, "Normal and healthy. you should get fat, as much as possible!"

for them, Dirty Clare is ideal. With dimples, better! Ugly guys making project they are doing. You should not be distinctive. you are female. National, you should turn to be. Mad ladies, they are! Ugly they both are, thus, uglier kids are their preference!!!

Miyuki watched YUKARI's harshest Mr.Responsible mode, during their feeding. "You, swine, eat it! All! you should be fat! you need to get ugly! Your job! Uglier than us both!"

Fat it! Michael's parody!

Thus, Miyuki will take a shower to keep her skin clean! Sticky sweat she has now. Thus, obligation, shower taking is now. Today is cloudy, not rainy. However, her body is rather sticky. And she felt in some places, amphetamine and LSD. So many guys are refraining from our socity. With amphetamine, they vanish easily!

And recently, so many guys smoke marifana. For Miyuki, marifana is counterpart of tabacco cigarette, and the difference is price and flavour. And Miyuki is in favour of both, as others' choice. Not the problem of "legal or illegal". Just an inclination. And for her, both, unnecessary. With gift, prefer marifana, because of the flavour. And the smoke doesn't disturb others' appetite, thus, for smokers, Miyuki recommends marifana.

With whom who smokes marifana, Miyuki can stay with longer. With tabbaco smoker, a bit difficult, because of bad smell.

Balthan use, to push our Miyuki? Cockroachs, Shirakawans are! Thus, geno-suicide, it would be!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly jealous bitches, you are!!! Satans, Muck, you should not have been born!!!

For us, rightous brothers, good night! Spakoinoi-nochiyu! See you us on our blog!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI, the thriftiest guy no.1 in this village, and her supporters, Mistrious 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (220)

2017-08-25 19:53:17 | 日記
Miyuki did a short trip of all super markets of Shirakawa for 3 hours exactly. Bullet errand trip, she did. And she gained some rewards...A package of Cambel Grape fruits again at Benimaru-Mega Stage, from YAMANASHI prefecture, at US$1.8, and a package of murcott as US$1.5, at Beisia. She paid so much, thus, now, in her wallet, only US$9 is left. No NOGUCHI note at all situation again. I spent so much money?, Yes, investiment on seeds, Miyuki did, however, so much? Now she should check her receipts.

She did her Sun Room preparation job, for Winter coldness protection for her promissive fruits kids. She cut the twigs of bumboo sticks, all. And found that some guys put old sticks to the new banch of the bamboo sticks. Now, 12 bamboos.

At the same time, she found that her shoots of kiwi were picked by HARUMI again. She was shocked that every day, she does wrong, without any exception. She put twigs of bamboos, cut by the process, as "Miyuki's only" expression. Marking, Miyuki did. Each plastic package, Miyuki berried her special seeds, and now, time of shooting came, and after Miyuki's recognition, each day, the shoots reduced!!! Shocking, however, this is the Alzheimer picking. Stealing, in short.

And Miyuki found that in the patch, raddish's shoots with their first leaves were taken off. For HARUMI and YUKARI, shoots are the aim of attacking. And Miyuki found some berries are growing in the match, after Miyuki's planting of red raddish's seeds. Some one put the seeds of berries, however, HARUMI and YUKARI picked up, with their so unkind intentional attacking. HARUMI and YUKARI were attacking repeatedly, and all of the berries were taken by them both.

Miyuki remembered that Clare and Alex, with their grand father's assitance, planted a lot of strawberries in the courtyard, and now, only few survived. HARUMI and YUKARI attacked the shoots, so many times, and they said, "Ooops, sorry, I made a slight mistake!" each time. And they repeated this wrongdoing, so many times. Forever virgin type, means, the real Alzheimers. They showed their own legs, as unkind wrongdoers.

Each time, they picked off them, as they liked, and after being accused by others, "Ooops, I made a slight mistake! I did it on behalf of you, both, Alex and Clare! I am free from any accusation. I am feeble minded. Please forgive me, good boy and girl!"

Terrible repetition, and now, Miyuki is encounter with their reality. Too nasty dirty old bitches. Staying just for feeding to be their inferiors. Cows, in short. Nasty, however, this is the fact.

