Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (219)

2017-08-20 18:39:12 | 日記
Miyuki came back from her outside work now.

She did her chicking job on the courtyard, and found so nasty re-attacking done by Alzheimer family members called HARUMI and YUKARI. They picked up the shoots of raddish, in the patch of the field. They can't recognize difference between eatable and not eatable. They should refrain from the universe. Miyuki, as farmer, suffers so much from there repetitive attacking. Why they do so wrong? Thsy should vanish, immediately!!

Now, HARUMI or YUKARI is doing her formidable cooking, using oil, green peppers and soy sauce. Salty smell, Miyuki sensed. And Miyuki passed in front of kitchen from outside and she was doing the same movement. More than 5 minutes, she fried the peppers!!! Terrible! This dish should be quickely fried with high temprerature. DDMic way is always so many minutes' of frying, up to be burnt. Soy sauce is also crying! It is also fermented product. Should do cook quickly, is iron law in this field. And all DDMs cook so slowly!!!

Miyuki found almost 15 new lemmon shoots in a pot! They appeared in collective! VIVA! Good chance to grow! Brave guys! The leader is red small radish! Quick mature type. Lead them well! Camp leader, he was appointed.

If red radish is not taken after gaining fat root, how he turns?, was Miyuki's question. He would show an example, probably.

Many his species are suffering from continuous attacking done by Alzheimers. Dirty PAir, they yelld to them both. They should refrain from any social activities. Just they do wrong! Terrible monopoly of cooking, and they themselves cook so bad. The result, messy burnt food only. They say this is the best way to survive this age???

No money, because they don't want to pay to others. If they pay, we can eat better products. And they say, "We can survive like that. No money, because Miyuki doesn't provide money to them both." Of course! She is totaly away from their idiocracy! family version IDIOCRACY, they participate in. Miyuki is away from the reign.

We want to run away, and Alex could do it. He ran away today, early in the morning to HACHIOJI, saying, "I need to buy some important books in HACHIOJI" and he could.

And Clare is thinking of vanishing from here. Nasty vacant place, here and there. "I want to live alone", Clare said. "Me too!" Miyuki cried. Both, independent type. This is No Man's Land, only Alzheimer patients live here! And they are all dangerous. They are ready to steal, rob or kill others!!!

The automatic machinery cashing advisers are ready to ask code numbers of credit cards from Alzheimer guys. They are wanting to behave like kind ladies, to ask the numbers. The clerks are Alzheimer also, however, they themselves think that they were superior to the old Alzheimers, intellectually. Thus, they are so eager to support others' trouble with the machinery.

Mummy searchers turned to be mummies by themselves. They themselves were trapped, and member change,happens as usual.

Only one guy is enough, is the policy of DAISO or Don-Quejote, the cheapish franchise stores, both. Cut the human expenditure, was the correct answer as business rule. However, in Shirakawa, so many clerks, mainly plump middle aged bitches, are hired as clerks. Anti-effective. Why they increased so much? No control from the principle site???

No response at all. Already done, both. Miyuki watched that they couldn't control the abuse of satans in each area.

Fire incidents caused by their own clerk. In this case, Don-Quijote should pay immediately. For the victim, the wrongdoers, both, human shaped and the judicial figure, should be punished.

Miyuki found the result of the heavy shower of yesterday. Cleaning up job for new comers. Miyuki recognized it yesterday, and it was confirmed today, when she visited to WASHIO. On the way to WASHIO, there is a complex of minicipality owened buildings for poor guys only, and yesterday, Miyuki watched only on the back. Today, from the front, Miyuki caught the sight, and took the picture.

So old, more then 50 years old building, it is. And now, with brilliantly cleaned up glass windows only. Inside, messy broken papers, while outside, newly cleaned up glass. Unbalanced apperance, it showed in front of Miyuki, again!!!

And Miyuki presumed that this audaciously chemical attack was done for vehicle washing, mainly. To gain pretty surfice, Shirakawans did it, again, probably. Cheapish ex-yankii type reign this village actually. Thus, mad dogs only world! Police academy also! Today, Miyuki watched 90-43 patrol car, again, on Route 289, near NANKO area.

And on the way back, also on Route 289, a red fire distinguisher vehicle, and an ambulance, with sirens, also. Public physical work sections only. Just lack Armed Forces called Self Defense Forse.

ADACHI wanted to participate in the force, and he was refused, because he asked, "How much do you earn per month?" For him, important question. Understandable. And Miyuki's response, in 2013, probably, US$1.8 thousand per month.

Now, at 19:48, it started raining harshly. The weather report doesn't mention to it at all. No Man's Land. Idiots only world. They do as they like. Thus, terrible attacking, here and there.

In NANKO Silver Lake area, on south side, two idiots Alzheimers, old males both, were cutting the grasses. Unnecessarily, on Sunday, among the faked families, they were doing wrong, with their preferable old fashioned attacking tools, or scythes.

Jasons, they are! They can't put up with attaking!

Miyuki remembered that she was really attacked by scythe with chains type, called 鎖鎌 or KUSARI-GAMA, not rotten tod, or 腐り蝦蟇 or KISARI-GAMA, for avoiding your misunderstanding.

Unusual, and Miyuki got really fearful! 60 years old almost farmer, he was. It happened in September, 2015. At the bus stop down the hill of Kyorin Versity, called MIYA-SHITA. Exists? Exists!!!

Like 忍者武芸帳 or NINJA-BUGEI-CHOU or cronicle of martial arts for NINJA team...Miyuki was astonished at his behaviour!!! However, now understandable the situation. In HACHIOJI, it happened, 2 years earlier than Shirakawa. Thus, No Man's Land, thus, idiots Alzheimer patients did as they liked!!!

Miyuki was so shocked, however, she ran away, refrained from the guy, as much as possible. He came in a pick up track, white type, and after failing to catch her, he returned to the driver's seat of the track, and left there. Only 5 minutes happening, however, so so sunning happening for her life. Unusual tool, he used!!!

They had some inclination to use scythe type, and thus, they chose their last arm.

For Miyuki, at first time in her life, at that moment. However, ADACHI watched the guy already! Oh, habitual!!!

