Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (212)

2017-08-21 19:04:13 | 日記
Miyuki came back her errand walking. Today, she could not find suitable fruit at all in any supermarket.

Today, she tried to the only two grocery stores left in the rural village called Shirakwa on the Funeral Avenue of AOKI main site, and Miyuki confirmed again that the both are dead already.

The worst example is MARUTOMO, near My TOWN building. It smelled so much rotten vegitables inside the shop, and 6 squad worked in the shop. They are all Alzheimers, Miyuki perceived. Why with this so strong rotten smell, how they can put up with stay inside the shop???

The shop closed so many times, and left the vegitables on the shelves. The original staff were killed immediately there, and the smell was their dying message. How the 6 guys could put up with working here???, was Miyuki's streight impression. They can, because they can't smell at all. Alzheimer causes the shrinkage of Seahorse in the brain, and they are all Alzheimers. No Man's Land already, Miyuki did know well so, however, up to this smell???

Miyuki tried to put up with the smell, and did it, however, the limit, Miuki really thought. She wanted to have seeds of some fruits, thus, she was patient. Thus, she could. However, so so rotten, and this is a vegitable store. Why they expect that consumers could put ou with the smell???

Just showing up, they came. And unnecessarily so many faked family members appeared in front of Miyuki, and Miyuki hated any of these members. Alzheimers don't need to do anything at all. Just stay, and inform some strangers to the faked police. Alzheimer monitoring system, they adopted.

Yesterday, Miyuki found the nest on a shop of Mega Stage shopping mall was taken already. Presumably, all of the swallows could fly, thus they flied away, in the attaking moment, and escaped from the disaster, however, they lost the safe residence. Only wrongdoers world, now, in Shirakawa.

Probably, they are the guys, who showed their so so fluffy brest feathers on the head of Miyuki, yesterday. Near YANTA River, Miyuki watched 3 or 4 guys, on the electric lines, yesterday! Oh, they!!! However, probably, more mountain side would be fine, compared with shopping mall type commercial facilities.

Alzheimer replacement, they did, probably. Owners of the facility were swallows, like in the case of AEON, however, Alzheimer shopkeepers started to think as if they were owners, and wiped out their nest, as if it were trash.

The same, we should give a damage to them. As a trash, we should dispose them all in a body!!!

Only a few guys could survive in this condition. So so rare to survive under this situation. Terrible! Cruel! No Man's Land, because of them, Alzheimers.

Urbanized life, they desired. Consumption only. No necessity to work, like MICCHIKU families. Yes, they could realize the disire, with the same method, in short, insurance use. The same, thus, their last dream got realized. Now, vanishing mode.

Lolita, is their last dream. Thus, Miyuki yelled to them all. "You can do it with young type! Replace your old bitch called wife with youth with 10 years old under!!!"

And Miyuki found also today, not so hot, some young bitches with this age, in hot pants. And their price is unitarily US$50, per 30 minutes. For both, "Oh, good idea!" Thus, as you like, Alzheimers!!!

So extremest, Miyuki is! Even younger rightous brothers refrain from saying so. She, as a professor of law, actually, taught it so clearly in her so vulgar mode. Only she could recommend it! She! She!!! Uncle MIYUKI! Our mate! Doctor of Law!!!

They yelled. Such a shame should not be recommended by any guy except Miyuki, every guy thinks so. And she did it! For her, nothing at all. She is so so accustomed to say so directly to satans! The price! Rural, and Urban! Both, she did know so well! Up to the place to do it! Concrete informations are so so necessary to persuade them.

And inducing point! Oh, just the daughter of Samma AKASHIYA and Shinobu OHTAKE! Oh, such a type! Tiny, slender, quater blooded!!! Ideal for them! Model type! BAMBI type! Jeniffer Bields! Anyway, pretty! Only US$70! In 30 minutes! Equal to Shirakawans, BUSU bitch type's business. And the price! US$20 higher than BUSU bitches, however, "If I were you, I prefer Model class, putting addicional US$20, of course!"

For her, too too rightous to count like that. And technic. In case of being loved by her, the pretty girl with BAMBI legs, for free, the fee would be! It is called mutual prostitution. Eveness works!

Thus, they started to move. As early as possible. Because the number is limited. Thus, hurry up mode. Old bitch type only world, here in Shirakawa. Yes, for UNITE, appeared a mini bus full of foreign slender bitches came, however, for boss use only. Thus, no left over for them, and they wanted to gain their reward.

Thus, so nice advice for them all. And real information. Miyuki recommended the suitable place to live. For parking added type, MITAKA, 5th-7th blocks, near MUSASHI KOGANEI area. House exhibition center, thus, vacant area. And for collective use, exist some apartment type. Thus, they relied on Miyuki's information. First, doing it, and then, sleeping place, for them, vehicle maniacs!!!

Faked family life, they spend. And no necessity to choose the mate. They were called, and got combined so easy, thus, 合体ロボ or GATTAI-ROBO, in Japanese. Sex mates, they called themselves each other. Thus, faked families, they could establish. Any guys would be OK for Alzheimer females. Just doing it, they don't need to think anything at all. "Just feel!" yes. By impulse! Just same as Miyuki's idealized sex. Miyuki totally agreed. However, reliance, and sympathy needed. For them. both satans are already enough. The same.

Yes. And for Miyuki's case, confesses her ideal sexual behaviour in a loud voice. She wants to gain some boyfriends, at least, in the near future. Thus, she is making effort so much for us all!!! Her intention is so strong to gain fur type. Thus, new generation came. Miyuki's now in good mood with her orchard and field jobs. They appeared as shoots, so many! She images a super easy, quick and amusing and effective life with them. And after them, all year round orchard and berry field, here and there!!!