Alex heard that they started to yell, "I didn't do it at all! Lie, you said!" with YUKARI's voice. Miyuki also heard in the office, from the main house. So high pitch voice, pitchcart one. What happened? Miyuki got in wonder. Some guy accused her of her wrongdoing?

She imaged, and yelled. Hallation, or illusion. Today's YUKARI's medicine taking day. Thus, hash-hash mode, during a day.

Thus, YUKARI took a so long shower, for one hour. With the medicine, she was in good mood, especially with luke warm water. Oh, winter luke warm hand washing for two hours, every morning.

Now, YUKARI is washing machines. So few clothings to wash, however, she is doing. After failure, she dashes to wash clothings. By impulse.

Alex is now free from anxiety of YUKARI's attacking. During washing, YUKARI is absorbed in washing, thus, he is not the target of her harsh attacking. Good grief, like Uncle Miyuki.

The old bamboos stickes were used for ditch cleaning, Miyuki recognized. However, we can use, as flames of the future sun room. Thus, she just separated the two, from other newly gained 10 bamboo sticks. At least, Miyuki should show that "I am not Alzheimer patients." Thus, she gained a good reputation.

Why she ordered to take bamboo sticks? They, HARUMI and YUKARI got in wonder. And presumed that MIYUKI would have done her trash collecting business???

For them, Miyuki is suitable for the business. Thus, she was appointed their next trash collector. Miyuki agreed, in March. At that moment, Miyuki took that HARUMI were feeble minded, however, kind to her, and Miyuki should participate in the domestic tasks, thus, just a collecting trash from each bin is not so troublesome.

In the morning, HARUMI said abruptly, in her arrogant mode, "From now on, Miyuki, you should collect the trash!"
Thus, Miyuki responded, "OK, I will do." And then, HARUMI added, "Trash of all of the three houses, OK?" Thus Miyuki replied, "OK. On Monday and Thursday, is it right?" And HARUMI murmered, "I am not sure. Later, I will inform you." And then, never adding information, and HARUMI continues her collecting job up to now.

Miyuki already adopted to collect her own trash, and at the same time, she is free from the evil twins' order at all. Thus, all of their requirement, she will ignore, of course!

Each guy should clean their chamber or space. Basic morality, and Miyuki does well it now. Thus, they started to attack Miyuki, on the matter of their ignorance. Alzheimer patients, Miyuki calls them both. Forgetful ladies, for others. The same. And too too unkind to others. Always, "Oooops, I did it by a slight mistake. You should forgive me, because I did it for the sake of you!" And repetition, forever. Terrible. No excuse, they should!

Self caused Alzheimers, they all think so. They are not workers. Just watch TV and do wrong to others.

This morning, when Miyuki was going to the courtyard to do her orchard job, she found that her father was departing from the house by car. And then, HARUMI, yelling, "Where are you? Oh, my husband and Clare are not in the house! At 13:00, I said. Why?" Miyuki heard her voice, and ignored her totally.

And then, Miyuki remembered that today is Clare's schooling day. Thus, if HARUMI yells like that, for thierves, it is a lucky chance to work! Why HARUMI said so? She should know that Clare was already in school, because she is always so interested in the kids' school jobs. Why she thought that at 10:00, school girl Clare were in the back house??? What does it mean, "13:00"???

HARUMI just wanted to show up that she were not forgetful, while others were realy so. Always. Shame for others, glory for me, type. HARUMI's inferiority complex, Miyuki does know well.

Thus, trash collecting Miyuki project again. "Miyuki is free from our family. She is just a stayer. Not family any more." And Clare felt that for them, Miyuki is just money, and without money, Miyuki is snail or nasty palacite. Oh, then they themselves are? Gods like existance. Out of any accusation, despite of their wrongdoings.

Feeble minded fragile creatures, they are, all of others thought like that. And failed. Feeble minded, however, cruel wrongdoers, they both are. Incapable as Alzheimers, yes. However, they do wrong, continuously!!!

Picking is only one part of their wrongdoings. They contracted so many unnecessary jobs, so many times, and lost so many money, and attacked so many times, and they themselves hated us all! Now, they want to be treated kindly by others, and they are disliked by others all!

