Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (216)

2017-08-23 18:29:12 | 日記
23/08/2017 (Wednesday, afternoon) Miyuki did excerside in the gymnastic park, and then, listened to MEGADEATH in MIDORI book shop, and made an errand trip as usual.

In gymnastic park, Miyuki caught a sight of infants, more than who were swiming in the pool. Infants, is only their skin bags. They are old kinky erotic bugs, in essence. They came to Miyuki's training site, despite of being with their faked mothers.

Adults only, the equipment's description says. And they, encluding the mothers, wanted to use the equipment, despite of Miyuki's accutal use. They can't recognize the difference between kids' use, and adults' one. It was written with HIRA-GANA, the most easiest character style in Japanese, however, they couldn't. Iliteracy, it was confirmed.

And two families was doing a picnic inside the kids' park. And another one came, saying, "I caught a cibyla!"

"Oh, for a long time, we have not seen you! Come one and eat out sweets!" The two mothers said to the unknown guy. "I didn't bring at all!" the third female bug said so. "Don't worry! We have some, even though they were cheapish!" The two mothers said and laught.

Too strange! Miyuki felt so much. Why the third guy presumed to encounter with the two families in this park? And more strangely to say, the cybula didn't caught any attention of the kids at all. The kids declared "I will look for beetles!", and left there.

Probaly, the cybula was dead body only. And she picked it up, and showed the unmovable existance. And the kids disliked it.

They, the three mothers BLA-BLA-BLA conversation started. "My kid accomplished his homewark yesterday, yet! I was obliged to work so much! In these days, home work is a kind of colamoration, thus, for me, so tough, anyways." A mother said, and the second said, "We are doing now! I need to work so hard!"

Oh, for them, the three, homework for summer vacation is colabotative job between kids and their mothers. Then, why teachers in public school require such troublesome time consuming family homework for them? Intrusion to the family matter. Public and private, teachers can't recognize. Alzheimer teachers! Why we are obliged to pay for them by tax?

Alex didn'r require to help him to Miyuki at all. For Miyuki, it's too natural. His task, not mine!!!

Mamoru TAKUMA MACHINE! Miyuki yelled. He was a seriel killer of OOSAKA IKEDA primary school. He killed so many kids because of his jealousy, and he was a good by, during his primary school days, because his mother helped him to do homework. And after junior high, she stopped to help him, because it was too too difficult for her. Thus, now, in Shirakawa, the three bithes doing the same, as his mother.

"Being a good girl" is "being Teacher's Pet" in Japan. Thus, Miyuki and her team mates dislike it! Hatred. Both sides. Vomitting!!!

Being nasty among teachers, is out these!!! Thus...any guy in Shirakawa hates Miyuki, our representative.

today, in Benimaru-Yokomachi, she tried to buy a salt water soaked pork at US$1.2. However, she was refused more than 3 machines to do her payment. With bar code type machines. She tried so many times. And in the third time, a fat hog clerk, Ms.Responsible of these machines, approached to her, saying, "Client, how did you do?" And Miyuki denied her approach, and got absorbed in her cashier calculation. And then, a male approached, and called the Ms.Responsible, and soon, the casher started to move, correctly.

Probably, the Ms.Responsible could control the machinery, thus, each machine was its own childish names, like Casher Sunflower, Casher Fluffy Dove, Casher plumpy boy and so on. And she has do wrong like that against so many victims, thus, the superiors know her bahaviour, thus, yelled not to do it. Thus, she relieased the mochine to function.

Always, when she entered into the supermarket, a strange annoucement toward clerks only starts. "Watch out! Today, we will catch her!" like impression, Miyuki felt so often.

Scrumble Dashing mode, in case of emergency. Again, she triggered? They yelled. Why I was noticed by them? Alzheimers forget who she is. Why they identify Miyuki?

Probably, each time, she triggers despite of her different clothings. Today, Miyuki was runner mode. Forest Gump, in Shirakawa Marathon. Tank Top, Boxer Pants type bottom, and Orange Cap. All brilliant colours only. Orange, Yellish Green, and Sky Blue. For hot summer mode. Why they took me a stranger???