So famous in the campus. However, Miyuki didn't know!!! Any staff informed to Miyuki, or in public, in any meeting!!! They didn't inform the relevant information at all!!! Dangerous!!! Dead or alive type, and they didn't! In case of disaster, they should be punished, because of lack of sincerity! They should be responsible for pupils and staff's life, of course!!! Person to person, yes, however, before, in collective, they needed to inform for all of the members of the existance of wrongdoers near the campus!!!

Now, the heavy rain stopped. In 5 minutes, thus, any weather report doesn't inform.

At 20:03, it started raining again, and heavy rain didn't come. Just common rain drop type, and stopped already, at 20:09.

Miyuki gained a lot of seeds of green grapes called Alexandria, from YAMANASHI prefecture. Miyuki was so dissapointed from various fruits which came from this prefecture, because they were almost all seedless. Now, Miyuki is happy with her promissive kids. She put them in a prastic dish to absorb water with a big seed of avocado, which Miyuki gained at Washio.

Alexandria was gained at Gyomu super, at the cost of US$2. Yammy, yes, however, seeds...Oh, he has!! Eureika!!!

Thus, now Miyuki is dreaming her grape orchard owner life...So promissive, because YAMANASHI's climate is not so different from Shirakawa. Thus, more chance to produce lots of green grapes.

for her, mainly, row use, and cooking. And will try to make wine. However, her preference is more red wine, vinho tinto. Thus, dark chelly red wine, she would have in the near future!!!

She observed that so many cherry seeds absorbed a lot of water during summer. And find two cherry like shoots turning into leaves with stalks. Probably cherry trees, they are. However, not so I am sure. In case of different plants, OK, however, I prefer eatable fruits type. Not nececity, yes. Just Miyuki presumes "Cherry Orchard" Chehov.

Cherry Orchard story is similar to SASAME-YUKI or 細雪 or fine snow by Junichirou TANIZAKI, or 若草物語 or Green Grass by American female writer. Miyuki watched black and white film, with Liz Tailor, as the 3rd, most prettiest girl. Peggy???

The last daughter died, however, the three needed to manage the situation. Resembles Big House in Prairie by Laura Ingulse Wilder. The elder sister, most promissive girl, turned blind, hoever, she turned to be a teacher.

Miyuki didn't read Green Grass on the book. girly story was not her taste. Thus, mainly, male writers' novels. So few selective female writers are qualified, "Not girly. More universal history they wrote, despite of her sex."

Prejudiced, yes. however, on behalf of this recognition, she couldn't turn to be a bitch, or DDM, in short. They are different. She likes Elenor Farjon, not because of her lylic side, but because of some watching point. She did know some crues of idiocracy, or she suffered lot because of it. Probably, she could not gain so much money from her writing. She was born in rich family, thus, she was not so eager to gain money. Not indulged, presumably. Just, "I want to be a writer" would be the excuse of YUKARI's quitting job. In this case, she chould know the limit. Ten years are enough to proove it. After ten years, she should pay her own living cost.

For Miyuki's understanding, three years are enough. However, more protectionist type, ten years. After ten years, she should work in different way. Physical working, of course, including!!!

Why she doesn't work outside to earn money? was their question. And HARUMI excused like that, "She wanted to be a writer." And YUKARI write anything? YUKARI doesn't, rather couldn't. Prohibition No.1 by her own belief. I can't be a writer, in the end. Thus, she should pay, of course!!!

She wanted to be Miyuki, however, couldn't. What is Miyuki, for her?

A kind of easy goer, however, who can earn money. Thus, imitate her life. Easy goer, and earns money.

She tried, and couldn't! Liar! She didn't try ever!!! What she did?

She made some poetry on her. "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" If YUKARI believes it were the poem, she should publish it in public.

She didn't, because it was blasfamia. Thus, she didn't produce anything at all objectively.

She is so anti-productive, and didn't make any effort, in short. No excuse at all. HARUMI should take care of her, and YUKARI, the same to HARUMI. Mutual understanding between them. They should live in the suitable place, only by themselves.

Group Home would fine for them both. They like to get to know other Alzheimer patients. Thus, good. For their suitable life, Congratulations!!!

For them, we can't coexist at all. Miyuki, as precarious stayer, yes. however, she is now enhanced mode. Yes, however, she would pay, different from the both. More business like relationship, Miyuki requires. Thus, it works. In case of necessity, she pays, yes. However, by threatening, not at all. Monopoly, not at all, either. Rightous price. 10% would be fine to rent the place. 10% of her harvest, yes.

Miyuki is super beutiful at this point. No reward at all type? Reward only type, rather. Miyuki is so so similar to Alex, at this point. It is called greedness by animals???

Reward, why not? Not money. Much precious material reward. Like relevant informations..where is the suitable place for her grapeyard? Where is the site of rare delicious fruits in this area? And so on. Or, some delicous leaves, fruits, nuts, and so on. Obvious reward, she wants!!!

Eatable, in short. The most important necessity in our age. Thus reward!!!! Miyuki should know the fruits world!!! The really well caltivated earth exist here and there. Now, with chemical products, thus, no suitable for anything. However, for few months, it turns to be a good field for cultivation.

And she would like to start her desconstruction job under TOMOCHI's instruction. She is now good in physics. Not perfect, however, arms, especially, upper muscles, yes!! Inner muscles training, she did. And the result...From berry to the bottom part, unfortunately, yet prepared. Now in training. However, the rest, almost, prepared for it!!!

Under belly to the bottom part, looks female, is her worry. With jeans or leggins, not so much. However, nakid, she doesn't look so manish, at this parts...unfortunately.

With working uniform, just a lean guy. Thus, XS please!!! The reward, suitable uniform!!! Workman Products, OK? OK. KAKIMA works for the company. Kyushu, probably.

Workman has a shop along TAKIYAMA Avenue, she noticed, thus, she said clarely to the guy, who came to the party, almost 5 years ago. He was a advertise section's guy, and Miyuki came as a member of organizer of the meeting for exchange of information on job hunting process. He was rather younger than other guys there. Miyuki talked with TOYOTA liesing, where KITANOZONO works for, and Sundrug, and KEIO resort hotel or so. They were over 50. And the workman's guy was 40 under, looked. Thus, she said so. Workman? Working wear franchise shop. Famous! She did know, she did know!!!

For her, common knowledge, as civilian. However, for other guys of Kyorin staff, "What is this? In which area, your workmen work?" ???