SATO the X, Alex was yelled by them both, and Alex dislikes this yell. They want to be feeded by him, Alex feels so much now. Miyuki predicted it, earlier, and Alex didn't believe it. And now, totally in favour of Miyuki's opinion. "We brought up you both, Alex and Clare, thus, you two should feed us two, forever!" The twins declared. "Please forgive our successive wrongdoings. We are incapables. We are feeble minded. We are alone without you, Alex and Clare! You are our future!" HARUMI, as the representative of the twins, declared in front of the kids, and the kids both refused in the most politest way. "I am not such a kind of figure, as you expect." by Alex, and "I hate you both, HARUMI and YUKARI!" by Clare.

Yesterday, Miyuki gave four plums to Clare, and Clare returned only 3 seeds in the greenish gray small plate, the favorite of HARUMI, thus, Miyuki accepted only the seeds, and returned the plates to Clare, saying, "I don't want to enter into the kitchen. Thus, here you are! Return the dish to the kitchen." And Clare said, "I don't like to enter there, either."

Intentionally? Why Clare used this plate? Why she didn't bring the seeds in a plastic package, which the plums were there??? And why only three??? Why Clare didn't eat them in the office, and ate them outside the office???

Strange, Miyuki thought. And Miyuki noticed that HARUMI came to the office last week, saying, "I made picked cucambers in two bottles. Taste it. This is one of the bottles. And the cucumber would be eatable tomorrow. If you don't want to eat, return them at the table in the kitchen." And HARUMI put the bottle and the greenish grey plate, on the office, and Miyuki ignored totally.

And when Miyuki came back from her errand, the bottles and the plate vanished. "Oh, HARUMI took it, before tomorrow, which was declared for the suitable for tasting in." And at the same time, "Anyway, HARUMI recognized that I ignored her entirely. Thus, she did know my refusal. Good grief, at least." Miyuki, really thought.

Thus, Miyuki thought that in the back yard, Clare was obliged to offer the plums to HARUMI or YUKARI, and they returned the seeds in the plate. And the last one? Clare ate, however, the seed was forgotten. Where??? HARUMI's chamber. Thus, difficult to find. Why you brought them to HARUMI's room? Because it is their rule. Ignore Idiots' mad rule. Just Alzheimer patients. Criminals, they are! No value to live. Just wrongdoers or satans, in short. They should vanish, entirely, immediately, forever!!!

Thus, Clare said so, and YUKARI yelled above. So many times, YUKARI brought the trash in her room, and said, "You should eat whole, because I made it on behalf of you, HIPPO!" Yesterday, cow from MIYUKI, and today, hippo from YUKARI. Both. The same. From Miyuki, she has a reason to say so. She trained during summer, and gained beautiful muscles. Nasty, however, the fact is. However, from swine, I don't want to be yelled as HIPPO, and who mede me HIPPO? Your terrible dirty spetty bad feeding dishes. Who can say so? YUKARI is Alzheimer Hog. Miyuki would totally agree!!!

Thus, Clare refused to eat YUKARI's bad dishes, and YUKARI got upset. Crazy! Mad dog! She got in fury, and said, "Mad Dog!" to Clare. Oh, it is called Alzheimer replacement. Wrongdoers accuse vistims, as if they were victims. Miyuki suffered a lot such kind of Alzheimer replacement at Kyorin versity.

Morally degraded, thus, in case of their wrongdoing, they accuse others, under the name of their wrongdoing. Already Miyuki suffered this from YUKARI, several times. A typical case was done in a snowy night.

Miyuki came back from the office at 21:30 in the evening, earlier than usual, because she felt nasty on the day. She wanted to take a rest in HARUMI's chamber. YUKARI was watching TV in HARUMI's chamber, and in a harsh loud voice, started to attack Miyuki, "You, stupid! You should know what time it is now! Bitch! Where were you wondering arround, leaving the kids in our hands! Irresponsible! Up to this time, you did wrong outside the house! Real Bitch, you are! Stupid!" ?????

