Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (185)

2017-08-04 22:50:25 | 日記
Oh, petit Nocolas, Miyuki laught every time. She threatened by her own suicide declaration, every time. And now, Miyuki yelled her to commit suicide. You should do it now! I am tired of your faked declaration. Now, realize your 30 years of dream, YUKARI! Do it, as you declared! Show your guts, YUKARI!!!!

She threatend by her own Muck Selling Business. "Save me, or I would be killed!" her way of begging charity from others. Thus, her family gave her some of charities. Alex and Clare also. And Miyuki cut the line, in her radicalist way. Ignore her illegitimate requirement!

And they both did so. And YUKARI? As usual. Came back by usage of taxi. Without any problem. "I went to meet some boyfriends" in her cheerful mode. Oh, now, buying prostitutes YUKARI, again?

For Miyuki, astonishing facts. however, for them both, Alex and Clare, bitches do so easily. Thus, YUKARI started to wear in hip distinctive wearing.

For Miyuki, nasty erotic tight black jeans. however, for others, normal mode of YUKARI now. Better than Mad Dog YUKARI, who threatens them with her own, preacher's mode. "I made a big mistake, thus, you should not do so"...

Terrible confession, with so long BLA-BLA-BLA. Addicted only use type taxi use. From the begining, she likes to do it. Oh, she pretended to be a good ignorant girl? She said that she was just like Virgin MARIA like existance for the kids.

Nasty to say so. Maternity, she called it. Just impulse, she lives now, and feels good. No choice for her, and now, cocaine smells in the office. How it smoke inside the office???

For Miyuki, smoke left a bit inside the office. For others, nothing. Miyuki is acute to feel so slightest quantity of cocaine. Probably, German shepard gave me his acute sense. We felt so sympathy on our nasty situation, namely, stupid boss problem. Thus, he taught me how to smell these addicted medicines.

For Miyuki, just nasty, and felt vomitting. And for others, the same. However, they like to smoke. For Miyuki, just a particle already effects yes. However, for them, a mount of medicine doesn't effect already. Thus, abandoned body, they turned.

Their dead eyes, Miyuki watched, and they looked for their team mates to do it. Only for the reason, they come to the eat-in corner of BENIMARU, after 18:30 oclock.

Miyuki is so nasty to remember the fact of her vanishing. She vanished, and always with this happening, Miyuki felt so nasty with the coincidence caused by the vanishing. During the looking for her process, always. Thus, Miyuki would never look for her again, any more!!!

She should not come back any more, however, she came back, as usual. Sigh...

When she got out in the morning, her hair was so similar to fat rough blash, with no care at all. Just like Miyuki, was YUKARI's way of saying. Oh, Miyuki, taken by YUKARI was like that???

Astonishing recognition, she does. Thus, this situation. YUKARI's world. Gurp.

GURRRRR.....Miyuki bow wowed before. Now, Oh, I found another fact, mode. Already, IDIOCRACY ended up, however, the satans exist even now. Muck's residue does wrong, even now.

Today, Miyuki found almost 5 new houses are built in Shirakawa downtown area. The wrongdoers can't stop their wrongdoings, it said.

And in NAKAMACHI area, Miyuki found a house in its reformation, whose oldest dirty wall was faked, and the new slambers were used for this faking jobs. Terrible. They did historical faking also. And now, the way of faking is revealed.

Chinkoro got upset at their way of making old faking. Nasty. New precious pine woods were used as their materials, and they did a bit nasty way of making messy situation, and used to build a normal house, and then, put some special medicine to make them look older.

They did it in vain, yes, and now, they should vanish!!!

So many wokers are participating for this construction business. Unnecessarily, they came, and all of them were hired as workers. And they didn't know how to make, and just imitated the earlier models.

Thus, always, imitation of imitation of imitation of imitation of ∞.

Thus, degradation only world.

And Miyuki remembered that 100 anos de solistad, Garcia Marques ended the long story of the family of Comumbia, with incist. Oh, just like Shirakawan North Koreans' ending theme!!!

Miyuki, today, listened to U2 music. Standard numbers. Chinkoro and Yacult liked so much. Message song of them. "We will never forget your wrongdoings, and we pledged our revenge! And OMANKO journalism faked the facts!" U2 world in Shirakawa.

Today, Miyuki met her team mate, black metalic green dragon fly, slender type's dead body. Yacult cried. Miyuki wanted to move him from the wheel road to more quiet place. She tried to move, however, he was stuck on the road, and she couldn't. Yes, with her total strength, could do it, however, with nasty broken body, Miyuki presumed, and deligated to ants' hands. Probably, they would do the job better than she. Thus, photo taking and just predge, as always.