Famous for common guys only. Coleman, or camping tool company type. She likes heavy duty type, thus, for her, common knowledge. She thought that any guys of Kyorin Staff did know it...

Existed only one, who did know Captain Fuck??? or so, with deer mark. Shinpou said that he adoraria camping, and thus he bought white MITSUBISHI Rover type Land Cruzer, and he moved to YAMANASHI, to use his Dutch OVEN. Miyuki believed the story? Believed, because understandable. Sometimes, only one piece would be a suggestion to change ones' life.

And Miyuki got disappointed with SHIMPOU, yes. Why he kept so many important information behind his back???

Mutual comunication was necessity. They said, however, Miyuki didn't want to be interefered by any of them, because they didn't provide any real useful information at all. Mutual, not at all. They should behave like business men. Business like, Miyuki prefered. Thus, not sobstory. Public or common informations, they concealed, not because of their private information concealing system at all. But because of their betrayal and dishonesty.

Billy Joel, SHIMPOU liked. Dishonesty, not HONESTY! Billy would kill you, SHIMPOU!!!

Honesty is such a lonly word, every one is untrue...♫

Lonely, as being a human creature, Miyuki felt. And the result!!! We gained!!! Kyorin was disliked so much!!! No candidate at all to the versity!!! VIVA!!! Thus, No Man's Land.

They didn't tell Miyuki, that Hachioji campus was moving. In 2012, in April, Miyuki got to know the fact. However, OOYAMA did know it, earlier than Miyuki, and his mates also. Number, unknown. After his moving, on the telephone, he said to Miyuki, clearly, that "Oh, I did know it, before you got to know it officially in the meeting!" And Miyuki said to herself. "Good grief. I lost appetite to buy any property in HACHIOJI, already. Or, I would have had bought one with my precious money, composed of my sweat and tears."

Miyuki escaped from the disaster that Moriko and OKINO caught. Buying cheapish products called My HOME at the highest price in the world. Warehouse, in short, the mini-version. Modenized, yes, however, only one night is enough to establish type. At the cost of US$750 thousand per each!!! Absurd!!!

Miyuki has no such amout of money. Thus, she could escape from it. They are or were couples, thus, double income type. Miyuki is poor, while they are a bit more.

In her case, single, and movable. Thus, in finally, JEEP. And big type, as her house. Trailer house was difficult to park in Japan. Only rural area. And driving skill is necessity. Thus, JEEP.

Bike is also good, however, for amusement only. Mini???? Toy rider???

Go Cart!! Miyuki liked it! Any guy, 3 years to 10, experienced it, and liked it. Miyuki? Good for No Man's Land, however, with Alzheimer vehicles, too too dangerous!!! Just to be killed type suicide machine...HAYABUSA.

Alex liked her sarcastic irony. Your parent is devil, not satan...Console from his team mates. Thus, terrible. Devel with no money...too too thrifty to others and to herself.

Decisively yes!! And she really is sorry for her non kitchen situation. She was rather vegitable eater, and now, fruits, and meat, only. Vegitable needs washing space and some suitable cooking tools. Difficult only with a micro-oven. Now, quick cooking challenge. Almost all of them are eaten in the same way. Cooked sufficiently, and put sqeezed lemmon juice on. For main dinner, this dish only. And for dissert, some fruits, gained at some supermarket as MIKIRI-HIN. Super discount because of neary rotten or rather exactly mature enough situation.

Today, Miyuki walked from WASHIO, via GYOMU Super, BENIMARU-Mega-Stage, Beisia, BENIMARU-SHOWAMACHI, KAWACHI drugstore, to BENIMARU-Yokomachi. 7 Supermarkets. And gained US$1 package of 3 avocados, and US$2 Alexandria Grapes.

Some meat packages are frozen in freezer for her necessity. This technic was learned from KIKI, her ex-pupil.

Thus, a bit of spare is working. Super thrifty life, she is spending now. Less then US$3 per day, is a kind of challenge. With her eating skill, probably, it would be possible.

Tester or free meat providing system in Shirakawa, disliked her appearance so much, because she bought so few, and she looked poor. Lean and sweat clothings.???

For her, not smell. Her smell is different from satans. For them Miyuki is smelly, at a glance. By superficial observation, she smells for them all???

Thus, she was disliked by Kyorin staff. Lean bitch, was their impression. Thus, HARUMI and YUKARI dislikes her so much. Smelly, at appearance, in short.

No reason. Thus, no choice for them both. She couldn't put up with her situation. Their???

For Miyuki, out of mind, however, for them, Miyuki's way of life is out of mind. They have no mind, thus. And this is my life, and their life is different. I decide on my life, they are incapable as Alzheimers. We decide on their lives. VANISH! DDMs!!!

Strange habit, they have. They are curious at others' life. Thus, they should refrain from our society, called the universe. They don't need anything at all any more. Thus, go to inferno!!!

Non stopping mode, and they should go there now!!! They are ZOMBIES, already. Why they popped out from their chambers or the main house???

Sightseeing game, they called it. For them, everything is new now. How to cook soy beans paste soup?, HARUMI yelled to Alex, and Alex disliked to teach it. He would like to cook it. Easy to do it. Thus, yelled. "You can learn on TV" and they put the TV, and forgot what they would like to do. Good grief. It worked. Thus, after starting to put the gas burner, "What I want to do, Alex?" and consultant Alex responded, "MISO Soup!" and now, messy miserable so called Miso Soup, in a flat dish.

For them, OK, however, for the kids, how messy, our lives are!!!

Miyuki prefered to refrain from the main house, because Miyuki didn't want to see them both, HARUMI and YUKARI. Generation different Twins, they are!!!

Both Alzheimer, the 3rd class. After their recognition of the disease, the situation got worst. Anyway, jealous! I don't eat your dish, Clare yelled! And then, Miyuki came, and asked, "Where your grand father is?"

YUKARI was there, and asked, "Who is KOJI? Your boy friend? or hers???"

For Clare, again, Auntie type response she did. She forgot the name of her father. The real Alzheimer 3rd class. Forgetting the names of their own families. Thus, "Who is MIYUKI?" soon!!! Ideal!!!

For Miyuki, OK, however, for others, how explain the existance of strange guy in the office? Worker. She is hired as an assistant of their agricultural business.

小作人 or KOSAKU-NIN. They explained. For Miyuki, it is true. Thus, no problem. Better than jobless non working DDMs. No place to live, to put her objects, to sow, to establish the sunroom for tropical and semi-tropical fruits trees.

