Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (178)

2017-08-01 20:18:37 | 日記
01/08/2017 (Tuesday, evening) It was cloudy today. Miyuki walked Washio-Convenience Store-Gymnastic Park-YANTA River side-Beisia-Mega Stage-River Bank-Mega Stage-Noborimachi area-Banimaru-Yanta-River side-Washio-Gymnastic Park-Yokomachi.

At 9:30, Miyuki went to buy her meal for WASHIO, and got astonished. So many figures in the supermarket, not popular among us, and already in closing mode. From where they came? Why in early in the morning? No Man's Land's one of the less populous supermarket turn into a busiest Japan.

02/08/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki, last night, fell asleep in depth, after taking several cups of milk, thus, she was obliged to stop writing her daily report.

She decided to drink milk again, because now in August, thus, a lot of sunshine ejects, it can cause her longer legs, wich she adores to have. Summer sunshine makes calcium to stick in her bones, especially, at the part under knees. Thus, for whom wants to have longer slender beautiful legs, drinking milk now in August is necessity, non avoidable.

However, in Shirakawa or in Japan, North Korean put some sleep inducing medicine in every carton of milk package, thus, even after drinking only 300 ml of milk Miyuki took, she started to fell asleep. It was confirmed yesterday in the afternoon at Mega-Stage shopping male. Only 300 ml? Miyuki got in wonder! And North Korean, an old bug, male type, monitored her to fall asleep. He wanted to kidnap her, because she was in the swing, and wore like a kid, and from his location, Miyuki looked so small.

Miyuki fell asleep several times, and started to move each time, and after the final nap, the old bug vanished. Good grief, Miyuki was safe...

And also, at BENIMARU-YOKOMACHI, she bought a package of 1 little of milk, and at the eat-in corner, she drank several cups. There, so many only male, young and old, came after Miyuki's starting to drink milk. Sleep inducing medicine, they know, and thought of kidnap in collective, and they all failed. Because they were too too feeble in body and mind. And the sleepness happened after she came back to the office.

Probably, providing milk during lunch time had a meaning to allow teachers to attack kids. After lunch, they turned more tamable, because of sleepness. Even Miyuki, most resistent type, after lunch, only sleeping mind, she had, at school. Especially, in summer, after swimming pool exercise, after lunch, Miyuki without exception, got asleep. Remembering these days, Miyuki thought..."Swimming pool makes me so tired. Thus, they should have Miyuki gone back home to take a nap. Even Miyuki's cramschool days, after swimming, she couldn't study in the whole afternoon. Sleepy, dromsy afternoon. Useless. Shesta would have been fine. We lost so many precious time!!! Yes, swimming is nice, however, it should be combined with shesta! Without it, just a torture or danger!!!School was established for adults' sexual illusion's realizing center. School play, they wanted to do. And in reality, many of kids were victims of this cruel play. They attacked in collective. Even in the case of individual attacking, the rest of the teachers kept silent. This is Japanese School system. To kill, to rape, to abuse the kids. Return the victims, all to our hands!!! Do it, immediately! Or, satans, vanish, immediately! Thus, Miyuki has disliked teachers generally, and also schools generally. From the begining, Miyuki is always hating school system!!!! Especially, Japanese-North Korean type was one of the cruelest in the world!!!! Thus, of course, the system entirely should vanish. Who, pretends as if it were existing would be considered a satan. Faked schooling system, they have done for several years recently. Thus, related figures should vanish, immediately!!! Cramschools, of course, included! ULTRA Q world production. Oh, TSUBURAYA Production!!! 円谷 came from FRUKUSHIMA prefecture, the proof is the statue of ULTRA-MAN at FUKUSHIMA-SUKAGAWA airport. Miyuki took a picture with the stature.

