Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (191)

2017-08-07 19:31:27 | 日記
07/08/2017 (Monday, evening) Miyuki made her village walking and planted seeds of Green tiny Apples and Yerrow Peach. She expects they grow up well in a certain period!

Today, Miyuki was attacked by HARUMI, when she was heating two serdines in a micro-oven. She noticed Miyuki through the opened window of the office, and yelled, "Do you have a trash in a bin?"

Terrible! She entered into the office, earlier than the yell, and picked a trash of the bin of others, mainly, of Alex, already.

For more than several weeks, Miyuki has thrown the trash of the bin by herself. Why today HARUMI yelled, with her soft threatening voice?

For HARUMI, anyway, yelling to others is the proof of her superiority. For Miyuki, ignorance is the most suitable reward. However, she wants to attack Miyuki in the most agressive way.

Miyuki ate her breakfast, and started her job as an orcherd manager in the courtyard, and found that a twig of tomatoes, with a lots of green fruits, were cut and the twig was left on the field.

HARUMI, probably did it! Miyuki took the picture as a proof. Why she always does attack in the middle of the most beautiful period? Fruitful result was targetted by HARUMI. Always, she is jealous against beutiful guys. Flowers, blue berries, and tomatoes.

The tomatoes are not Miyuki's. However, for HARUMI, Miyuki works in the courtyard, thus, the nearest her would be targetted as the attack. Alzheimer replacement, or YATSUATARU or 八つ当たり in Japanese. The meaning is "I will kill you, MIYUKI!"

And when Miyuki started to plants the seeds above, YUKARI suddenly popped out from the main room to serve a tray, filled with mashed potatoes, probably.

She is authentic Alzheimer patient. Everybody recognizes it. She cut the hair again, and now she looked like ZANBARA or rough haired so much. 360 degrees the brush top open!! Astonishing hair style, and she doesn't care at all of the unusual hair style.

And she wears as if she were a junior high sportive pupil. Strange, and for her, too too natural.

She lost her mind already, so many years ago. Only Miyuki didn't know the fact. For Miyuki, YUKARI is just a stupid North Korean like strange kinky old bitch. 痴呆 or idiot, in short, Miyuki said clarely.

Just a stupid why should be accused? Because she is harmful and this disease was caused by her idol non working situation for more than 30 years.

Working is out of mind! She declared. however, even inside the house, she did just it. No another amusement, thus, she did only it. And the bathroom after her taking a bath is smelly. 2 hours of bath taking was because of it. How costive, she is!

HARUMI takes 1 hour, also. Both Alzheimer patients, and long bath takers.

Miyui likes to take a bath once or twice per week, for almost 45 minutes. The rest, she taked a shower, almost for 15 minutes. And the both, HARUMI and YUKARI forget to turn off the switch. Enegy loss is so big!!!

It was a cloudy at first, then turned to be blue sunshine sky day.

After Miyuki did esxercise in gymnastic park, she went to BANIMARU-Yokomachi, then, Benimaru-Showamachi, then, Tunnel 1-1 of Promissive Kids, then AEON, and then Benimaru-Showamachi again, KAWACHI, and Benimaru-Yokomachi.

In Gymnastic park, Miyuki met unrealiable old erotic male, who were hired as a driver of the bus of NISHI-YOUCHIEN or Nishi-KinderGarden. Oh, the kindergardens were the nest of pederasties, Miyuki thought.

And remembered the case of SUGAYA, the driver of the kindergarden was accused by killing a girl, kindergardner, and then, 17 years after of prison, he was considered as non-guility, and got reliesed and gained US$800 thousand as a compensation.

Oh, he did it! And he was reliesed as a model of non-guility gaining, and compansation, at max, of US$125 per day.

Miyuki felt strange for his attitude, when she watched him on TV news. He was not in happy face, when he was relieced. And he was obliged to the site of the killing, and came, and after putting a bunch of flowers for the victim, he immediately left the site. Miyuki felt so strange of his disliking to visit the site.

"How cruel! I didn't kill you, girl! I am free now! However, you were killed by some other guy! I feel so sorry, for you, girl!" was Miyuki's expectation. Why he ran away from the site, as if it were a nasty place???

Moriko and OKINO felt the same. Did he do it?" Both also felt like that.

Scientific medical check failed, and according to new check, the blood was revealed as others, was the explanation of his releasing.

Strange! was the first step for recognition. All animals have this feeling. For Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO, "a possibility or a hypothesis. Not yet we can judge. We need more certain proofs" was the attitude to be taken.