Unusual, is their key word. Different from others, thus, we have chance to inform it to the police! And to disturb its step, she stopped the machines. For her understanding, "I did my best to disturb it! Please praise me!". Incurable. Shirakawans are such existance.

Consumers, who were considered "strange" among the Alzheimer clerks, were treated like that. Thus, Miyuki is hatred No.1. Anyway strange, different from others. Thank you. I am makig every effort to be distinctive. I am categorized "different" from others. As I espected.

Miyuki's fashion sense is superb! Thus, they disliked, and attacked her. Jealousy!!!

And today, Miyuki's team started their Rock Band performance. The name of the band is...MEGA-DEATH!!! And inside the team, girls band was also combined. Unit name is TERRA-DEATH. The unit is composed Chinkoro, vocal, and yacult, percussion, and Miyuki, base!!! Ideal girls band in the universe!!! Ms.Faked Universe!!!!

And Miyuki for the first of her life, listened to MEGA-DEATH, and her impression...Oh, more pop and plain, rather, than I imaged! And the singer, you should sometimes change your role. Monotonous!!!

Metal, Heavy, she expected. And the result! Oh, good for parody! All "You! Bull Shit!" songs, only!!!

Thus, we composed out GIGA-Death band. Vocal, Calousel, confirmed. Applause!!! Miyuki, second vocal!!! Applause!!! Chinkoro, third vocal!!! Applause!!! And Yacult, fourth vocal!!! Allause!!! And so on...

Miyuki laught at MEGA-DEATH songs, "Go to Hell!", "You shall die!", "The door for Inferno" and so one. Devastation for you!, only. Thus, all should be our parody. Danceable, and good to her training. Traditional Pop'n Rock...戯画です。in Japanese. And for the special girls' unit, 寺です。in the language, also.

戯画です。is sold in their all parody line. Satanic band, they composed, and they reliesed their theme song called 六根清浄 or Rock'n Shoujou. Shoujou is Erotic old satans, in Japanese. 猩々, in Chinese characters.

Rocking melody, yes. Rather, Anglo Authentic type, yes. Traditional, conventional rock, and praise their useless harmful non-warking life, in totally monotomous base sound. So similar to Rodk of Ages, by Deff. However, anyway, just repetition. Japanese Rice Planting mode, they adopted. Thus, Slave song. You shall work in this sound, IKKYO believers, OK?, the bosses provided the song for IKKYO related satans, and they put the CD on their stereo speaker put player, and all over Japan, the song was played, when they worked. So so popular recently!!! Big hit in the universe!!! Nervana like monotonous, and thus, we were obliged to be quiet. They needed to work, listtening to the music. The religious top leader's order. Thus, "Shiiiiiiiii...Be silent!" up to the babies.

Today, these KUTTAN babies, so silent and sleeping type, were seen on the belly of faked mothers.

An obviously dead baby was caught Miyuki's sight in front of Cainz Home center. A middle aged bug held the baby, and the old bug, probably faked grand mother, ignored the sloppy baby at all. And other almost three kids, from 5 to 10 years old, either.

In every supermarket, Miyuki found so many sloppy sleeping babies, and their faked mothers were so so indifferent from their health condition at all.

And Miyuki discovered that in gymnastic park, only old male guys do their excercise, and female, never, at all!!!

And infants with faked parents, especially infants and mothers, stay here for long time. Meeting Site, for them. Old guys bought them, so easily.

And their BLA-BLA-BLA conversation is just faking their kinship or friendship, or neighboutdom. This type of conversation is typically played by ANIME actresses, on the program of so called, "High Tension Program" on BUNKA-HOUSOU or Culture Broadcast.

And now, at 20:00, a ring-ring of warning against fire done by fire engine, on the road of YAOYA-Block!! Unusual! It was done, every winter, not in winter!!! Why they changed?

