Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (218)

2017-08-24 21:38:33 | 日記
Again, Miyuki's precious writings were errased by satans. Almost 10 thousand words were errased.Terrible. Satans adore to disturb others' productive result. It turns to be bubble, in vain, thus, for satans, so so amusing and laughing. Just one click, they can do their wrongdoing. How effective, this measure is! Satans got pleased with such a situation of our being trapped.

Miyuki is always positive in mood. She is already thinking of No Satans' World. Thus fruits producing society, their team members are! She likes her working so much, and easy and amusing jobs, fruits cultivation is!!!

Various fruits in the near future! Whole year arround type. So few guys as human beings exist, Thus, her choice would be appreciated for us all! She likes to be minority, the reason was just "I feel good in the side of minority". Inclination. Wants to be different!

Thus, she quits her superficial Tokyo life, earlier than her calculation. She wanted to be somebody in the area of Latin America law, however, no necessity at all, thus, she turned to be professor of public law, and also, no necessity among us at all. Law consultant for free, is her another job. Thus, caltivation to earn her money.

She would have some necessity or comodities, in the near future. Track, she would have. Green cover type? Miyuki would get afraind of AOKI's funeral flower decoration only truck...Terrible! SAGAMI's colour, Green is! Both, funeral party organizing companies!!!

And Alpha Club, also. Sometimes, the three combined, and sometimes, not. Alpha Club has strange kinkiest inclination as party organizer. They run their site, under the common apartment type residencial condominium. And on the first floor, parking lots. Funeral cars are parked here, with dead bodies, and the residents are all zombies???

And more, they organize wedding party also, and the funeral and wedding parties are treated in the same lavel, according to their advertisement in front glass window of the site!!!

Satans have no conception of differece between negative mode and positive one. All spooky collective parties, not amusing, formality only. Thus, good for satanic Shirakawans. Superficiality only unkind guys, they are!!!

Miyuki was in wonder in Beisia, when she was hearing so so Alzheimer conversation between two old female bugs. They talked on their way to come here. They are long year friends, and they knows thier residencial address, deeply. And one of them said, "I don't know well how to come here, Beisia shopping mall!" and another responded, "Oh, don't you know the road, which is directly from your house to here!"

Probably, these conversations are so so common between them. They are forgetful, and forget easily the way, and lose it, and start wandering. Wanderfogel, they are. Ezra Vogel?

Aitsura Boketeru, KATSUMI yelled. あいつら、呆けてる。They are idiots, in short.

In public, in a loud voice, they said so each other. For them, forgetfulness should not be counted at all. Kyorin staff's way. Audaciously forgetful, and so arrogant, despite of their stupidity!!!

Miyuki remembered that Kyorin Alzheimer officers were so so arrogant. They themselves were LESS THAN ZERO, and thus, they just searched tiny errors of us all. Always, just criticism, and they themselves were so anti-productive. Criticism to feel superiority to us all. Jealous satans, they are!!!

Pure water is the trigger of shooting process, Miyuki thinks so, thus, as much as possible, she put the seeds in the water, before planting. You would be welcomed by us all. Thus, come to our orchard! As much as possible, we deal with you, with total hospitality! Thus, blue berry tree welcomed her attitude. Not for eating, rather cultivation. Thus, I want to have several fruits, before dropping, because after dropping, HARUMI notices and abandones as she likes. Thus, sorry, a bit earlier than your calculation, however, you can put up with the picking, probably. Thank you for your colaboration!

Yes, the blue berry trees were asked by Miyuki, however, now, they were treated so badly by HARUMI and YUKARI. No place to live safely, however, Miyuki now thinks that if they would allow, after satans' total vanishing, they would live in the mountain. All depends on them all. They would be moved all in a body, from the courtyard to the mountain, road side would be fine for them all. Cherry blossams and Japanese Plums are already waiting for them.

If they like, they can stay here, yes. However, provably, it would be a good sun room for Tropical type's shoots, in winter, because it was the sun room, already. Exists a box like basement with concrete cement, and just put glass door type. Easy and effective. Not so difficult even to kids. Just take a care of them not to be dried up. Every day's watering is needed for Tropical type.

For semi-tropical type, common sun room. In the near future, she would gain more suitable sustainable sun room for the orchard job, however, for next winter, she makes an easy type plastic buffer house. Hut type, it would be.

