Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (225)

2017-08-27 20:42:06 | 日記
Miyuki came back from her outside jobs.

This noon, Miyuki was really upset, when she found that all of the kiwi shoots were taken off from the pot!

Yesterday, she put bamboo sticks in each pot, to protect the seeds. However, they picked up all, without exception! Terrible disaster! They did it! No forgiveness, at all!

And she was so shocked, that today, also they picked the raddish shoots, and got in rage.

More shocking fact was, the leaves of berries, that were also marked by the bamboo sticks, were picked off, also. Out of mind! They couldn't recognize the berries leaves at all! They are growing up, thus, Miyuki put it also for their assistance. However, Alzheimer twins attacked. She was so dissapointed. And she herself, did a big mistake. Sorry, berry! I wanted to save you, however, the result, Miyuki unintentionally cut the root of him!!! Oh, sorry, I did...Nasty, sad. Sorry, no excuse, at all...Sorry.

She calculated erroneously. Their roots are so long and deep. And she was distructed by her anger...Second disaster for the berry. She almost cried. However, anyway, she should put up with the situation.

And she found that they cut intentionally her Cool Mint's long arm like storks, also. They were thought as weeds, yes, however, the arms already had roots!!! Oh, we have chance to save them all. Thus, Miyuki planted all of their cut arms on the pots. They attack, without necessity, and by impulse, Miyuki's planting jobs are the aim of their harsh attacking. They tried to keep the patch without any plants, including weeds, Miyuki recognized.

Her raddish patch, which she putted the sees in mathematically organized way at appearance, was saved from their attacking, anyway. Presuming from the happenings in the field and the pots, they can't recognize the difference between plants and unnecessary hair of human beings. for them, keeping the patch in clean situation is priority. And for them, clean means flat surfice without any plants. Field for what?, Miyuki got shocked so much. For them, total abandonment is cleaness, in short. Thus, Miyuki's patch is disliked so much.

Miyuki, with appology, put he cut berry to the pot with the taken off Cool Mint. Cool Mint saved Basils, thus, Miyuki believes that the arm with roots of Cool Mint would put energy for the cut Berry. Just a bit sustainance is needed. They would survive with a stick. OK, now I will try!

Miyuki did a slight check and put a stick beside her victim, and tighed him with a plastic vinil thread, she found in the courtyard to the stick. She hope that he could grow fine vein like roots from his white main root, which Miyuki cut, with her careless digging...Please take a rest and have a nice dream, and tomorrow, Miyuki wants to see you, in vivid mode!

Another berries were saved. One big type was really a miracle! He has really long long roots, almost 1 meters, and its end or original seed was so near the surfice. He made a long long journy up to appear. So many targettings, he suffered during his shooting, and was obliged to run away. Unnusually long long legs provide him so sustainability, thus, this guy would survive, with certain care. And the rest, several tiny guys, thus, they were moved so easily. And cool mints are waiting for her astonishing, tomorrow! They almost now stands, Miyuki watched, and got relieved. Standing is they can live in these pots. Thus, Miyuki wants to believe their all standing wave, tomorrow!!!

HARUMI and YUKARI get up earlier than Miyuki. Thus, they took advantage of Miyuki's sleeping hour, to attack her precious future! They yelled. Thus, Miyuki will get up, as early as possible, and will do her planting jobs, yes.

Miyuki split the field, which she borrows now, in two parts. One for flat surfice prepared for being stomped, while another, for caltivation only. And in the middle, she put bamboo sticks, almost 7 or so.

It means, "Don't attack, Alzheimer twins!" Miyuki wants to protect any of them, and she would dig the flat surfice, after she would gain the pots.

And she learned that soil is so easy to be hard, after being stomped. And Miyuki did know so well, that this soil was brought from the mountain. Good soil, it means. And one field was used for some guy's tomatoes and egg plants caltivation jobs, and one field was left untouched.

And the latter field, was split by two long stones, which had been put in the narrow ally between the office and Kojima's before.

Miyuki recognized that the big stones left in the rest of the courtyard had vanished already, when she came back to Shirakawa after her discharge from faked medical facility called HASEGAWA Hospital in Mitaka municipality.

Why?, any guy explained at all. Probably, satans attacked so many times, and took them all, and returned the smaller stones. Satanic replacement, it is called.

And Today, Miyuki also found that in the main house, especially in the stockyard called 納戸 or NANDO, so many things were stolen. They came, and stole, and the Alzheimer Twins welcomed their arrival.