In SHIRAKAWA, 円谷 is procounced as TSUMURAYA, and a lot of aquaintance with this name. TSUBURAYA production just imitated the reality of this area, not illusional world. Thus, it was so shockingly violent and at the same time, got Miyuki intrested in. Every day, she watched ULTRA Q, when she was 5 years old, and felt strange, however, good quality had, she categorized. The same happened BEM-BELA-BELO, and Ambassaders from MAGMA. NINGEN-MODOKI or 人間もどき or Faked Human Being, with black body suits vanished every time into the ditch! Just satans, they are!!!

Thus, Miyuki, despite of milk sleepness, should drink milk, because she wants to gain longer legs. Winter is also she should do exercise for this object in. However, thinking of effectiveness, summer is the best season to do it. Thus, probably, for almost several months, she is not so able to write often on the blog. She writes yes, however, more manual memorandum type informing system should be used. Her manual sceipt is not so beautiful, and rather, childish, even after her so many dacades of straggle to gain beautiful adults like letters. And she found that she couldn't. Attempted so many times, however, couldn't. Good writer, yes, however, the letters look as if written by a kid....unsatisfied with the situation, however, no way. Always. Now, she understood the reason...名は体を表す or the fisiolonomy effects...Childish Dr.Miyuki SATOW of LAW...LAW is mainly to protect kids, the most weakest existance in the earth. They should be protected by other adults, however, so many kids were killed excactly by the adults, most nearest them, families, teachers, public officers, and so on. The most reliable adults killed them so easily, because they could accesse to them all. Trapping, they did. The most cruelest and dirtiest tools, they have used, for so many years. And their theaters were public schools. School Dirty War, they committed.

Now, Miyuki thinks that the teacher responsible of GUTS informed to the police. He was disliking him, because GUTS was naughty boy. Just like KATSUMI in Koichi YOSHIDA's class. Thus, GUTS was killed exactly by the guy. The teacher responsible of 6th grade, class number 1st. Miyuki belonged to class 4th. IZUMI-san, and Makiko, 5th. The second was the best. UTA YOSHIDA's class, and TOBE, SHIGUEKO were there. The 3rd, KOMAKI, not so bad, however, KOMAKI vanished after the romour done by Naoya HOSHI.

5th was FUJITA, long male guy ran the class. Not so bad for Miyuki.

The exact moring of GUTS's death, only the teacher responsible was not crying, rather, according to Miyuki's impression, so so common ordinarily attended to Miyuki, without any emotion, nor any feeling, just like a clerk. Cold and senseless, Miyuki thought. All class mates were crying, male, femalte, indifferently. Only he, the teacher was totally away from their sympathy to GUTS.

Miyuki was sent from Kouichi YOSHIDA, to do everyday's document handing. Miyuki didn't know GUTS' death at all. For Miyuki, just an errand like duty, she understood, and it was obligation as a class leader at that moment. Thus, she entered into the room after slight knowcking, as usual, and found the unnusual scene, and accused by all of the class mates of Class 1st, and got terrified.

Anyway, she needed to hand the document to the teacher of 1st class, thus, she did, and he accepted it, as if, nothing had happened, as usual. And he didn't say anything on GUTS to Miyuki. The unusual scene was not explained to her at all! Miyuki got out as soon as possible from the class, and dashed into the 4th class, and asked, "What happened in the class 1st???" in panic! And HIDEKO responded in her gentlest mode, and explained what had happened clearly. Remembers well, Miyuki, the scene, clearly! Especially, Shuji SUZUKI, with tears all in his red eyes, accuded her in a loud voice, "You, stupid! In this moment, so normally! Cruel! Beast!"

Miyuki, as first, in total confusion. Why I was accused him like that? Why you are crying so much, Shuji????

And after healing HIDEKO's explanation, she understood the situation, and of course, Shuji behaved totally correctly, she thought. He lost his dear friend, why he should not refrain from accusing this non-relating entering withhout knowing any information with he always stupid face...namely MIYUKI. She was obliged to enter into the scene, just at the moment, without knowing entirely. However, without knowing should be accused already. So so cruel disaster. Why the teachers didn't inform the disaster, earlier in the other classes? Only 1st class was in totally different mode.