For animals, it is "Too late"...Def.

Miyuki felt so much in Shirakawa, and yelled so soon after she felt. Already our world, however, so many victimes here and there Miyuki found.

Today, two birdies bodies were found the roads. One, hit by a DDMic vehicle, got left on the roadside. "Oh, probably?" And Miyuki took the picture, and predged, "Your revenge is our revenge! We don't forget your death!"

And another birdy, tiny guys, stomped by viacles on the middle of the road, pararell of JR lines, from JR Shin-Shirakawa Station to Shirakawa Station, 下新田 or Shimo-Shinden area.

The tail was standing, bent, at 90 degree. Thus, Miyuki recognized it.

They can't stop their wrongdoings. They came in collective last week for Sunday Festival in Shirakawa, and now, on days 10 and 11, in NISHIGOU area, festivals would be held, thus, they stayed precariously.

Miyuki got apalled that a cheapish hotel called GOLD Hotel, near hear, declared that "We are full. Sorry, cliantes!" And only three cars were put there. Their job? Faking residents, however, hotel users, they are!

If residents, hotels were not used. And residential area, no man's land continues.

Only from some houses, Miyuki could hear enhanced mode of speaker sound of news program on TV or some so old Showanian sound. Why they sound so in ring-ring mode? Shaking is used for this effect. And the result, "Oh, now, OBAMA is a president of USA? Where is Mr.Slump???"

Alzheimer announser fanomenum. Miyuki found some nice jokes in Hachioji.

The stupid Radio announser informed, "Four years ago's bones, presumably of male, was found in OKINAWA".

Miyuki blew from her mouth! She already did know the news, it was an archeologic discovery for 4000 years ago. And, soon after, the correction, he read up. "Sorry. The figure "four" should be substituted "Four thansand"."

Oh, archeological discovery turned to be hot criminal case!!!

For this stupidest announcer, the both cases, anyway, just BLA-BLA-BLA. He didn't know the meaning at all of each article, Miyuki recognized.

Thus, Alex, you said so so correctly. Alex said, "For being announcer, no literacy is needed. They just read the paper, and Chinese characters are all put pronunciation by HIRAGANA or 平かな in Japanese. Thus, only face weighs"

For Miyuki's generation, announcer is a profession of respect. However, now, superficiality weighs 100% profission no.1.

Miyuki did pledge to the stomp tiny birdy, and total indemnisation for him done by satans!

Victims do want revenge, of course, is our common theory. No any exception. In case of Spain, the girl understood wroingly the system. Only one guy were killed, yes. however, in case of double or triple, the wrongdoer should be put in a jail. Criminal, in this case. Thus, not, "I would be allowed by paying only so small amout of money for victim's family" like situation.

Eveniness, Miyuki understood. And this is the rightous answer. The satans never have thought of the pain of the victims.

At Benimaru-Showamachi, Miyuki heard a conversation between two girls, in the eat-in corner.

A girl, boss type, said to another, like that.

"Oh, your nose is not so ugly. I have heard that others, especially boys said that your nose is a bit high! They think that you should do plastic surgery. Of course, you should not do it now. In the near future, you can think of it. However, I think that your nose is not ugly, I am sure."

and the other girl, started to think of her plastic surgery, saying, "Oh, It would better to have flatter nose, yes. I am wondering if I have a plastic surgery...not so soon, however..."

And the first nasty boss said to her, "You should do it later! In several years after! Then you would not seem so abnormal!"

This is girls' version DDMic conversation. Inducing others to devastate the most beautiful point of them, and advicing to be uglier.

Some fragile guys were trapped, and did the surgery, like TAKAHARA.

Trapping is here and there, and for them, plastic surgery is so easy and quick measure to help her ugly nasty life.

Thus, they are hated by us all! For them, all OK, however, for us, unusual attacking out of mind, and so so dishonour, yes!

For Miyuki's case, Miyuki is every developping, thus, self-confident, and for her comedian is an ideal profession. Thus, even they try to attack at this point, "Why not? Oh, you are desapproved. Thus, just a jealousy, you have!"

OKINO and Moriko cried for their proposal. "We are suffered from Alzheimer disease rumour so much. Now, we are obliged to be laught at by others?"

Understandable. Miyuki was diagnosed as melancholy. At a glance, "stupid deagnisis!" for us all!!!

For satans, "Oh, the medical doctors said so. Thus, you are with melancholy" is the correct answer. And for us, "Even satans, it would be a Big Mistake at all!!!" is easy and correct answer.