Miyuki remembered that one day before, YUKARI came back at 21:30, in the snowy night. It was too rare that YUKARI got out to the outside in the evening, and this was her rare wandering night. However, for Miyuki, YUKARI was already broken robot, no human figure at all. Thus, Miyuki didn't say anything at all. Just ignorance.

However, YUKARI accused Miyuki, without any reason. Miyuki was writing in the office, during a day and just came back to the chamber to take a sleep. Why Miyuki should be accused like that??? And HARUMI said anything at all, although HARUMI did know well that Miyuki didn't get out from the office during a day time.

Probably, exists Twins' special technich. HARUMI wanted to accuse YUKARI because of her wrongdoing, however, HARUMI couldn't. Thus, replacement. YUKARI played the role of HARUMI, and Miyuki, without knowing, was obliged to play the role of YUKARI. For Alzheimers, any guy should be fine to be targetted. however, for us all, victims should not be accused at all! They themselves do accuse and are accused.

Miyuki's anger is too too rightous, and Clare dicided to live like MIYUKI or rather independent. No choice at all. In case of their refusal, Clare does, as she likes. She comes and enters into the kitchen, and uses it, as she likes. And leave it as she likes. "You both are liking to clean. Clean the kitchen, as you like. I use my towel. I don't like to eat any food of you! You are dirty! Anti-hygine. After your bath use, you put the towel for kitchen use. Alzheimer's glory, or shame for us all! Rather dangerous! why we can eat the dish, wiped by the dirty cloth? Only for you, twins, OK it is. However, for us all, terrible nightmare! For you, Alzheimer twins, ass hole wiping kitchen towel is OK, while for us all, it should bbe avoided. Thus, Miyuki ran away from the kitchen. Miyuki doesn't use it at all! You are satans! Domestic type, not at all! Bad cookers, you are!!! Only several receips you can cook. Alzheimers, perfectly! Miyuki is creative, and does know well what is delicious so much. Miyuki is thrifty yes. Now it should be. Thus, as much as possible, she refrains to spend her money. Thus, she wanted to cook for us all. However, you disturbed her, and now, you both want her to be your cook. Of course, she refuses, without sayding!!! for Alzheimer twins, any obligation she doesn't have at all. No choice at all. Go to INFERNO!!! Just vanish!!! To where? To I-N-F-E-R-N-O.

Miyuki liked Cambel grapes, because they are sour. Lemon lovers prefer this sour sweet taste. Yes, more sweet type also delicious, however, only sweet fruits world, Miyuki is totally against. Especially her physical working, sour fruits are more suitable in her tongue.

And it is replaceable for lemon juice. Miyuki ate Ripchen with peeled cambel grapes, and delicous and gorgeous. Peeled grapes are green, despite of the purple skin colour. It would be offer in the restaurant, also. Good combination. Grape sauce, also would be a good idea. And Miyuki comments that in case of restaurant order, the ripchen would be "immediately from the oven" or really hot, while the grapes would be really cold. Like "Alaska" or Apple pie with icecream, the difference of temperatures is the key point. Thus, before the clients' ordering, and or or, before their eating, the garcon or the weiter would advice the combination of the different temperatures, thus, "Eat, as soon as possible!"

In this case, the waiter should play the role of consierge. More skilful type, with good at talking. Thus, Miyuki would be hired by their restaurant! With massage?

Consirge job, Miyuki already did at Kyorin period. Almost all of works, mainly, the third industry type, namely, service jobs, she experiented. Clerk, Testacles Pet faking or professional Apple polisher, comedian, presentator, party organizer, commentator, anouncer, news writer, review editor, negociator, consultant, tea server, cleaner, idea proposer, advertisement worker, commercial advertiser, instructor, cramschool type study teacher, correction writer, and so on. Ooops, she taught Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Latin American Law, Intruduction to Law, Human right workshop, and so on, also.

Oh, selesman, also. She sold ODEN or Japanese stewed variety of fishcakes, in the festival of the versity. Constitutional ODEN, she adviced, and "Article 9 Raddish" was hit name. Pupils put the name. The flavour? It all depends on the soup, not raddish itself. Thus, as you like, was the reason of naming.