They did some replacement. Probably, in ANIME actresses' case, they should behave in quick, however, when they did commit a really big mistake, they were obliged to quit, without exception. The big errors, which Miyuki heard during Alex's watching the program, like that:

"I had such an experience, 30 years ago..." NG, NG! Thus, she replaced, "My uncle, who was 30 years old already, had the experience..." However, she was declared to be fired. She was faked 28 years old, thus, she should not have refered to 30 years ago.

And the second example is, a faked girl called SAKURA's interview on her Marrige triggered Quitting, called "kotobuki-taisha" or 寿退社 in Japanese. This marrige with retiring from the company is an aim of admiration among Japanese DDMs, in every generation, including YUKARI.

SAKURA: "I, SAYURI, are going to quit this programm because of my own private matter called Marrige." NG, NG, NG!!! She made a big mistake. she forgot her name on the program! Thus, replacement of the situation.

Interviewer : Thus, SAKURA, another guy, how about on SAYURI, your younger sister's marrige?"

This is the technic. Orally, OK. Time passes, and listener forgets easily. Thus, making a mistake is so so common in this program, and so so often the member change in this program, and this program itself vanished, suddenly.

At first, it was popular among junior high. Then, the kids noticed that the ANIME actress were not so young, as they said. And they started to chace their errors, and to trap them sending fun letters to them, asking the so so private matter toward them!

For Miyuki, they are Alzheimers, and like 大山のぶ代, or Nobuyo OHYAMA, Draemon's voice actress, so old. Miyuki thought, "They are so old. Older than I! Probably, 60 years old over! Oh, Calousel, your generation, probably!!!"

Faking a young voice is not so difficult. However, acting like youth is totally difficult. Miyuki recognized their voice of laughing. So so ugly and old. Only old bitch could do it type laughing. How they could bahave like 30 years under???!!!

IWAMA, TAKARABE, YAMAMOTO, TABATA, ITOU...Probably, they are Miyuki's semi-first pupil in her team of Constitutionalism. They informed that an idol or star in Japanese, "AIDORU", was already over 26 years old, because she did renovation of the driver's licence on the radio. And "Cut, cut!" like abrupt interditation.

Miyuki experienced this type of NG, regarding to NHK's famous announcer called SUZUKI. In the interview on the radio, he repeated the exactly same episode, in 5 minutes. Astonished, Miyuki was. Oh, Alzheimer, he suffers! Miyuki thought, and NG,NG! Suddenly stopped the program for several minutes. And several months after, SUZUKI, retired from NHK.

Shocked. He turned to be a president of some museum, however, for Miyuki's undertanding, "Just an honour profession" probably, because he was already useless.

Japanese society adopted Pyramid Organization system even in their human resource promoting system. Thus, each time, when guys promoted to the upper postion, some guys vanished. They were killed or discharged from the company. Thus, so so many middle aged guys were quitted and turned to be insurance dependents.

Cruel system, and for MICCHIKU related, nothing at all. They were already fated to be winners in each company, thus, no problem at all!!!

For the top bosses, OK, while, the inferiors, no chance to compete in the fair way. However, inferiors followed the instruction made by MICCHIKU DDMic society.

Losers, the inferiors, and they were called IKKYO believers. Domestic animals like life, they chose, and killed their own kids!!!

Even Domestic Animals, in the normal condition, they don't kill their own kids. Colour Purple. Dishonour included being raped. Produced to be raped, would be prohibitted.

Miyuki thought that the faked motehrs with a baby on the belly gaind the baby for search of financial safety. So vague in their facial expressions, and so so indifferent from the baby's health condition at all.

The faked parents bring babies with high fever, coughs, red hot cheeks, and so on. So evident from outside, however, for them, OK, they should be killed soon like attitude.

and indifferent for the health of their elder families, also. Two days before yesterday, in Beisia, Miyuki heard a middle aged father said to his kid, in a loud voice, "Don't worry. A carton of milk, beyond the limit of consumption, would be consumed by your grand mother! You can buy new package for ourselves!"