And she pledged to pay 10% of the harvest. Thus, 小作料 or KOSAKU-RYOU or Fee for renting the earth.

Thus, non-product strategy they took. Anti-productive, yes. Thus, they should pay punishment. Anti means against. Harmful wrongdoing they did so many years. Thus, so so high value of money, they accumulated. Doing nothing is ZERO, while doingwrong is LESS THAN ZERO, and it is damge in civil procedure. Thus, sanctions, in both, criminal and civil procedures. The result weighs so much, including psychological damage.

Non working class should not exist. Animal rules. Plants are working. They produce, day and night, without knowing the result sometimes. However, they produce oxigene, and purify the earth, absorbing poison or chemical weapons, so much. They suffered and suffer so much.

Today, Miyuki got really upset to find so many vehicles parking on the southern bottom of INARI Mountain. Especially, in a cleaning shop. Miyuki proposed a question on the usage of the cleaning shop, common coin laundry, without any shop keeper type. Thus they came.

In SHIRAKAWA, clerks are waiting for Alzheimer clients. Mummies!!!!

Miyuki remembers that in Tokyo, so many wears were stocked in Cleaning shops. The clerks said, "Many clients don't come to receive the clothings, washed up, totally". Why?

At that time, Miyuki thought that in Tokyo, no place to put such amount of clothings, thus, as a walk-in closet in common, they used the shops.

However, thinking of the situation, they forgot to pick up, or they were killed before they picked up, was the super correct answer!!! BINGO!!!

Coin Laundry vanished, in case of their necessity in HACHIOJI. YUKARI would be used as their washing machine, they thought. And they failed. No more YUKARI, of course!!! Satan!!!

Satans they are, from the begining. So few guys come to the earth as human beings. They are the products of human beings' greediness. They are muck, in short, and they came to devastate the earth.

Any irresiponsible non loving couple have chance to gain this gift from satanic world called INFERNO. Any family has at least one muck system, and total muck world, in the end.

The earth is beautiful, however, muck satans are not. Not suitable for our world!!!

For Miyuki, YUKARI should vanish immediately with HARUMI. Muck returning process is called Alzheimer symptom, and Idiocracy in case of society.

The front or reverse, they can't recognize. Miyuki found a price plate in front of peach, whole white, and the paper with discription was all inside. Exists? Exists. Miyuki took a picture of it. Benimaru-Showamachi, two day before yesterday, probably.

And now in Shirakawa, so common, on the side of the vehicle, they wrote from right to left. unusuall. In TAIWAN, yes. However, in Japan, from right to left, we have learned in Schools. Ilegible, probaly.

Alzheimer patients can't read. Thus, they both ordered the OMANKO journal called ASAHI SHIMBUN to fake to be legible. Terrible. They can't read any more, while others were obliged to pay the money for the unnecessary showup. Decoration. They should pay the money!!!

And today, almost all of adults wore long pants like trausers, leggings, jeans or so. However, kids wore short pants, and YUKARI wore bermuda type black bottoms.

Why YUKARI wants to wear like kids, while she is 48 years old???

Her reply was, "I don't know" in her rough threatening mode. SHIRUKA! in Japanese.

She herself didn't know, however, she used the unusual wear. DDMic controled system, she and her team mates satans are obliged to use. Satanic change, thus. She was gategorized Miyuki's kin, and Miyuki was categorized as kid, thus, younger sister, thus, YUKARI is registered as kid, to be controled.

Thus, she needs to go to school every day. However, she doesn't register in any school, thus, she lives as she likes.

And she doesn't do anything during a day. Why?

She can't do any at all. Sleepy, during days and nights. Thus, forgetful. Sleepy means she is already dead. Thus, always irritated, because she feels to belong to INFERNO, not here!!!

Always, "I don't know!" in her threatening mode. Even on her own matter, "I don't know!" only. No measure except Miyuki's special formula!!!

For her understanding, every guy should not do anything???

Reluctant to live, and she started to reccommend to live like her!!!

Harmful religion, and she should do the preach in public. She would gain a lot of believers here and there. #rd grader, she is now!!!

For her, Alzheimer patients can't lose BLA-BLA-BLA is discovery. In 4th gategory, they gets quiet. When it would come? So soon. Oh, cool mode. Autumn is near!!!

Thus, Miyuki's choice. Miyuki would produce fruits orchard. Various! Vegitable field included. Weeds, welcome type. Why not?

Now, in Shirakawa, autumn is near. Thus, we need to prepare for warming up system.

Rent some space to put her pots series. And establish a plastic roof, slope type. Bamboo sticks are needed, and she would gain in the mountain, under the accordance. And plastic bags? Probably, she would buy a bit. Calculating the space. She had some transparent vinil sheets, however, they lost. Thus, she starts to invest a bit, probably. The most cheap type she would choose. Thus, ask if they have some left over of this type.

Devastating process, they are in. Anyway, they want to destroy simptom. Thus, they broke so many things, indifferently.

We should regain the power. DDMs like to abandon precious things. For them, any precious things should be the targets of their attackings.

By Impulse, they move, and no memory at all. Terrible, however, they chat. Alzheimer chatting, Miyuki already heard here and there in Tokyo and in Shirakawa.

At Beisia, an old guy started to talk on Napkin in public, in his loud voice!!! Shame!

For them, OK, however, for us, too too nasty.

And in Supermarkets, here and there, Diarrea Fass smelled!!! Miyuki couldn't put up with the smell, and almost fainted. And in the game corner of Beisia, smell of vomitting, so strong, she felt and also almost fainted!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (218)

2017-08-20 10:21:16 | 日記
20/08/2017 (Sunday, morning) It's cloudy Sunday. From the begining, Miyuki got astonished. Look at this advertisement!

Now, in USA, military used cars are on sale! They say 50 years of tradition! Oh, USA, you allow the privatization of military? Brazilian Constitution prohibits this institution, however, you, USA, a model country for Latin Country after 19th century, allow this audacious sales for more than a half century! You are contempted with this sales advertisement and the company. Show your bravery, if you have...Do you have it? No? Oh, P, you don't have...Auntie, already...American Apple Pye!!! Auntie taste!!!