Some samples, Miyuki gained. And Today, Miyuki encountered with again カラタチ or KARATACHI, behind Beisia, and she nicknamed Eleking Tree, because of his stings. And she found green fruits dropped from the twigs, and picked two of them, and now tried to taste a bit of them, at the cost of her life...

It is blue, yet. It has a possiblity to lose your precious life, because of Cyanode Karium, OK, Miyuki? Chinkoro asked. Miyuki, in her serious mode...For the sake of us all, Miyuki, as soldier, participates in this experiment, yes. I agree, predge!

And she found...smell...Green weeds like and a bit citrus like good one. Rather favorite type. However, the green skin, so so bitter!!! Difficult to put up with this bitterness. And inside, a greenish white color...and the taste...less bitter, however, also bitter, uneatable. Not suitable for eating yet. Thus, necessary to observe the period of being suitable to eat, continuously.

Dropping is the proof of ripeness. And Miyuki found so many egg plants were left, in the best condition, near the field of the MAMEGARA area, municipality complexes. Who did it? So in vain. Good egg plants, they are! To fry, to stew, to pickle, to furnish with minced meat and so on. MOTTAINAI.

And there, no guard rail, any more. No Man's Land, at all. Thus, some vehicles, with drivers in drunky situation,
would drop off the road.

And the same situation, in SHIRAIGAKE area, back of SHIRAKAWA I primary school, in front of public gymnastic hall called BUDOUKAN. In the slope, both cases. They are waiting some guys to drop from the road, and got damage so much.

This is insurance relying society. Thus, no mending at all! Slipperly is good expression for these spooky satans!!! For young bitch, sob stories are amusing tales like fairly tales!!!

For them, teachers inform like that:

"Today, XXX didn't come, because he failed." in short, only it. Then, he was categorized, "Non coming kid" or 不登校児童 or FU-TOUKOU-JIDOU. Oh, now Miyuki understood.

After Miyuki's adlescence, the number of these non-comming pupils' number popped out! Increased so much. Miyuki believed that so may guys, who were not welcomed at their schools like TOKO-chan, found another choice, and they quitted to go to school.

Some of them are really so. And many of them were killed, in short. And then, their families, got fat. Gained money, and established their own house, and did nothing. Non working class, they turned.

Miyuki got worried about Maria MORI, a plump mate of Alex, when he was in kindergarden. She was called non-comming kid, when Alex was in junior high. In the same class again, however, she didn't appear at all!

And Miyuki remembered that her mother was single, and slender long body, at almost 170cm at hight, and with black glasses, and her appearance was manish and not so bad.

However, Miyuki got so nasty, when she was trapped at BENIMARU-Yokomachi, using copying machine of FUJI-Xerox, a big fat bug clerk was there. And HARUMI said, "Exist in the corner the mother of Alex's ex-mate of kindergarden" and Miyuki automatically thought of Maria's mother. Is she? Tall, yes. However, she was slender type. Not fat swine at all! Really???

Probably, she did it. Killed Maria. Why? Only one kid, she gained, and she chose to give a birth to Maria.

Miyuki remembered that Maria said that her father died, when she was a baby. Thus, her mother turned to be a single mother. And her uncle, despite of high school student of SHIRAKAWA high, sometimes played with her, instead of her busy mother, namely his elder brother.

Maria called him, "Uncle!" and he accepted this name. For Miyuki, not strange. In Brazil, the same. However, strange...So many diceased families arroud her mother???

And a girl called SACHIKO, two years younger than Alex, came to My TOWN, with her father, as always, on Sunday. He was just reading a book, near her. He was not interested at all on her playing. He left her in the play space, on the second floor of the building. What is his profission? He looked so young. Almost versity pupil, Miyuki thought. How early, he gained a baby!

Sometimes, she came with her mother, who provided her only INAGO, stewed insects with soy sauce and suger, which were not rare to eat in Miyuki's kid's age, however, after the period, so so rare to use. Thus, Miyuki thought, "Her mother is so health conscious, thus, she prefers to feed her, so unusual, however, calcium including nutrishous old guy only type food for her kid!" with some admiration. And SACCHAN liked to eat them! For her, just like sweets! How trained girl! Miyuki thought and got impressed so much.

At that moment, Miyuki herself, one of the rare combination of family type, thus, now, even in this rural village, some guys walk on their own way, as natural cause, Miyuki thought.

Miyuki now find the Eleking Fruits way of use, when they are young. They eject weed-citrus tasty smell in the room! Fresh green smell! She cut a bit to eat, and they eject the particles of flavour as a so so deluted soft mode. Thus, Miyuki liked the smell so much! Delicous weed smell! Cicrus, a bit! Unusual wild civilized flavour!

For some essincial oil like use, Miyuki thought of. After dried up, she would put them both in the pot. And now for eating, she decided to visit there several more times. It would turn to be orange or yellow! And it would be suitable for cooking, she is dreaming!

KARATACHI was used for flavour, mainly. However, food for room use. How nice to stay with them! Scar face, they are called. Miyuki cut to eat! Brave! Cyanode, included. However, she ate! It is prohibittion no.1 in Rabbit tribe. However, Miyuki dared to try and her tongue felt a bit stinking shaky feeling.

Sour taste Miyuki likes. Thus it works. Miyuki thinks that calcium taken by milk, 1 littre per day, in averege, and Vitamine D by seaweed and sun shine, and her everyday's walking, would help for her to gain longer leggs, and broader shoulders.

