Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (224)

2017-08-27 12:00:02 | 日記
27/08/2017 (Sunday, morning) It's cloudy. Clare came to my space, and took the photos of "Sleeping Miyuki", without previous notice to Miyuki, and she said so in front of the door of the office. Miyuki continued to pretend to sleep.

Then some guy, entering to the office, and came near to Miyuki, and repeated this behavour twice, and got off the office.

At 9:00 almost, YUKARI came to the offce and put some plastic object, probably basket, and entered into the bath room, and took water for 5 minutes, reason unknown. Then she got off the office.

At 9:30, almost, my father came to the office and used the toilet.

during his stay in toilet, HARUMI and YUKARI came together, and HARUMI said to YUKARI, "It's not used by any guy", in a loud voice, and they entered into the office, and dashed to the bath room.

They both stayed there in silent mode, and then, HARUMI left the office, and YUKARI remained. YUKARI started to her washing job!

And then, her father got off of the toilet.

Then, HARUMI came again, and said something to YUKARI, and she left the office. Then, YUKARI left the office, and entered into the washing room.

repetitive, and both together, are their inclination, since yesterday. Today, this tendency is so evident. What happened? Probably, degradation change happened. They can't act by only one. They need each other's help, to bahave as only one fellow.

The toilet was used, however, HARUMI said totally contrally. Why? Confusional remarks, here and there!

For them, getting up in the morning means "we should stay in our chamber" thus, as early as possible, others should be targetted. We need sacrifice. We are powerful, as always. We need to show our power to others!!!

Thus, they did wrong! Shoots picking is one of the worst their crimes. They like to kill the shoots, and concealed them in the plastic bag. They all cried. Owners of orchards, also. Fruits kingdom, Shirakawa turned to be, They all thought, and tried, and they were killed like that. Family betrayers, here and there, and they chose wrong.

Miyuki is now in the mood of her caltivation. Thus, Miyuki is targetted as their hatred no.1 in this rural village. Todai related, want to be orchard owner, and she is now almost 50 trees and berries. Clare likes her way of life. coolish! She ignored the both, as much as possible! For Junior high, too too difficult. They are just nasty old bugs, and for Alex, slow stupid bitches!! She couldn't send his money to the addressed guy. She failed and failed, and as Miyuki predicted, with sly smile, "Please forgive me, I am not accustomed to do it. You should come with Miyuki, your mother. I came here on behalf of you, instead of her. Thus, MIYUKI should be accused by you, not I, YUKARI Sato." Alex got dissapointed. YUKARI ordered him, not to rely on MIYUKI at all, because she is totally mentally illed. Thus, YUKARI is always with him. Nasty BUSU bitches, he really thinks so. However, no way!, he shuddered. GAKKURI, or dissapointed entirely. He did it, as soon as possible, and YUKARI was too too slow, thus, no chance for them both. Always together system, they started. Collective attacking. Miyuki is the number one target. Hatred Nomeru UNO, Dr.Miyuki SATOW!!!

暗い世界の真ん中で🎶 The theme of Francis Coppola's film, with Marone Brando. God Father.

Miyuki remembers Naomi SAGARA, a regular participant of Laughing Exicise of Mind. Team Mate of 大橋巨泉 or Kyosen OOHASHI, the presentator, a fat, big guy, who retired his professional career as playwrighter of TV only, and moved to HAWAII to play the golf, with 55 years old.

So early, Miyuki thought. Alzheimer?, Moriko also thought of it. And Bill Gates, also.

Quickness is required in this field. Even with his almost 100 years, 桂米朝 or Beichou KATSURA is skilful. Classic only RAKUGO story teller, he is, and Miyuki was shocked at the value of the new year's presents for his family and team mates. At total, almost US$10 thousand!!! Each year!!! He has so lots of kins and juniors, thus, as predissesor, he is obliged to provide such a mount of money. Almost 100 figures, and each guy gains US$100, in the new year visiting. Super rich! Superb! Exists rich RAKUGO comedian!!!

Shocked, yes. However understandable...the total, it would be...And Beicho tald this episode, with his reluctand mode. Unwelcome, however, as a duty, I need to put up with this torture, financial one, like impression, Miyuki caught.

Investment...not so amusing. My precious money, US$10 thousand, in several days, turns to be thiers, without exception. Torture, yes, however...we should be stronger...Burden polished him...

At Kyorin Vestity, Miyuki paid so much, unnecessarily. The loss was so big. Old kinkiest Alzheimers only world, she was in. And she was obliged to attend their flamboyant changing requirements. How she paid? Energy, Blood, Sweat, Time, and sometimes, money.