By the way, Miyuki already chose the nick name of her JEEP, which she would gain from US minilary or NATO. His name is Eugine! Engine???

The name of a dog appeared in Popeye's comic. Jeep is General Purpose car, in military slang, in 1930s. And Crysler's "Iron Cast" or skelton minimum type. Thus, military use. It should be functional, and multi use. And bony. For Miyuki, Jeep was born!!! Give me a big Jeep, used and confirmed the function! My first DOG, domestic type, which Miyuki will sleep with...or in...IN??? P holder's inside? Miyuki as P holder??? And Eugine, as Auntie, H holder? Confusional. Auntie ADACHI, you????

Every night, they will do it...what is it? Sleep. The most important for us, human beings. Thus, holding in the arms of Auntie ADACHI...Eugine ADACHI, is Auntie???

Eugine is boy's name. Eugenie, in case of female. Ephgenie...However, Miyuki chose the name Eugine. Boy's name, however, he should put up with Miyuki's harsh tough trial...She is on him type...Eugine, Miyuki's first P holding safe sex friend, and he will be obliged to do it, in this position. New experience...

He has already done it with so many guys, because he is used car. However, with vergin Japanese, first experience. He rather likes to do it under position. Too rare! Eugine, you are so brave! Many P holding guys think it would be contemtious. However, you are not!!! Eugine! You should be bigger because of your broad-mind!!! Big Eugine!!!

Big Brother Eugine. Engine is so big! Oh, thus, he could put up with Miyuki's adventures, and stable. Miyuki can't rise up him...Probably not. Thus, stable type. High type is needed to rise up, in case of mud use. Presumed. And in Shirakawa, so many high type popped out, recently. So called imported Jeep world, with so so high scarse wheel position type, so many Jeep type wander here and there! Thrilled!!!

And mini motor-cart type appeared one day before yesterday. China made cart, and amusing, and can be used by 16 years old hish school boys. They would be killed with the high type Jeeps!!!

Only US$1.5 thousand, and looks like remote controled car, and can run, correctly. Exists suport car model, Miyuki watched this type in Tokyo. Only 50cc, thus, no driver's licence which is necessity for common vehicle. Just one day lecture is enough to gain the licence for 50cc type in Japan.

Thus, ADACHI gained. Miyuki, not. She did not know the existance? Did, yes. HARUMI took it, one day. And Miyuki?

Miyuki was obliged to have a driver's license by her parents, and rather reluctantly, she took, in March, 1982, when she was a first grader of Tokyo Versity. Necessity as social existance, they said, and they said they would pay. Thus, anyway, I would take it, as a kind of social mannor...And it included, of course, 50cc bike riding.

However, it excluded bike riding over 50cc. And for Miyuki, 50cc bike is...seed of laughing story! Shame!!!

And ADACHI offered his bike riding, and Miyuki agreed, and enjoyed on his back, however, she said the prohibitted words...Oh, ADACHI, your bike is 50cc!!!!

For others, OK, however, for some guys, who knows who she is, contemtious words no.1! Thus, their driving ended up...ADACHI did tunnel curve, yes. Miyuki enjoyed it. However, the sound! The same as that MADOKA ejected...Lattatta! Shame!!!

With anti-fashionable helmet, Miyuki remembered the sound and scene...Yes, useful, however, so so messy, at the same time...Domestic, in short!!!Auntie Wet Adachi!!!

Kenny, he is. Now, Kennie...Girl version??? Loggins...

Boy like name, howefer, he is rather Auntie, if Miyuki is a standard of human wetness...dry gin, she is...

She learned that in her bar, any white liqour would be fine. The most cheap one is called white liqour in this region. The products varie, like wheats, grapes, sugar canes, raddish, oranges, and so on. Anyway, they were the result of so many restrilization processes. Thus, in short, metil alchool. Thus, only one bottle, like cashassa in Brazil would be fine. Foreign language bottle is key word. Thus, any cheap product with this line is OK, for her future hut or bar for summer, or counter in her home bar.

They she put various her fruits juice, and herb. Cocktails, pronto!!!!

Bourbon, for example, Wild Turky, wisky, white horse, grain malt type, some liqures, if she gains by visitors, and ice cubes, salt, lemon, sugar, fruits, juice type, and herbs, in case of being ordered, she would pick from her garden, and gin, or votka, cashassa, tequila, etc, in short, white liqour.

Minimum bar attending preparation is OK like that. The rest, flasco and beecar...poison???? Any glass would be fine to mix. The final product should be seen in prettiest way!!! Perfect!!!

However, at the same time, this project has big basic FIASCO...Brothers...

Lack of clients...Probably, we would do our bar keeping play, as bartender and clients...Triple, in minimum...Child play...Toy Story.

Chinkoro needs to pretend to be "drinker" Mary-Lin, and Yacult also. Beby-Lin, as drinker. And Miyuki, Bartender CHIGU-Lin...Stupid bar shop play...Only adults can put up with this audacious kids play by the 3 Lindas...

Why kids don't play bartender play? It would be coolish!!! Coolish, thus, we will try, as much as possible. And Prohibition Era's version...Bugsy Marone...Brando...

Miyuki remembered two teachers in her Chuo junior high. 瀬戸大 or Hiroshi SETO, and the Bull Dog.

SETO's major was math, and his name 大 means BIG, however, he was short. Thus, he needed to confess the fact, that his parents failed. They wanted him to be big, however, he couldn't. And it was so evident failure, without saying. Thus, in case of first encounter with unknown guys, he needed to confess the fact. Better than denied the fact. Impossible! Anyway, kids would laugh at the contradiction...No choice...

And he didn't interfere Miyuki's sacret job, during the lecture of math...She was reading books, or absorbed in her experiment, rather natural science type. Making a fake fossile, taking advantage of MITSUBISHI unfunctional Ball Point Pens. Good math point getter, she is...Thus, even in these contemptious situation, he should refrain from her own way...She continued her own experiment, after his claiming on her sacred jobs...This is the limit of the teachers...Or, she stopped to get high scores...ZERO, she would offer, in the next exam...

And now, YUKARI came to the office, started to wash the clothings, and, unnecessarily, opened the sliding door of the office room. When it opens, she shuts, while when it closes, she opens. Just it. By impulse, she does like that. Just "I want to disturb MIYUKI" was confirmed.