She found a white etra fine piece of hair in her left under arm. Oh, I am genus!, Miyuki yelled. 白眉 or HAKUBI, in Chinese. Only one really distinctive guy, the meaning is! Thus, Genus Miyuki!!!

Bakabon, or his father. Which is which? Chinkoro wanted to play the role of the son, BAKABON, and Miyuki, his father. OK, I agree. Vagabond, she turned to be now. and no house, no car, no place to work for. Jobless, not now. Some works she gained, yes, however, up to the harvest, no income at all. Precariously, Miyuki is so poor...thus, almost begger like life. Thus, No Man's Land, cleaning up job performer, she is. Purification should be needed. From seeds, the plants are already different. Modified version. Thus, precious. Thus, from the begining, so wild like weeds. And Miyuki welcomed their wildness. Sour lemon can turn to be more sour? PH is only up to 8. Thus, how they can???

Poison, it would be. Lemon can produce poison...KUEN acid? Cyanode Acid? Suppa Mucho?

Miyuki is now in good mood to produce her original fruits punch. Knocked Out Punch!!! As professional boxer, she would provide this special delicious fruits cocktail with rum punch to visitors. Her original punch, for satans, also. Knocked Out Versity, it was, from the begining, and Yukichi FUKUZAWA was the founder. Thus, Junichirou KOIZUMI could enter into the versity. With richness, any guy could enter type easy goers only versity.

For kids, without rum, while for adults, with rum, generally speaking. And now, a bit cold summer's end. Miyuki felt lonenly ? It all depends. Regarding to satans, Miyuki really wants their immediate total vanishing!!!

Today, Miyuki watched the same plate of "Sorry, we are out of order, because of our family's funeral" on the same bar on Mega-Stage shopping mall. how many days, this restaurant takes a recess? It's too rare for commercial facilities to take a recess.

And in Benimaru-Showamachi, when Miyuki was taking ice cubes to keep cool for her next errand of milk, in KAWACHI, beside BENIMARU, appeared an old bitch, in black shor trousers, and beige long transparent jacket, pushed out Miyuki from the ice cube machine, and then, got out of the building. She, as if reading Miyuki's inner world, went to KAWACHI, and appeared in front of Miyuki, who was chosing a milk, and the old bitch also put a caton of milk to her basket.

Why she came, and tried to disturb Miyuki, especially, tried to appear just in front of Miyuki, imitating Miyuki's behavour?

Stimulative, anyway. They want to feel superior to Miyuki, because she is too too nasty to all of satans. Satans are just DDMs. Muck, in short. So much Muck in Shirakawa. Even now, they are doing wrong. Laughing joke, big cherry trees with trimmed shapes like 盆栽 or Bonsai.

Miyuki needs to clean up her body. Thus, see you tomorrow on our blog!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI, as KOSAKU, and her supporters also poor Team 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly chicken dirty bitch satans!!! Go to INFERNO!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (217)

2017-08-24 09:03:10 | 日記
24/08/2017 (Thursday, morning) Miyuki awoke at 6:00 in the morning. Beautiful Blue Sky! It would be a wonderful Thursday!, Miyuki predicted.

However, when she got up at 7:30, the sky already turned gray. She ckecked On Line weather report given by National Meteorology Agency or 気象庁 or Kishou-chou in Japanese. And she got surprised. Whole Fukushima prefecture were warned of Thick Fog or 濃霧 or NOUMU, and the reason was so difficult to search. No reason society in this level! Idiots can work as scientists in Japan. And they did. And this is the result of actual artificial climate change!!!

Satanic technic. Target the idiots, only! And they did, and gained a lot of success, targetting Todai related. Big Success, they really thought. And the most difficult type was Platinum Tribe, because they were not so rich! Frustrated by the idiocratic society! Todai related, yes, however, they were excluded from any richness under idiocracy!!!

Why we are so miserable? was their common question. It should not be! Nightmare, our lives are! They all thought.

Only few of them got degrated. The few were all public servants. No exception. Miyuki was categorized semi-public servant, however, she was excluded because of her extreme poverty! They all yelled! Only US$10 per day??? How she can survive?