Miyuki did walking salesman, with other pupils. And at the exchange of some fried Chinese meat pie, paied by her precious money, despite of her so low salary, she sold these ODEN fishcakes.

The next year, the versity prohibitted walking sales, under the name of "Not hygene". Always they attack with some superficial name. They were jealous, thus, always they do wrong. Just disturbing others' pleasure!

Clare was supported by Miyuki yesterday. "Tomorrow, nasty schooling starts. We are obliged to study hard. Study only." Thus, Miyuki said, "Do your physical work, during classes." Miyuki's attitude is always, "Don't be a dull girl, Clare!" Thus, studying to be stupid is cruel and harmful. Thus, Clare stopped studying. Radical? Too late. You can stop earlier. However, yet you have two semesters to go on your own way.

Miyuki is free from anxiety of satanic attacking. Because satans are vanishing! So many satans are refraining from the society. And Miyuki said satans that "you are just shames. HAJI! For you, glory, while for us all, just a shame! You chose wrongly. After being revealed, satans should vanish, was your rule. However, you can't vanish. You are degraded satans. The worst class satans. Shirakawans are too too slow and nasty like snails. Satans should quick, was thier these. Thus, they vanished. However, rural Shirakawans are showing their dirty ugly shames even now. Even satans did know their own rule. However, Shirakawa snails has no rule at all. Mad Dog combined snails!"

HARUMI and YUKARI, in short. They combined. Thus, always they appear one and others got surprized that this morning, they came together! Yes, at least, from the sound, they appeared altogether!!! How and why, unknown!

YUKARI responded in a short voice. Just one word, some agreement. Just it. Thus, Miyuki didn't know well, how they came, and why they needed to appear as two bodies. Soundless step mode. Thus, Miyuki didn't know the reality. Just from the sound.

Clare and Alex yelled. Miyuki presumed that it was YUKARI not Clare. Because it came with a bunch of keys, which are used Miyuki, Alex, HARUMI and YUKARI. Miyuki checked the bath room, after its use, and confirmed that it was YUKARI, because YUKARI followed the instruction of HARUMI. Opening the windows, reversing the used dipper, standing the plastic urethane form for drying up feet, and so on. For kids, keeping these instruction is difficult. Not so important type matter. However, for these Alzheimers, politeness, especially superficial one, is totally important.

Politeness is the reason of killing guys in Japan. In case of the big earthquake on 11th of March, 2011, public servants killed people like that. Cruel, and intentionally they did. They all should be punished. Anti-fundamental rights, of course, and more, out of imagination type immmorality.

Why TOUHOKU people were not using plastic buffers, paper boxes, used papers, others left clothings, in case of necessity? Why only cozy guys appeared on TV? The big disaster, yes. Thus, they should protect themselves, using any paterials. Supermarkets' warehouse have a lot of plastic buffers, paper boxes, any materials to use to keep their body temperature. Plastic PET bottle is super fine to make independent chamber per each. Craftwork for kids. Why only not so fat clothings and, common bed clothings, were used for them? Prohibition, probably the public officers did. They are so cruel, and killed almost all of elder guys, under the name of reducing financial burden.

These public servants themselves were financial burdens. Thus, they were killed immediately!! Only blanket, one per each! Oh, the instruction of HASEGAWA hospital! Miyuki asked medical staff one more blanket, and she was refused. We don't have any. We have only big towel. And they attacked her, searching extra big towel use. So persistent. No blanket hospital? Exists? Exist!!!

And Miyuki remembered that in these years, even in International Air Line, they refused the request of Miyuki's "One more blanket please!" as always. Any blanket is left. You have already one.

Yes, Miyuki has super technic. So many clothings, she wore. Up to 12 pieces, she wore. The record! Unusual, she is. And she should be distinctive. Uniquness works. She believes even now! Be different from others!!!

The closed shops are increasing now. Miyuki is waiting for the day of innauguration of our symbolic destruction job. Miyuki targetted some for her trainee period. One modern simple type, and another, modern Japanese type. both near and new. Thus, Miyuki did know well that they are so easy to be broken. One week per each, by herself. Her new business. Only one can do it type. Of course, in collective, faster. and she thinks that at first, she wants to try by herself. And she would learn the technic of satans' construction. And she would separate useful materials and not. Dispose separatedly, roughly for next use, in case of useful materials.