Beauriful guys, as always. Miyuki really liked this season's new type dragon fly. He was so slender and beautiful, and young. Miyuki adored his body, and at first, she thought that he was there, with semi dried up body. Thus tried to take, and couldn't. And felt this hard to peel feeling by her fingers. The reality, yes. Thus, I don't forget this feeling. Stuck, he was obliged to stay there, after his death. Terrible.

Miyuki chose well. She maintained his body, as much as beautiful. Miyuki liked his shape so much. Always. Victims had beautiful bodies, she adores. Why dragon fly dropped? Miyuki imagined this time, because of air raid.

Even now, satans put chemical ingredients to produce core of rain or snow or mist. Incredible! Why they could do it??? Cruel, and Alzheimer, they are!!! For them, as usual. And for satans, also. North Korean loves cool temperature, and we all are in danger of servival.

They killed animals like that. Climate change, abruptly. For them, feeling good is enough to do wrong. Satanic world, we are in even now. how we stop their wrongdoing?

Vanish, as much and immediate as possible. Accelarate the vanishing process!!! No other choice!!! They can't understand the importance of our lives at all!!!

Miyuki found a non name slamber business factory near Shirakawa high school area. The smell of pine wood, here and there. Inside, some workers were doing their wrong business. They are all free from accusation, without any name. Anonimous, they adopted, and any public anthority accuses them at all!!!

And yesterday, Miyuki watched the faked police cars. INFERNO wants to regain power. We shouls survive the bad situation. Nasty yell, repeating, "Incest!" "Shame!" "Alzheimer!" "Pyong Yang Style!" in Miyuki's most disliking way. They got shocked, and soon forgot. Thus, Miyuki continues to yell, again and again.

Nasty sound effects their body, at least. YUKARI's case, Miyuki's existance itself is her object of living. Thus, Miyuki erradicate YUKARI! How? Collective Suicide, would be recommendable. Or, double inner gewalts' disasters for HARUMI & YUKARI.

For them, chamber changes would be fine, to know musual situation of Alzheimer digree. Both think that one is superior to another, each other. Thus, mutuality effects.

Their chamber should be changed, precariously. they declared. They need to change the mood, acording to the instruction of their own clinics. They both should be hospitalized, however, no hospitals at all. Thus, the main house is a kind of hospital. And now, they want more chambers to exchange the chambers. Thus, remain in the same chambers.

Thus, they are as always. no way. And they can't move so much. YUKARI's way of stepping is so slow and like crowling. They are sticking mode. Now, they want to sleep more and more. Good news!

Almost 20 hours of sleeping mode. Good for us all! Miyuki said VIVA! for us, after presuming YUKARI's suicide.

She always has threatened us all by way of this measure. For her, her life is so precous, thus, she did muck selling business. Like Kyorin versity. Non important versity, it was.

However, the same name company, Kyorin Pharmaceutic Production exists. In this case, we can gain money from this company, also. Because Miyuki already warned to this company to take some measure to express the non -relationship with Kyorin Versity. Despite of Miyuki's kindest advice, the company didn't chose the measure, and remained to fake the relationship mutually, between Kyorin versity and Kyorin Pharmaceutic Production. Thus, schein teorie, once more. Thus, Kyorin pharmaceutic Production has no reason to survive.

They supported Kyorin, in the end. Thus, they should commit suicide in collective, as the same hole's wild dogs, or 同じ穴の狢. ONAJI-ANA-NO-MUJINA.

Only farmers, semi-farmers, teachers, public servants, and a few shopkeepers, in this rural village. Miyuki said this morning. Thus, so many faked consumers are so so rare and kinkiest fenomenum, in this region.

No industry, including the first one, Agricultural business, in the village, while so many consumers in each so big Supermarket. how they gained money to pay their consumptious behaviour???

For Miyuki's understanding is so basic, and so rare to say so. For Shirakwa Alzheimer patients, as usual. Thus, Alzheimers, they are.

Unnusual, they can't recognize. They can't feel the strange sound nor spooky mood at all! For them, as usual, is enough to say so. In fact, for them, no fear at all. Thus, present for them. DEATH. Only one medicine which works for cure of Alzheimer disease.

Thus, they should vanish now!!! 連れション自殺、they should do now!!! In the toilet, they want to be. Go to BENIMARU! Or field!!! The vast nature would be fine for their toilet space. And there are lots of independent toilet for newly builing houses. Use some of them. Toilet for 24 use in parks. Gymnastic park, YUUGETSUZAN park, near NANKO silver lake, and so one. Don't worry, satanic guys! There are lots of toilet for your use!!! Tolet is closed in some public facilities, however, you can use rivers, also. And in the grass, also OK. You could produce fertilizer, from your bottom. Go to INFERNO, after doing it, or in the middle of doing it. INFERNO would wait for you, all, satans!!!!