And now, within the limit of this US$10, MIYUKI started to invest on her new future job...Entrepreneur, she is. Pilot case. Eating is most important among their lives, thus, Miyuki invests in eating, and gains a big success, continuously. Thus, satans are continuously attacking on her orchard ownership.

For them, Alzheimers' wrongdoings, as usual. However, for Miyuki's side, big damage for the future. Our food supply would be damaged so much. Especially, vitamin C supplier, she would turn to be!!!

Her promissive try continues. Thus, even in supposed Thick Fog, she continues to plants the seeds of apples. Miracle Apples, she would gain. One apple a day, keeps medical doctors away! ♫

Miyuki did know well this proverb, thus she ate apples especially in the morning. HARUMI said, "The morning apple is Gold, Afternoon apple is silver."

And now, Miyuki would gain several gift from Platinum Tribe. No Man's Land. Thus, buy Cambell grapes, as much as possible. Shirakawa is good to caltivate this species. Miyuki will try, however, she should be thrifty. Three seeds, she already plants. Now she is waiting for the result.

Smell of deep dark purple grapes, Miyuki felt. And remembered that grapes could produce even in Georgia, Germany, and so on, not so warmland type. Thus, cambella is suitable. YAMANASHI is not so warm, thus, good to imitate the caltivation.

Miyuki did know well that HACHIOJI is so near YAMANASHI, and once she visited 昇仙峡 or SOUSEN-KYOU or marvelous valley, and in YAMANASHI, grapes world, yes, however, except turists, No Man's Land, already.

Now, Miyuki heard consecutive cannon sounds, three times at least. They did it again! To produce rain drops, they ejected cannon balls, and now, they are waiting for the result.

Now another feeble cannon sound. Forth, probably. Each time, more feeble. Miyuki thought that it would be a marvelous Thursday, thus, they did it. Always. Thus, in Tokyo, on weekends, it was so cloudy or rainy, mainly. They were jealous to happy families, in short! Femi-Les jealousy, is the reason of Devastation, in resume.

Femi-Les cannon, it is called. So many times, however, it doesn't work so much. Slow and long, and anti-productive. They wanted to gain the result for their financial support, and never didn't. Thus, frustration.

Oh, three egged crone, in Great Britain! Their ideal kid! Terrible devastation of lives!!!

For satans, replaceable, lives are. However, we, individual existance, are not at all! YUKARI and HARUMI wanted to be replaced by some guys, suitable for their roles!! Crazy! Enough, they are! They shall die for now!!! Vanish! Go to INFERNO!!!

Why HARUMI's resembling fashioned guys are walking arround, here and there? White Bob cut, long apron, short old bugs, they are. Sometimes, with a bicycle. They are replacements. Sighs.

We refuse any of them. Producing these bugs are already blasfamia against our army. Thus, martial court, they should go, and end up with execution immediate. Why they prolong the end? No Man's Land, and never ending gas replaciment stories!!!

Thus, Miyuki, after taking a cup of caffe au lait, she will go to plants the apple seeds, and then, go to her errand, as usual. Rain? Probably not. Birdies are singing. Not rain so much, they says.

In HACHIOJI, Miyuki predicted correctly. Sometimes, the weather report betrayed us all. Light cloud, with birdies' singing, means clearing up rain! We can go to walk!

SHIRAKAWA residents are so idol, not to use their own feet at all! No feet, because they are Japanase Ghost. No feet is the sign of this type.

Thus, yesterday, Miyuki watched strange scene. Near Shin-Shirakawa area, an ambulance entered from a broader road, to the ally where Miyuki was, with a loud siren, and the sould caution said, "We are turning left. Watch out!" It means that they would approach Miyuki. However, in front of Miyuki, they turned RIGHT, not LEFT. Thus, Miyuki escaped from their catch, again.

It happened so soon after her found another proof of High School boys' Alzheimer suffering at SHIRAKAWA High.

On the ground, they were playing the associate football called Saccar, and Miyuki found that several guys were putting on the shoses, with different colours between right foot and left one.

Miyuki did her seeds planting job, and made an errand at WASHIO.

She found that satans picked her precious shoots of kiwis, again. No recognition at all. Just repetition. Not her territory, however, she did. Probably, she picked up the MATSUBA BOTAN in SHibuki's backyard. She has no limit now. She thinks so, and does so , as she likes.