Azleheimer confusion, YUKARI did, when she handed a box, which was bought by Alex, instead of Clare, a some character goods of her taste. They were obliged to receive it, under the name of YUKARI. Reason unknown. YUKARI and HARUMI decided, and the both are obliged to do so.

And YUKARI handed it to Alex, and Alex claimed her, "Oh, it's Clare's. Hand it to her!" And YUKARI replied immediately, "No! Not now! She is busy! It's impossible. Later, you stupid!"

Alzheimer denial. For them, other's claim is so shocking, thus, they respond so violently. Thus, Ms.Responsibles, Clerks in JP Tower, HASEBYO staff, and Shirakawans, including YUKARI and HARUMI.

Alex and Miyuki recognized that YUKARI denied immediately, without knowing the reason of Alex's claim at all. Why YUKARI can predict for Clare to be busy actually? Just, "I made a mistake. Then, I should have handed it to Clare, however, by mistake, I brought it to Alex. Sorry, I will hand it to Clare, later!" Would be a suitable remarks to Alex in this situation. However, YUKARI just started to refuse Alex's claim, and anyway, she evased, in her quick lie. This is Alzheimer lie, as Miyuki experienced so many times, in her Kyorin Days. All liars, and Miyuki was trapped so many times, believing that academicians would not trap with intentional lies generally speaking.

Business persons, also. Lack of reliance would cause big damage in any field of business.

And today, in the parking lots of DAISO Showamachi, Miyuki found a Jeep of Wrangler, with the paint of U.S.Armed Forces. Oh, US Army, you can sue it! In Japan, your name is used it so easily by Alzheimer vehicles' drivers!!!

Miyuki disliked Wrangler Jeep. Faked Jeep, made in USA! USA, you have rotten so much!!!

And now, she is dreaming of HAMMER 2 type or Cherokee type, for her future use.

And she found a second better type. Commercial used van, like Coca Cola red van. Yes, van, not so preferable. However, for free, and if they are manual type, not only automatic type, Miyuki would like to gain it.

It doesn't look like coffin car at all. Not because of the colour, but because of window size and the position. More open type, thus, she liked. For gaining military type, Miyuki, as a training, this type mini-van, for commercial use, would like to use. With stecker, Miyuki would errase by her quick painting abilities. Red is good to be distinctive. Miyuki came to deliver her gift! Santa Clause Car!!! Uncle Miyuki comes to the town, from her rural village called Shirakawa!!! Wow!!!

In case of so many chair sheats in it, Miyuki would take them all, and put her own commodities. Reform for her version. Probably it would work, for her precarious use! Coffin car, not at all! Thus, she found a suitable guy!!!

Van, came from Caravan, for rally use. Campaign use, also OK. "Dr.Miyuki SATOW came here! She is wanting so many fur type P friends!!! yes, H or non or both, all OK, however, her emergency is P! Come, brave fur guys! New type! Miyuki is here! Miyuki is here!!!"

They would run away, watching her car...Danger, it means. New baby type, especially! She would do them, drimming job, or some massage, with flavourly Eleking essense and so on, as you like! "Don't afaraid me, Babies! I am not pederasty at all!!! Reliance only type!!! Give me a job!!!" Miyuki's campaign soulds so in vain...????

Popular, she thinks so. However, so nasty, even among animals...Plants put up with her nasty spetting sound, however, fur tribe is not so liking her spetting mode. Dynamite kicking, she is training in the cross, against electric poles. Good chance to know patience. Thus, kicking, as much as possible.

Why Japanese cars are so spooky? Cheapish, yes. However, convenient should be, however, just unhappy mood only. Consumptious, in this period? Terrible! And Miyuki is chasing "Almost rotten fruits" only, pragmatically saying. No choice. They put the price tag, under their illusional desire. Thus, extremely expensive.

She knows well her limit, thus, now she is just, "I will buy, for tomorrow. Not for today" mode. Thus, it works. Her expenditure reduced so much, after starting to eat dinner and breakfast in the office. Less costive. And now, she is in rich in fredge. Thus, tomorrow, only for her monitoring job only.

Thus, she would watch the samples of self made sun room of vinil house, as reference.

Miyuki felt so strange, that in a tiny patch just for their own family type, only green plastic bamboo faked sticks are used. Why? Just like gardening! Not farming!!! Why they chose the way???

Yesterday, Miyuki found a guy in a pink T-shirt, with the design of figure "4" on the reverse! For her, "Oh, they are illegible up to this point". Reverse or front, for them, impossible to recognize it is. And 白河空調 or SHIRAKWA KUUCHOU or Shirakawa Air Supply Company, SAS, according to their abbreviation, painted so many business vans from front to the back, in both side. Thus, in case of left side, from left to right, as usual, and readable, while, in right side, from right to left, on the contrary, thus, unreadable. Their choice is just front to back, not readable of not. Alzheimers can't read, confirmed, the fact.

And the most less populous, however, well paved place in Shirakawa called Feneral Avenue, above, there is a discription, in big letters, "ZONE 30km", and now, it is vanishing.

20km is the limit in the main street. Why in the pedestrian deck only type Feneral Avenue, they should increse the speed up to 30km???

Shames and shames. They came to provide shames of them all. Thus, erotic satans only world, Shirakawa is!!!

Uncle is chased!!! Swallows laught at it! Rare fenomenum, among their world!! Easy goers, they are! And their fathers are so so busy, and they were obliged to grow quicker than others. No alternative. And it worked. Their nest was near metal pipe, thus, in a vanishing point among them. And they didn't wipe it at all. Just provided chemical products, during their staying. Headache products, and now, they are free from headache almost.