If I were Shuji, and GUTS were IZUMI-san or MAKIKO, I would have killed MIYUKI, because of her cruelty. Miyuki understood the reason of the accusation, and too too right to accuse her in such threatening mode, Miyuki thought like that. Thus, no hatred or disliking on Shuji, at all.

For her, nasty experience, yes. However, Miyuki got upset against Koichi YOSHIDA, who had asked to do such a trifle errand, in the most important moment, without informing the GUTS' death. Not against Shuji, at all. More understandable, in this situation. Thus, from her, no nasty feeling on him, at this point.

Probably, sportive like Shuji, thus, GUTS was a good team mate of these naughty boys, good at gymnastic type. For Miyuki, GUTS was, existing, however, what is his face? Probably not good at point getting, like, "Oh, just a nasty naughty boy, like KATSUMI" short.

However, probably, for GUTS, at that moment, Miyuki was just like that. Nasty point getter, at the same time, only one guy, who had corrage to eat chewing gum and chocolate, during class time, and even though, gained ggod points...Resistent, and good point getter...Nasty girl, among them. The worst was, she was not good at any gymnastics...The contrary of all of them...Anyway nasty...

If she were not point getter, just a yankii, more preferable for them all. However, just resident against teachers, and the rest, good girl type...Too too nasty....According to her, she was imitating the models of western kids books, like Kestner's novels....Boys only. Punktchen is a rich girl, however, naughty, and ignorant. And for Miyuki, she is too too short and cute!!!! Pretty girl type, not mine line...

Thus, Gustav, she liked. Naughy boy, and big boy. Unfortunately, her fisiolonomy is so so difficult to imitate and her gymnastic ability is one of the last among 200 kids...Messy...She is in so inferior complex, yes. Probably 80% of total hours of he school days, she sighed at this her weakpoint. If I were more gymnastic type, aveledge was for her, out of mind level, unfortunately, I were perfect heros of this line...Popular among any rightous kids...At this point....I was so frustrated....

Male or female, not so important for the girls at that days. Girls were bigger than boys in prymary school. And Yuuko KIKUCHI was so tall. Almost 168cm at hight, when she was 6th grade. Russian blood, she had, probably, thus, looked like Bergian actress or girl model for Seven-Teen or so. Russian bloods are, in the gene level, at that age, not so rare.

However, in CLARE and ALEX's age, so rare to find this line. In MIYUKI's age, many mates had not-so flat oriental lines. More animals or foreigners, they looked for Miyuki.

And in the kids' age, in kindergarden, Alex and Clare were distinctively westernized face holders. In Miyuki's age, already existed some models, who workd for Tokyo. OKANO's mother was semi-blooded, and model, earlier than Miyuki's era. OKANO is quater, thus she has a bit greenish brown eyes. And some guys in her high school days, more reddish hair with white skin combined type, here and there Miyuki found. Nijimi-Hitomi GOU, Hiromi TAKAKU, Mutsuko, and so on, like KEMEKO and her sister and brother. Russian bloods they had as their ansestors, probably. Not so rare, in this region, indifferent from their recognition.

Now, only flat faces. Pyong-Yang tribe!!!! BUSU, in short. Even Miyuki feels that "Oh, I am superior in fisiolonomy! Prittier than they!!!" Superior complex only world. Not amusing. I want to see pretty faces!!!

GUTS, deeply feels so. Human resources are lacking, he was informed. ADACHI wispered, "Pretty, she is.Anyway, look at her face!" And GUTS, who was already accustomed to see flat Moon cake face, or 月餅顔, really thought, "Unusually pretty! Like a beast!!!" Wild animal, she categorized. Thank you.

Better than Camanbert Cheese - Muffine face. 今川焼 or 大判焼き would be Japanese counterpart in shape. Thus, so so many flat face expression in the world.

Flat face was disliked as the result of incest, probably, at first. Thus, DAUN syndrome was categorized. However, for Miyuki's understanding, Miyuki is also flat. And she doesn't like to see flat face. The limit of flat face, Clare thought. MIYUKI is flat, however, beyond the minimum level. Better than other flattest line.