Miyuki presumed that SHIBUKI pebbles company used the school or kindergarden's facility. And the ex-toilet, they put their goods, in short, sand and pebbles. This is the provider of unnecessary asfart constructing job. Wrongdoing No.1 near Sato Family. She watched so many times, that Alzheimer workers do the same job, under the name of same Gas Pipeline Replacement. and Observed the stories under the road. Upper asfart, the second, pebbles, and the third, sand. three stories, used SHIBUKI's goods, stocked in ex-toilet along YANTA River.

Only feminine male clerk was in the office, and he did a bow to MIYUKI. Alzheimer bow, Miyuki nicknamed. From unknown satans, Miyuki receives this treatment. Thus, Miyuki said him, "Chiken Macho feminine male version! Unnecessary for SHIBUKI! Why you are here, TAKAHARA???"

And yesterday, Miyuki met three skinbags of SHIBUKI, in front of her office. A white big van, they took. A mentally illed old boy, and supposed her mother, always in the same age of 60 years old, and with another female. The latter two female bitches were fat, and their attitude was strange.

The boss type, the 60 years old bug was. However, yesterday, too too quiet, and the third, also. Always the 60 years mother scolded the boy, without any exception. However, she treated him as common guy. Strange!!!

And Miyuki watched also whitish dirty pussy cat of their house, in the courtyard of Sato Family. The boss, she turned. Thus, the inferior female type were quiet entirely.

化け猫現象 or Fenomenum Monster Cat, OKINO yelled. In some places, Domestic animals took advantage of the vacancy of the ruling existance. In YAOYA block, she is the cheif leader, and yelled by Miyuki! Bull Shit Bitch Cat! You are revealed as Monstorous satan! Die for now, bitch cat! Pussy! Shit Put Cat!!! ADACHI yelles!!! Put Shit Cat, Put Shit Cat, where have you been? I went to Tokyo to look at the diceised Queen! Put Shit Cat, Put Shit Cat, what is her name? Her name is Yuriko KOIKE, just like me!!! 🎶

 Koike was so hated by others, however, she turned to be the governor of Tokyo. She has no skill, nor talent for public matters, at all. Just anouncer, who can read Japanese frases correctly in a loud voice. No other reasons at all! However satans like her so much. Yuriko, or FEMI-LES, and FEMI-LES likes TAKAHARA type!!! Thus, unnecessarily, SARUSHI walkers in Shirakawa.

At a glance, they are incapable. Just walk only. Useless. And now, why they came? To reduce muck as total. In short, to be disposed by us. Muck Raker...Moon Rakers.

Space Invaders, they were. Satans. And their territory enhanced so much. Thus, Miyuki is now so so nasty job. Clare got injured by YUKARI's harsh atacking. YUKARI would die for now!!! Vanish! Useless Mad Dog! HARUMI is also the same. They want to attack Clare, as soon as possible. Thus, information system works. Clare said to Miyuki, "the seed of the plum, the last one, was stolen, and disposed. Thus, indemnization! Expectation is so big. Probably it would be special fruit tree. The possibility existed. However, they disposed, and we lost the precious oppotunity to grow it. Too too rare specie, it woule turn to be. Miyuki bought it to plant the seed, not to eat. Thus, Miyuki gave it to Clare. Seed, Miyuki required, and Clare should bring it to Miyuki. You should be brave, Clare! Seed should be survived, even in trash box!!!

They are too too strange creature now. Every morning, HARUMI eats fermented soy beans. And she refused it. "I hate it! I have never eaten it in my life." She said, to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki said to her, "I know well that every day you eat one package in the morning. Why you refuse it?" And HARUMI said, "Only once per 10 days. Never more!"

They change their remark easily. Thus, everyday's betrayal. They attack so many times, Clare's important pet. Turtle. Clare should protect it. And they should be killed immediately to protect Clare's turtle!!! Of course!!!

Your precious parent is also in danger of devastation done by them both! Alzheimer twins!!!