HARUMI likes to expose her kitchen wears under the sun shine. Her necessity, probably. However, for Miyuki, her strange habit. Why she does it? No reason. Just she wants. Thus, it would be so correct to have gottn out of the main house.

Miyuki couldn't find her spice bottled baking powder in the kitchen. Probably, YUKARI thought that it was her special madicine, amphetamine, thus, she hided in her chamber, as medicine. She has special custom to conceal medicines in her chamber, bought in Hachioji, at Miyuki's money. For her, "I made an errand. Thus mine. You should not use at all!"

Thus, she thraw the yogurt she bought and brought from nearest Supermarket calledd Benimaru Yokomachi. In Hachioji, they were bought almost the drugstores, nearest Miyuki's residence, at 6 minutes' distance. For YUKARI and HARUMI, errand is a precious task, and it requires so much energy. Thus, they are the owners of the products. Costive Kinky Alzheimer old bugs, they are!!!

Miyuki bought a package of three big figs and another package of four TSUGARU apples. Both, at US$2, per each parckage. TSUGARU is the same price as yesterday. Figs were expected to gain from courtyard, however, Miyuki lost the possibility. HARUMI cut the twig, again. Harsh attacking's residue here and there. For her, nothing to do except wrongdoing, thus, she cut them.

She is obliged to be away from cissors, however, she used dick cutter, instead. For her, round is safe, not dangerous at all. She should cut her head!!!

YUKARI did the same. For them, cutting is a training to cut others head. Now, they really want to cut Miyuki, because Miyuki bought a package of big figs. They want to eat her fruits, however, she doesn't provide any at all. Miyuki dislikes them both so much, and she prefers refraining from them both. No choice at all. They should take care of themselves, by themselves. Miyuki is free from their wrongdoings. Thus, she decided to buy the figs for her future planting of the seeds. Big, and in the middsummer. Each one its own special producing period. These guys like to produce in the middsummer. Thus, Miyuki bought.

Exist smaller types, and also good. However, bigger is easy to deal with after producing. In case of picking up, in case of reservation, in case of sweet cooking. Her own figs, she would have.

However, a big headache. They both don't know the limit. Anything should be theirs, they think really now. Thus, we need to protect our foods as much as possible. Miyuki decided to check what they steal and write it in public, on the fredge. Platinum Dormitory Method. It would be fine to show how they are forgetful.

Miyuki said in a belly to Alex, "If you don't like to go to high school, you can omit the school. As you like. Just Don't be a dull boy." Thus, he decided not to go. Better. However, how they allow him to do so? Think your own persuasive stories. Alzheimers are easy to be trapped. The most rediculous stories would be amusing! "I am stadying in HARVARD in HAWAII." is an example. In HAWAII, no HARVARD University at all. However, exists some HARVARD related, or faked HARVARD. For example, "Harvard LAnguage Institute", private, non promissive pupils only type English school. Such kind of trick, would be fine for their illusion of "Future Breadearner Alex, the Xth of Sato Family". Like emperial family, HOSSO adores the idea! Sato family is so common in Shirakawa. They are so distinctive. Most distinctive is Miyuki SATOW, Doctor of Law, who graduated from Versity of Tokyo, so evil nest of satans in Japan. Thus, it works. Miyuki is trigger of reduction of price. She bought only fruits, thus, only fruits world, the supermarkets are. And they are so easily rotten. Thus, they should sell, in every meaning. With some NOGUCHI money? They give me the fruits with him? Oh, NOGUCHI, I hoped so much to see you again! Again and again! My adorable NOGUCHI!!! Only one guy, I like his face with beard!!!!

Miyuki likes to think that her arm pit hair picking is a kind of hobby, which is similar to beard picking business. PErfectionism, it is required. The chin has a curve, thus difficult. Just like arm pits. Thus, she decided that she does it only once on weekends, or it turns to be addictive!! Like her velvet touching. Nice to do, however, at the same time, time consuming. Thus, we need to keep this secret pleasure just once in a while...Like P use???

Animals disliked Miyuki's metaphor. She is not so conventional. Oh, thank you!

Hardhead guys they are. Thus, new generation are all in favour of Miyuki! Oh, popular among animals! Young cute boys!!! Babies, they are now! And they are educated under the hardhead guys...Be resistent! Boys be ambitious! Be superior to predissesors! Bigger than them, in short!!!

