Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (182)

2017-08-03 19:30:05 | 日記
03/08/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki came back from her excercising jobs. Today, she got to recognize the desire to exercise her body, with strong pleasure. "Just like an appettite! I want to train more up to feel satisfaction of muscle!" Miyuki, at first time, felt so. So similar to taste of good qualified foods. Eager to move the body more, spontaneously. Without it, Miyuki can't put up with the situation type sensation, in whole body! Oh, this is the sports type feel when they are kids!

Miyuki was not good as any physical movement, when she was a kid. For her, moving body is a kind of nasty and dangerous activity. Reluctant to move, in fact. Thus, not so good at any gymnastic subject. For her, this weakpoint protected her from disasters.

Anyway she was chicken, and had a reasonable explanation. She is not good at her body movement. Thus, just like a wooden domb like appearance. And she really wants to work for construction area, thus, she needs to train muscles, and now, she is so conscious of her muscle and body. At first, she understands that this is what almost all of her mates in primary school loved so much.

for her, participating in a club sports activity is a kind of ridiculous choice. Why MAKIKO wanted to play basketball, was her question. Miyuki didn't know the pleasure at all. And today, she got to recognize the necessity of body to move, according to this requirement, so apontaneous, and so delicous, at the same time, a bit strange...Just like, "I want to do it, however, only a bit like this???" like, induced, however, couldn't attain the result rexpected like satisfaction combined with unsatisfaction complex world.

At first time, she felt this pleasure. For GUTS and ADACHI, "Exist?" type strange character, she has. For her, never felt such a sensation. "If I could, I want to do exercise for all of hours except eating, sleeping, and satisfying basic necessity." like fundamental requirement from the bottom part of her body.

Exist such kind of virginity? Exist...Miyuki's virgin area, in this field. Virgin record, here and there. How old are you, Miyuki? 54 years old. And virgin? Yes, Ma'm...ADACHI...

Auntie, he is, however, not so Auntie at this point. Not Auntie, at all. Rather, baby!!! Chinkoro saved her. She just didn't know the pleasure at all. Not at all? Out of imagine. After training of TAE-KON-DOU? Not.

Once, during a earobix-dancing, in Competition, a gym in Higianopolice, Miyuki felt so called "Dancing high" yes. However, different. After knowing Salsa, she felt dancing high, so often, yes. However, this sansation is different from these high mode. "High" is rather phychological, while this is muscle feeling. Probabaly, it is impossible without training every day.

Fortunately, now Miyuki has plenty of time to do exercise so much. Jobless, pragmatically, yes. However, not so cheapish. And she wants to work for others. Thus, muscle is needed more. Thus, she should take care of her muscle, and now, in specificly mood to make beautiful and functional muscles.

Today, on the way back from Mega Stage, Miyuki dropped up in Public Library, and read TARZAN, body conscious only MAGAZINE. And got to know an ex-Super-Feather Class champion of Emtai, namely kick boxing, from 2 pages of presentation on him. And liked him so much, because he is not faked guy, but the real guy. His personality and the discription and photos are the proof of integrity. Especially, she liked his discription. He said:

I was good at flexibility. However, during junior high and high schools, I didn't any sports at all. At 19, I encountered with boxing, and recognized the importance of flaxibility training, and flexibility brought me a big success.

He, at first, was ordered to 20 minutes flexibility training, and disliked it, because for him it was so nasty and sissy. He wanted to do more manish, puniching and kicking type trainings only. However, through the flexibility training, he recognized that flexibility could put power on his puniching, because, for example, with total flexibility of the shoulder and the back, he could put the more reach of hands, in case of drowing his fists backward, thus, the strength of punch increases.

Too too pursuasive, and Miyuki thought that now Miyuki's right fuck is speedy, however, lask of strength. Thus, to put strength, this skill is so useful. Thus, flexibility training would work for her dynamic puniching. Higly useful advice for her.

And his body shape is not so promissive. Regarding to this matter, Miyuki is superior to him. Thus, a good target of her boxing champion model.

Now, she dreams to be "Lice Class Champion in the universe." Anyway, Ms.Universe, she is!!! And the reason. Except her, no any champion in this class. For a while, this title would be kept by her only.

Thus, title match. In the near future, she would be a winner of Champion Belt. ADACHI, with his thread and needle work, would give her his original Champion Belt. Lice, as a symbol...Miyuki expected laughing scorpion, however, refused by his so so Auntie like attitude. Nasty! No more laughing scorpion! You should know your limit!

Laughing scorpion is so so similar to KEMUMPAS, the Fujio AKATSUKA's character. Thus, they claimed so much. Just a nasty messy worm, he is. Laughing Scorpion, not so much!

Thus, Red Scorpion. Chinese Dragon combined??? Anyway, strong impression, please!

Laughing Lice, should be! LAughing is good, however,...Lice...Not good experience with it. Blood absorving paracite, it is...

And today, Miyuki felt, in every place, strange nasty smells. Each place, each nasty smell.

In the evening, at 18:00 oclock in just, smell of shit appeared, and it continued more than 30 minutes. She couldn't put up with the smell, and left the gymnastic park.

The smell came with an old short strange gymnastic park frequenter bug, and for Miyuki's acute nose, so so similar to the smell of diaper, after several times of leeking. Old shit smell, she categorized.

And with the smell, nasty sticky wetness, in her hand. No smell, however, just like the sticky sugar rain, her hand stuck by the wetness, she gained by the iron bar, she used for her training.

The bar got sticky, at 18:00 oclock after. Some guy put urine related essence in the core of the wetness. The clouds were so low, thus, probably, it would rain, early in the next morning.

Probably, urine would be a fartilizer, thus, satanic weather center put it, to increase agricultural productivity. And they vanished, thus, in a loop mode. Any guy stops their continuous wrongdoings, after satanic vanishing.

And today, Miyuki met two big sesna type drones. They would do this type of wrongdoings. Both, on the head of Miyuki. Miyuki is targetted by satans, of course, and no man's land, and Miyuki only world, has come already. Thus, they targetted Miyuki, already, several times.

In Supermarket, in WASHIO, diarrea muck smelled. In Benimaru-Mega-Stage, another nasty smell. And in DOJO-KOUJI area, amphetamine, and YANTA river side, LSD.

Some propine like smell also did in MEGA-Stage area.

A bit of nasty smells day. Samples of dirty nasty smells.

And rider chasing day, also. The faked police rider, with the number of "52-54", chased her, and Miyuki met the guy, in ISHIKIRIBA area, and AKEDO area.

And old short male bug cycling rider, at Shouwamachi area. He, nasty erotic satan, met Miyuki at supermarket, and decided to chase her, on behalf of his ego-centric sexual desire. Alzheimer has no measure except total vanishin type.

Another old satans here and there, and Miyuki recommended so many old plump bitchs for them, as much as possible. For them both, anyway, the mates, they needed. Thus, title match. I am not prepared for it, while she is Thus, use her body! Much better than mine!!!!