Sensitive, because they are smaller in volume. Thus, they need to be bigger. Necessity. Thus, Miyuki tried to be bigger. Poison, they put easily.

Today, near the Chinese restaurant called 王王楼 or WAN-WAN-ROU or One One Row (dish), on the back, Miyuki found an astonishing food stocker in metalic type, steel made in a silver colour, with the discription of "Caution! Poison and exposive ingredients!" And it was located beside the easy type outside toilet!!! Exist? Exist!!!

Miyuki took the picture, and so so shocked. And remembered how Kyorin put the same words in the record of receipt in detail version. She was put "poison and explosive ingredients" by the medical staff, the document confessed. So many documents, Miyuki copied, and lost during the moving or after.

Miyuki was in custody, for more than 3 months and 3 weeks. How she could keep them, so important documents?! And in Shirakawa, so many guys steal her belongings easily! For them, just a seed of money, presumably. However, for her, research use, and for suing. Thus, so so valuable. Thus, one bit of losing weighs so so extraordinarily high value. Ultra valuable!!!

Alzheimer world, in everywhere. Thus, No Man's Land. Flora and Fauna couldn't sustain such satans at all!!! Thus, satans should vanish, immediately, without any exception at all!!!

For Miyuki, nothing at all. Because she has no friend at all here, pragmatically. And for the two? The kids have no friend here at all. Thus, no future at all. Thus, not affection at all to them.

In Shirakawa, in winter, -4, at max. Not so many - days at all. However, Alzheimer satans do wrong so badly, thus, we should prapare for the sudden nasty snowing. Thus, protection, as early as possible.

Miyuki experienced unusual November snow, on 24th of November, last year, in 2016. Thus, eariler, as much as possible. Just a presumption of snow would refrain from the bad disaster. In case, Miyuki took the pots from the courtyard, and put them in the offce, near Miyuki's side. Only 10 pots. And the patch would be protected by vinil cover, probably. Some guys have the clothings, and Miyuki should not pay so much. Protection, thus, blue sheat effects. Miyuki have some blue sheats for picnics. And where? They concealed, thus, Miyuki is obliged to use it. Some of them would find the living room. They left some uninteresting objects there. However, after Miyuki's attantion, the both show their legs as satans. Jealousy only world, they live now. Thus, Miyuki dislikes to go inside the main house.

For Miyuki, valuable is subjectively, mainly. For them, when they feel jealous, it turns to be expensive.

Today, on Reute 289, Miyuki found 82-82 Police motor bike, a big type. Honey, Honey, Cuty Honey! ♫

 82 is HAchi Nii, in Japanese. Thus, Honey, Honey. Candy, Candy, Yumiko IGARASHI.

For Miyuki and OKINO, why the patroling police bikes, two guys, need to appear in front of the top runners?, Needless nasty objects. MEZAWARI or 目障り or visually nasty.

For them, the two riders, a moment of their showup skills. However, the main object is amuse the top runners' running. Faster, they should be, thus, the front leading bike riders should vanish, immediately!

They are useless. Just want to ride a bike. Queen.

Japan is a strange country. Why so parody only world??? Freddy cried. Only sarcastic laughing. Tiny desire to ride a bike turned to be a erotic bad guy's satanic illusion with this cute girly song!!!

London, never been she has. Just HeSlow Air Port. And their skewed bus transporting systems. So so many times the bus turned in the airport, and it took almost 20 minutes. Why???

Unnecessarily, turning, turning, turning...and Miyuki got sleepy in the bus.

Cold and poor. Not good place for any guys. Thus, no way, except stay there. Thus...Heath eating???

Cows, they turn to be.

Takeshi KAIKOU or 開口健 died at 60 years old. OPA!

He was pbig fat guy, and not promissive visually at all! He wrote adventural fishery related essays, and Miyuki read so many. Libray only. In Kyorin, Miyuki bought them!!!

TAMA KUDAKERU, or 玉、砕ける was written by him. 玉砕 or Suicide, saying VIVA to Emperor!, was replaced with the breaking of ball of the old skin peeled by OPPABU-BABAA in Korea. Akasuri, or アカスリ or skin peeling.

Recently, for the first time in her life, Miyuki found the pleasure to wash her face, with slight soft peeling with her teeth brush with Bicarbonate Sodium or baking powder.

Miyuki took an erroneous thory on "Her prescious skin should be protected, thus, non washing is the best policy, thus, as much as possible, Miyuki doesn't wash her face" ism.

She had practiced this theory or ideology or belief, so so loyally, thus, almost never faced, during a day and night. And she was so so annoyed by her fleckles. For more than a half century, she believed this theory, and recently, she found that it was totally lie. Face skin should be washed and peeled as much as possible, with brush. Thus, Miyuki started it, for the first time, in her life, last week, and she felt, "Oh, it works! Thus, Alex and Clare changed their face colour so easily in high speed.

Stupid! She didn't know it, for more than 53 years!!! Crazy! So idol!!!

That old fat uncle type was considered "Handsome guy"??? KAIKOU, U2???

佐治, the name of the president of Suntory. "Go to HAWAII, drinking HAWAII" was KAIKOU's SARUSHI period's copy advertisement. It was ealier than the allowance of private travel by way of airline in 1964, the olimpic year.

The advertisement got popular, however, any winner of the gift, drunk the cheapish national wisky called TORYS, didn't want to go to HAWAII, and chose to receive money, instead of air tickets for HAWAII.

HAWAII is one of the paradise for Japanese, especially in the age!!!