Thus, Alex decides he does as he likes. And they? They forget that he is a high school boy. Alex who? Alexander, he is called. Oh, I didn't know the name! Like Great Alexsander in world history. Unfortunately he died at hsi 35 years or so! By Maralia, not syphilis, probably.

Not yet. Miyuki is so slow. Not Maryah Carry. Malaria...So sorry. Mariahi, she remembered the name of the song, which Alex danced in his kindergarden. Miyuki didn't know the reason. Pops, in Japan, popular among vulgar guys.

Teachers decided as they liked. And in Clare's case, in her second year of the primary school, "Two, You and I, are cherries!" was danced, chosen by her teacher responsible 鈴木えみり or Emiri SUZUKI.

Clare was not so welcome by her, Miyuki perceived. And Miyuki, "Teachers are like that. Better than being liked by them."

The kids think so in depth. Bood boy and girl, popular in the class, they imaged, like Miyuki. However, even with their semi-blooded cute appearance, teachers disliked them, in short. Miyuki's kids, in short. It was difficult to explain, however, Miyuki's kins were disliked Shirakawans...

Shirakawans are like that. Popular they should be in their class, Miyuki believed, and failed so much. Not disliked No.1 like Miyuki, however, not welcomed No.1, at all. Why you came? Because Miyuki got caught in custody in the detension of Tokyo Bay...Alex said so in short. Thus, he was targetted as wrongdoer. Miyuki stole? Not at all! My objects are stolen every day! I am a victim, not wrongdoer!!!

And they want to catch Miyuki, again and again, under the name of stealing job. No reason, however, "I feel so" they all confessed. 巫女 or MIKO in NIPPEN, Japan Caligraphy Company. YUKARI, HARUMI, KAKISHIMA=TERAO, KUSODAMARI, Mari KAWAMURA, Yuri KIMURA, and so on. Female instinct, they said, and failed. Just Alzheimers, who couldn't think at all! Reasonable thinking not at all type!!!

YUKARI forgets that she herself is cocaine abuser, and found the spice bottle in the toilet, and thought that it is the proof of Miyuki's medicine addiction. Thus, they both brought it to the police, and found that it is just a salt. Baking powder, it is, in fact. However, for them, the faked police, just salt. Kinky old bugs, who brought trouble so much to the police, incessantly, with saying, "I feel like that!"

Crazy, among them. Shame, for the family. Miyuki is New SATOW family. Thus, different from them both. They wanted to be praised by the police to have informed Miyuki, their own daughter or sister. however, they failed. And salt, they gained. They disliked, and abandoned. And Clare found it. My baking powder is here! She thought. Miyuki's. She bought on Jaunary, this year, to make pancake with wheat. Do you remember, Clare?

They used the kitchen so badly, thus, we need to clean up it, as soon as possible. however, satans are existing here as zombies. Thus, we should give up for a while.

Cutting cissors are vanishing now. Thus, probably, another attacking again and again. They can't. They attack, however, they should fail, without exception. Thus, we are safe, in short. We are protected by our team mates, each.

Thus, with an apple, Miyuki will do her seeds seeking job, now! She should change her style, because it's so changeable, the weather is!!!

Miyuki went on an errand at supermarkets in rural village called Shirakawa, and bought a package of 6 Rubby Apples from New Zealand, at US$2, at Gyumu Super, and a bunch of Cambella grapes at US$2 at Benimal-Mega-Stage, and a package of Soldum Plums from Yamanashi prefecture at US$1.5 at Benimaru-Showamachi, and two cartons of milk, at KAWACHI-Showamachi, at US1.7 per each. Miyuki is now shaking a carton to make butter from the milk.

Miyuki ate two plums and the rest she gave to Clare. Five seeds were beried in the pot, with several seeds of TSUGARU apple, which she ate in the campus of Beisia as lunch. She needed to eat more protain, thus, she ate Greek yogurt with strawberry sauce, which was bought at US$0.7 there. Miyuki noticed that the quantity of the yogurt was extremely scarse. Who reduced it? The Morinaga milk company? Beisia?

Food probiders do such a exploration during logistics process. Anti-hygine, yes. However, for them, anything is OK, because they are all Alzheimers, without limit type.