Miyuki escaped from the disaster, by use her bypass walking. When she recognized their attackers, she started to look the contrary to them all. And as much as possible, she turned and changed her way, to show her disliking against all of them.

For these crazy guys, chasing is a kind of hobby, because they have a plenty of time. However, for girls of primary schools, threatening only, it was. And Miyuki remembers the remark of OMANKO journalism, which said, "This crime would be done by who has special knowledge in this zone" or 土地勘のある者の仕業と思われます。

Oh, Tochikan or 土地勘 meant "the knowledge of the confusing exit as labirinse." Oh, KAKEGANE-ZUKURI, for it!!!

Old guys who did know well in each skewed area, was the rightous answer. Thus, Miyuki presumed so so rightously. "It also meant that this guy already did wrong repeatedly! Habitual criminal, he is!!!"

Thus, Miyuki got reword!!! Thank you!!!! MEdalions of viels!!!! Oh, I want to eat!!!!

Now, she will eat her sheep dishes, used micro-oven. No choice so much, thus, she bought a package of lumb meat, and wants to prepare a dish for her. However, some guy used the bath room, where her fredge is located, thus, she should wait for her exist, for several minutes.

On the fredge, there is a micro-oven. Also, in the bath room area. Thus, now way. Just wait, is the rightous answer.

And, at 19:00, soon after Miyuki's entrance to the office, someguy tried to open the door, and vanished. No keys, he held. Thus he gave up.

Terrible! Sometimes, they came with a bunch of keys, and open the door, and then vanished. Thus, mad, dried up so much.

After so many attempts, YUKARI refused her selling the key business, forever. She forgot what she did, probably.

Miyuki didn't chase the old erotic satans at all! Terrible, and dangerous. For them, only vanishing effects. Thus, they should refrain from our beautiful society!

Miyuki thought that for Yuko, her image of Bergian Actress type, it would be fine to refuse like that. She would be beautiful like Gradiorus, orange type, even now, if she were alive. In case, she would be threatened by old erotic satans, probably, plural, like a candidate of mate. かぐや姫 or Princess KAGUYA, she would turn, easily.

She was atacked several times, and could refuse all of them, however, vanished, was the story. She prefered being herself, rather than being raped.

And her Andromeda Adromecida's interpretation is so so similar to Sleeping Beauty. Each case, they were trapped, and threatened to be killed, almost. However, during custory, a guy appeared. The guy is not so promissive, however, at least, is not attaker. Thus, for the princess, it is enough, thus, she decided to go with him, leaving the concealing place.

Princes, they are called, however, not so much. Just non-attacker type. Oh, Takafumi, you are the ideal prince for all of female guys!!!! Thus, Takafumi is so popular!!!The chance!!!

And for Miyuki, other chances. Miyuki found that feathers of crows are recently so fresh and beautiful. And Miyuki did know well that they took them just for showup distinctive. More difficult to fly, however, they want to show that even though I can fly like burden type. Thus, 風切り羽, or KAZAKIRI-HANE, it is called. So so precious as crow tribe. MIYUKI believed that these feathers were given by them as a kind of prize, thus, she collected. Now, she wants to put them in a rightous place, to show up more beautifully!!!

Now, they were put beside the dishes. Thus, just like, "Oh, I ate some crows!" like impression to others. Even rightous guys, started accusing her disorganized desk. They all disliked her disordered way of life. For her, not so bad, while, almost all of animals dislike Miyuki because of her coufusional signs.

For them, used wears should be washed, immediately. However, for Miyuki, who has no time to wash, and YUKARI and HARUMI always disturbe Miyuki's washing, thus, only once per 10 days, Miyuki washes her clothings. No way!

And the desk? Want to clean up, yes. However, anyway, Miyuki wants to get out from the office, and she wants to report as soon as possibe. Thus, the inferior matter, cleaning up the desk.

However, Miyuki sleeps on the floor, thus, sweeping floor is necessity, thus, once per 3 days or so, Miyuki does cleaning up. Or, she would be biten by ichy bichy spiders. Thus, necessity, in this case.

Thus, they appreciated Miyuki's cleaning up jobs. The desk is inferior to floor. The appearance is also important. However, no time. Escaping from the worst disaster is the mission for Miyuki!!!

This morning, when Miyuki appeared to pick the keys from the main room, HARUMI yelled, "Are you KOOJI?", to her. KOOJI, is Miyuki's father's name. Of course, Miyuki didn't respond at all. And then, Miyuki was chased by HARUMI, and Miyuki, as soon as possible, got out from the sliding door to the courtyard. Soon after, HARUMI popped out from the western type door, and yelled, "Oh, trash?"

Thus, Miyuki, laught at her remark in her belly. "Yes, lady, I am trash for you, thus, leave me alone! Don't yell me any more, please!!!"

Miyuki did know well that HARUMI wanted to say, "Do you come to throw the trash of the office?" yes, however, for Miyuki, chance to take advantage of her remark. Thus, above. Nice interpretation! Doctor of Law, yes!!!

Only male type could say so. For narcistic females, this type of play is too too difficult. DAME-OYAJI, in short. Mazochistic approach, worked, today!!!

For her, interpretation should be working. Or, just a puzzle solving matter. HASEBE was such a type. And unfortunately, he was not good at this puzzle game type quiz. No promissive guys only world, in short. Thus, Miyuki was hired, probably. And so promissive, thus she was fired, in 2001.

Her long long story on Todai perfect destruction job ended with her Donky Kicking!!! Everywhere, she kicked as much as possible. On the day, Miyuki visited there with net stockings with her hot pants. Slender legs Miyuki, she wanted to be yelled. however, anyway, violent Miyuki. They yelled, and she responded. 浅間山荘事件 or Case of Resort Cottage ASAMA, was her image. Foucourt's iron ball, was used for the destruction. Too too impressive! Miyuki watched the exact scene, and anyway, "Oh, they did it!" like, just devastation should be praised mode, at that moment. Political social meaning, she didn't know. Anyway, big black iron ball appeared, and destroyed the cottage. Oh, visually impressive!!! Just it.

And then, she learned that this case was related with inner gewalt or buttle among two communist related teams. Thus, as they liked, world, for Miyuki's kindest understanding. However, the police was so positive to destroy the cottage. The reason? Just wanted to show their destroying tool. Thus, we watched.

According to her high school teacher, his major was social science, the leader, a sadistic lady used panty stockings without panty. For Miyuki, "Smelly, isn't it?" like impression. Not so much. Just a mood. She was so sexy, was the rightous meaning. For Miyuki, just smell. Not so wanted to say. Thus, say, "She wore net stocking only!" In this case, at least, Miyuki understood the situation.

Miyuki found her wooly net stocking at DAISO, at us$1. And thought that "Good item to fake some sexy lady." And the result, "Oh, naughty primary school gymnastic wear, however, because of her poverty, leggins are full of holes..."