Anyway, they looked dead in face. Facial expression is so so limited, and always downward mode, yes. Nasty. Feeble minded. Downward. Spooky.

And, they, flat face army, enhanced yesterday in WASHIO area. Why this unpopular Supermarket was filled with flat face families, at 9:30 in the morning? August, 1st. And they all were at the line of cashing, in front of MIUKI, as if, they all disturbed Miyuki's only US$2 erand.

They all were with a basketfull of goods, chosen flanboyantly, thus, wrapping papers so many, tissue boxes and fish packages, ready made cooked dishes a lot, cheapish sweets in a carton and so on. How they live with these unrelated consumable products? Weekday, at 9:30, why they need to buy such things, in a hurry mode? All of them, without exeption were with such a mount of goods in a basket. For Free, who disturbed Miyuki's step? Rally Game?

Miyuki, stopped buying the US$2 foods, despite of her hunger, and shifted from WASHIO, supermarket, to the nearest convenience store, and bought almost same value foods. Caffee latte and American Dog. Just like when she was one year earlier in Tokyo. Consumptious, however, no choice. Outside eating only. Like adopted kids, disliked by the adopted parents.

Miyuki did a presentation on International Addoption system. At that moment, Miyuki thought that International Adoption is good for both side, because she has lots of mates, who gained happiness throught this measure. Lissa & ATSUKO, Janet, Beryl and Chris of Los Angels. Thus, her image was so positive. Just a margin of countries, why objects their pursue for happiness? Miyuki thought that the torturing, abusing, harasment should be punished harsly in any place in the universe. Thus, they came. Oh, similar but different plants and insects????

For her, legitimate kids or mates. New generation is ready to be Miyuki's friends. Oh, thus, possibility is so bigger than Miyuki's calculation. She gave up the possibility with human shame P holders, and also in a good mood. Other possibilities with different P holders are so big, and thinking of her character, especially of touching sense developped type, not so unusual to have double or triple satisfaction per each. Thus, why we need to live with human shape holders? No human shape land, OK! Anywan, satans should vanish, immediately!!!!

For Miyuki, probaly German Shepard would produce Rhodem, with her. Thus, flaxible. Standard mode is Black Punther. GUTS rememers Babil II, and Miyuki liked the music, because only few songs that she can sing throughly.

GUTS regrets so much...After gaining Doctral degree, she is in this level????As commedians, the lowest memory holder, she was categorized. Miyuki presumed it already, thus, she was in fear to be disqualified with this low memory. He new job needs so so strong memory, and she said, "I make a lot of effort on this job, sincerely!" Thus, with their not welcome mode, she could be a authentic comedian. For them, so so few memory, OK? We are so so contempted by the committee of comedian association. Anyway, so so few lylics she remembers. They claimed. Worse than Kyorin pupils...And always, "You are so better than I! I am not good at this point, However, some substitute exists, thus I survived up to now!"

Thus, Miyuki, after drinking cup, she gets out as usual for her beauty contest preparation. TOM adores CAMA-LIN. Miyuki's teaching mode with reluctance. Always she knits her own long long hair. TOM, with the stupid weather lady, wanted to play the role. However, because of his hip, he was refused. Prejudice against fat guy!!! Slender legs, he had, thus, Marta Ortiz, practically. Attractive legs, with shockingly mini-skirt. Flanboyant "Only I want to do it, CACO!" type. And her Donky immitation was totally liked by Miyuki, and thought that she is so so intelligent up to do it! Perfect professional as an actor!!" She gained the spirit of professionalism. Totally seriously, she played the role of the stupidest lady in the world, to imitating DONKY, in the real mode. Laughing, at the same time, for actress, admiration, and for the role, contemption. She could do it, every week.

Unusual, Miyuki thought. If American actress, in her class, would be refused or rather would not be offered by any playwrighter at all type. So so coufusional, because probably, more westerners, especially, females, it would be felt like contemptious expression against domestic females.