Probably, they are in so erotic or romancic mode. HARUMI had an illusion, "Some guy would save me from this concealed chamber! He would be a knight on the white horse! Romio, his name would be, and mine, Juliette!!!", for example. YUKARI, also. Thus, when the satans approached, for them, all welcome mode only.

They targetted Miyuki, as a thief. Anyway, she is mentally illed, they say as usual. "How shame" She is a shame of our Sato Family!", They both agreed.

Miyuki got astonished, at that a bunch of keys also vanished again! YUKARI and HARUMI have already one bunch per each. And they prefer use the third or fourth bunch, witch was put in the main house. Miyuki is ordered to use only these third or fourth bunches of keys. Strange, yes. And the Alzheimer patients forget this system completely, sometimes, and do "Bang Bang!" on the door. "OPEN, toilet is necessity, you, stupid!!!", in a loud voice. Terrible situation. Alzheimers attack us all, even in the house!!!

Miyuki took the proof photo of only one bunch situation.

And today, so rare, however, at 15:00 almost, YUKARI got outside with a bicycle. Oh, she remembers to ride a bicycle!! Why? To where, she is going? And she wore black wind breaker and hip focus black jeans today. Oh, autumn of rather winter mode, already! Unusually early!

And Miyuki found the same "Too early seasonal clothings change fenomenum" in the aparell shop called "Se La Vie" in MOTOMACHI area. In the window, two doll with winter mode. One of them wore Duffle Court already! Miyuki was astonished. In August, already, Winter mode?! Alzheimer's proof, again!!!

Today is rather just a bit cooler than yesterday. Miyuki put tank top yesterday, while today, T-shirt, and it was sufficient. 合い or Ai, it is called, the seasonal changing period. For the transitional period, we need both clothings. Thus, Miyuki put also blue cotton jacket on T-shirt, half, follen mode.

And she was criticised by an middle aged faked mother, "This lady is stupid!", indirectly. She was walking with a cart, 2 meter ahead of her faked daughter, and Miyuki was in the middle of both. The middle aged bitch told so, not watching her daughter. So indifferent to their own kids, was Miyuki's analysis on IKKYO family. And their education is contempting others like this. for these faked parents, criticising a bit different guy is good education. Public mannor only type. Thus, IKKYO family, they are!

Thus, Miyuki yelld to them both, "Bitches, you are! Go to INFERNO!" It happened in Beisia.

These IKKYO parents are likely to leave infants, alone, even in the big facilities. Too careless? Not at all! They want the kids to be killed or brought somewhere, and would like to gain the money from their vanishing.

The typical expample, Miyuki watched in CAINZ Home Center. The faked parent left two kids, 3 years ols and 2, almost, near the entrance, and said to the kids, "Be good boys, kids! I will come back soon. Up to the moment, be quite!" Miyuki got surprised. "For kids with more ages, OK, thus liberal attitude, yes. However, for infants, who needs protection from some responsible guys, it should not be!" However, in Shirakawa, this conduct is standard mode now!!! Kids should be killed. We want your disaster! This is the real feeling of Shirakawan parents!!!

Miyuki was hunt again by boy of 8 years or so, again!!! She remembered that it happened already in May, probably, in UMAMACHI, near the Big Cross. Now, in the evening, along YANTA River, near 8 Dragon bridge.

It was almost 18:30, and dark considerably, with a bit sunset beam. Vague mode. The boy, suddenly popped out, and approached her, yelling, "Do you know where it is, Lady?" in a loud voice. Miyuki got chilled. Only 8 years, appearantly, however, he knows how to approach adult female! He wants to be raped or kidnapped to trap kind guys!, Miyuki felt in reality, and goddamnited him directly, saying, "Bitch, Go to INFERNO!"

He refrained from her, for a while, however, chased her, and said so many times, "Where am I? Please tell me, Lady!", persistently. Nasty! Stupid! Alzheimer kid, he is! Soon, he would ask me, "What is your name?"

As she presumed, he approached Miyuki again, and yelled the same remarks. "Miyuki is in danger to be raped by 8 years old boy!!!", Miyuki imagined the top news of CENA de SANGUE na Avenida YANTA!!! Caetano Velloso!

Not because of her cuteness, but because of the order of IKKYO league, Miyuki felt, and ignored him, and walked faster than him, and escaped from his attacking.

Why such a boy under 10 years old are allowed to walk far from his house? And he is lost, in fact. Alzheimer already. IKKYO kids are Alzheimers, yes. Now the fact is confirmed again. Miyuki took his back photo. T-shirt, beige type was worn.