Your homeland. You would like it, so much! Chinkoro yelled it so much!! Do it! As much as possible! Show your guts, YUKARI tribe!!!! HARUMI should follow you, soon!!!!

Now, Miyuki's sleepy mode starts. Thus, see you,, rightous guys!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly satans, never return!!!

From 8 MEN, with Big Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (184)

2017-08-04 19:37:08 | 日記
04/08/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki came back of her walking arround the rural isolated area called Shirakawa. She found today a bunch of new members of duck family! how cute! With vertical stripes, the kids, almost 6, were swimming following their parent. Nice to have seen the scene! They were near Mega-Stage area. So fluffy! Chinkoro and Yacult also yelled, "How fluffy they are!!!" Cute, in the most positive meaning! "Miyuki, you are right to say so! So nice to watch them! All of them are so cute, with tiger like stripes!!!" Chinkoro understood Miyuki's fluffy loving Psychology. Anyway, want to go to near them all!, like sympathy. It's difficult to stop watching them! Miyuki took their picuture. New generation is comming! Good to know it!!!

Unnusually earlier than we calculated! No Man's Land, thus they came. They were targetted as the aims of Idiots' shooting.

Miyuki did know that satans explained that ducks were brought to colaborate with their rice farming caltivation jobs. AIGAMO-NOUHOU or 合鴨農法, it was called. And Miyuki expected that duck meat would have sold at cheap price at Shirakawa Supermarkets. And failed. No duck meat, came from the rice field. Just foreign meat only.

And Miyuki did know that they are not Duck for eating, rather, wild ducks. Thus, no intention for eating at all! Like carps. Sorry, carps, however, you are not eatable for Miyuki. Thus, she, didn't recognize that the carp meat sold in WASHIO supermarket was some of their team mates...

Probably, they did it...Sorry, Miyuki thought of eatable fish, different from carps in YANTA river...Thus, "I hate eating Carp meat." Just it. Now, recognized the possibility, and felt nasty...They did it???

Even carps. North Koreans did it. They hunted them to eat, and other animals, also. Their guns are soundless, and they tried to erase the shooting scenes. Thus, soundless mode, as always. Thus, vehicles and cycles came so souldless approaching Miyuki. For them, "Ooops, I did it, by mistake!" was enough. Thus, US$300 per each guy's death, in civil law case.

For Miyuki, astonishing value, at first. So cheap? However, Miyuki remembered that a Spanish lady, who Miyuki met in Chiba Versity, said to Miyuki, "In Spain, in case of error of traffic accident, only US$2.6 thousand is paid for victim's family. Because the life is incalucurable."

At that moment, Miyuki thought that in Spain, probably, accusing the actor, who did the mistake, even in case of loss of one life, is not positive attitude, thus, of course, this guy should reflect so much, however, financial burden should not be put on his shoulders. And in this case, another way of punishiment effects on him, probably. Thus, considering the backyard, understandable, Spanish choice is."

And Shirakawa residents of North Koreans, are different. Civil case, they were not accused at all in. Criminal case, of course, not. Their bosses prohibitted it. Thus, only victims' loss, totally. No regret for North Koreans at all.

Miyuki was chased by cycles also today. Some of them came from back of her, and soundless mode. Two high school boys faked, did wrong, and Miyuki recognized their soundless mode. After her recognition, they evased to do so. Thus, Miyuki escaped from their attacking.

yesterday, also, she was attacked by such a pair of boys, junior high faked. They failed, both, and said to Miyuki, "KONNICHIWA" or good afternoon, in their wispering mode. For them, "Thank you for having forgiven us both" probably. And Miyuki goddamnited both, of course! Go to INFERNO, both of them! Immediately!

Always, after their running back to INFERNO, Miyuki is accustomed to say so. Even to IKKYO infants, yes! They are so nasty, and not cute at all!

And yesterday, Miyuki found other two visual proofs of Pyong Yang Tribe's attackings. One is a poster, to say, "Don't do wrong for your family" like warning, and the illustration was so only North Korean could put up with type, nasty dark rough sketch type. Childish advertisement. Is this working as advertisement? Almost just nasty feeling stimulating job. Prisoners' illustration like frustration only type, combined with underdevelopped hairstyle father and daughter's picture, with coloured pencils. Alex disliked to drow such type of nasty illustration, however, appreciated the skill. Yes, skill was not bad, more portrait type. However, the impression is so negative, and out of date.

Thus, Alex thought why they were so unhappiness lovers. They like their own unhappiness, was Miyuki's superficial understanding. Alex thinks differently. They loved their own country! Oh INFERNO, they want to go back! Return to INFERNO, satans!!!

釜山港に返れ or Return to Pusan was their catch frase. Pusan, not Winnie the pooh. Pooh shooting here and there now! Miyuki did so, thus they did, according to their explanation. Why they think so?