Don't touch the door, when it closes, they wispered to YUKARI, however, on the contrary. Inside Miyuki probably is there, thus, for YUKARI, necessity to show up the existance of YUKARI herself. Unkind disturbing sister YUKARI, young Alzheimer, spontaneous type. No reason except disturb Miyuki's life. Thus, she should refrain from the society.

Miyuki didn't want to be her level, thus, she put up with many of her strange attacking all for her life. And even now, she disturb Miyuki's attempt, as much as possible. When Miyuki works in the courtyard, she grows some poisoneous plants, to others, according to her presumption. When Miyuki is writing something at PC, she is making bad rumour on our family. When Miyuki is walking outside, "Vagabonda!" or homeless walker like stupid!, while Miyuki is in the office, "This stupid doesn't work at all! Jobless! Indulged! Useless! She should be disposed by us all! She should pay by her own diposit!!"

This morning, at 6:30, someone came, and took some important documents from the coffre under the desk of Miyuki's father. Who? Miyuki was in bed, and presumed that it was her father. Why, on Sunday, early in the morning, he needed to take them from the coffre? Miyuki's important documents are there, also, yes!!!

Thus, Miyuki should know the limit. They all are in danger in this period. They want to have safety, anyway. Thus, they want to take the deposit of Miyuki and of her father. Safety means that being treated to be kind by others. At the cost of this kind treatment, they pay as much as possible.

Any guy, who doesn't deal with us Alzheimer patients, should be praised by their financial or other kind of benefit. Thus, Alex, the X of Sato Family was expected by both of them.

Only he doesn't say, "They are Alzheimers", thus, they thought that Alex was so dull not to recognize their Alzheimer disease, and suitable for them to take care...

His fate is already desdined. He should take care of us both, as care giver.

And Alex? Not at all! Absurd! Why they don't want do mutual Car givers play?

Miyuki is so sarcastic, and this is the reality. They are doing, however, they don't want to confess the fact. In some so small modernized cheapish house, they should do the play. Sunny side, with air conditioned, like HASEGAWA hospital.

Cooking is a key point to judge if they are genuine Alzheimer or not. And they both are qualified as Alzheimers. Rumour related society, they lived, and Miyuki was caught by their rumour making activities.

Alzheimer should not deal with any public power, is minimum requisit of sane society. However, Japan was exception. Judiciary, Justice executors, Army, Civil Servants, Governments, central and local, all, were composed by Alzheimers. All Alzheimer society, this stupidest county chose, and failed.

Rumour related judgement, they did, even in Supreme Court of justice, and showed that Japanese Constitution was just Bitch to fake constitutional contry. No excuse would be ligitimatise the fact, already, and Alzheimer pimps continue their wrongdoings. They did member changes, yes. However, all of them are Alzhimers. Without any exception.

Artificial storm? Why? No information on the heavy rain and thunders? Miyuki got upset! We are in danger of weather change. Almost one month earlier than usual. In Tokyo, Miyuki experienced strange climate change. "Silent Spring" and Summer. Lachael Carlson.

The faked residents spilt chemical products so many in every field, courtyard, parking lots, road, pedestrian deck, commercial facility, and so on. Farmers should not do so!

And farmers don't know how to caltivate the earth. They forgot the characters of the nature. Thus, they import the rice shoots from other countries, even in Shirakawa, one of the rice relying rural villege. This is the reality of Japan.

And the pimps want to excuse, "Oh, TOUHOKU area was attacked by cold summer, thus, they can't produce rice sufficiently!" in public, and made a consecutive attacking on this region, using artificial rain or coldness inducing chemical powders. Thunders are cannon balls, they called. Many ingredients are included, and some of the guys, who executed the ejections were Miyuki's acquaintances.

For Miyuki, not so difficult to cut the heads of all of them. They are all satans! VANISH! Right now! Unnecessary to know each guy's name at all! And after knowing, her amusement starts! She is a president of her newly criating "Rightous Sadists Maniacs Club" and she likes to wear her leather suits!!!! With London Boots!!!

Mary-Lin, with her team mate in this tag!!! Beby-Lin also! Fur tribe is rather dry, in short, compared with human beings. Kind yes, for us all! However, for satans, child play is enought!!! Thus, Miyuki's dream to be a bartender in a summer hut in a beach near Silever Lake called NANKO was so so punisheable factor!!!

Winter home bartender...spets...However, no choice. Night cap only...For kids...Brandy with sugar and milk, would be a good inducing poison, sometimes, yes. However, only several times a day, in really difficult to sleep, however, needs to sleep type night, this delicous drink work. Only spoonful of brandy. Not so addictive, for Miyuki's type. Thus, Miyuki, in normal mode, not drinker type, at all!!!

Miyuki is drinker, they rumoured, because she is high tensioned. Yes, Miyuki is almost all of her life, in high tension, and it is co common in foreign country. Only in Japan, spooky reluctant to live mode, negative and anti-productive. Alzheimer. Amirodosis. Thus, Japanese are idol, and non workers.

Even with some activator medicines, they just did wrongdoings only. Anti-productive at all. Marifana, Cocaine, Amphetamine, LSD, MDMA, and so one. All tried, and didn't effect at all. Thus, Miyuki's original Formula, which gained a lot of prized in the universe!!! So quick, easy and effective!!! Any guy adore to do so type!!!

And all the conditions included. Admittion of the all wrongdoings. Payment of all indemnizations. Execution of the formula, without any remark at all, without any error. Perfection is requisite. Top secret, the formula is. Thus, for free. If one of satans speaks to any of others, it would be killed immediately, all related, to keep the top secrecy. In case of error, rightous brothers kill the patients immediately.

Don't prolong to stay here in the universe, in short. Go to INFERNO! Only one place that you, satans, should stay, is INFERNO. No other place any more. No exist colony of INFERNO. SHIRAKAWA is the last colony of satans, thus, only real INFERNO, you should go to, right now, at once, immediately, all in a body, entirely, completely, totally, perfectly, absolutely, eternally, for ever!!!!!

Satans, you should not leave any dust, particle, atom, and so on, either!!! If you any of your residue, your indemnization, or rather, debt, increase, one billion times. With all your belongings, not with our belongings any, you should refrain from our society!!! All satans, fetus, eggs, candidates of satans, kids, adlescents, adults, middle aged, old, deceised, dead bodies, and so on, all!! Human shaped, animal shaped, Apocalypus plants, all satanic creatures and objects, fenomena, and so on.