After eating, they put it into the another package. It is common now. Thus, self cooking is necessity. And Miyuki can't do it. Terrible situation. All of them are in danger of YUKARI's poisoneous Muck Potatoes!!! No categorization system at all, and no guy informs the fact at all. Scarse means reduced in the process. Better than being put some another dirty products. Thus, kitchen use is necessity.

However, dirty DDMs don't move from the main house. Dirty bitches, and Miyuki is also thought like that. Anyway, she could train her body, and slender body she gained, during summer. And she believes that her under legs are longer than Clare's!!! WOW!!!! Yes, Clare's tighs are longer than Miyuki, however, Miyuki believed the long leg making process, and did, during this summer, and gained the result!!! Thus, now, longer legs more and more, including tighs, of course!

Miyuki recognized that her knees' position is higher than Clare's. Thus, it worked!!! Miyuki likes longer legs, and Clare felt so nasty. "I gained 13kg during junior high school days. 5cm at hight more." while, Miyuki said, "I gained more than 10cm during junior high, and gained ZERO kg in this period." And Clare liked her remarks. Always, the same. Reliable! Miyuki didn't lie her longer process.

She drank a lot of milk, and walked as much as she could, and did gymnastics, and started to eat seaweed. And sunshine, she caught during this summer, because long walk makes natural sun bathing. And she liked it! Outside is so effective to gain power and health. Thus, Miyuki's legs are longer now. Not sufficient, however, reformed, a bit. Thus, more and more training, during a day.

And Miyuki said that she started peeling for gaining healthy skin. It works. And her arms are similar to twigs, and she showed her arms with suitable muscles, with suitable curves. "Look! This Triceps muscle on my upper right arm causes you envy, doesn't it? Sportman like slender muscle with suitable concavos! Ideal for sportsman!!!

Clare claimed, "Only you, who could do it, in Shirakawa. They are attakers. You are protected by your team mate. Thus, you gained beautiful muscles. " Thus, Miyuki felt so superior to her physically. Slender, rather lean. And she likes to be so.

All of others criticise her leaness. And for Miyuki, "You look like Cow!" and Clare disliked her so much!!! Bitch! You show your tighs in short pants! Bitch like!" Thus, Miyuki said clearly, "I need to have longer legs. To gain them, it is necessary to take sun beam, to produce longer bones' calcium. Milk, Vitamin D, and the sun. Thus, Miyuki could gain longer legs, and she wants more and more longer legs!!!!"

Anyway, longer legs. Thus, she forcused on walking. As much as possible, thus, she trains every day, like Bushman, not BUSU-MAN, OK, ADACHI?

He came from Kenya. Boy! And he got popular in Japan. Mr.Nikau, with short sized head, and rather broder mouth and chin, like NIKAKU, a comedian of RAKUGO. And the latter has short legs, while Mr.Nikau, an African tribe, has a twig like slender body and long legs. He was healthy, and so lean. Fat nothing type exist among sports world.

Miyuki measured body fat in HACHIOJI, and the least figure was 16.5%. And now, less than 14%, she wanted to have. I don't care about my weight at all, while, I care so much about my body fat. For me, only one standard to measure. Thus, I don't measure the weight at all.

Fat guy only world, here and there. And Miyuki is lean, and accused because of leaness. Strange world. Just like a contrary of a short-short of Shinichi HOSHI. 60kg over guys were killed automatically world, he wrote.

Miyuki found a faked police car, at the corner of NENGU block, beside CHAGAMA Ramen restaurant. The number was 70-53. It was used a parking lot. And a faked police man was making a conversation with an old bug, in front of the house, ocupied by her. For Miyuki, she was asked the way to the public toilet. "A corner, probably." Miyuki didn't know their change at all. They started to chase ocupationers. And Miyuki? Under the accordence of the office, she uses the office, usually. Thus, Miyuki escaped from the death.

Any guy should not occupy others' house at all, in case of no accordnce of the owner. Of course!

And Miyuki is indifferent from others, at all. I asked my father to borrow small part of the office to live precariously. I want to get out from here, and to have my suitable site, yes. However, now, too too danger!!!