Miyuki wore leggings with holes, and she doesn't notice, so much. Just in case of "without skirt" type clothings, she is conscious of her holes. Then, not so much.

Senseless, satans are. And they were induced by some impulse. And a bit younger is already good for them all. Thus, old erotic satans on parade here today! They should find their plump horstein mates, as they like!

Old guys, who did wrong to kids, probably, they are. So many erotic satans were walking arround the gymnastic park. And sometimes, prostitutes were waiting for the guys, there. Another encounter place for them.

Satans should be killed, immediately, and almost all of them are faking with their kids skin bugs. Thus, for Miyuki, "The earlier, the better" namely, kill the younger kids, immediately, and then, old erotic satans, also right now!!!

Both should vanish, at once! Or, our world would be damaged, as usual. Even now, old erotic satans cut the grass with chain sow. They build new houses, with cranes. They have no intention to stop their wrongdoings. No choice at all for satans!!!

Non stopping mode for them, like Gas Pipeline construction jobs. Unnecessary and so wrongly done. However, all of residents surrounding them are colaborators. NAsty asphart patches, here and there.

And HARUMI did her blue berry cutting job, again. She can't stop cutting trees. For her, just a bit of wrongdoing is dairy life. She can't put up with without it.

Astonishingly, she liked to abuse us all. With a sly smile. Just a faking kindness was enough type. Now Miyuki did know well, through her errors. YUKARI is a good practitioner of her lesson, thus they cobimed so much, and they both got revealed as satans.

Miyuki didn't know how HARUMI was evel at all. Feeble minded, however, kind probably, Miyuki considered her, because of her lack of any strongpoint. Ugly, in her face, not good at domestic work at all, non-working, wants to be superior despite of her incapacity. No good point at all. However, at least, she wanted to be kind to others, or she is nothing.

And Miyuki recognized that she is nothing, or Less than Zero. She turned to be so harsh, after Miyuki's discharge. Reason, unknown. As if, "I am superior to my daughter, who has doctoral degree of Tokyo Versitly" like. At the same time, when Miyuki said, "I am proud of being a doctor of law, mother!", HARUMI accused Miyuki, "You are so arrogant to say so me. You should be punished!, You stupid!" like that. Which is which? Both. For others, Miyuki is a kind of seeds for her arrogance, while, for Miyuki, just a dirty stigma, the doctoral digree holding is.

Thus, the end. Nasty Doctor should be killed, HARUMI and YUKARI decided again, and they informed to the police again. Thus, chasing game started. And the short old erotic satans were all ex-faked polices. Thus, so nasty to appear with their "I will rape you!" mode.

These old erotic satans were wondering near kids parks. In Shirakawa, so many infants only parks are here and there. And in one of the oldest this type, called 友月山 or YUUgetsuzan park, or Moon Friends Mountain PArk, Miyuki descovered an astonishing fact.

Only so messy equipments only park, in short, a slider, four swings and iron bars only. However, newly built big Japanese style toilet house, with a lunch eating space or bed use type space with roof. So vast, as if Miyuki's first chamber during her primacy school period. What is the use of this space? Miyuki found a bunch of trash of lunch box, and one package of pre-cocked foods at the cost of US$4, and another bread and some soft drinks. "Oh, this guy can pay more than I for his lunch!!!" Almost US$7 for one lunch! Miyuki presumed and got upset!

Probably, jobless, unemployee, he is, like other guys in Shirakawa. They can't work, and just stay here, and can eat like more than emperor.

Miyuki spent almost US$12 per day, in total. She tried to be thrifty, because she is almost jobless, and she needs to feed her kids, and tries to maintain her body in good condition.

However, jobless and don't do, except it type guys can eat more than Miyuki!!! Astonishing fact! In front of public toilet! Miyuki doesn't want to eat her so modest lunch in front of toilet or rather exactly, toilet space at all! So miserable, at the same time, so so luxururious, despite of their miserable situation. Alzheimer patient, he is!

And Shirakawa hires these Alzheimer patients as their workers. Last evening's old guys confession is the reality of Shirakawa. This municipality hires these old guys by way of Silver Human Resource Center, giving our precious money, under the name of tax, to order to do wrong, namely, crimes only.

North Koreans, they are! And Shirakawa dialects are so similar to North Koreans counterpart. Thus, so nasty and arrogant, and threatening voice, they use.

Miyuki remembers that 猪口孝 or Takshi INOGUCHI imitated Chinese Announcer of the age of Cultural Revolution in China, 毛沢東 or Mao Jan Tong's peroid. Agitating way, even Miyuki could imitate it.

Miyuki tried it at Benimaru-Mega Stage and the chasing game started. Miyuki triggered their rage, probably. Especially, old erotic satans attacked her so intensively. The result? She found a lot of crues of their chasing. And some of guys almost kill her. Miyuki herself is free from anxiety, however, many guys escaped from the dangers...Sorry, however, agent provocatour is Miyuki's mission. Thus, she immitated in her aggitation faked Korean. And put, "like that" at the end. What she said? She herself didn't know!

Some resembling words, she said, and for them, the same. "Some nasty contemptious words were delivered with that nasty guy!"

Even now, he exists? Today, Miyuki was so shocked, that because she was called, "KURE-SHIN" or クレヨンしんちゃん or the naughy boy with 5 years old, in ANIME series.

for the IKKYO kids, naughty boy would be allowed only up to 5 years old, was Miyuki's so kindest understanding. For her, no reason to be called like that. Why? Today, she wore tunic, to protect her slender body to be seen by erotic old guys, and her more narcisic understanding, Mary-Lin, with Fur, with some tutu ballet clothings, to prepare for her ballet version of fairy Tinker Bell. The coliographer ordered to her to behave like "Airly, as much as possible!" thus, Mary-Lin is kicking Donky training, as much as possible. Fairy like donky kicking, thus, so so theatorical beauty type. Why KURE-SHIN????

Mary-Lin, Mary Linda Monroe, she was today! However, KURE-SHIN? After almost so many days training, she is KURE-SHIN? ADACHI, GUTs, and Clare cried...Training, she did well. And she up to went to feel so gymnastic body holder. And the result, KIRE-SHIN????

IKKYO kids are so nasty to hear, "The earlier, the better. Thus, from the younger kids!" Miyuki is so so disliked by all of Ikkyo believers. Especially, IKKYO kids. Always, "We hate you, Ikkyo kids!" and Infants also dislike Miyuki so much!

They are all erotic satans, without exception! They wear just kids skin bugs. They are too too old to exist. They should vanish, at once!!!!

Even with their young skin bags, they are too too tired and old enough. They used amphetamine, to show up their energetic performance. Miyuki is accustomed to watch such type of show. Only Once type, thus, they did behave so.

And the result? Nasty. No reason to exist. Why they are so nasty and erotic? 一発屋、貫通コース!

 ADACHI, you gain 10 pieces of cussions!