Historical deceipts are biggest wrongdoings, and wi-fi or shakings, satanic technologies used by satans, should vanish, immediately!!! Satanic choise, wi-fi using is. No rational reason to use the numerous wi-fi on air. All of them should be stopped, already. In some colonies like SHIRAKAWA, it was used, as common. Miyuki is free from wi-fi use. Thus, we are free from anxiety of non wi-fi mode.

Just a wi-fi use, why minority should be targetted to be killed? So many birdies were killed by this killer machinary! Animals also. Rabby is the example!!! Sensitive, is promissive. Thus, they were targetted by satans, who are just jealous, because of their total inferiority, or their character of just MUCK!!!!

Thus, MUCK, you should be disposed as MUCK, satans. You, MUCK, satans! Peeping Muck BOKKO Tom! Major!!!

Broken Robbot. Satans without quickness was shame even for satanic world. However, Shirakawa santans were so slow, and shames of shemes, they collected. We need to clean up the payment for the disposal. Cleaning should be paid by you, satans!!!

You can't work at all. Just faking as if working, and you are all revealed as faked workers, outside and inside the houses. Domestic works are easy jobs for us all. However, for you, satans, too too difficult. Alzheimer confirmed!!!!

MISO soup or Soy Beans Paste including soup is delicous, when they were not boild, because soy beans paste is made of fermented product. In this case, heating gives a damage to the flavour. However, satans have no sense of nose nor of tongue, thus, always they boil the soup, and each time, it turns salty, because of distrilization of boiled water.

So basic knowledge of natural science. No need of "Domestic task subject", only for Tea Ceremony Tribe type at all. And Miyuki suffered from a lot because of this anti-constitutional, anti-productive, anti-fundamental rights type subject. Unnecessarily harmful subject, Miyuki wanted to say, thus, she gained ZERO in the exam. Thus, she was punished, because of this expression or demonstration against this rotten ego-centric conservatist only anti-equality subject. The representative was Fumiko INOUE, Dirty Tod with whitish powder. Monstrously ugly, Miyuki and her team mates felt!!! Nasty! Public nusance! This is Japanese Conservatists' ideal existance, probably!!!

In high school days, KUROSU owed this role. Miyuki was descategorised in the exam of Domestic Cooking, in case of qualification of 4th class of cooking. She failed. Only one guy, who dropped out in the exam. She couldn't cut the cucumber in 100 pieces in a minute. She was not good at cutting in a speed. And Miyuki's understanding, summer cucumbers are most delicious, when they are eaten in a whole with soy beans paste. Thus, cutting skill is not necessity for her.

She was obliged to pay for unnecessary exam at US$12, to fail finally. The result was predicted, however, she was obliged. She wanted to use this money for her precious stationary, for example, a coolish sharp pencil, however, she was obliged to throw it into ditch. Big loss!

She was poor! One of the poorest pupils, by their category. She was recommended to go to public versity because she was poor. She didn't know that she was poor! however, NOZAKI, her teacher responsible, pointed it, thus, she chose Tokyo Versity, rather WASEDA or Knocked Out KO Versity.

Knocked Out Versity, just for safety net, Miyuki thought. In the worst case, WASEDA, especially Faculty of Politics and Economy. Thus, Miyuki was obliged to study at Tokyo Versity, national one. No choice at all, for POOR Miyuki.

Thus, for rich girls, US$12 is only US$12. However, objectively, Miyuki's money unit is totally different from others in Shirakawa. At least, 10 times more!!!

And she turned gradualy poorer and poorer in Shirakawa. Miserable situation.

In Winter, she cried for departure of Yukichi FUKUZAWA, US$100 note. Each time, she cried, when he dissapear in front of her, into the cashing machine...Tears for fears to be jobless. "Shaut!"

Now, in Ausust, Miyuki cries so much, when she was obliged to depart from Hideyo NOGUCHI, her precious US$10 note. Every time, when NOGUCHI vanishs, Miyuki feels so sad, and gets tortured by his departure. Thus, she made a parody song, "Good Bye, NOGUCHI!", in the melody of "Good bye NAPOLI!" Her heart is almost torn, with the pain to lose this idol of her prefecture FUKUSHIMA. Hero, he is...for satans, cheapish US$10 note, probably, for Miyuki, so so precous and rare note...Thus, each time, her heart suffers so much, when she sees NOGUCHI vanishing into the machinery...NOGUCHI, NOGUCHI, why you abandon me??? Jesus Christ.

Her shout to the sky or ceiling of the supermarket sounds in vain...This poor guy, who knows so well the suffering of losing of NOGUCHI, in short, only US$10 note, is only one doctoral degree holder of Tokyo Versity in this rural village called Shirakawa. Why others can buy so many products at each supermarket? Almost a basketful of foods, they, faked families, buy there. Without exception, as if, for them, "A backetful" is the unit of errand.

And all of them come to the parking lots by cars, mainly, big vans, in the size of ambulance vehicles or Jeep type. Why?

Satanis obligation or satanic manualized instruction? Alzheimer way of life, family version???

And observing the way of choosing the products on the shelves at each supermarket, they just pick up near Miyuki, with no thinking. Economically, stupid! Miyuki really thinks so. They don't know the price, in averege, and faked clerks either.

Everyday, price change, they do, by way of putting price tag. And the clerks put the more expensive rotten fruits, in the corner shelves of 見切り品 or MIKIRI-HIN, or "We provide almost for free, because it is already starting to be rotten", than normal fruits shelves. Oh, they don't know the meaning of MIKIRI-HIN, or they all are ilegible at all!

And all of the clerks show their hips toward Miyuki, as if they were saying, "Don't ask me anything, or I will call you to the police!".

Miyuki tried to ask some simple question like "This no price tag product, how much costs?" at each supermarket. The clerks didn't respond at all, and "Wait a minute, consumer! I will ask to another clerk!" again and again. They themselves couldn't reply at all. They are stupid, ignorant, as clerks. Why they are in the inside the supermarket, with name tag and in uniform???

And always in front of Miyuki, long lines of faked consumers at chasher machines corner. Always, 6 automatic machines exist there at each supermarket, and two unnecessary clerks as supporting service, and so many clerk put machines more than 5. Why so many money collecting clerks are there, in each supermarket, in this rural less populous village called Shirakawa?