For them, rivenge! Oh, blasfamia! They forgot that they were prisoners, and against our rightous enemy, they started to attack again. Too too dangerous! VANISH! DDMic satans! Right now!!! All in a body!!!

Nakid? In public. And they turned to be nakid, and got killed in nakid. And videotaped, by their own will. OK, shame collectors adore their choice. Win-Win!

Miyuki likes to end like that. Anyway, hurry up!!!

This morning, Miyuki watched that YUKARI left home, a bit earlier than Miyuki's departure. Miyuki was obliged to her agricultural job. Orchard caltivation. She wants to hold more orchard field, for her liquour producing jobs. Berry liqour is also OK, and cassis licour, strawberry liqour, black berry liqour, rasberry liqour, grape wine, kiwi wine, lemmon liqour, Nable Orange liqour, and so on, Miyuki dreams now. Thus, Miyuki needed to stay in the courtyard a bit more, and Miyuki watched that YUKARI wore all in black, with thight slim jeans, also black, with her dirty hip showing up, with a plastic transparent bag. Too rare for YUKARI going out from the chamber, in these several months. To where she was going? INFERNO, Miyuki prayed.

For YUKARI, it was dangerous to go out nowadays. For Alzheimer patients, the possibility of losing the way is so big. Thus, SHIRAKAWA municipality provided taxi ticket for Alzheimer patients. And now, both, HARUMI and YUKARI, are taxi users. They gained a lot of taxi usage, at the replacement of Alzheimer confession. They both are so satisfied with their situation. No way for them all. Paid, and returned. Thus, they needed to pay for it.

Alzheimer patients should go out today, they yelled, thus, so many old guys were seen outside today. Miyuki monitored them cutting grass with their Jason tool, namely, electric sow, in front of the building of Gym training machines, beside Miyuki's outside simplest iron bar type equipped kids park.

Thus park is used by kids and old guys. Miyuki is one of rare users who use iron bar under 60 years old class. Only old guy only, they were called. And for Miyuki, good excercising tool, sufficient for now. Only in winter, probably, she would use the inside type, sometimes.

And so many old guys were participating the cutting and collecting jobs, outside the gymnastic hall. However, except some guys, they soon stopped their cutting jobs, and started to unite in front of the hall, and made a conversation for several ten minutes, and then, they did ジャンケン or Stone, Sissors and Paper game, as if lottery, and they all laught when their team mates were dicided. Just like a couple making process, Miyuki thought, and remembered that Dean OOKAWA was so in the good mood to determine the locations of the chambers, used by Kyorin Staff, in the new INOGASHIRA campus. Why he was so so eager to do the lottery, even refusing all of Miyuki's requirement of explanation of the previous meetings.

Miyuki was refused by him, who said like this. "We should do lottery for the new office room. Now, the lottery is already prepared in time. Your question would delay the process. Thus, you should not be responded by me. You, stupid!"

For her understanding, her question was so so important, both. One is related with student's quitting checking system, and another, the competitioners rate of the previous entrance exam. However, because of the lottery, the Dean refused to respond to Miyuki. ??? for her, at that moment.

Now, understand well, Miyuki does. He and his followers, namely, all of Kyorin staff except Miyuki, were waiting for the team mates to do it, in the next period.

for Miyuki, the building was not accomplished, and the opening was on April, 2016. Thus, at that moment, on June, 2015, too too earily to do the lottery. Why OOKAWA was so cheerful to do the lottery? For her, so so big questions were denied to be responded. Exist? Exist...It was KYORIN...

Almond is nice name, however, 巴旦杏 or HATANKYO, its Chinese name included the letter 杏 or KYO, thus, sometimes, she feels so nasty to see the letter. So so similar to 否, or "NO" or "NEGATIVE" in Japanese and Chinese. HATAN is also the same pronunciation 破綻 or Final Disaster, in Japanese. How negative name, for her!

Almond is liked by her. She likes to eat sometimes. Sustainable, and delicious. And for cookies, best gift. However, the sound of the Chinese name is so so negative for her...

Nasty, yes, prejudice, however, it is so difficult not to remember the impression related with KYORIN, this naming is.

Only Almond, is OK, yes. However, in YAMAYA, an exported liqours company, when she watched the bottle and the Chinese name, she got disliked the almond liqour.

And found a lot of errors written in foreign languages. New Amsterdam, they put. However, now, New York. And Russian Votoca was imported from France. Italian was mixed with Spanish. Many lines were comming from ex-socialist companies, like Litania, Russia, Mexico, and so on. Oh, by way of North Korea, they came. And some of them were all faked bottles. Thus, the Russians died after drinking lotion, made with metil-alchool.

They are faked only. Thus, when Miyuki drank Seven-Premium Chille White Wine, felt nasty, and got obliged to stop working for several days. They put bad ingredients, and caused so nasty result in every country!