IPPATSUYA, KANTSU Course! Only once type, go directly to Inferno! with special course with rotten dismorality!! Of course, including doing it!!!

Miyuki, your translation is so so long, however, exactly, it is!!!

Miyuki, this morning, remembered that KITANOZONO, her ex-pupil informed on this type's sexual behaviours. He encountered with them, in a bar, and they were composed by physical workers and some fire fighters. And they told on their sexual behavours, in a loud voice, and said so clarely, that they got married, however, they did it almost all with the wives of their mates, and with so variety of hard type sexual manners.Hard Core porno movie like, KITANOZONO expressed.

And his analysis was, "They are in danger of life or death, thus, they are so eager to pursue for their sexual happiness, thinking that as if they were killed, thus now, we should enjoy whole of pleauses!" 刹那主義 or SETSUNA SHUGUI, in Japanese. Only for precarious time, thus, we can be allowed all of wrongdoings, in the sexual field, was the meaning.

Thus, probably, KITANOZONO met with this type. And put his own comments. And Miyuki got astonished. He said, that they are almost 50 years old, and in case of averedge guys, 50 years old is almost done as sexual partners. However, for physical type, their sexual desires are so so strong!

And he refered that in case of female, after 50 years are their sexual desires got increased, strange to say!

Oh, thus, Miyuki's sexual possibility increased! Miyuki thought so frankly. And at the same time, probably, generally speaking, Alzheimer patients lost their sexual morality sense perfectly type fenomenum happened already in Tokyo area.

Thus, the result. Old erotic satans behave as if they can do as they like. And they target some guy to rape, to kill, to contempt, as they like. Thus, last week, the orange waffle towel Mad Dog said so repeatedly to Miyuki, "You, foreigner, stupid bitch!" so many times.

Mad Dog no brain fenomenum, Adachi called it. And Miyuki said, "Worse than acepharos. Exist. Rotten brain worse than aceparos symptom. Just smelly brains like muck, they hold!"

Miyuki, ADACHI fainted almost! Too too nice to express so! Their brains are really filled with muck! Guts confirmed!!! Miyuki already refered to KUSODAMARI on this fenomenum. Not only she, but also SHIRAKAWA old erotic satans have the same type brains!!! Muck Brain fanomenum, it should be corrected!!!

Correctors, both, C&Y agreed the naming!!!! Only muck world can provide such a strangely skewed brain!!! And Miyuki felt that erotic satans were so so nasty and they believed as if they can do it even now!!!

For them, just raping is doing it, with some special torturing measures, including threatening, poisoning, killing and so on.

And Miyuki said to Guts and Adachi, frankly, that you are yet having escaped from these nasty nausious treatment, at least...Tortured, yes, however, not with sexual nuance at all. Yet better....

ADACHI and GUTS got thrilled at the idea. Terrible! However, in Shirakawa, they can do it now mood. For them, any guy who disturb their pursue for their sexual happiness would be killed, immediately.

Thus, Miyuki yelled, "These three ladies are ideal for you, old erotic satan! They are prepared for it!! Me? Not at all! Please do it with them three!!!"

Miyuki caught the scene, that an old guy entering into the house, opening the door. The house was 2 stories, and the 2nd floor's windows were open, and Miyuki could see the hunging of closhing from the open windows. This is old type of prefablic house, and no plate of family name on the entrance at all.

he tried to gaze Miyuki, and Miyuki tried to avoid his sight, taking advantage of the electric pole in front of his house. She entered into the vanishing point, as much as possible, and finally, he refrained from her scene.

And some other places, the same time, short, skewed back, bold or white haired, more than 75 years old type erotic satans, wearing summer semi-sleeves shirt, with beige, moss green, or yellish white, and beige trausers, cotton type, chased her in every corner.

Miyuki was obliged to run away from their chasing. And they came even after she started her exercise in gymnastic parks.

The strange kinkiest everyday training type came, this evening, unusually without his MITSUBISHI-PAJERO faked vehicle. He is accustomed to park it so nearest the kids park. This guy is a habitual infant pederasty, Miyuki presumed. He is accustomed to yell to kids, and he stays so long time in SUKEBE-ISU, and rolled his hip, so many times, as if saying, "I want to do it with you, madmoiselle!" And Miyuki disliked him so much, and always she left the place, as much as possible.

NAsty old erotic satans were wandering for so long time, this evening. At least, 4 figures appeared in front of Miyuki. The other, faked families, and faked kids, also came to Miyuki, and all of them were ignored by her.

Miyuki is so sleepy now, thus, see you tomorrow!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! Miyuki should sleep well, or she would lose the chace to make longer legs!!!

From 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (181)

2017-08-03 09:07:39 | 日記
It happened in Banimaru-MEGA-STAGE, and Miyuki almost fainted at the shocking. Never thought of it. And she cometimes vanished from Miyuki's sight. Thus, to take the historical picture, Miyuki, with all her chiken bravery, chased her, in the area of clothings, and found finally and caught in a picture.

Exist? Exist....

ADACHI & GUTS, already fainted...Only Miyuki could maintain her mental sanity. Total Lie like situation.

Comment from Doctor of Law...Private wear...Thus, she could chose this type, however, the shock is so vast. Beyond BIKINI explosion. And she faked junior high pupils. Thus, she should be punished. And the school, which allowed to be sold or handed to the guy who uses like that, should be punished!!! Shein Teorie again.

And Miyuki got in wonder. Yesterday, Miyuki met YUKARI, wearing black sports wear of some resembling as junior high school, semi-sleeves and bermuda type. Why this old bitch uses junior high school wearings?

And in winter, she also was accustomed to wear these high school or junior high sports wears. Despite of her old age, why she likes to wear "For pupils only" type clothings?

And at Shirakawa Highschool, in front of the gate, Miyuki met a guy, middle aged one, who wore the same type pupils only uniform, who were yelling to baseball team inside the courtyard. Dangerous! Kinkiest! Yesterday, Miyuki watched him.

These young Alzheimer patients are inclined to wear junior high sports uniform. Why?

and in the evening, Alzheimer Club was held at the corner of BENIMARU-Yokomachi. There were four guys there. One old plump female bug, was sitting at the table alone, saying nothing, doing nothing, like a dumb.

Two old male bugs were talking on their fainancial situation and hospital. The more talkative guy with dialect, who is ex-employee of construction, told that he was nasty to appear to gain social benefit at the corner of public facility. The more calm, or rather, just laughing type, nodded each time, when the counterpart delivered the words.And recommended, "Your substitute would receive the money instead of you."

Oh, Alzheimer world!

The talkative said,also, "My company contracted by 厚生病院 or KOUSEI Hospital, however, we are obliged to be treated at TAGUCHI Hopital. Strange!!"

and the calm guy said, "You made a big mistake. It would be different hospital"

The talkative guy said, "In KOUSEI hospital, we are obliged to wear the hospital pyjama, without any exception。While, in TAGUCHI, we can use Sportive trainign wears. I wore Sportive training wears. Thus, it would be TAGUCHI.
And TAGUCHI is filled with patients, thus, it would be rich!"