For kids, summer wear, while for adults, long sleeve type, was today's Alzheimer instruction control, probably.
Miyuki met a girl, who wore just like yesterday's Miyuki's tank top type clothing on the top in Beisia. Why? No sleeves, frileld in the bottom part, in the darkest navy blue. Only one difference was that Miyuki's was with white dots, and hers, not. Why?

IKKYO kids came to be killed, yes. Miyuki found a "Best spot to kill IKKYO kids" in the campus of WASHIO. There is S letter curve from the main road to the supermarket. Unnecessary curve, strange, Miyuki thought of it. Miyuki used this slope so many times, however, just dangerous curve, always thought.

This evening, Miyuki found that in the most dangerous zone, the exact middle of the curve, the intentional space between two white guardrails. Only 30 cm, yes. However, it is enough to drop off the dead body of kids from the slope. The headge of the guard rails are curled as if the inducing to the ditch in the bottom.

The S letter slope has pedestrian zone, only up to the half of it. In the middle, no pedestrian zone. Thus, drivers of vehicles can curve as they like. And this spot is vanishing point from the bottom part of the campus. Miyuki took the photo as proof, however, suddenly, two cars got down the slope toward her, in this least polular supermarket. Always, satans tried to disturb our act. In case of Miyuki's taking photo, always strange guys, walkers, drivers, riders and so on, appear. Thus, popping out type are categorized nasty satans, by her.

Repeated attaking, by so many guys done in Shrakawa, probably. Fruits kingdon would be fine for this cool air area. All of predicessors thought, and tried and failed. YAMANASHI or NAGANO like situation. Why not?

Rice, JA ordered, and they produced only rice. Terrible! Thus, failed. For Miyuki, rice is a kind of vegitable. Less use rather than white raddish, or DAIKON or 大根, in Japanese. Thus, if it exists, OK, however, not necessary type products. For Miyuki, Fruits Empire would be fine. She found good fields for her promissive kids. And after her desctiction of IKKYO houses and IKKYO roads, there are so many place to plants them. Weeds also are welcomed. Why not?

Miyuki felt strange, that so many faked farmers use Weed Killer Chemical Products. For harmful insect attackers, sometimes insecticide products were used yes, however, weeds' case, no reason to attack them. However, mainly, the faked farmers do thier weed attacking jobs, chemically, phisically, electrically and so on. Real Farmers don't exist here, Miyuki deeply thinks so. All reluctant faking type. IKKTO agriculture, SHIRAKAWANs adopted. Cruel devastation, in short.

And this is petit version of rural Japanese society. JA leaded their world, and JA is so near to OMANKO news paper called NIKKEI or Japan Financial Times.

Agriculture is easy job. Even this job, IKKYO believers disliked, was the rightous answer. Why they want to continue their shameful life? Alzheimer exhibition, they act now in Shirakawa.

Too too shameless, they are! They rely on Frozen or Ready Made Foods only, Miyuki deeply thinks now. They don't cook, even easiest pasta. Frozen pastas are floureshing in the freezers of each Supermarket!!!

Noodles are easy to cook. Manually made, also OK. Nocci, Miyuki made with potatoes and weat. Soft type. With cream source, gorgonzola, Miyuki chose. Tasty! With red Tomatoe sauce also. Easy amusing jobs.

Clare made various cakes, bakeries, traditional Japanese foods already in HACHIOJI. Good cooker, yes. YUKARI is no tongue at all. Just BLA-BLA-BLA, and now, its childish mode only. "Shoka. IKO-UKO!" up to Clare. Like kindergardner. Reduction of power, including hatred. Jealousy yet exists, especially toward MIYUKI.

Miyuki pealed the patch of red raddish, whose shoots had been taken by the Alzheimer twins. And put them on the cultivated soil. More soft for their growing, especially their roots. And covered the soil on them, saying, "You should take a rest a bit more. You suffered so much. First, regaining your power, then starting grow again. Don't worry. Already exist early harvest type in the patch beside. Autumn, Winter, all OK. You don't need to haste to grow. As you like. We are expecting your survival, despite of my rough treatment."

And she put water on the surfice, by the pot type water sprinkler, which appeared again this noon. Why and from where? Anyway, not mine, however, useful. Thus, Miyuki used.

Today, Miyuki bought another two packages of seeds, namely of mini-carrot from France, and of Ruccola or Salad Rocket, from Italy, at US$1, in total. She would make an organized or rather visually beautiful green garden with them. Alzheimers are stupid, thus, only appearance counts. Thus, organized garden is the correct answer.