However, the heroine was totally idiots, however, with perfect body holder, like a illusional dream of stupid boys, with long slender legs, impressively, and wore only extreme mini-skier, in SARUSHI or CHANEL only, without necessity except stimulate "Secretary sex", and she herself was always in the living room of the High Stoy Tower Apartment, on the top roof house.

Probably, the owner of this apartment was the father in law of CACO, the worst Chiken-Macho in the world. NINIMYA, NAITO, KURATA are in this line. Pretending to be a powerful somebody, however, as a matter of fact, LESS THAN ZERO in power and ability, and coward in the most important moment. They really trembled, in this moment. Their bosses started accusing them, and then, they sold MIYUKI so easily, without any objection.

Just always saying, "I am your protector" and in the moment of necessity of protection, "This is the system. Not my fault. Your choice!"

Thus, chikens. In the case of necessity, they revealed to be satans, her enemy. Thus, after its recognition, they are always Chikens, without any excuse.

Thus, Foigroit Chiken NAITO, Miyuki named him. Because of his groument like attitude combined with his plump fat belly, and he studied French Accountability, and was in Lyon in France, almost 20 years ago.

Her nicknaming ability is so good! Everybody adores!!! Only naughty boys could gain type. My pleasure!

Bluebird, is the symbol of happiness, yes. And what is Bluebird? Caderac faked car, in Japan.

Old model. Already in 1980s, no existed type. Recently, so many Bluebirds, strangely. Probably, Phyon-Yang tribe, old nostargic stupid bugs, have inclination on this line. Japanese resided in Phyong0 Yang so many years, probably. And SHIRAKAWA is so similar to Pyong-Yang, thus they came.

KOOROYAMA, Miyuki presumed, and got nasty with their face. Flat, another pattern, and messy, cheapish, more. Slender, not. Lean and powerless. The inferior class appeared.

Miyuki thought messy, and they themselves...different. Body shaped up type by diet? Hunger Diet??? For 30 days, full of perfect non drinking and non eating. Successful diet, and it was prooved by Miyuki herselt, at January, 2013. 10kg of fat only had vanished at that moment. Then, any food can be eaten, any quantity, of course. Thus, BBQ for 3 figures are OK. Thus, Miyuki did, in September, 2015. She gained prize of HEalthy Diet in the world!!! Yes, she could do it. Thus, she instructed the diet, for free. However, she doesn't hear any success example except herself, thus, always, "It all depeneds. I myself is a proof of success, however, I have heard that some guys failed and gained rather from this diet. Two expamles were confirmed already, from Ines, Spanish lady, Miyuki heared that her friend had tried and failed. And another example is AOYAGUI, the clerk of Kyorin, who said "I drik 3 bottles of wine per night with my husband, and gained so many kilograms", with accusing tone.

AOYAGUI was a strange female, came from NIIGATA, and said, "I can eat anything so much, and keep weight normally. I eat rather than normal aveledge males in Japan. " Thus, why she needed to do Miyuki's diet??? For Miyuki, she was a kind of mistery.

So so erroneous, however, survived in the campus. And she did so deep cosmetics as usual, and bob cat only type. Old wooden doll type, Miyuki categorized. Bob cat means obedience to Japanese old kinly guys.

She did it with AOYAGUI, an actual husband of her, and at that moment, a husband of other clerk at Kyorin. And they split, and then, she got married with this used guy, and gained twin boy kids, between them.

Her fisiolonomy looked Akemi YOKOMURA, harsh square type, however, she was whiter than YOKIMURA. And always covered with deep cosmetics.

At Hachioji campus, so many twin kids, here and there, according to their own stories. KURODA, ITO, IEMURA-TANAKA, AIYAGUI. Miyuki's qcuintances were inclined to have twins, strangely to say.

Now, Miyuki is going. See you!!!

On our memorandom or blog!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ulgy satans!!!

We will see you soon!!!! From 8 MEN, with big LOVE!!!!