The calm guy agreed, "TAGUCHI is always reforming mode. It is rich."

And also on reforming of apartiment of their aquaintance. "His apartment building has several empty houses. One is recently rented at US$280 per month. Other houses are empty. The building is old, and messy in appearance. However, the owner likes to reform the houses so often by their own hand. Thus, always renewal mode.
The guy, who rented the house, is relative with who works for JP or post office, and some guy in Shirakawa power holding. So rare to be rented such a messy house.

Both Alzheimer, yes. however, talkative's saying is a bit more reliable. Probably, North Koreans occupied the village like that. Replacement. And JP or post office is now run by North Koreans only. They call their relatives in the peninsula, even now. Thus, suddenly the number increases. Satanic colony's colony, here Shirakawa is.

Hospital is a good place to do their replace ment, and also, in public facilities, their conversation suggested. Thus, Pyong-Yang style!!!

Pyong-Yang Style is just faking. And imitating any guy near. Thus, This morning, Miyuki got up earlier and YUKARI also. She started her washing job, unusually early in the morning, at 7 oclock. Recently, she didn't during Miyuki's stay in the house. yesterday, she tried to start, and was stopped by Clare.

YUKARI is related directly by her impulse with satanic order, thus, now, without necessity of any fi-wi setting, she moves like a ghorem, however, only one guy is target system, now. Thus, Miyuki, in case of her stay in the office. Miyuki gets out soon after her arising, thus, even now, Miyuki could servive. Now, after her writing job, she can. YUKARI would call again, even now, in vein. For her, calling is her mission, as snyper. Without it, she can't survive. Thus, don't call it! You should vanish, YUKARI! Satanic existance! So so ugly Pyong-yang teibe, you are, YUKARI!

My sister was North Koarean! My son is American! My daughter is Russian!!!

So international family, Miyuki has now. Miyuki herself is "nationality unknown!" or GOLGO 13!!!

Golf? 13 at max. Miyuki did know well her limit. Couldn't hit the ball. 20 balls she tried. And she hit once owr twice. Tried, and failed. Golf? Just walking!!!

For her, club is just a tool of killing others. The sound! So so nasty! Just like a fist of Miyuki. I will kill you, is the meaning of Japanese golf. Miyuki thought that kicking is allowed by animals as the way of protection. However, using golf club should not be! Legs would be an attacking tool, yes. Capoeira, and kick boxing, TAEKON-DOU, also. Thus, she is training the legs flesibility. It would be balet training. And fist training, weighs a lot. Right is so so speedy, yes. The left, needs more exercise. Wrting is good for boxing, is the result.

Her case is unusual. Kyo tried. No work at all. Jobless. She refused the kind offer of being comedy writer, and ruportage only, she declared. Thus, jobless. DAZAI, ANGAO, jobless. Coctou...Shit writer. Thus, the same. Only Miyuki, despite of the same line, agreed their kind offer, with total pleasure. Promoted! Professor! Cheapish! Reformed version of teacher! Thus, comedian!!!

ADACHI, GUTS, cried. Our super girl did a debut as a super comedian...Supermarket only use type...Splended debut, in each supermarket. At WASHIO, she did her balet job, and soon she was informed.

Mentally illed is the target of their monitoring system. Thus, always, they chase. Even now...Oh, thus. And Only Once Tribe, recently.

They reside near the target. Thus, we are surrounded by kinkiest residents. All monitoring system should be done by the target's forced hospitalization. Any reason would be OK. Thus, Pyong-Yang Style!!!

Thus, Miyuki's power up system. LENON...John.

Movie watched. And pederasty nuance, however, in the slightest way, they kept. And Miyuki...the girl would kill you, because, "Oh, yours are tiny rather than mine at that time"

Flat, in case of necessity. Thus, she turned a male version. Law of Gravity...LEss than Zero!!!

Thus, Kyorin staff combined with HACHIOJI police team squad lost their chance to rape her...Oh, male!!! Mine is different. Inclination. Miyuki was saved by her tiny breast. Thus, now, her fist!!! Left.

And she found another amusement park recently. MIDORI can provide free listening equipment. Thus, she listened, and chased by some unusually negative guys, in the pop music corner...Pyong0Yang tribe! Unusually, not fitted, like 60 over junior high uniform wearing... Pyong-Yang tribe, do it, in case of necessity...However...with her...Not at all!!! They prefer vanishing to meating her again. Anyway nasty! PAinful for them! Miyuki started attacking without refraining!! Oh, I should be quiet? Remembered and now, OK, probably!!! LAugh, in the loud voice!!!

Def is good at any jobs, business and family type. Workable.

Like the song of Volga River. Slave song...Want to move type. Thus...despite of their own will, work! Work!!!

Thus, BGM for wolf...Please do it with thiw BGM and confirm the result!!! Probably, positive!!!

Thus, see you later soon!

Miyuki, should eat meal, and then, sports!!! Comedian's effort to be professional, and being bartender. Night cabalet should be attached.

Carpenter job, also. Likecraftmanship doing business. Thus, extra money.

She found a good target to train her first destruction job. Recently build plain house. She watched how they built. Thus, easy. HEr calculation. 3 days, probably. Each one destruction per week. From newly constructed prefablic houses. Easy rule, and can it probably. As a plain type is the iron rule!!! Then, more hard type!!! Queen's Rock on you, and Deff's Rock of Ages, would be recommended, By Kyo!!!

Easy and workable. Cried. Bonny.

Jobless, thus should make a construction job. Desconstruction, materially, however, new age construction contribution. thus, construction.

Go to Supermarket!!! everytyme, "How, expensive!!!" world...

VANISH! DDMs!!! Phyong Yang Tribe! No time for you!!!

For us, rightous brothers, have a nice day!!!!

From 8 men, with big LOVE, and Miyuki's hungry nails!!!! Who would be her first boyfriend???? Plural???? Fur, welcome! I don't peel you!!! I like touching fur!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (180)

2017-08-03 05:37:33 | 日記
03/08/2017 (Thursday, morning) It's raining a mist. Miyuki got up at 5:00 in the morning, took a shower, and thought of jogging up to a convenience store to buy breakfast, however, because of the cold mist, she changed her mind, and restart this blog. Hungry like a wolf, yes, however, WASHIO and KAWACHI open at 9:00, and BENIMARU, at 9:30. Only one choice is convenience store. However, it is located 1km away from the house. In this case, Miyuki is obliged to continue to be hungry.

Probably, she should eat some stock food, like powder of milled dried soy beans called KINAKO or canned coconut milk to avoid nasty fainting caused by anemia. No choice for her. She can't stock so many foods in the office, because the office is so small, and the fredge is always dangerous, because her evil family members check to put poison.