And Miyuki, who was born in 1962, visited HAWAII, for the first time, in 1985, in January. Her first trip abroad. She borrowed swim suits from MADOKA, and prepared for the beach bathing, however, unfortunately, only one use, in case of shnookeling. And liked HAWAII. Not dramatic, probably now, however, she watched a kind of reality of American society. "Oh, only dark skin coloured guys are working in bus transportation, construction, cleaning, and so on, less promissive job, and white guys, only inside the house." Descrimination by skin colour exists even now, in this state! Polinesians, they are in short. Fat, big guys, males, mainly.

Turistic, yes. However, for Miyuki, "Oh, separate but equal theory is living here, practically, in HAWAII".

And in SHIRAKAWA, in short, "Separate but Equaly" among males and females, exists.

Miyuki's public high school was girls only. And existed boys only public high school called SHIRAKAWA high. And the uniform of the girls at this high school, now for both girls and boys, is a torture for wearing girls. OPPABU-BABAA uniform or KYABA-KURA Costume Play, was Miyuki's impression. Terrible! Who chose the costume for girls?

No Man's Land. Why so many shools, here and there? And big kindergardens, unnucessarily! Ridiculous! Feeding system up to be killed by their own parents, who participated in some insurance.

SHIRAKAWA YOUCHIEN has two big campuses, and now, two more, under the name of NISHI kindergarden. 専念寺 or SEN-NEN-JI is the owner of these big facilities. The temple itself is so small, and no cemetery type.

Girls are feeded to be bitches in Shirakawa, thus only plumpy type are allowed to entere into this high school. Miyuki watched how they can be seen in a whitish salor colared mini-jacket with gray or navy blue preted skirt! Shockingly cheapish uniform! And Miyuki found three prostitute, two girls in this uniform, and a boy, near the high school. They were waiting for costomers along the road. The scene of "Midnight Cowboy", however, in the evening, not in the midnight.

Catholic Kindergarden has only one campus.

And several public kindegardens. Miyuki did know WAKABA, because Alex and Clare graduated from it. Maria MORI also, Shiori HIRAKUBO, too.

And Public Shirakawa Kindegarden in front of Shirakawa II primary school.

Only in the small SHIRAKAWA area, in the circle of drive ways of Route 289 and Route 4, and Route 294, all national roads, big kindergardens's number are 4+1+2=7.

And three primary schools.

2 big junior high.

3 high schools.

Schools are all public. And exist some "unit only, saterite remote school's deliberated class" type provate schools here and there.

So many pupils, according to the number of the campus, which Miyuki everyday checkes, and so so few pupils, Miyuki encounters with, every day. Where are the other pupils???

Vanished, already, probably! Why they concealed the fact? Because the faked teachers wanted to earn money by tax. Public schools for it!

Insurance only type. Faked public servant type, including school teachers. Big facility holder faking type.
Farmer type, not at all! Thus, only old guys do their faked farmer jobs.

Agriculture is easy. Why they don't do even such an easy job? For Miyuki, amusement park, yes. And for Insurance only type, a torture. Thus, they refrain from the society! Oh, win win! Congratulations for our victory, again!!!

Miyuki needs to sleep after her taking a shower. Thus, see you in our blog tomorrow!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Satans, go to inferno!

From Uncle MIYUKI and her team mates 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (211)

2017-08-21 14:16:08 | 日記
Miyuki made a short trip to gain 10 bamboo sticks in the mountain. First, she found that today many faked physical workers were dying in the track. They stayed in the driver's seats, with the door openining. At least, three workers on the heavy duty tracks were dying like that. Miyuki took the pictures.

And near WASHIO, Miyuki did her concert master job with the diceased kids groups, represented with stone statures called JIZOUs. Today, one part of this corner land was cut the grass by Alzheimer Jasons. And Miyuki found by pass ally to avoid the wheels. Behind the triangle corner. And also, this grass cutting was done in this wall belt stripe. Miyuki took the pictures, both. So few did know this more safe to walkers' ally. And Miyuki did know it today, at first time.

For kids, necessity to know safer area. And now, No Man's Land, no information at all. Some few guys know it type information here and there, and they likes to monopolize it. Thrifty up to at this point.

Thus, HARUMI got proud of having found a new cut to WASHIO to Miyuki, and didn't say where the road is. For Miyuki, as you like, type non valuable information, she thought. Thus, Miyuki said, "Oh, good for you". Just it.

Probaly, HARUMI wanted to be heard by Miyuki, "Where is it? Please tell me it!"

HARUMI wanted to nagotiate the information with some reward from Miyuki. However, Miyuki didn't follow HARUMI's direction. Thus, the discovery ended up.

And Miyuki found yesterday in Beisia, the Downward Flowers, called KOCHOU-RAN or Butterfly Orquids, were taken their flowers, and continued to be sold at the same price!!! Exists??? Exists!!!

Miyuki took the picture as a proof. Alzheimers think only subjectively, thus, "I want to sell at this price!" is their key frase.

Miyuki watched TAIYOUSHA, an advertisement company, one of the worst Alzheimer company in the region, was doing thier wrongdoings, and took the photo. Suddenly, in a big van, parked in their lots, popped out short plump ugly BUSU bithces, and Miyuki, without saying their face, took their picuture, presenting to the world, "Ladies, and Gentlemen! Here are BUSU rural SHIRAKAWAN bitches! They are so ugly and dirty! Look at them all! " and laught at thier appearance. 4 or 5 figures, in a body. Why now? Strange habit, to visit their husband at noon, in collective!!

Miyuki went to the mountain, and asked where she could allow to cut the banboos. And her father chose to cut by self, rather being cut by MIYUKI.