For him, not a shame to make her old mother taking rotten milk, and to say to in public, in a loud voice at all. "Family Secret" type thriftiness, this kind of things. However, for these faked families, elder members would be killed easily, is the correct answer.

And Miyuki found a strange advertisement of Fagot play held in DAITOUJI or 大統寺, between UMAMACHI and MOTOMACHI. A fagot player, famale, who graduated some graduate school of music, would play the music instrument for free in the temple. And her photo. 15cm x 10 cm, almost. And she is almost 10 years old kid!!!

Probably, the old boss made a big mistake. Fagot is "oral sex" in slang. And the BONZs want to provide the chance to invice some pederasties to the temple, by assistance of tax. For them, OK type advertisement. Selfish and ego-centric. And for them, doing it with 10 years old bitch is a kind of glory, not shame. Thus, they printed the advertisement, and put so many copies on the windows of various commercial facilities, almost all of faked shops. Thus, so easily that these shops related are all Alzheimers. Proved, and confirmed.

So many, thus, Miyuki took just some samples of photos. At Daitouji, Miyuki took the shot, of course, yes!!! And there is strange flag of some Buddist International Association.

Thai related, Miyuki presumed by the flag. Old and torn, yes. for them, doing advertisement business is a kind of top business, in this rural village.

Shames and shames. Now, pederasty is their pride!!!

Non moving, game only, muscle gistrophie like kids here and there. Non amusement at all! Thus, doing it is their hobby, and gained US$50 per each, selling their body.

Miyuki gained a package of Austrarian Marcots, three, at US$1.7 at Beisia. She found that this is in the middle of Japanese UNSHUU-MIKAN or 温州ミカン and Marcot Brazilian. The skin, appearently similar to the former, while, the texture is rather the latter.

And no seed type. Dissapointed. Flavour, good, yes. However, as orchard owner, her investment turned in vain.

She gained also two big 貴陽プラム or KIYOU Plums, from YAMANASHI prefecture, at US$1.5, at BENIMARU-Showamachi. She ate, and astonished, "Oh, so delicous and waterly! Big, better than I thought!" She thought more rotten. However, not at all. Just matured, and she liked so much. More peach like waterly juicy taste! Thus, she gained two seeds to grow these big plums in the pot, precariously. Then, she would move them, graduatly from smaller pot to bigger pot, and in finally, in the suitable place for them.

So many rightous kids in her pots! Already almost 50 kids. And each day, several more she gains, constantly. And now, she plans to every season each fruits forever garden as her near future orchard.

She gained three seeds of Cambella grapes, and many kiwi seeds, green and golden, both, in a cut fruit package bought in WASHIO, at US$0.8. A cherish, however, seeds including, thus, it would be fine for her light meal. Thus, she bought. She bought 津軽りんご or Tsugaru apple, from FUKUSHIMA prefecture, at US$2 for 4 apples.

Summer apples? From FUKUSHIMA? Thus, it would be fine to gain summer apples easily, because the climate is already assured to suit for them.

Anyway, she ate one, and liked its hardness and sour taste. Not so red like Rubby Apple, however, hardness, she liked. Soft type is not for her. Some guys like softer type. Various, when she could gain at reasonable price, Miyuki would buy these softer type. Probably, would some use for cooking or sweet making, with these type.

Forever Green Orchard. Any guys, if rightous, would welcome. For free, yes. However, exist some limits. Who do know it, can come. As you like orchard. Thus, any guys. Citrus type for Upward Butteflies, Miyuki already pledged. Not exclusive, however, welcome espceially Butterflies!!! Thus, worms, of course, altogether.
Eggs, worms, cocoons, and butterflies. They can live here, in the near future!!!

Citrus smell Butteflies, they would turn. Oh, appear with lemmon flavour! Good smell here and there!!! Inducing so many candidates for Miyuki!!! P holders, let's come! Miyuki is waiting especially for you, new generations! Free from prejudice!!! Come, boys, and girls, also!!!