Now, she found a powder milk, and she decided to put up with the hunger up to 9:00. Terrible life, she spends in Shirakawa, the fatus killing land.

On river side, many blue rainy season flowers. They are so beautiful, however, blue flowers are symbol of abortion. Many fatus were killed here in the river side, or berried there. Infants also. Thus, Fukushima residents are so ugly and nasty, compared with other TOUHOKU residents.

Square short face, as a tradition. And now, North Korean factor is prevalent. The result, ugly flat chinese moon cake, crashed by fist like appearance guys are here and there. Their kids are all half dead, with less movement, and negative.

They talk on versity, from earlier time. No versity land, however, they start to talk on versity, as if it were precious facility for gaining money.

Miyuki laught at their slowness. No versity land, however, they are the admirors of versity. Thus, tell you the truth! I, Doctor of Law of the best versity of this country, is almost jobless. What does it mean? No versity land. You can't believe it! Your choice! You and your family chose to continue to fake to live in the idiocratic Japan. North Koreans identification. They are taught like that, and they are obliged to believe the false information, given by their superiors. Thus, they behave in collective, according to the wrong information.

They can't resist against the superior. Obedience is the best policy, they adopted. And now, even after the death of their kings, they conduct according to their deceised leaders' evil theories. Their choice. They should vanish, now, on behalf of their own wrongdoings, not because of their bosses' ones.

Miyuki is cruel to satans. Oh, Miyuki is so nice to both of them and us. Super natural. For them, Miyuki adviced suicide, in collective. Miyuki respects their way of life, thus, she proposed like that. Suitable, and effective. Less costive, and they themselves gain relieve soon. Why don't you commit suicide in collective, Pyong-Yang Tribe?

Pyong-Yang Tribe, Miyuki is now. Hungry, and lives by powder milk. Like Japanese, soon after the WWII. Ocupied by GHQ, and survived by their foods. Food providing system, they said, and International Society believed and provided, and the result. Miyuki is hungry, and powder milk eating situation...

Miss Saigon? Miss Shirakawa? Shiro KOMINE! White like powder milk...her mouth is now...

Anemia caused by poison, they yelled. So many animal protain gaining effort, she tried, however, even now, anemia. Artificially induced, and no way for her. No residents appear on the road. Miyuki only doesn't know the reason. Her understanding, North Koreans don't like work, because of their idiot like idol life.

And here and there, smell of LSD, amphetamine and propane gas, furtilizer, and so on, chemical raid done by faked airplane or drone, namely, air air plane...

Yesterday, and the day before yesterday, Miyuki heard a strange jet sound from the sky, and tried to look for the airplane. However, she couldn't.

In case of the day before erlier, the clouds concealed the existance, would be the excuse, probably. However, yesterday, in the blue sky, Miyuki tried to search again, and the result, no airplane in the sky. And she remembers that in Tokyo, especially, in HANEDA, Miyuki encountered with strange fenomenum, called, "Jumbo Jet beyond Mach". Mach Go, Go, Go! Fenomenum. Exist? Exist!

At that moment, on June, 2016, Miyuki went to HANEDA airport, to start her mission, with ADACHI, who daredly agreed to wear net stockings with hot pants, responding to her speial request. He, daredly and bravely, wore them as a male. "Men's legs were more fittable for stockings" theory Miyuki adopted, thus, ADACHI should wear to test the case. And at first, he was so afraid to wear like that! However, soon after, it turned to be seeds of superior complex. Japanese girls' legs were so ugly! He got to recognize it. Oh, Rao-Shi! You are so right to say so! Thus, ADACHI liked to wear them, and turned to be CAMA-LIN, Miyuki's Teacher mode. And now...just an Auntie...Teachers lost their profession, because of Miyuki's "No More Any School" strategy.

OKINO and MOrita yelled in this time. No More, any Disaster!!!! They cried after Miyuki's story on GUTS. Miyuki did say so so right to accuse his teacher responsible because of his coldness. Just like a woodedn clerk, was Miyuki's impression. And for others, no memory on him...He vanished before...Thus, he lost spirit, earlier than the death of GUTS.

Two? Killer teachers??? Miyuki didn't remember his name. Others, yes. 2:Uta YOSHIDA, 3:KIMAKI, 4:Kouichi YOSHIDA, 5:FUJITA.

Why 1st class slipped from Miyuki's memory? Miyuki didn't know the reason. He was almost too too tired to do the wrongdoing, however, he did, despite of his awkward intention. Thus, more evil. If he were tired, should refuse their offer, saying just "I am tired to do so", however, he responded to the satanic proposal. Thus, he himself should be punished, of course!!!

Miyuki didn't remember the scene of his crying? He didn't cry, when Miyuki visited the class. He was normal, just in the every casual day. No cry at all! All of pupils were in the sad mood, however, the teacher was totally in his casual common mode.

Thus, Miyuki dashed back into her class to hear the reason. Unusual, however, the teacher was totally calm, as usual! Abnormal situation, thus, Miyuki asked, "What happened in the class 1st???"

Why the teacher was so calm and normal mode? For Miyuki, astonishing. However, for adults, not at all! Teachers are accustomed to such scenes, was the rightous answer!!!

Insurance causing death is in common in Japan, and in Shirakawa. Thus, they are trained for it. They should prapare for the death of each pupil. Terrible Funeral Society, we lived in Japan!!!

No Man's Land, in depth. The way to conceal the fact is as follows.
When one guy perceived the strangeness of the case, he would be killed. Thus, Miyuki is always tartegged as the asasin. Oh, snypers, the adults in Shirakawa area???

Thus, they are allowed to hold guns. SAITO Gun Shop is established for it. Killing the fact finding activities' perticipants, under the name of the disaster. Thus, so many rifle related disaster, here and there in Japan.

Gun Society, under the name of Gun Prohibitted Society! The same as fetus killing OK society. Under the name of formal prohibition given by Law of Protection of Maternity, fetus abortion was easily done, because the law itself agreed the killing on behalf of financial matter. Any financial matter would be the reason of abort fatus.

Miyuki did know well at this point, thus, probably, in 2007, at the international foncerence related LAtin America, held in Kyoto, after her presentation of Latin American legal system, a fimale Latin perticipant asked Miyuki, like, "In Japan, abortion is legally allowed?", thus, Miyuki responded like above.

Important matter, thus, at least we should inform to foreigners. Thus, despite of lack of Spanish ability, Miyuki explained and she got understood, acording to her facial expressions.

Miyuki did not refuse the question, because it was International Conference, held in Japan. Thus, visitors are interested in Japan. In this case, for foreigners, asking questions on Japanese system is so so natural, and Miyuki is legal scholar, thus, as far as she knows, she should inform it, even the theme is a bit different from the question. If Miyuki were visitor to other country, she would do so, probably, because she got interested in their so so unusual system, and here is a target to be asked at this point. Thus, for Miyuki, "Good grief! I could respond to her..."