Thus, during her waiting time, she preached to the faked residents in front of the mountain. There are 6 or so houses there, and some guys pretend to live there. Thus, Miyuki accused them as insurance depending UGLY BUSU CHIKEN MUCHO BITCHES, as always, and at the same time, she is so wonderful to inform how to move to MITAKA in Tokyo from Shirakawa.

The site is called 菅生舘 or SUGOUDATE actually, and their messy life should be ended up to move to MITAKA, Miyuki said clarely. The inducing point is "the price of bitches in Tokyo". US$70 per 30 minutes. In collective way, OK! In case of three men to one freign slender pretty bitch, only US$2.5 per each! Miyuki said so so crystal-clearly! Thus, they were so emotioned. Miyuki is Doctor of Law in Tokyo, and she is so kind to others all! Up to male bitches, Shirakawan type, she is so kind!!! She suggested them all, the new life in Tokyo!

MITAKA, Blocks 5th to 7th, as residence. To enjoy, Shinjuku or Shibuya. And the place to gain bitches, and the price. Too too clear clean to them! how they can't move from their messy rural life! Brutus! Popeye! Tarzan is difficult for them, because they have plumb fat belly, however, the former two MAGAZINEs like life, they can gain in Tokyo! Urban boy's life style! Miyuki stang their hearts!!!

Thus, they decided to move immediately. A big moving car popped out when Miyuki went down from the mountain, and they started to move! Anyway, there, they can buy a prettier bitch! Thus, they started to move!

Miyuki's suggestion is so so disliked by female type. Male oriented sugestion. "After 10 years, all things turn to be trash, House, Car, Female...You already changed house and car after 10 years, thus, why not on your wife? After 10 years of use, any wife is just a trash, ugly and dirty. Kill them all, after targetting as an object of insurance. You know well the way. After the dirty wives, you would gain pretty slender younger BAMBI type girls, like Jenifer Beels in Flash Dance! Younger is better, of course!!! 10 years old under, of course!!! Now, you can do it with any female. Get married with 10 years under bitches, with slender legs, like MIYUKI's!!!"

Thus, they decided. Doctor of Law yelled them to do so! You can do it, as you like in MITAKA in Tokyo! Our dream would be realized! Saint Dr.Miyuki SATOW!!!!

Miyuki exaggarated their life, so much. However, the fact it is. Thus, why not? Dr.Miyuki, Doctor of Legal Science in the world, suggests them kindly for free, their new life in Tokyo!!!!

She worked so much. Thus, she gained 10 bamboos, and she brought these long 2.5 meters slender sticks of 10 pieces, to the courtyard. Almost 10 minutes of walking, and it is a good chance of show her strength. Not a burden at all. Lighter, rather. And her image was "Joan, the Dwarf, with a long stick in his right shoulder" in Robin Hood.

Recently, so rare to see the scene of some guy working with some burden at all. No Man's Land, and non warker, except Walkers in SARUSHI, provided from urbanized area, to show up the population. Thus, another proof of non populous world.

And Miyuki asked her father, to whom this road side part of the mountain belongs. His response was, "Us. However, YOUJI now uses it." And Miyuki appointed that the part was now explored by some guy, and got flattened as if prepared for residencial construction use. And Miyuki said, as if talking to her self. "Now a days, so many Alzheimer patients here and there. Thus, watch out! They can't recognize the difference between occupation and ownership or property. This place was prapared for being established houses. Flatness is the proof. However, not my matter. I just suggest it. Your choice."

For Miyuki, field was used just for keeping their occupation. Not for productive use. Thus, after their vanishing, Miyuki would caltivate here for her friends palants. Easy. Just put seeds on it. And them...probably others would take care of it, including plants themselves.

Non using, thus, I will use, she wanted to say. However, not yet. After showing her result and abilities. Thus, more DIY, in the courtyard, in this period. After showing their skills, is the pledge among animal world. Thus, caltivation. So easy, anyway. Miyuki is good at everything, because she does know well her limit. Thus, they respect her recognition. For Miyuki, 70% is "being approved" line. For animals, almost 100%. Miyuki does know well, however, if they had applied this standard to Miyuki, she would be categorized, "Non working, non productive at all" like DDMs. Thus, challenged priviledge. Thus, always, she is winner type. Only 70%, OK,OK? Who is she?Dr.Miyuki SATOW! Famous Doctor of Legal Studies in the universe!!! Is she? As human beings, one of the best and brightest! David Harbarstam.

No lie at all! She is totally correct! Why she is so vague? For animals, so. And for plants...OK, anyway. Better than DDMic satans, anyway.

Miyuki is not good at all, in every meaning, however, better than DDMs, in every meaning, also. Thus, she is a respectful among Flora & Fauna. Snails collected in a rubber beld of an electric pole, why? She thought. Anyway, if they were rightous, for me, OK, however, Miyuki, by instinct, got thrilled with them. Coexistance in the nearest distance is too too difficult type. Like Miyuki in Tokyo, in Shirakawa, and in almost all of places.

for her subjective undertanding, "Kind rather, and cheeful, happy, positive guy, in a mood, in almost all of time" type. However, others dislike this mode. Why she is laughing at their cruelty? Cruel, however, so so stupid! And shame collection is astonishing facts collection itself. Thus, interesting. Sometimes, yes, Miyuki got dissapointed so much at their continuous attackings, yes. However, we are already winners. Thus, we can manage the situation. Now, just stop their actual wrongdoing.

Terribly to say, Western Industrial Company started their wrongdoing again! They forgot what they did several weeks before, probably. And HARUMI agreed their new restarting job. Only stupid Alzhimer could do it, and she was chosen as the selected guy.

Their way of life is so so short memory oriented. Thus, no choice at all. No cooking, however, they don't want to be revealed the fact by any guy. And the fact was already revealed, and they are insisting to continue to exist.