Today, Miyuki found the half of Eleking Tree were attacked by satans, and now he is half bold. The fruits are left, however, leaves vanished! They took them! In vain! Satans are cruel, and did it in vain!!! Stupid!!!

Chlorella is necessity to produce the fruits, and satans robbed the lieves, including so many chlorellas, without any reason.

In the morning, Miyuki found that HARUMI or YUKARI took a bunch of MATSUBA BOTAN or tiny Pine leaf flowers, in the middle of their blooming. Every time, in the most beautiful period, they do. They are so jealous, and stupid.

And Miyuki found that at SHIBUKI's back house, also, a bunch of MATSUBA BOTAN was taken, in the same way. Why? Who did it? Probably, they are the same. Sympathy. Thus, they are the same level Alzheimer patients.

HARUMI and YUKARI is 30 years different, however, they look like twins. And the nighbours, also. Transmission system, up to this point. The same attitude they take. Already satanic character is revealed, thus, no choice for them at all. Shirakawans, the both also.

A bit a bit. Diligent worker. They identified themselves like that. And not so much. Any guy should do the fact. Why they pick out Miyuki's precious botanical gardens' products? Miyuki got upset, when she got to know that they stole her shoots in the pots. They took, as much as possible. Crazy, mad guys, with so flamboyant mind. Why they didn't pick matured products in the same field? SHISHITOU is now in the riping period. Why they leave it, and targetted Miyuki's products???

Alzheimer jealousy. From the begining, they were categorized Alzheimers. And now, the 3rd grader. Just like Masato NINOMIYA. In 2015, in May, he said that he was 1st grader of Alzheimer. Probably, the same period, they were also revealed as Alzheimers. The world entirely started to reveal their Alzheimer symptom.

For Miyuki, YUKARI's attitude is always rediculous. She brougt some dishes to Alex in the office, and Alex appointed that the tray was different from casual use. He said clearly, OBON, or tray, while, YUKARI, asked, with her faked astonishing ANIME like way, "He? Udon?", or "Oh, noodles?" for several times repeatedly. She is not good at hearing, Alex really felt.

And after recognizing it was OBON or tray, she explained, "HARUMI used so much trays, thus, no other tray except this one." Lies, Miyuki really thought.

So many trays in the main house. And HARUMI uses certain trays only. Probably, YUKARI used so old dirty tray, without noticing that it was different with casual used trays. Again, Auntie?! Like expression done by Alex.

To gain some spare time to look for some evasion, YUKARI does so. Faking deaf. Thus, ナオコ婆ちゃん、Guts and Katsumi yelled. Always in panic mode, when Alex asked something to him. Ribbon-Ciao, Miyuki nicknamed this conduct. Alzheimer deaf, Miyuki did know well. Syphilis also. Bethobeen!!!

Alzheimer satans want to conceal Miyuki, sometimes. In Benimaru-Showamachi, when Miyuki started her plum seeds serching job, more than 4 satans approached near her. Why, now, they came to this so small corner? Always, when she starts to eat, they united, like worms of fries' infancy.

寄り来る、or YORI-KURU, OKINO yelled. Nasty, and so so annoying.

They like to combine, in collective, in case of attacking. Pyrania, Miyuki nicknamed. Sly. Hyena, they are!!!

Attacker, monitor as witness, is the minimum package. Monitor is preferably plural.

Attakers are Jasons. Mainly police related. And Self Defence force related. Gun users, in short. Crazy guys with knives, or 気違いに刃物 or KICHIGAI-NI-HAMONO.

HARUMI likes drivers to pick the garden weeds. And now, she gained chain sow disk, why and how, unknown. Some guy put it with the dirivers. Four teeth type. Miyuki doesn't know HARUMI could use it or not.

In case of necessity, HARUMI asks to YUKARI to do her order. And YUKARI would like it. Jason, YUKARI is genuinely. Thus, boss she turns to be.

3rd graders should be in custody. Miyuki is harmless, however, she was put in HASEGAWA Hospital. Why they not???