For Moriko and OKINO's case, of course, for us, laughing story, however, eveyguy has some fear to be called like that. "Forgetful, recently, yes...might be..." like crowling fear, yes. Especially, sleepy Miyuki is so erroneous and forgetful...C &Y claimed...Thus, sleep well, Miyuki! They yelled.

Human beings are not effective, They really thought of. Only few hours of sleeping is enough for us all! Why she sleeps so much?

Napoleon sleeping, it was said. Miyuki had such a period. However, it continued only for several months. Then, normal more than 6 hours sleeping mode Miyuki. Tried, and failed. Erroneous!

Brain is not so effective, probably. And brain is big eater, and sensitive. Suffering so easily from addictives.

Time consuming species, yes. Thus, slow. And Miyuki found that Alzheimer brain is filled with muck.

If the head were cut, just muck would appear from the nut like schelton.

In the village, there are lots of symbols of Alzheimer disease. Especially, on the advertisement commercials' desctiption, Miyuki found the proofs.

ENDOU family is one of the target of this field. Endou Property Management's parking lots said like that:

Prohibitted to park without contract.
In case of parking withtout contract, you shall be put in a jail by the police.
And we require US$100 per hour to you.

Oh, muck selling business's confession again! They are so idiot on law. And criminal law and ciil law were confused by them. And the price was totally ridiculously expensive. The police were obliged to participate in their wrongdoings. And according to ENDOU family, judiciary also. MICCHIKU in Shirakawa, probably, they were.

Selfish ego-centric existance, they are. Thus, when Miyuki got out their confectionary after testing several pieces of their products according to their discription, "For free! Try it!", the boss type middle aged lady started to accuse MIYUKI with threatening mode, saying, "Do you have any dissatisfaction on our products?"

Of course, Miyuki ignored her audacious question, and was chased by the white van of this family.

Vacant useless unpopular Flower World was this family's property. It was located NANKO lake side, and terrible misesable situation it showed.

Alex's class mate in his primary school was the son of this unpopular facility Flower Park. Unfortunately, he was a member of satans, with his age of 15 years old.

Alex did like him, and got a sobstory from him. Why your mother is so nasty? Our family failed because of her! Oh, just like IWASAKI-Mitsubishi family. The fate. Satans should vanish, anyway.

Sobstory of the rotten satanic family is just a laughing family story. Thus, 100 anos of Buondira would be a cheapish parody, Shirakawa version.

Today, in the gymnastic hall of Shirakawa III primary school, chorus club was training some music. Miyuki heard it, during her orchard job, and hated the voices. IKKYO mature mother chorus, Miyuki took a fool of it.

IKKYO kids' character is "Just like adults!" Already done. Accepted the satanic doctorines, they are already Adult satans. Thus, for Miyuki, "They are so older than we!"

Satans are old, Miyuki heard as western proverb. Miyuki's impression is always so correct. Wild animal level!! Chinkoro yelled!!! Slow, however, she works!!!

For others, too too rightous to feel like that, however, for human beings, Miyuki's expression is unusually skewed. Old is for the age, and young is also. Thus, Miyuki was chased by middle aged over only male nasty dirty satans.

In the tunnel 1-1 of Promissive Kids, Miyuki was talking with them, eating green tiny apple. Granny Smith type, Miyuki thought. And remembered the apples eaten in Buenos Aires. However, in the plastic bag, "TSUGARU" was written. Osamu DAZAI.

Yes, TSUGARU is green, however, not so hard type. Miyuki liked the granny smith because it is hard. Green however, in the summer, we can eat apples. And the impression is 紅玉 or Red Rubby Apple. Moreno.

Sour, hard, and deep and juicy. Thus, Miyuki liked both. And granny smith type was grown in Shriakawa, according to the same discription. Thus, for Miyuki, easy to caltivate, probably, she calculated.

Orchard manager is a good job. Lemmon, in this year. Because satans do air raid of chemical bombs.

and Miyuki really got astonished at the quantity that satans put the chemical powder to kill plants. In the back of Benimaru-Showamachi, in an ally, Miyuki watched the scene, and took the picture. Almost 100 ml of powder was put for each weed. Do you belive it????!!!

Miyuki is now sleepy. She will take a bath and sleep soon.

Have a nice dream! good night for us all!

VANISH! DDMs! You are so ugly, dirty, terrible!

From Cyborg 009, with Big LOVE!!!