And Insurance matter also. Sometimes, for foreigners, spontaneously from Miyuki, informed on this big matter. In Japan, insurance is paid even in case of suicide. This is inducing point of so many insurance oriented suicide. Many presidents of each small business are obliged to entere into this type of insurance, in case of their falency, or company closing.

"Pay by your own life!" was the killer words of the debt providers. In Japan, so so common that presidents of the small company, or rather, family company, would commit suicide, to pay the debt by insurance. Insurance was established for it!! Thus, so many suicide in Japan.

Miyuki told this story to foreigners. For her, at least, common knowledge for foreigners to know that JApanese system is different and cruel.

And now, Miyuki found that the presidents were not obliged to kill themselves, rather, they were directly killed by the squads, ordered by the debt owners or his own families. Insurance is just like a good provided "Laughing Salesman" by Fujio FUJIKO. Nasty spooky big mouth guy, with his so so fimale sly smiling, provides all of the clients' requirement, including cruel immoral arms. Death Commercial Businessman, or 死の商人 in Japanese, he is!

Draemon's writer created him. Shocking, however, too too natural, considering the situation. The seeds of the criation were here and there in Japan. Just copied the each episode. The books were published in Shougakkan, the same Draemon books company.

No Man's Land, for it. Insurance is musual assistance in case of unnusual disaster, started in 16th century in London. Miyuki read the history through, "Pub in London", when she was in moratrium during her long long versity days, borrowing the book from the central library of Tokyo Versity.

Miyuki liked to read history, more popular type. Party, drinking, eating, everyday's habit, how they enjoyed, how they disliked, and so on. Including black episodes. More understandable rather than the formal history of the world. Just fights among strong families, and names of idiots kings, and we were obliged to remember the names and the years. How we were so idiots, was the theme.

And more beautiful side of the hitories exist backyard. Culinary!!! Delicious foods, from where, you came? like knowledge is more tasteful for her!!!

Thus, Miyuki is now dreaming to have another kid, wolf type. In winter, Miyuki would do it with a lonely wolf, who came to her cozy warm big chamber, newly gained by her in summer, after listening to his story, on the devaster of their world. In Japan, almost all of the wolves were killed and as far as Miyuki knows, No Wolf's LAnd, already when she was pupil of primary School.

Yukio TODA wrote on the last lonely wolf of Japan. Sometimes, OMANKO journalism informed that the crue of existance of the species, however, every time, we were betraied.

However, they came, after IDIOCRACY, and Miyuki categorized as their species. However, a bit unusual, because she is no fur type, and so noisy. Wild animals are quiet. However, her bow-wow attacking is so noisy, like human beings, they needed to claim to Miyuki. Thus, a wolf, handsome, unfortunately were deligated to her cozy chamber. And Miyuki was in her bartender mood. Thus, only listening, non bow-wow, and this handsome guy liked Miyuki so much. "Oh, she is calm! Not bow-wow type!" Thus, she gained a boyfriend, ideal for her.

And found that "Oh, baby is now in my belly!" and the result. So fluffy baby came to her chamber, istead of the previous guy. Now, she is so satisfied with his fluffy hair, and got addicted to touch his fur, with her "All doesn't exist without this touching!" face. Exitacy only. Miyuki's nirvana...

And, for her so so positive understanding, this flaffy kid is a genus, among wolves. Thus, he started his Bow-Wow job, speaching in front of the species all, and got disliked by them all. Eloquent and he insisted, "Oh, I would be your president! Viva me!!!"

Lonely wolf didn't adopt presidencial system, they explained, however, this genus kid already adopted and put himself in the position of the president, and came back to her chamber, and bot touched by his parent, only one guy, who are allowed to touch his fluffy hair. She knows well that this pleasure is so precarious, only 3 months, however, "I want to enjoy this precous 3 months full for my entire desire to touch fluffy hair! Thus, Nirvana mode. After 3 months, I should look for another guy to gain another touch...Another fur would be ideal...Thus, next...bear!!!"

Bartender Miyuki, she attracts by her only 90 minutes sleeping like non Bow-Wow mode, gained a big success among FAUNA, and gained a lot of boy friends, all fur type, and each guy has different fur sensation. Happy End!!!

She gained a lot of semi-blooded fur covered kids between fur types. They are all genus, leader type. And according to her first test pilot, Wolf, being president is so easy job. Interview done by Kyo:

"As a matter of fact, in FAUNA's case, don't need to have president. Thus, almost just say at first, "I am a president" and then, as you like, OK. Thus, pratically saying, the same as Miyuki's emperor system. Thus, I am the first and last president of Wolf, and eternal president, from the begining. Useless, in short!"

Kyo got astonished at his cleverness! Oh, like Miyuki itself! Reformed version, with fur!!! Genus!!! BAKABON, he is!!!!

Thus, he is not so busy. Just need to eat sometimes. For Wolf's world, it works. And Miyuki? Now? Powder Milk. Up to more 2 hours, only powder milk...Lonely wolf with powder milk...Degraded so much...Idiocracy's victim, it is...

The both, sighed. Miyuki, for forgetting her nasty hunger, is obliged to laugh...Laughing is the only one measure to avoid feeling hungry. Wild animals got nasty to know her report.

She chose to sleep earlier, because she wants to gain longer leggs. According to Hormone theory, sleeping before 22:00 oclock brings her longer legs. Thus, she did. And the result...No food near, thus, hungry with powder milk.

Longer legs would come with early bird habit, Miyuki believed, yes. However, for it, exists condition. Food is kept near her office, and now, practically it is difficult to stock foods in the house. Thus, No MAn's LAnd wandering Miyuki, as always, looking for foods.

"Looking for lost time" was written by Marcel Ploust. However, Pluto, the satern planet. Dog, Bow-wow!!!
Messy face dog, Pluto is. Micky's pet! Mouth has a pet! was Miyuki's astonishing fact. Has, yes!

And Micky talks, while Pluto not. Micky the rat is human figures, and Pluto is Testacles Pets. The latter should say something, however, Todai pimps were so quiet and didn't criticise any Kyorin Hospital's wrongdoings at all. Rather, they concealed the facts, all, the case entirely. And the result, No Man's LAnd. Or rather, from the begining, no man, and just satans' land, Japan was.

Satans like silence, thus, Sheep's Silence. No word, please. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiii for all testacles pets. IDIOCRACY should keep the fact of invasion done by North Korea. Already done type fact for them all!!!

Miyuki didn't know that FUKUSHIMA prefecture was sold for North Korea. Not at all!!! No information at all! Now, through her monitoring job, the same result. And North Korea is colony of satans. Thus, Pluto of Micky was Japan. "This is the sound of silence" ♫

  Poul Moulie likes her Aunty/Uncle separation. Water Colour love? Aquarela do Brasil???

恋は水色 or Koi-Wa-MIZUIRO was sung by a foreiner pair. Americans, probably, and sung in Japanese. Fork Song like casual Jeans fashion, they did.