As if satans do strange and anti-effective play of "pretending to exist so many rich consumers, family type, in this isolated village called SHIRAKAWA, in front of MIYUKI GAME", Miyuki really thinks so.

Inferiority complex, Alzheimers have, yes. And they are so non-working type. Thus, just consumption is the substitute of this complex, as Usagui NAKAMURA's case.

She was a writer, and suffered so much of inferiority complex. Thus, after she gaining some money, she spent so much money to fulfil her emptiness which came from her inferiority complex. She wrote it, honestly, in her books.

And then, to fulfil the inferiority complex of her fisiolonomy, she started her Helter-Skelter process of plastic surgery to gain special treatment from hosts at night clubs in Shinjuku or so, in short, male prostitutes.

In her case, she recognizes her problem and the factor. However, she couldn't stop it. Impulse induced type. And she could make a debt from some banks, because she was famous writer.

Exists consumption as a replacement of inferior complex. Shirakawa is a rural village, however, even in this level, vicous consumptious culture premeated so deeply, and now the result. Even with their all Alzheimer disease symptom, they continue this life style. Phyong Yand Style, Miyuki yelled.

Probably even in North Korea, exist workers, industrial or agricultual or commercial, who work hard in their own region. Poor, they are, like Miyuki's family. However, they could survive, because they know how to manage in their worst period.

Betrayal would affct so much, we do know well. Thus, animal rules, in this case. Vanish, only. Sadistic, yes. And CHINKRO likes Miyuki's nick name on ENOKORO-GUSA. Wild Hare Weed or CHINKORO-GUSA. So cimilar with original pronunciation. ENO was replaced with CHIN...Emperor's "I", the first person noun. CHIN-KOROTTO ITTADE? INU-TADE???

Nasty! However, better than sob story. Moody sob story introduction, Miyuki soon starts, to play the role of satanic heroine's tragedic unhappy story. Every sobstory lover would adore this so so tearful story...Miyuki can't talk without tear...So sobby, messy, shabby,...tragedy...Miyuki started to make her shoulders up and down, up and down, up and down, crying with tears...

Girly mode, in case of their big error feeling mode. お呼びでない? うっしっしっし and refrained, Hitoshi UEKI.

The same happened among satans, male type also.

And Miyuki, soon before, visited the back house to ask her important object to her father, she found that YUKARI was there, monitoring Clare, in her audacious Ms.Responsible mode, with her left arm bented on her hip bone stype. "We watch you, Clare! Don't betray me!" Like impression, Miyuki caught from attitude.

Miyuki just confirmed to Clare, "Is your grand father here?" from the entrance. And Clare said, "No." Thus, Miyuki left.

Only a quick view. And did know well the situation. YUKARI reigns the back house, already. Enhanced mode, done in the back house.

Clare was watching TV, probably, sports program, and YUKARI, just stayed there, beside Clare, with standing pose like that.

Miyuki did her obsarvation in the courtyard for 5 munites or so, and YUKARI remained there.

Miyuki doesn't want to disturb others' life, because she herself doesn't want to be disturbed. And YUKARI? Don't enter into my chamber at all, this is my private room, however, you Clare, you are junior high pupil, thus, you should be open all day and night, when I come.

Monitoring system is like that. Unilateral, and inferior complex only world. Thus, doing their own job is the rightous answer. Thus, Miyuki, after her quick cleaning up near her supposed Jeep space. she would go outside.

The Bull Dog was Japanese teacher, in Miyuki's junior high, and he had a son of YUKARI's age. He is the same rank, among us. He didn't disturb Miyuki's sacred job, rather, respected her Genus combined with BAKABON type stupidity. Anyway, point getter. No need so much to say. Same reluctance and giving up. Thus, not so bad, she categorized.

Miyuki really thought that his face was so so similar to the pioneer sound producing company's advertisement bull dog. Marone Brando as maffia leader, in Coppora series, was the motive, however, he was replaced by a bull dog illustration. 立った立った、コンボが立った! was the melody and refrain of the commercial song. Combination of player of records, amplification equpements and two speakers, in vertical setting.

Miyuki liked this commercial, and cut the comercial paper from some magazine, and put on the wall.

He was short, yes, however, plump, and rather big head, big hands, and big feet holder, he was. IZUI-san called him, "He is an good expample of Hormone Abnormal Ejection" and MAKIKO agreed. And Miyuki? Possible. However, probably, rather lack of good feeding in his infancy. For them, a kind of analysis, why he had so unbalanced body shape.

And he used a big wheel iron dark green old bycicle to frequent the school. Why he dosn't use short bycicle, which is suitable for him?, was another question among them.

Succeeded by his own father or so?, probably. So old type. Already rare, in that age. The same type, Miyuki's grand father in her father's side, used. Old guy only type, not sprtive, not coolish. heavy, anyway. Burden.

Miyuki experienced this type in Amsterdam, a red one. Why Dutch use iron in the vehicle unnecessarily? Miyuki really thought, and got off, and took a rest along the river side of the cannal. And watched the scene of "Nosferatu", or approaching so so spooky small boat, near Miyuki, and connected it to the bunk, and waited so many times there, and then left. For Miyuki, transparent clients got off the ship, and new guys, also transparent type got on the pleasure boat, almost 20 tourlists can entere type, with bar counter.

For Miyuki, spooky city, Amusterdam was. Already dead, not so many movement. Dead, was the image, especially, canal area.

And near the bunks, both side, 5 stories or so, the stone or brick type buildings with white windsill type windows all. Oh, Glass Window Ladies were there, to gain attention of boat passengers, Miyuki recognized.

Prostitution city, it was. Long long tradition. Thus, amatures were already used for it. Thus, Rembrand's "Night Watch." Oh, Shirakwa, the same. Police, faked, and watch us to punish, and to protect bitches!!!

Probably, this system was introduced by Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA, who knews Tokyo Culture. Thus, 白河楼閣 or Brodel of Shirakawa, it was called. As if praisable tradition, Shirakawans put the plate on the corner as historical explanation. Probably, in Rio de Janeiro, the same happened, several times, in their history.

Reluctant and non working are better than wrongdoings, of course. However, they should not be paid by tax or public money at all, of course!!!

Thus, see you soon on our blog!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly Alzheimer bitches, you are! SATANS, in short!!!!