Miyuki was forced to pay US$200 to donate for establishing new building of Kyorin Versity in INOGASHIRA area in MITAKA municipality. Where? They didn't comment exactly. Miyuki needed to know the information by way of another site, rather cramschool only type. At first, they said, "KICHIJOJI campus", then, "INOGASHIRA Campus".

According to the staff, MITAKA municipality locates beside MUSASHINO municipality, where KUCHIJOJI exists. Thus, MITAKA municipality claimed. Thus, Miyuki and her colleagues were obliged to call it, "INOGASHIRA Campus". Thus, they changed.???

According to the advertisement found in KEIO line's SHIBUYA station, New Buildings for Kyorin Versity are located so near to Faculty of Medicine and its hospital at the same KYORIN versity, which is 15 minutes from MITAKA JR station. Only accross the road, the big map said. Too too confusional! The staff never explained like that! Miyuki took the pictures of the map. At KICHIJOJI station, the same advertisement with the map, Miyuki found.

The explanation on the location is already contradictional, and they didn't inform the exact address at all for us. How they moved from the campus in HACHIOJI?

Skewed information system, they addopted, yes. Thus, their failure. "Miyuki is not here, any more! I checked, and I didn't find her in the office." HARUMI said in her so cheerful mode. Probably she is thinking that Miyuki is diceased, already now.

Every minute, her thought changes. Thus, Miyuki is free from her illusion. The mood only guys, the both, HARUMI and YUKARI are. "Today, I want to wash your clothings. Get off your dirty clothings, as soon as possible!" and now, YUKARI came, and remained in the inside the office, opening the glass sliding door. Why always unnecessarily YUKARI enteres into the inside the office? She always pretends to put her trash taken in the washing rooms into the bin, witch is located inside the office. Why she can't use the bin in the washing room? Miyuki remembers that up to spring, it was in the washing room, and then, vanished. However, even with the existance of the bin in the washing room, YUKARI used only the bin inside the office, opening the cartain and glass sliding the door. How troublesome! Why she doesn't use some portable bin or plastic disposable bag? Stupid!

And recently, she comes, remains in front of the bin, just standing doing nothing at all, and then, she leave there. Repetitively. Strange Alzheimer habit!!!

They steal, we insisted. However, any guy believed. YUKARI and HARUMI are thieves, we said, however, they denied, and we turned to be suspects. Suspect No.1 was Miyuki. Always she was in the courtyard, and says something strange. Thus, she was thought, strange kinkiest guy in Shirakawa. And the pots?

Miyuki is caltivating something. So many shoots in her pots. And now, some of them were picked up, every day! They were killed. After their training, they turned to be thierves. They are professional thirves. A bit a bit type.

And Miyuki is always rightous. Stable. She remembers what she said before. Miyuki did her stealing job, because she inogores us all! HARUMI and YUKARI said. Only Alzheimers, we do know well. However, who are Alzheimers? YUKARI, yes, of course! Every day, kinkier and kinkier, and now, illegible, probably. Instruction, she couldn't read at all! for me, difficult. Miyuki should have come here, she almost cried. For her, too too difficult to deal with each machine. "I am not good at machinery", she confessed. Thus, each day, their lesson not to forget to the switch of the eacn simplest machine. Micro-oven, washing machine, vacuum cleaner, and so on.

Tiny lesson is enough. We are cleverer than you, both, Alex and Clare! Respect elder guys!

NEKO kashite, or "Please bollow me your one wheel cart!" and her father didn't recognize the meaning. NEKO is one while cart, in Shirakan language. Why he didn't recognize it? Strange. Thus, Miyuki said, "One wheel cart!"

Easy vulgar way to say so. In her school pupil days, her mates said so. Miyuki, not. Because she is always "Urban type", and uses Tokyo standard language. However, for vulgar old guys, we use the technic. Old way of saying. NEKO is not used now. Probably, no one works here in this region. Insurance, Property renting or selling, only. Thus, agricultural farmers, don't exist now. And they really don't know the danger of chemical product. Thus, "Drink all of agricltural insecticider medicine, all in a body! Various! Cocktails, it turns to be! Show your bravery!"

Miyuki was said, "Are you crazy? What are you doing?" by her father. "I am now caltivating. Almost jobless, however, at least Renting independent KOSAKU farmer. 自営小作農民 or JIEI-KOSAKU-NOUMIN. Better than non-working idiots!"

Easy and quick, and fruitful. Miyuki thought of Japanese Law Suit without advocate, and tried, and failed. Not because of her skillless attacking, but because of Japanese Injustice called Judiciary. Thus, Miyuki forgave it already. It doesn't work under idiocracy.