Thus, they are so cheap and not tasty. And found 電気ブラン, which was inovated by 神谷殿伝衛 or DENDENEI KAMIYA?, and whose Company is located Muromachi, GUINZA, 6 block, 2nd line, Tokyo, Japan.

Oh, Miyuki passed near it. In front of MITSUKOSHI, Nihonbashi. Muromachi, it was called. However, not Guinza. And also, she passed 6 block, in Guinza. Bar or clinic area, there, in June, 2016.

Clinic in GUINZA? Especially, bridal related. And beside, reproduction health clinic's building. Too too easy and quick. Get married, and dush into the clinic to gain kids. Conception only marrige, the satans imagined!!!

For Miyuki, astonishing. however, for young generation of North Koreans, kids are for doing it and being eaten. They came to them for them, both. Thus, so so nasty and spooky, and at the same time, so so obedient. Oh, sheep's gine were put on their body! Gene modified guys, they are! Thus, so collective, in any time, up to shit in the toilet!!! 連れション自殺 or double or multiple suicide like collective toilet use, they adore.

Thus, do it! Right now! No chance for moratrium, of course! Do it! Do it! Now, in public!!!

Miyuki yelled so much, in her loud voice, laughing at them all! And again, chacing mode started.

This time, she was put amphetamine so much, unfortunately. And felt fainting, near MOTOMACHI area. However, she did know well, in this case. She remembered that the same attacking happened almost 10 years ago, and also 5 years ago. Both, in August.

first, when she was in MAHORON, the museum of ancient ages established by FUKUSHIMA prefecture, she was obliged to take a rest several hours in the special chamber for care only. Why in this less equipped facility, is there this type of chamber, and, astonishingly, a nurse, for the museum only use. Miyuki was concealed in the chamber, and wanted to be warmed up by blanket. In the midsummer, and it was so hot and she needed to take a lot of drink. She fainted in the toilet, and her kids informed to the clerks in the museum. and she was brought to the special room. She requred the blanket more, and the nurse said, "You are strange feeling cold in this hot day!", however Miyuki insisted, "Yes, strange for me, too. However, I want blanket. And I am accustomed to manage the situation. Bring me one more blanket please!"

For her, when she feels cold, she needs to be wrap by blankets are so normal, as a way to escape the nasty disaster.

And the second case was in HASHIOJI castle, when she was with her pupils, under the red hot sunshine. She couldn't put up with the nasty vomitting feeling with hard headache, thus, she asked to the pupils to go alone, and left her alone, in the bench, and she lied alone, until she regained the power, sufficient to walk again.

In front, there was a building, where volunteering guids were waiting. And a guide came to Miyuki, and insisted to call Ambulance, repeatedly, and Miyuki refused decisively. "Just taking a rest is OK for me. I know how to manage the situation." and the old guides vanished. Unnecessarily, they attacked Miyuki, especially, in public facilities.

They put amphetamine, for Miyuki only. Now, Miyuki understood their system. They can do it, by way of their totally controlled system by wi^fi or sound wave. And public facilities, like Supermarkets, Museums and so on are nice place for satans to play with Miyuki.

Today, it was not so hot. Rather coolish day. And they obliged Miyuki to enter into BENIMARU-Yokomachi, where, so so cold for Miyuki. She brought a couple of fat clothings, thus, didn't get afraind of the coldness. And started to find special gift for her. She bought a package of cut fruits, a boiled corn, and four pieces of chiken wings.

In the middle of the way to BENIMARU, Miyuki wanted to take a rest already. In this case, taking a rest as early as possible is the best answer. However, considerbly, unusually many guys appeared along the road. Oh, satans are wanting to call ambulance for Miyuki. Thus, she took a bit of caffe au lait, and arrived at Benimaru.

Cold, thus, she put on her fat wear. Yet cold. Expremely cold, it means.

Yesteday, in WASHIO, the temperature was expremely cold also. WASHIO is always thrifty to electric use, and it was proved by their advertisement. "For the sake of electric thriftiness, we turn off the light, OK, cliants!"

And yesterday, after entering WASHIO, the nasty sticky wetness on her both hands vanished. Strange!

Today, in BENIMARU, she felt so cold, and took a rest at the eat-in corner, for a while, eating fruits and a corn. An Alzheimer club started to open. The eyes. She was impressed by their eyes. So dead eyes holders only meeting place, here now is.

Fishy eyes, they yelled. Already dead type. Junky like dead eyes. And Miyuki really believes that this village is really goddamnitted by Gods of the universe, and they, the faked consumers, are all satans.

The sound, the mood, the way of moving. All are different from our world's existance. Nasty plain flat faces guys, they are yes. However, always with the mood of ULTRA Q. Different from our world's existance. Spooky, and their black clothings were so nasty! Especially, their kids wore just like adults. Miniature version, they are.