Agriculture was too too difficult for the Alzheimer twins. No talent at all. They both dislike Shirakawan society, and are isolated with other Shirakawans. Only two world, they live. Thus, mini-version of IDIOCRACY. Whey they both agree, they start to attack others. For them, all lies are all realities.

Miyuki wanted to buy GUMMED TAPE or Cloth put strong sticky bandage type. However, under idiocracy, even these so easy products can't be produced any more. Industry ZERO situation was confirmed.

MIYUKI found substitute of the original GUMMED TAPE, and it was produced only one factory, probably. DAISO, BENIMARUs, KANSEKI Home Center, CAINZ Home Center, provide the same product. Worse in quality, and less sustainable than the original. Cheap, yes. However, it doesn't work at all. Up to this level, Japanese Industry is rotten. No one can produce such an easy product, any more!!!

MIYUKI wanted to gain it as her Sun Room making project. As connection of the bamboo sticks, she wanted to use it. However, the sustainability and strength are terrible inferior to the original. Thus, she changed her mind.

She bought a bunch of jute strings, and tomorrow, probably, she would connect the bamboo sticks, which today, she cut in the same length. Gradually. We have so many days up to the arrival of the coldness.

however, here and there, in the fields, Miyuki found plastic vinil sun room type plants caltivating system were covered with the transparent plastic sheets. Now in August. Already preparation for snow and coldness? Too too early. unusual!!!

Seasonal sense, Alzheimer lost. Thus, suddenly, they turn to be fat clothings wearers. How many seasons Japan has?, Alex was asked. Thus, he said, "four. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter" in English. Even he, non English type, could respond in this question. Easy English lessons, he provides to others. Others don't understand English at all. Thus, he is the team leader. Appearance only. Thus, most westernized face boy Alex turned to be their idol.

surrounding by satans, he turned to be an idol. A star. Asters were sown for him in the patch????

"Shoka, IKO-IKO" mode, YUKARI turned. And Miyuki categorized both of them, HARUMI and YUKARI, on 4th grade. And we are expecting their ending. Any attaking would be counted as their wrongdoing.

The same situation, Shirakawans are, in averege. Erotic attacking so much. For Miyuki, real life is most important. I feel good in the real life. Thus, independent KOSAKU farmer, Miyuki chose. Why not? Under her conditions, the best choice. All agreed. For her satisfaction, OK. Thus, OK.

Only almost rotten fruits corner, Miyuki is induced, yes. And the result? A lot of cheap foods in the fredge and the freezer. Stock, up to certain level. Thus, as much as possible, just meat, not semi-cooked food. It all depends type. Not so strict rule. Flavour, cost, efficiency, limit of the equipments she can use.

Non cooking world, Shirakawans live in. Miyuki felt so eager to cook, during her custody in HASEGAWA hospital. And heard that for all of them, cooking is not amusing job. They all said, "Provided foods are better than home made cooked dishes. We feel so tired when we do cooking in the house. Thus, in the hospitalization, we can take a rest sufficiently."

Oh, HASEGAWA DDMic patients are the representatives of each stage of Alzheimer disease holders. Thus, so slow, and so anti-productive, and so forgetful, and so forever virgin type. Shriakawans are the same, probably.

Rural messy poor guys, Miyuki presumed, and even though, they consume so many ready made products, especially frozen products, paying so much money. Stupid!

And Miyuki found some supporting guides beside the patients. A middle aged female bug were supported by two same aged male assistants, at the automatic cashing corner at BENIMARU-Yokomachi. Oh, faked families are the same line! Already, Special Care System was adopted. Mutual supporting system, they adopted. Thus, in these two days, HARUMI and YUKARI appeared together in the office, to confirm how to use the washing machine!

Machines are not able to use by Alzheimer patients. Thus, only one system. At least, one machine should be used by someone, and each one, only the one. Already it was applied in Tokyo, Miyuki did know well.

Supporters are also Alzheimers, yes. And kids are difficult to have. Thus, substitutes of kids were called. No gain at all for IKKYO kids, however, they came as kids, and showed their legs, so often. Already old enough in mind, however, they prefer playing the role of kids. Muck, they are!!! Strange, however, Moriko, OKINO, also experienced this hunting by kids. "why me???" Irene CARA!

Thus, today's MIYUKI report. Uncle MIYUKI, they yelled. So careless, and regret so much. Thus, Miyuki felt so sorry for guys, who suffered because of her misunderstanding.