Old song melody, Miyuki did. 命預けます or "You can kill me!" by Keiko FUJI. With low harsh voice. Against the title, like, "I will kill you!" mode. Strange song!

Bob cut, she had. Obedience, it meant. However, she was more comical personality in the show of NHK providing on Tuesday evening. Didn't know that she was mother of Hikaru UTADA, and after, recognizing that UTADA is a good singer, "Oh, FUJI's daughter! No spooky mode, she has!" like impression, she had.

Always, she is on the contray. Spooky mode singer with low voice.
夢は夜開く or YUME-HA-YORU-HIRAKU, or "Dream opens its petras at night"

十五、十六、十七と、あたしの人生暗かった 🎶

  Like my cramstudy days, Miyuki really thought. In her case, non interesting hours, I passed. Just it.

However, Ichiro KITAMURA refered to this frase, and said, "Just your life!" ????

For Miyuki, his remarks were not able to understand. However, in fact, cramschool study was nasty and hard. But, compared with other guys, Miyuki could put up with the monotonous ordial. Because it has factors to cheer up Miyuki a bit. Puzzle & Answer system. Thus, quiz. Who can find the pattern to resolve the question like thrilling included. Thus, could put up with. And nasty memorization on the useless idiots' wrondgoings. Wars' years, who triggered them, which kings died during wars, to whom kinds got married, and so on, and so one. Only one field, she could remember so easily was "Culture of each epoch". Without torture, this field could remember.

Thus, Miyuki said frankly to Tesuo SHIMPO, "Oh, it's easy to remember cultural matters in each history, especially in Japanese History! Even I, the stupidest in the faculty of socieal sciences at Kyorin Versity, could remember without any effort!"

And Miyuki got disliked by all of the staff. "Easy for any guy!" Miyuki wanted to say in the above remark. However, they started to attack her more and more harshly. "In History, culture is senseless. Just a trash", when Miyuki responded so correctly to the answers, he made for examinees of their faculty. For Miyuki, without learning, I can respond correctly! was a positive expression.

However, for Kyorin satans, it is a killer remark. Without effort??? We can't allow you, Miyuki! We made these questions, after several years of training! You should not survive from this faculty! You should not, this stupid!!!

地雷踏み屋 or Bomb spontaniously explodes after her. Just like a comic scene of Space Sweepers, of Kazuya ADACHI.

Why always they vanished, after Miyuki's coming? They questioned. Miyuki herself questions as always. Some kind of specialite, probably.

For her, laughing time bomb. However, for satans, not at all! They recognized this specialite, earlier than Miyuki, thus Miyuki was concealed inside the nasty versity called Kyorin, during 14 years!!!

Now, in her 15th year. They exist? For Miyuki's kindest understanding, they vanished.

When she was put in custody, after Tokyo Bay Detention, to HASEGAWA hospital, they tried to put her into Kyorin Hospital. They stopped the car, in front of the versity hospital yes. However, they couldn't make contact with it. Then, they tried to call to several facilities, and then, strange medical check was provided by appearently stupid OPPABU BABAAs, a pair of casual domestic clothings, who identified themselves, "We are psychiatric experts". For Miyuki, "These domestic wifes are badly faking to be medical doctors? Easy lie. So short legs it has!!!"

Thus, short legs! Oh, liars, Japanese are! Thus, so short their legs are!!!

For Miyuki, why Japanese are so short? And now, so in the process of shrinking. Why? Because they continue to lie!!!

To avoid nasty short legs, Miyuki starts to wake up early in the morning, and today, we need to stock for next morning. Powder milk should be necessity for her. Expensive, however, better to avoid the chain evil disasters.

They put terrible leg shortning medicine on it. Dioxine, it would be. Oh, Oxigen, wich would cause aging, NHK professor declared!

He wanted to say Dioxigen, however, he explained that chilled vegitables include it lot, thus, avoid to eat old vegitables.

Ummmm...academism ended before Miyuki's arrival into the graduate school...Thus, Miyuki could enter into the graduate school at Tokyo Versity, and alone straggled for gaining doctral degree to be a somebody in the international vain...

Didn't know that the world was ended before Miyuki's doctral degree chasing effort...🎶

 Just like Love. TOHOHO, in private, and in profession. Always, Before it began...

After so much effort, she discovered the fact of the world. Thus, more materialism. Legs, in short. Thus, why Miyuki was obliged to do cramschool study???

Only for 3 years??? Too too long!!!! We did make the maximum effort for these three years!!!

And the result...Doctral Degree holder of the best versity of the countly turned to be jobless, despite of her maximum effort. No industy society. Thus, comic writer, and comedian. Laughing is necessity, and only new generation is allowed to do so. Coventionalism they adopted in case of FAUNA & FLORA. Thus, they should be paid a lot to stop their laughing. Oh, "Name of Rose", is the satanic rules prevelent even in Plants world!!!!

Satanic reign, it was! Miyuki explored the new field. Thus, comedians were saved. The efforts of every days...Professors were jobless, while commediens can live. Strict rules.

For Miyuki, professor is a bit better than teacher, which is the target of laugh, already, since she was young.
"I decided not to be a teacher. The most hatred job in the universe, teacher is!!!" Miyuki declared, and wrote like that to others. At the same time, to live as scholar, needed to be a professor. Thus, betrayers, by others, Miyuki was said, however, Miyuki laughted at her life time illogical situation. Despite of my hatred, I was dropped to be a professor. Thus, I think myself as a professional salaried primary school kid. Thus, I need to live in the campus of versity, anyway. Campus is my living place, or Lebensraum."

Illogical gag, yes. However, who believes that this is just a fact, not fiction. Miyuki, who is one of the resistent guys no.1, hatred of teachers in Shirakawa, turned to be a professor of versity, and she has Doctoral degree of Tokyo Versity, one of the best versity of Japan!!!

For Shirakawa residents, unusual unbelievable fact. And for her, anyway, the reality. Against all of Shirakawa satanic society, even today, she is powerful and positive, and laughing mode, however now, precariously, hungry!!!

Thus, Miyuki, already prepared for leaving, go to her daily necessity. Toilet??? No! Beauty keeping job! As public performer, Miyuki should be pretty! And to attract animals, physiolonomy is important. Your stupid face is disliked by any fur tribe. Even Chinkoro accuses her because of lack of tension. "A bit more strict face...Why, always laughing with her idiot like smiling? Even we are thought like stupid guys...Emperor with stupid smile. Worse than NERO, rather Carigula....Carriculum killing MAchine!!!!

Miyuki laught at Todai related's suicide bombing attempts. They hired so many snypers, including North Koreans. However, sypers are almost domestic types, and the result, GEPPEI attackers...

Yesterday, Miyuki took a picture of this extreme type. She, almost over 60 years appearantly, wore junior high school uniform with marine salor collar and check mini-skier. Plum old lady, wearing junior high uniform, with GEPPEI ugly face!!!!! Miyuki was so so shocked.