And Miyuki thought that they are all the results of shames or incist. They themselves do incest also. Thus, nasty. As casual mode, they do, indifferent of their nearest kinship. For them, too too natural, because they can't stop it. Sexual desires were stopped, only when they were outside. And some really seriously illed guys were already can't be stopped by the taboo impulse. No way, in reality.

"I can't put with this sansation. I will go, with my mates. I am the slave of this shake." YUKARI said so, and left the house. VIVA for us all!!!

Miyuki liked to think of YUKARI's history??? Not at all. However, to understand the situation, for me, not so nasty to remember the facts with her.

YUKARI's vanishing was already done for twice, as far as Miyuki knows.

first, it happened when Miyuki was junior high pupil. She and YUKARI got into straggle, a childish slightest one, and YUKARI declared, "I leave the house!" and vanished. Thus, feeling responsibility, Miyuki went out to look for her. She went arrond the nearest blocks for two hours or so. And when she was near the house of MAKIKO, a rural boys, wrongdoers, yelled for her, from low hight car, "Girl! Don't you want to take a ride with us all?"

In the evening, in autumn. Miyuki wore a green fat jacket, with fluffy brim, bought in KOORIYAMA. She got thrilled. Papists!!! She dashed away from the car toward the house, and found YUKARI under the tree of a Camelia. Anyway, I found her.

She said that she was there for all of these hours under the tree. At that time, she was probably 3rd grader or so. For Miyuki, when she passed in the courtyard, she was not there. She popped out, in the place, for Miyuki's impression.

The second time happened in May, 1997. Miyuki was diagnosed as "Skizofrania" wrongly by Todai Hospital, and the satanic sound attacked her every moment. For her, the first attacking, thus, so so confused at that moment.

YUKARI and Miyuki visited Yamaguchi Family in Funabashi, and then, on the way back from Yamaguchi Family' house to JR Funabashi station, they caught a trifle straggle, as usual. And YUKARI vanished, saying, "I will go back!"

Miyuki thought that she was not good at dilection, thus, she would follow Miyuki, despite of her declaration. Thus, without seeing her, Miyuki took a ride on the train. She went to her residence in Bunkyo ward, Tokyo, near Todai. And found that YUKARI was not there.

Thus, Miyuki felt so sorry for YUKARI. YUKARI would get lost soon in FUNABASHI, or some Tokyo area. She is so bad in direction, and she said, when they came to FUNABASHI, "I don't remember where YAMAGUCHI family lived at all", thus, Miyuki decided to pick her up on the way between Funabashi and Bunkyo Ward.

She went back to Yamaguchi family's house, and asked if YUKARI had come back to the house or not. "No!" was the reponse of the family. Thus, again, Miyuki went back to Bunkyo Ward.

Miyuki was so thrilled by YUKARI's vanishing. "I would be responsible for her losing, because she is always new to everywhere, even after living in Tokyo for 7 years. I am now so coufused with these strange voices, which accuses me in every moment. I am up to manage this problem. YUKARI's care is beyond my limit of ability. however, I triggered the vanishing of her. At least, I should make all effort for finding her!"

Miyuki thought that YUKARI went back to Shirakawa, with her upset mode. However, when Miyuki arrived at her residence, in front of the door, YUKARI was there, and started to accuse her, "Too late, you stupid!" in her loud voice!

I was looking for you, Miyuki wanted to say so. however, in YUKARI's upset mode, no explanation effects, Miyuki did know well on it. Thus, she just shuddered, and opened the door by her key.

For Miyuki, YUKARI was not seen, after they quarrelled and when Miyuki turned back, on the road to the JR Funabashi station. Invisible. And she popped out, in front of Miyuki's residence, to Miyuki's sight.

For Miyuki, when YUKARI really got upset, she vanished, sometimes, like impression. And she abruptly got upset against Miyuki, allways accusing Miyuki.

At these two cases, Miyuki felt responsiblity, thus, she tried to look for her. however, recently, she doesn't feel any responsiblity on her at all. As you like, YUKARI! Commit suicide, as you declared already several times before.

More than 30 years, she threatend Miyuki, on behalf of YUKARI's suicide. "Breaking the diary of one's own is the symptom of near suicide. Thus, if you follow my instruction, I would commit suicide. You, stupid! Undertand?"

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (183)

2017-08-04 07:46:40 | 日記
04/08/2017 (Friday, morning) It's cloudy today. Miyuki got up at 7:00 in the morning, and ate lumb with squeezed and petit pomatoes and iced caffe au lait. She can't use kitchen even now, however, she tried to steem up some meat to maintain minimum nutrished eating habit. The office should be used for business only, while kitchen for personal, is Miyuki's standard. However, we should be pragmatic. Against Alzheimer attacking done by two old bugs, Miyuki should behave in audacious way.