Mountain DOVE cried "They are going to Tokyo, They are going to Tokyo, They are going to Tokyo!" in his song. So clearly, he sang. YUKARI is leaving. Tokyo is INFERNO. And YUKARI was with bicycle. Oh, road race, she would do today!

however, YUKARI came back...Miyuki expected in vain...No reason at all, however, I feel like that. Thus, rely on me. I will lead you to the better place. Their leader said and affirmed. Why now? They should have gone, for many years ago!!!

Accoridng to their interpretation, Miyuki should move to Tokyo. However, now their turn. An invitation to live in Tokyo for the two Alzheimer ladies in Sato family. They were forgotten by their team mates, satans. Oh, here is their house! They should go with us all! They should leave soon.

They can't learn at all. They predged not to attack us at all. And soon, they forget. And then, "I am so sorry. I am forgetful. You should take care of yourself. I forget so soon. Thus, you should forgive me." Selfish theory, as always.

Skewed cleaness, they adopted. So dusty in every part of the main house. We need to clean all of the parts. For us, too too natural to do it. Miyuki is team leader of the cleaning up jobs. Yes, easy. Just "Don't aspire the dust!"

Thus, water put cloth or paper is used. Dust should not dance in the air. Brown Movement, they produce. Vaccuum cleaners don't function, they themselves say so, and YUKARI uses it, in vain. Just to attack us all!!! Just disturbing our pursue for happiness.

No chance for them all. Clare got deeply sorry to hear Miyuki's big loss of kiwi seeds. Again, Auntie? You did it, this year. No chance for her at all!!!

MIYUKI thought that HARUMI orders roughly to clean up the courtyard, and her broken robot does it, in her own most rough mode, because she dislikes to do every task ordered by her boss. Thus, the result. They can't recognize any plant at all, and just made a flat place. Why they needed to make a garden? Probably for Miyuki's experiment. Miyuki is better than satans. They are satans, in short. No recognition ability at all. Confirmed.

cherry garden, they also wanted, and Miyuki put the cherries on the pots yes. And YUKARI wanted to pick the seeds all, before their shooting. She just wanted to do it, she confessed. And the result? No seeds at all!!!

MIYUKI is waiting in vain! how amusing! She is crazy! All shoots should be picked like that!!!

Seedless pots, here and there, why? Miyuki thought. The reason was YUKARI's cruelty. Jasons, YUKARI and HARUMI are. No future, no hope. Thus, they just do wrong. Attacking others, because of their primitive impulse, caused by their own inferiority. Jealous, they are, in short. MUCK, already they are!!!

And in MOTOMACHI area and so on, fass furtilizer was put on their gardening products. And diarrea fass in Supermarket, here and there. Smelly. Food related facilities, they are, however, any of them couldn't perceive it at all!!

Succession for them, they think now. Thus, Miyuki is targetted.

44-26, white van, is used not by Hidetoshi, but by younger guy, who resembles YAMAGUCHI and YAMA-TETSU, both Miyuki's ex-pupils, and a bit plump and almost 175cm at hight. younger than Hidetoshi, almost 30 years old. Who is this guy?

Probably, for KOJIMA couple, already this guy is substitute of Hidetoshi. When he died, they don't know. Always in the same mode, this couple do the same thing. In the field, cultivation, unnecessarily, with their monitoring mode. When Miyuki goes out, one of them is already there. Strange habit. And their field is so tiny. Unnecessarily, they do the same job. Degraded version is HARUMI and YUKARI. Nothing to do, thus, agricultural faking.

This morning, almost 9:00 oclock, faked Hidetoshi came with the van, and parked it in front of the house, in the different way. Verticle, he put. Now, the van is parking horizontally.

At 9:30, a big silver van with so many tools appeared and parked in front of the house of KOJIMA, and some guy opened the door, and left it untouched. A lot of tools inside there. What they want to do? Kill the couple, immediately! They are already satans! They shoudl be killed!!!

however, female old bitch was monitoring Miyuki, during her garden work, and also, NAKAJIMA faked family. So many kids in the small TERRAS house in TAMAYA apartment. We call them HAKAJIMA family, however, as a matter of fact, we don't know their family. They provide so many IKKYO kids to Shirakawa III primary school yes.

Another provider is the kids type cramschool near Shibuki family. It was Kouichi SATO, YUKARI's mate's house, and now, some guy live with so many kids. Pederasty center, Shirakawa III is now.

See you, tomorrow, on our blog!!! VANISH! DDMs!!! You are betrayers!!! You shall die!!! So ugly satans, you are!!!