Now, Emperor of Fruits! Emperor of Japanese Judiciary, she failed. Thus, next, another emperor. 帝王 or TEIOU, or 低能 or TEINOU or 天皇 or TENNOU??? TEINOU is brainless. TENNOU is Japanese Emperor. Oh, No!

At least, in a certain field, I want to be somebody. Emperor of Latin American Studies, she failed. She was refused to offer her article, after showing her refusal against their superficial formality requirement. "Oh, such a type! Thus, I would take your association in the suitable level." And then, she was declared to drop from the members of the encyclopedia of Latin America. OK, your choice. Your priority is NINOMIYA or Alzheimer's side. I am free from their stupidity!

Thus, Miyuki survived. Why she didn't beg to them a pardon? Because they failed, I should have won, however, they faked to win against us all. Thus, their failure. Shame, to participate in such an all lies world. Emperor of idiots, not at all! I am already Emperor of IGNOLANDIA.

Now, she is exhancing her field. Agricultural Forestry. Orchard and berries. As you like business. Profittable, yes. However, a bit takes time. Miyuki is rather impatient. However, she has several different jobs. Thus, part-time Emperor of Fruits!!! Managing is independent, thus, 自営 or JIEI. And the earth is rented. Thus, KOSAKU. The fact. Why not?

In rural area, almost for free. No price, before her starting the job. After her recognition, they put price tag. Always. Thus, counterattack. Thrifty beam!!!! Miyuki is too too thrifty and gained a lot of prize at this point. Every guy is so thrifty, and now, so few ANIME voice actresses and actors. Miyuki recognized that so many characters are played by the same voice actors. They used technic of recording, and editating. Miyuki recognized that HIROSHI NOHARA, KURE-SHIN's father delayed a bit, during one scene. His voice was put at different moment. Only a bit, however, exists the difference. Not natural conversation. Always, slight moment of delay in his responce. And the sould of cut and paste. Their technic. Professional, however, far from perfection.

Miyuki presumed that he was dead already, and used his voice, after cutting from his earlier works, and the scene was composed.

BINGO! Male voice actors were cut, earlier! Thus, the farewell party was held, and he cried!!!

No ANIME voice actors are needed, they were informed. Thus, quitting the job, is the rightous answer. However, they didn't know what to do. Why? Doing job is so difficult. ???

Anyway, I am not non-working class. Jobless, almost. However, I have money.

And entirely rich in knowledge. Almost all of things are so easy for her type. 70% is qualification line. Thus, easy. And carpenter? For quick job, OK. However, so patience needed type, it would be difficult. Concentration is in her more academic job. Casually, she is so easy to get tired. Monky, in just.

Today, she would make flames of the Emperial Palace No.1. After pushing out all of satans, she has a lot of promissive potencial sun rooms for any fruits trees, and chilblain type plants. Forever Green Garden, for them, in case of necessity. Thus, it would work!!!

Gum tapes are needed. Not so much, however, needs some skill to put the pieces in the bumboo correctly. She will find some special method, later!!!

Thus, her majesty, Emperor Miyuki, will do her garden orchard job. Making a sun room series!!! The cheapy way, she prefers. And easiest way, of course!!! Life should be! Amusing, and educative! Self education system, she adopted. Thus, each guy, learn, when you like.

Educator should be. Moriko, OKINO, and Fu-san, who graduated from Faculty of Education, reached this same point. Thus, Miyuki gained the medal of Doctor of faked Educator!!! ADACHI cried!!! Why I was obliged to be ADACHInDerela? On behalf of her! I am now a maid!!! Cleaning is not her preference. Thus, they adopted the cruel washing everyday system. Miyuki's case, she refused their dirtiest offer of cleaning! Of course! Easy job! Alzheimer cleaning is just making the house dirty and anti-clean, anti-hygene.

Miyuki was shocked at the towel used for the kitchen, after used exclusevely HARUMI's bathing. Oh, Alzheimer, at this level, already, and she doesn't recognize how dirty it is, even now.

Priority is like that, from the begining. I am Goddess, thus, you, slaves, work for me! And My pet is YUKARI! This is the real HARUMI. Alzheimer world's residents, they are!!! Queen and her pet Mad Dog. The Alzheimer twins.

Thus, with full stomack, Canadian pork slices, with Mexican lime squeezed juice, seaweeds, and two cups of caffe latte, a big TSUGARU apple, Miyuki will do her first garden carpenter job, as almost jobless.

See you later! VANIS