For them, ideal place. Without any obligation of domestic tasks, and they provide variety of kindegarden kids like amusements, like AROMA therapy, Bag making, Beads craft and so on. Ideal for them both.

Miyuki was so in doubt, when the patients of Hasegawa hospital asked to others, "Are you by way of Sochi-Nyu, or HOGO-Nyu?" For the rich ladies, Sochi-nyu? They didn't know the meaning?

However, considering the situation, probably, they were caught under the name of SOCHI-Nyu, or forced hospitalization, and then medical staff of HASE-Byo changed the status to HOGO-Nyu, or hospitalization with family's agreement. This is more understandable. They, MICCHIKU familes, gained by this technic. Only one Alzheimer per family, they yelled. And then, all of family members were revealed to be the real Alzheimers.

So few guys were not indulged, in this hospital. Most of them were really morally and intellectually degraded. Some few were rather victims, and Miyuki felt so sympathy on them. Some old guys were really clever, and not mentally illed. Why they were here?, Miyuki thought. And some lean girls. Punctual, and diligent, they both were. The rest, just trash. Some of them confessed that they were repeaters, and they liked to pass time here in this hospital, rather than doing domestic tasks.

HASEGAWA Hospital was famous for its Dietary system for Analexia, Miyuki's chamber mate TAKAHATA said. Miyuki didn't know it. And now, Miyuki is told, "She is lean, thus not healty. She should be caught again, because of her leaness." DDMic jealousy, because they are feeble body holders with fat.

Lean, our choice to be. Why we are not respected as we are?, Miyuki does think always. For her, cathegory 4, not 5. 5 is ideally lean, and under 14% of fatness in body. Now, probably, 16%. Thus, category is worse than it.

And according to Miyuki's dategory, Shirakwans are Less than Zero. Fat ugly unhealthy bitches, they are!!!

Alzheimers are always, "I hope, thus I can do it" only. Selfish. Worse than infants.

Grooming, DDMs do in the courtyard. Thus, Miyuki's precious shoots were picked up by them. They should be killed! Madness.

Miyuki found so similar white haired old lady with Alex's bicycle, in a long apron, which recently HARUMI started to use. However, HARUMI's hair is scarse, while this old bug's, fat. And HARUMI's long apron is gray check, while this old bug, beige. Alex's bicycle has no basket on the rear of the sadle, while this bycicle has one, gray, used in supermarkets.

So similar fashioned guys, are walking near YAOYA block. Last week, younger version, Miyuki caught between Shirakawa III pimary school and her courtyard. And today, this old bug. They want to replace HARUMI, and to steal some objects in the houses.

Only from back type. Effects so much at a glance. And then, they can't. Only one sight Zombies, they are!!!

And Miyuki got astonished that in the main house, Alex's bicycles was replaced with another slender type. Why and how?

HARUMI bought it, thus Miyuki is free from financial anxiety at all. However, with this light body, Alex's weight would bread it! Dangerous!

The colour and the body shape changed. Evident. And Alex? We don't know how Alex feels. Replacement, here ant there, and always toward being rotten. Entolopy, it is called. Degradation, in short.

Today, the parking lots of Mega-Stage Shopping Mall were rather scarse. Reducing, the vehicles are. Anyway, better!

This morning, Miyuki watched relatively many faked working satans along the road of Route 294 in SAKURA Block area. Unusually many shops were open, with confusional signs. They want to earn money, however, they don't run the shops. Thus, just faking jobs, they got absorbed into.

Miyuki watched a newly construction building, and their working is worse than Miyuki's DIY level.

Miyuki does know well that decoration is the last thing to do. First, the main structure, like iron cast. However, the faked construction workers started with their decoration jobs. DDMic sense, they hold, probably. Chiken Machos, they are now!!!

Miyuki is sleepy now. Thus, see you tomorrow in our blog! We are all expecting our happy future without satans!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You should refrain from the society! Immediately, go to inferno!!!! Go to Hell. Megadeath.

From Uncle MIYUKI, with her supperters called 8 MEN, with Big Love!!!!