For us, Rightous Brothers, good night, and spakoinoi nochiyu!!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI, and her adorable supporters, called 8 MEN!, with BIG BIG really BIG LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (224)

2017-08-27 12:00:02 | 日記
27/08/2017 (Sunday, morning) It's cloudy. Clare came to my space, and took the photos of "Sleeping Miyuki", without previous notice to Miyuki, and she said so in front of the door of the office. Miyuki continued to pretend to sleep.

Then some guy, entering to the office, and came near to Miyuki, and repeated this behavour twice, and got off the office.

At 9:00 almost, YUKARI came to the offce and put some plastic object, probably basket, and entered into the bath room, and took water for 5 minutes, reason unknown. Then she got off the office.

At 9:30, almost, my father came to the office and used the toilet.

during his stay in toilet, HARUMI and YUKARI came together, and HARUMI said to YUKARI, "It's not used by any guy", in a loud voice, and they entered into the office, and dashed to the bath room.

They both stayed there in silent mode, and then, HARUMI left the office, and YUKARI remained. YUKARI started to her washing job!

And then, her father got off of the toilet.

Then, HARUMI came again, and said something to YUKARI, and she left the office. Then, YUKARI left the office, and entered into the washing room.

repetitive, and both together, are their inclination, since yesterday. Today, this tendency is so evident. What happened? Probably, degradation change happened. They can't act by only one. They need each other's help, to bahave as only one fellow.

The toilet was used, however, HARUMI said totally contrally. Why? Confusional remarks, here and there!

For them, getting up in the morning means "we should stay in our chamber" thus, as early as possible, others should be targetted. We need sacrifice. We are powerful, as always. We need to show our power to others!!!

Thus, they did wrong! Shoots picking is one of the worst their crimes. They like to kill the shoots, and concealed them in the plastic bag. They all cried. Owners of orchards, also. Fruits kingdom, Shirakawa turned to be, They all thought, and tried, and they were killed like that. Family betrayers, here and there, and they chose wrong.

Miyuki is now in the mood of her caltivation. Thus, Miyuki is targetted as their hatred no.1 in this rural village. Todai related, want to be orchard owner, and she is now almost 50 trees and berries. Clare likes her way of life. coolish! She ignored the both, as much as possible! For Junior high, too too difficult. They are just nasty old bugs, and for Alex, slow stupid bitches!! She couldn't send his money to the addressed guy. She failed and failed, and as Miyuki predicted, with sly smile, "Please forgive me, I am not accustomed to do it. You should come with Miyuki, your mother. I came here on behalf of you, instead of her. Thus, MIYUKI should be accused by you, not I, YUKARI Sato." Alex got dissapointed. YUKARI ordered him, not to rely on MIYUKI at all, because she is totally mentally illed. Thus, YUKARI is always with him. Nasty BUSU bitches, he really thinks so. However, no way!, he shuddered. GAKKURI, or dissapointed entirely. He did it, as soon as possible, and YUKARI was too too slow, thus, no chance for them both. Always together system, they started. Collective attacking. Miyuki is the number one target. Hatred Nomeru UNO, Dr.Miyuki SATOW!!!

暗い世界の真ん中で🎶 The theme of Francis Coppola's film, with Marone Brando. God Father.

Miyuki remembers Naomi SAGARA, a regular participant of Laughing Exicise of Mind. Team Mate of 大橋巨泉 or Kyosen OOHASHI, the presentator, a fat, big guy, who retired his professional career as playwrighter of TV only, and moved to HAWAII to play the golf, with 55 years old.

So early, Miyuki thought. Alzheimer?, Moriko also thought of it. And Bill Gates, also.

Quickness is required in this field. Even with his almost 100 years, 桂米朝 or Beichou KATSURA is skilful. Classic only RAKUGO story teller, he is, and Miyuki was shocked at the value of the new year's presents for his family and team mates. At total, almost US$10 thousand!!! Each year!!! He has so lots of kins and juniors, thus, as predissesor, he is obliged to provide such a mount of money. Almost 100 figures, and each guy gains US$100, in the new year visiting. Super rich! Superb! Exists rich RAKUGO comedian!!!

Shocked, yes. However understandable...the total, it would be...And Beicho tald this episode, with his reluctand mode. Unwelcome, however, as a duty, I need to put up with this torture, financial one, like impression, Miyuki caught.

Investment...not so amusing. My precious money, US$10 thousand, in several days, turns to be thiers, without exception. Torture, yes, however...we should be stronger...Burden polished him...

At Kyorin Vestity, Miyuki paid so much, unnecessarily. The loss was so big. Old kinkiest Alzheimers only world, she was in. And she was obliged to attend their flamboyant changing requirements. How she paid? Energy, Blood, Sweat, Time, and sometimes, money.