Miyuki would make a walk again! Orchard owner Miyuki! Probably, YOUJI's patch would be used by her! Probably, soon! Thus, Miyuki would be a suitable place for her blue berry caltivation!!!

Thus, sun room would be established in more suitable way. And now, just training for her DIY working. Check the price to make her ideal "Forever Green Garden" for vegitables. Vinil house, would be used, also. Thus, training to enhance the patch type.

Thus, see you later on our blog!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Dirty anti-productive satans!!! Buy the bitches!!! They are waiting for you!!!

From Uncle Miyuki with 8 MEM, with Big LOVE!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (210)

2017-08-21 10:08:12 | 日記
21/08/2017 (Monday, morning) It's cloudy today. Miyuki will plants two avocado seeds and a bunch of grape seeds in a pot.

Miyuki told that yesterday in the morning, at 6:30, some guy came to open the metal safety box and took some documents, to her father. He said that he didn't know it! Thus, a big mistery! He checked the cofre, saying, "Who did it? I don't leave so important documents here. What is the purpose?" And Miyuki asked, "How about my objects in a red plastic bag?", and he replied, "Not here. Another place." Thus Miyuki said to him, "Then, OK for me."

For her, just a slight check is enough. And YUKARI was near, in the washing room, doing her unnecessary washing job. How she feels? Who is the thief? Anyway, for Miyuki, only her materials are important. The other documents? Out of her mind.

And Miyuki asked to allow her to cut several fine banboo sticks called 篠 or SHINO in the mountain. He said, "We don't have bamboos in our mountain. Other's mountains, yes, however..." Thus Miyuki refered to the bamboos, near the slope of the hill besides ours, where old Grand Aunt おしん or ISHON planted sweet potatoes, renting the place from us. "He said, OK, only in our moutain, not in the road side place."

For Miyuki's undertanding, road side belongs to FUJITA family, or OSHIN's kin. And probably, OSHIN understood that the slope also had belonged to her FUJITA family. Thus, they planted.

For Miyuki's understanding, "Our mountain", whole, their understanding, "Their mountain". And for Miyuki, anyway, I am just a stayer. Explaration, not at all. Just in the limit. Thus, free from property problem, I can gain the sticks, only ten or so. It's enough.

When they attack, they are so thrifty. During years, they left there, without any activities, however, when some guy wants to start to use, they pretend to continue to use it. Rural greediness.

Lots of left over in the field, however, they start to monopolization, by impulse. Thrifty, not! Greedy!!!

Abandoned, already. However, when starts to new creative job, just starts to threaten us, tries to push us out, disturbing any new attempt. Shirakawan threatening monopolization. Thus, no industrial, no agricultural rural area, Shirakawa is.

dirty, and so messy. Miyuki did know well that FUJITA family have a modernized big house in ASAHI block, near KAJI-MACHI area. Unnecessarily big, Miyuki thought. And Alex's same age Grand Cousin MIYABI was probaly last resort for them all. She is Business School IT course pupil.

And Miyuki did know well, Alex is superior to her, in his infancy already. He won the debate according to the existance of Santa Clause. He was totally in favor of existance, while she was against. They were all in Jungle Gym, and Miyuki watched this marvelous debate competition, without saying.

Alex, almost 4 years old, gained!!! MIYABI tried to ask to Miyuki, "Auntie, you know that Santa Clause doesn't exist, because you are adult?" Thus, Miyuki said, "Miyabi, you lost. I am away from your debate. Alex won. Thus exists Santa Clouse."

Not because of being parent of Alex, rather because of being educator of them both. This is debate. Alex could proof the existance of him, and she couldn't deny it. Thus, Alex gained. And the persuader's reward was "Any body should follow his established and confirmed theory or hypothesis."

Thus, why FUJITA family, with so messy versity degrees, gains richer life, rather than Satow family? Miyuki is KOSAKU-NIN or renting farmer, now, in this house. Soldier combined farmer in roman Ancient Emperial reign, called TEMA System...Thus, worrier, yes. The lowest rank, however, no conductor at all, thus, she is provisional conductor, combined type. Thus, Miyuki needs to show her strength. Occupaition world, probably, already.

Thus, some guy, came, and stole the documents, related on the concession. For Miyuki, astonishing, however, for them, as usual. Visiting during early in the morning is their habit. And just say, "I found it. He left it for us."

Miyuki was sleeping there, thus, she noticed. A guy, so accustomed to do it. Old age, with step sound, Miyuki felt. Miyuki doesn't know the number, while, he knows it well.

Miyuki remembers that her father relied on YUKARI, and he taught the all of his secret numbers in the file, and left to allow YUKARI to use. And now, the worst thing happened. She sold it, with some keys, probably. And the result...Some guy came, and no one couldn't notice it. Only Miyuki, who was obliged to live in the office, noticed.

She got to notice the entrance, however, in case of the worsest attacking, she was quiet, and pretended not to exist. Thus, she could escape from the disaster.

An empty office, open, at 6:30 in the morning, is the sign of "you can steal as you like". We didn't know the system at all.

Thus, recently, YUKARI so often comes to the back house, and so often she searched something in the drawers in the desk of her father in the office.

Alex tried to sleep there, however, it was difficult. Miyuki, with her blanckets, could prove their hypothesis. They stole, not we, at all!!!