Sometimes, the sound who tried to open the door of the office was heard also this morning. Who would enter?, Miyuki wondered, and no one. Why? Sound producing system was used again?

yesterday, Miyuki got to know that extremely cold August is created by Pyon yang tribe's supporters. To get down the temperature, they used urine essense into mist. This causes wetness, and dropping down of temperature. To please Pyong Yong Tribe, some technocrates, do it, even now.

Miyuki remembers that in January, on the exact day of US$50 note stolen day, it snowed, and at night, she smelled the same urine related. ション便シャワー or Shower of Shit, Miyuki laughs now.

Pyong Yang Tribe has no sense of smell, because of Alzheimer disease. Their brain is rotten, rather than acepharos, thus, muck brain. Even though, for them, cool temperature is necessity, probably. And Shirakawa area is occupied with Phyong yang Tribe, thus, for their happiness, the stupid technocrates change climate artificially, easily. Another big wrongdoing done by idiots. Programed already in the loop mode, probably, and the guys don't stop this evil behaviour at all. Thus, until stopping, all of related should be punished, of course.

Sadistic punishment, of course! Vanishing at first, and then, torture and shame collection. After dead body, they should be ashamed!!! All victims' suffered tortures should be applied on them all!!!!

Miyuki pledged the revenge for victims. Thus, in GUTS's case's wrongdoers should be shot, like as Monster Hunting game!!! ADACHI, GUTS and MIYUKI are ready to play the game!!!! Amusing! Sadistic only!!!! At least, all of the measures, which were used for the victims, should be applied for each of the participants. At least, Miyuki exaggerated. Ten times,? More! 1 million times more!!!! OF course!!!!

The cruel wrongdoers have no sense of eveness. for them, victims are just objects, not the same value holders as human beings. They themselves are always free from accusation, thus, they did, as they liked, according to their desires, mainly, sexually skewed ones.

Dead bodies of them were all whipped by Dr.Miyuki SATOW, with her specialite, whip strengthened by steel teeth in triangle shark shape. ギザギザハートの子守歌 ♫ Checkers!!!

Lalaby in Broken Heart, sang by FUMIYA. Miyuki was similar to FUMIYA, when she was 18. Not so short as FUMIYA, however, strange to say, in her photo, she appeared as his face...

Not so short!!! KYO cried. For her, 160cm is short. KYO cried. FUMIYA, my love! He is even now a singer. Good singer, we appreciated his voice. Anyway, short...

Family type music band. KYUSHU area, they came from. And Fumiya FUJII, he is elder than his team mate younger brother, who is taller than him. The elder seemed more boyish, while the younger more uncle...FUJII family's tradition. Fumiya is a typical boy of their family.

Miyuki has relative in FUJITA family. Her grand mother's younger sister got married with FUJITA Family, which is related with OOTAKE Family. Kinship is so strong in Shirakawa area.

And Miyuki's grand mother in her father's side, namely, Sato Family, has dark skin, flat face, and shrink wavy hair, not so short, and with broad shoulder. Flat, however, not so Moon Cake like silinder type. More concavo face. At least, more 3D type flatness. North Korean type is more 2D cylinder like really ugly square round face. Just punched by srtong fist, and their center of the face got convect, inter the inside. Mashed, in short.

Already punched face. Ugliest version of flat type. Not unusual. The result of skewed incest, probably.

for them, incest is normal marriage. Thus, they do. Thus, so many reference on the bottom words, among the family conversation. Boys with 10 years talked so much on nipples and bust. In Shirakawa area, their sense of sexual morality is skewed.

Even in our primary school, even the most naughty boys didn't use such dirty words, expecially, in front of girls. For the boys, girls were so nasty existance. However, they avoided to use such words. Contemtious, and contempted. Thus, we both sex, didn't used them.

Now, the kids tried to speak in polite way, using KIMI and BOKU, and without Shirakawa intonation and dialect. However, the vocabulary is so dirty and more bottom and upper sexual parts are used in their common conversation. Morally degraded families, they are!!!

Miyuki confirmed now that milk includes sleep inducing ingredient. Any milk company put it, indifferent from brand mark. Shameless. North Koreans reign Japan, even now. Thus, they order to cool down the temperature. Death for them all! Satans, vanish now!!!

Any brand, already confirmed. To avoid nasty sleepy mode, drink milk related non-milk products. Only way to avoid anti-productive life.

Miyuki is too right to confirm up to the last brand. Avoided to do so, because too nasty to know the fact. All, without exception. Probably, satanic Pyong Yang Tribe ordered to the companies, and they followed the order. Thus, dairy food related companies vanish, immediately! VIVA! Jourgy Species world would come!!! Red Bull & Cow world!!!