Thus, precarious use, yes. Thus, KOSAKU, not YOSAKU...Worse than ADACHI's predict. She would turn to be a farmer, he said, and calculated her age. 54 years old, yes. And now? Orchard owner, she is dreaming. And ADACHI? KOSAKU, KOSAKU, MOUSUGU-YO-GA-AKERU ♫ 小作、小作、もうすぐ夜が明ける。♫ 千昌夫

 Soon, you will gain a big success, now, you should be patient!! ♫ Masao SEN.

YOSAKU or 与作 is the big hit among old guys. And he is an independent farmer. Miyuki? Just renting farmer!!!

After all effort, Dr.Miyuki SATOW, who graduated from Tokyo Versity, was obliged to be a rented farmer. She called it Soldier-Renting Farmer, under Ignolandia. Emperor, she is, however, emperor should be feeded correctly. Thus, renting farmer... This is the reality of Japanese society.

Better than doing anything, nor doing wrong. Thus, TEMA soldier, today. And gained so many reasonable priced fruits. Everyday, mainly in the special corners called, "Only for today. Almost rotten", or MIKIRI-HIN, she gains fruits. And today, almost US$12, she did her errand. Mainly for fruits. Apples are comming now.

Various, if they are really delicious. Each one has its own character. Miyuki's preference is rather a bit sour inclined hard type, like Rubby, Greenish Small Ball, and TSUGARU. All she gained this period.

Apples would put up with cold climate. Thus, they would be fine to be spilt in the earth, directly. However, not yet. Satans are wandering here and there. They would pick, what they think "I want to devastate", thus, protection is needed.

For her, for few months or years, shoots would be fine to be protected in the pot, with their mates. Then, she move them to the suitable place, according to their indication. Up to the period of independence, the seeds and the shoots should be protected. Yes, some independent type could be spilt by his own will, yes. However, Miyuki wants to observe their shooting process. Thus, precariously, in the pots, all of seeds.

And in case of necessity, she would move into another bigger pots. Up to some suitable period, they should be protected, as much as possible. And observation is nice! Each day, another discovery!!!

Picking like grooming, for satans! And Miyuki found today, near SHIN-SHIRAKAWA area along Route 289, all of Jasons are rather Gardener Female Bitch type! They made a round shape on the big cherry trees, old guys, planted arround DENON factory, on the back of MEGA-STAGE shopping male. On the slope of a hill. Miyuki went to see the blooming of the cherries, and liked them, and she was accused to watch them! They opened the gate, in the period of cherry blooming, and a guardman tried to catch her because of watching cerry blossoms!!!

Now, Miyuki took her dinner, with block pork with lemon squeezed juice, and caffe latte and a murcott. Miyuki found a seed of Murcott organge, and got pleased! Welcome! Thus, she sorked it in water in the glass bottle. Tomorrow she will plant in a suitable pot!

Murcot is similar to Japanese tangerine orange, however, the skin texture is different, and the flavour is stronger. Thus, it would be fine to have several trees of Murcott orange, in her citrus orchard. Variey is necessary, for her ideal orchard. Any guys are welcome. And today, a KITATEHA with a greish brim type butterfly visited her lemon orchard. Welcome! And he liked lemonbaum also! Come to visit my future orchard also! With your mates and families! At that time, probably, Miyuki would have more citrus, big and thier leaves enough to be eaten by your tribe, thus, welcome for all of us, rightous brothers.

Miyuki would have Citrus Orchard, Cherry Tribe Orchard, and Apple Orchard, probably. Some Kiwi type ivy garden also. And Grapeyard, green grapes like Niagara (Sorry, I made a big mistake. his name was not Alexandria, but Niagara!), and dark cherry red type both, also, in the near future.

She decided to invest almost all of fruits she could gain in her errand, with her thrifty wallet. Today, up to US$2, however, in the autumn, probably, up to US$1. And she will plants, almost all of the seeds she would gain to the pots, and then, in Winter, she put them in the Warm House or Plastic Buffer roofed covered house.

Miyuki found an ideal material for this use, with a hight of 2 meters. An arch type, and already curved. Thus, if she could gain the flames, she would take advantage of it. No standing pose is necessary. For precarious use, it would work, probably.

If she couldn't gain them, she would make a similar type, by usage of her gained materials, up to the period. In this case, Triangle would be fine, easy to make. And materials would be bamboo sticks, which yesterday gained, and some ropes. US$1 or less. It all depends.