Sleepy, however, we need to prove it! And they came! Miyuki chose the occasion. YUKARI was there, yes, hearing our conversation, however, if Miyuki lost the chance, it would prolong more. Yesterday was Sunday, and today, Monday, in the morning. Thus, financial activities in Shirakawa is so slow. And in case of TOUHOU bank, over US$1 thousand drawal by way of ATM is prohibittion. And over US$10 thousand drawal in the counter with clerk would be asked the reason. Earlier is better. Thus, despite of YUKARI's existance, Miyuki informed the fact, only. "I don't know who did it. Just I inform you, what I heard."

And YUKARI? Once she refrained from the office, and during the time, Miyuki told her vinil house establishing plan. Patch, she rented. And now?

A half of patch is used for asters, garden flowers, by some guys. However, after collecting seeds, they would refrain from the patch. Thus, Miyuki would put her pots inside the vinil house. Thus, she would make a patch size of vinil house.

Miyuki asked "Do you have some plastic, vinil, polipropilen, glass left for the use? I would like to use it, if you agree." And he said "no". Thus, Miyuki would buy some products suitable for it, in the cheapy price. Probably, hard vinil sheets. Or she would take advantage of the left of the left over of the similar products. In case of necessity, from the corner of left trash. Why not?

Any foreign guys think like Miyuki. And collecting trash is now monopolized by some recycling companies. Without any allowance, they do. Why Miyuki not? Just she wants not to be caught by their faked police. They would call the faked police, on behalf of themselves. IP Tower MUJI did it, and the result, Detention of Tokyo Bay, and Custody in HASEGAWA Hospital.

Thus, Miyuki just monitors the recycling business. Smelly, however, it would weigh a lot.

Non effective world at all. Thus, they steal, and attack. Criminals, they are. Survival Game. And Miyuki bets on Real Justice. Probably only guy, who bets on this side. Among the thierves, they bit, and after Miyuki's appearance, the game changed, and they all lost. The next age? They couldn't presume. Thus only Miyuki gained the world.

Too too natural for Miyuki. And Miyuki is always so cool to others. Just a slight check, and it would be fine.

MIYABI went to Business School, not ASAHI high school, despite of living beside ASAHI...Probably, MIYABI vanished, and they didn't confess it. No successor at all for Fujita family now.

Alex didn't remember MIYABI, and Clare did. Japanese like. Bob cut. Yes. For Miyuki, bigger than Alex, despite of having been born only one month earlier than Alex.

Probably, theif did know Sato Family opened the office at 6:30 in the morning. HARUMI said it clarely to Miyuki, from 6:30 to 8:00, we should open the office because in this hour we need to use toilet often.

HARUMI introduced key system, saying, duing school pupils hours, they would steal from our precious office. Thus, for Miyuki, strange, actual prohibition of closing the office during the exact moment of kids' appearing in schools.

HARUMI is rahter supporter of theives actually, Miyuki did feel deeply when she mentioned to Hidetoshi KOJIMA's reliance. He, jobless Alzheimer, loser in Tokyo, non trustworthy guy No.1 of her, suddenly turned to be a reliable guy. Oh, Alzheimer change!!!

PErsonality change appeared in this point. Wrong and right, totally changed at all, inside her.

Always, who treats them as if superior, they rely on. Forgetfulness causes such a so non sustainable reliance concept. Thus, changeable, and forgetful. After their so big mistake, they forgot. Thus, YUKARI is free from any anxety on this matter of yesterday.

To steal Miyuki's work, they came, probably. Burden, and they lost all.

YUKARI induced so many guys, and they took advantage of their Alzheimer disease. YUKARI lost all of her memories, and now, some food related matters only. Food should be consumed up to the last bit of the dish. Thus, she monitors us both. International society, it is called torture. And they do the wrongdoings, every meal.

For Miyuki, not at all world, we lived. In Tokyo, also. For Miyuki, why we are not liveral, even now?, was a big mistake. Why my articles were not appreciated correctly? Big hits among their society, consecutively, compared with their "Just refering to their own professors" type, Miyuki's works should be Nobel Prize Class!!!

However, she was obliged to work for Kyorin Versity. And now, the result. Better than Tokyo Versity, because Todai pupils were just dumbs, cramschool study only, with any hobby, any sports activities. Jamheads.

While, Kyorin Versity pupils were, at least, sports lovers or some hobby inclinations type, thus, they couldn't concentrated on cramschool study at all. Thus, less dumbs, they were. Better as training. Messy campus, yes. However, as training center or concentrated camp, a bit harsh materially was better than being indulged like a tod in a lukewarm warter at Tokyo Versity.

Thus, better than LESS THAN ZERO. Non promissive guys only world, KYORIN was. HETARE or ヘタレ in Japanese. TOHOHO, for her generation. And all TOHOHO and HETARE, now alive...

Promissive kids No.1, Miyuki was. And according to theory, MIYUKI would be the best earner in the world, or at least in Japan, with her academic career, however, the reality...KOSAKU or TEMA soldeir...

Miyuki checked some species of vehicles for her sleeping use. And all of Japanese cars were desqualified. Non fashionable, nor suitable. All looked as if coffin. Miyuki categorized "spooky" all of them. Thus, she changed her mind. Safety against robbery, the writers suggested. Thus, safety, is the priority. Thus, now, not the time to buy any of the car.

And in winter, Miyuki would make her special heavy duty equipements forever adventures, like Schlaf or sleeping bag, with cusions and so on. Not domestic tasks at all. Of course, we need to use some thread and needles. Thus, home center walking or monitoring for the season.

Just thinking of good harvest. Because she made best efforts on the result. If she couldn't gain it, it would be evil influence on her process. Disturbing factors, unnecessarily given.

Thus, now, after drinking a cup of milk, Miyuki does her agricultural job.

See you soon on our blog!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly forgetful bitch satans!!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI and her team 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!!