Milk should be provided by themselves, like Miyuki's Morning Happening way. Coincidently, the appear, and ask Miyuki and her team mates to do their work, and Miyuki, as team leader, thanks, and do her own butter making jobs!!!!

And the gift for both side. Milk would be so nice to taste, and cheese, also! For winter, cheese would be fine. Especially, racret!!! Potatoes with melty cheese!!! Roast potatoes, just on the stove, is the most delicious, without any nasty alminium foils. Even peel is dalicious. Sweet, naturally, and combined with cheese and butter!!!

Gersy???Jowsey species come from NZ! Oh, your tribe??? Clare got upset. Just mates. However, anyway, they arrive soon after. Thus, safe dairy foods can be kept. Good grief.

Joursy Cow? Why? Because delicious.

Miyuki did know well the flavour! Of course, Miyuki paid almost US$3 per 200ml of glass bottle of the milk. In OOMIYA, at the station building. Each one, per each, she tried, and more creamy and delicious, she confirmed. Like a dessart, rather than drink. Cream like taste. Thus, delicious.

For less populous world, thie joursey species should be recommended. Holstein for Mass. We are so few in this area.

and Miyuki thinks that she wants to destroy the newest buildings as her first desconstruction work. Easy. Just replace with another product. ???

Just wants to make vast green grass place. Replace with what? For what?

For Miyuki, nothing at all! And others, we don't need any prefablic hut any more.Sufficient enough. All agreed.

Nasty, and unnecessary. And 石切り場 or ISHIKIRIBA in Shirakawa, Miyuki recognized that all IKKYO building has no air conditioned system at all, thus, they opened window in so wide way, and thus, the technocrates cool down the temperature outside. Cheaper, they thought, however, in fact, much more expensive. It caused so many troubles in the universe. It should not be allowed for any guy!!! However, they did it, and repeated, even after our warning, thus, they should be punished, so harshly!!!

北畠 or KITABATAKE is the name of Miyuki's predissesor of Platinum Dormitory, one of the evilest technocrates she is. And she laught at Miyuki's childish dream to be a champion of lice class in Thailandese Kick Boxing.

Laughing is prohibitted for any satans. Up to sly smiling, was their rule. Thus, KITABATAKE should be punished by satanic rule, also.

Miyuki is so nasty to be stolen her data, of course. And no choice for them, at all! And KITABATAKE would be killed immediately!!!

She is the founder of this climate change. And her team mates. Galactors, against GATCHAMAN. TATSUMAKI Fighter!!! Tornade kicking from Miyuki's team!!! Slender body should be kept for the Thailandese type, yes! Lice class, escpecially! Thailandese boxers are slender! Look hungry. And good muscle hodlings!!!

Remembers Campy Championship. The film. Laughing, however, understandable. Why not type sportive affection. Campy guys why not to do exercise, in the most powerful type? for Miyuki, as you like type. Like as Alex wear frilled skirt. Objectively, not so pretty, however, if he likes, as you like, wear, according to your judgement.

For Miyuki, if he wears like Miku HATSUNE, as he likes. The effect? Others decide. Just it. Not prohibittion or allowence type theme. As you like. Thus, campy fighting maniac, why not for her.

GUTS cried for her hypothesis. Too too cruel to think the situation, however, thinking of the cruel stupidity of Shirakawa Jasons, it would have been, he got thrilled. After death, against dead body, they could have nasty dirty work, probably. In the most desastrous case, they probably did it. Even dogs, would cry for the result. They did it, as they liked, and the naughty boys were targetted to be killed by Jasons.

Self Defense force team, licated near Shirakawa, for the object. Jason's world.

Miyuki already perceived that in NISHIGOU area, TAIYOU-NO-KUNI or Land of the sun, SHUCHIKU BOKUJOU or Animal genetic change test farm and SHIRAKAWA GAKUEN or Orphanate, were triangle spots. Targetted by Jasons.

Thus, so nasty, they were. They now started to fake to be normal facilities, thus, the animals were brought into the meadow, newly devastated forest.

And TAIYOU-NO-KUNI vanished. Only on HP of FUKUSHIMA prefecture, it exists, and Miyuki and Carli, already confirmed that it already doesn't exist. Orphanate should be located in MAKIBA kindergarden, beside animal farm.

And now, any teachers of the kindergardens were evil satans. Miyuki reported it, and Carli found the same in YAMATSURI. Oh, YAMTSURI, U2!!!

Miyuki presumed that YAMATSURI would be better than SHIRAKAWA, however, not at all. Any rough work would be fine now...Carli's homeland, thus, would be less cruel, Miyuki presumed. However, got betrayed.

Now, Miyuki should leave, or YUKARI would attack on her.

See you, later!!!
Have a nice day, for us all!

And VANISH! DDMs!!! You are rotten satans with muck brain!!!!

From 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!