Miyuki was forced to pay US$200 to donate for establishing new building of Kyorin Versity in INOGASHIRA area in MITAKA municipality. Where? They didn't comment exactly. Miyuki needed to know the information by way of another site, rather cramschool only type. At first, they said, "KICHIJOJI campus", then, "INOGASHIRA Campus".

According to the staff, MITAKA municipality locates beside MUSASHINO municipality, where KUCHIJOJI exists. Thus, MITAKA municipality claimed. Thus, Miyuki and her colleagues were obliged to call it, "INOGASHIRA Campus". Thus, they changed.???

According to the advertisement found in KEIO line's SHIBUYA station, New Buildings for Kyorin Versity are located so near to Faculty of Medicine and its hospital at the same KYORIN versity, which is 15 minutes from MITAKA JR station. Only accross the road, the big map said. Too too confusional! The staff never explained like that! Miyuki took the pictures of the map. At KICHIJOJI station, the same advertisement with the map, Miyuki found.

The explanation on the location is already contradictional, and they didn't inform the exact address at all for us. How they moved from the campus in HACHIOJI?

Skewed information system, they addopted, yes. Thus, their failure. "Miyuki is not here, any more! I checked, and I didn't find her in the office." HARUMI said in her so cheerful mode. Probably she is thinking that Miyuki is diceased, already now.

Every minute, her thought changes. Thus, Miyuki is free from her illusion. The mood only guys, the both, HARUMI and YUKARI are. "Today, I want to wash your clothings. Get off your dirty clothings, as soon as possible!" and now, YUKARI came, and remained in the inside the office, opening the glass sliding door. Why always unnecessarily YUKARI enteres into the inside the office? She always pretends to put her trash taken in the washing rooms into the bin, witch is located inside the office. Why she can't use the bin in the washing room? Miyuki remembers that up to spring, it was in the washing room, and then, vanished. However, even with the existance of the bin in the washing room, YUKARI used only the bin inside the office, opening the cartain and glass sliding the door. How troublesome! Why she doesn't use some portable bin or plastic disposable bag? Stupid!

And recently, she comes, remains in front of the bin, just standing doing nothing at all, and then, she leave there. Repetitively. Strange Alzheimer habit!!!

They steal, we insisted. However, any guy believed. YUKARI and HARUMI are thieves, we said, however, they denied, and we turned to be suspects. Suspect No.1 was Miyuki. Always she was in the courtyard, and says something strange. Thus, she was thought, strange kinkiest guy in Shirakawa. And the pots?

Miyuki is caltivating something. So many shoots in her pots. And now, some of them were picked up, every day! They were killed. After their training, they turned to be thierves. They are professional thirves. A bit a bit type.

And Miyuki is always rightous. Stable. She remembers what she said before. Miyuki did her stealing job, because she inogores us all! HARUMI and YUKARI said. Only Alzheimers, we do know well. However, who are Alzheimers? YUKARI, yes, of course! Every day, kinkier and kinkier, and now, illegible, probably. Instruction, she couldn't read at all! for me, difficult. Miyuki should have come here, she almost cried. For her, too too difficult to deal with each machine. "I am not good at machinery", she confessed. Thus, each day, their lesson not to forget to the switch of the eacn simplest machine. Micro-oven, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and so on.

Tiny lesson is enough. We are cleverer than you, both, Alex and Clare! Respect elder guys!

NEKO kashite, or "Please bollow me your one wheel cart!" and her father didn't recognize the meaning. NEKO is one while cart, in Shirakan language. Why he didn't recognize it? Strange. Thus, Miyuki said, "One wheel cart!"

Easy vulgar way to say so. In her school pupil days, her mates said so. Miyuki, not. Because she is always "Urban type", and uses Tokyo standard language. However, for vulgar old guys, we use the technic. Old way of saying. NEKO is not used now. Probably, no one works here in this region. Insurance, Property renting or selling, only. Thus, agricultural farmers, don't exist now. And they really don't know the danger of chemical product. Thus, "Drink all of agricltural insecticider medicine, all in a body! Various! Cocktails, it turns to be! Show your bravery!"

Miyuki was said, "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" by her father. "I am now caltivating. Almost jobless, however, at least Renting independent KOSAKU farmer. 自営小作農民 or JIEI-KOSAKU-NOUMIN. Better than non-working idiots!"

Easy and quick, and fruitful. Miyuki thought of Japanese Law Suit without advocate, and tried, and failed. Not because of her skillless attacking, but because of Japanese Injustice called Judiciary. Thus, Miyuki forgave it already. It doesn't work under idiocracy.

Now, Emperor of Fruits! Emperor of Japanese Judiciary, she failed. Thus, next, another emperor. 帝王 or TEIOU, or 低能 or TEINOU or 天皇 or TENNOU??? TEINOU is brainless. TENNOU is Japanese Emperor. Oh, No!

At least, in a certain field, I want to be somebody. Emperor of Latin American Studies, she failed. She was refused to offer her article, after showing her refusal against their superficial formality requirement. "Oh, such a type! Thus, I would take your association in the suitable level." And then, she was declared to drop from the members of the encyclopedia of Latin America. OK, your choice. Your priority is NINOMIYA or Alzheimer's side. I am free from their stupidity!

Thus, Miyuki survived. Why she didn't beg to them a pardon? Because they failed, I should have won, however, they faked to win against us all. Thus, their failure. Shame, to participate in such an all lies world. Emperor of idiots, not at all! I am already Emperor of IGNOLANDIA.

Now, she is exhancing her field. Agricultural Forestry. Orchard and berries. As you like business. Profittable, yes. However, a bit takes time. Miyuki is rather impatient. However, she has several different jobs. Thus, part-time Emperor of Fruits!!! Managing is independent, thus, 自営 or JIEI. And the earth is rented. Thus, KOSAKU. The fact. Why not?

In rural area, almost for free. No price, before her starting the job. After her recognition, they put price tag. Always. Thus, counterattack. Thrifty beam!!!! Miyuki is too too thrifty and gained a lot of prize at this point. Every guy is so thrifty, and now, so few ANIME voice actresses and actors. Miyuki recognized that so many characters are played by the same voice actors. They used technic of recording, and editating. Miyuki recognized that HIROSHI NOHARA, KURE-SHIN's father delayed a bit, during one scene. His voice was put at different moment. Only a bit, however, exists the difference. Not natural conversation. Always, slight moment of delay in his responce. And the sould of cut and paste. Their technic. Professional, however, far from perfection.

Miyuki presumed that he was dead already, and used his voice, after cutting from his earlier works, and the scene was composed.

BINGO! Male voice actors were cut, earlier! Thus, the farewell party was held, and he cried!!!

No ANIME voice actors are needed, they were informed. Thus, quitting the job, is the rightous answer. However, they didn't know what to do. Why? Doing job is so difficult. ???

Anyway, I am not non-working class. Jobless, almost. However, I have money.

And entirely rich in knowledge. Almost all of things are so easy for her type. 70% is qualification line. Thus, easy. And carpenter? For quick job, OK. However, so patience needed type, it would be difficult. Concentration is in her more academic job. Casually, she is so easy to get tired. Monky, in just.

Today, she would make flames of the Emperial Palace No.1. After pushing out all of satans, she has a lot of promissive potencial sun rooms for any fruits trees, and chilblain type plants. Forever Green Garden, for them, in case of necessity. Thus, it would work!!!

Gum tapes are needed. Not so much, however, needs some skill to put the pieces in the bumboo correctly. She will find some special method, later!!!

Thus, her majesty, Emperor Miyuki, will do her garden orchard job. Making a sun room series!!! The cheapy way, she prefers. And easiest way, of course!!! Life should be! Amusing, and educative! Self education system, she adopted. Thus, each guy, learn, when you like.

Educator should be. Moriko, OKINO, and Fu-san, who graduated from Faculty of Education, reached this same point. Thus, Miyuki gained the medal of Doctor of faked Educator!!! ADACHI cried!!! Why I was obliged to be ADACHInDerela? On behalf of her! I am now a maid!!! Cleaning is not her preference. Thus, they adopted the cruel washing everyday system. Miyuki's case, she refused their dirtiest offer of cleaning! Of course! Easy job! Alzheimer cleaning is just making the house dirty and anti-clean, anti-hygene.

Miyuki was shocked at the towel used for the kitchen, after used exclusevely HARUMI's bathing. Oh, Alzheimer, at this level, already, and she doesn't recognize how dirty it is, even now.

Priority is like that, from the begining. I am Goddess, thus, you, slaves, work for me! And My pet is YUKARI! This is the real HARUMI. Alzheimer world's residents, they are!!! Queen and her pet Mad Dog. The Alzheimer twins.

Thus, with full stomack, Canadian pork slices, with Mexican lime squeezed juice, seaweeds, and two cups of caffe latte, a big TSUGARU apple, Miyuki will do her first garden carpenter job, as almost jobless.

See you later! VANIS