Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (201)

2017-08-13 23:09:17 | 日記
13/08/2017 (Sunday, evening) Miyuki took a bath. Miyuki is now in frustrated so much. Why these nasty satans exist yet? All Alz Satans. They should be disposed immediately!!!

Even now, we are suffering a lot by satanic attacks. Why we are obliged to put up with the cruel muck's wrongdoings even now? Miyuki is so radical yes, however, at least, we want to start the new age's job for the future! Construction, or rather, disconstruction. Productive activities, we want to do!!!

Inferno has no space for them? Of course, it has. Muck is welcomed! Common, satans! Go to Inferno!!!

The wrongdoers were reliesed for a while for their new BON or 盂蘭盆会 or URA-BONE, or the day for diceised. To couceal the wrongdoigs? They came to show their shames for us all!!!

No time for them! Who allowed them to come? They couldn't pop out from INFERNO! They should stay there forever!!!

No Man's Land, Miyuki disires. And they came. They are spooky satans, thus, they want to go to inferno. Go! Go! Go! With Machinery!!! Mach!!!

Alz, all they are!!! And Miyuki thought the difference between Tokyo satans and Shirakawans. In Tokyo, Chigu-Lin was so popular among satans. Anyway, idiot! They thought so, and liked her so much. As if they were she was!!!, They thought.

And now, in Shirakawa, Chigu-Lin is attacked by satans, especially, old erotic satans. Why? Because in tokyo, they were accustomed to be watched by others, thus, they refrained from attacking her, while in Shirakawa, no man's land already, and they thought they could do it, without worrying about others's gaze.

Miyuki is now so sleepy. Thus, see you tomorrow! your socks have some holes, ADACHI yelled. yes, I need to do needle and thread work, if I have a spare time.

Good sleep, for us all, rightous prothers!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are really upset. Want to start new creative jobs!!! Satans, vanish immediately all in a body!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (200)

2017-08-13 19:12:23 | 日記
13/08/2017 (Sunday, evening) Miyuki got in fury with Alex's remarks in the line of old fashioned DDMic world. Miyuki warned him to be executed as DDM.

Miyuki, after comming back from her monitoring job, found all of the prizes she gained from birdies were wiped out by someone. Probably, YUKARI stole all of them, and thrawn into ditch. For her, nasty wild animals' residue, probably, they were. And YUKARI, who acts only by impulse, hates Miyuki so much, thus, probably, the prizes would been the seeds of unknown jealousy. She is popular even among birdies, is her primitive feeling, probably.

Miyuki asked Alex, "Do you know where my feathers went? " And Alex responded, "I don't know. You are crazy to collect such dirty things. It's natural for the guy to have thrwon away such strange things. I understand the guy so much."

Oh, Alex, you are in favor of YUKARI, and denies the value of property right?! They, without any my accordance, took my objects. They robbed my precious things. And you are in favour of the robbers' side.

Alex said, "Miyuki, you are irresponsible, and you are Alzheimer patient! You are mentally illed. HARUMI and YUKARI are all right. You are jobless, and don't do your precious maternity instinct job at all. And you have no money, no house, at all! You should be ashamed of what you are! "

Oh, Alex, you are the advocate of satans! Thus, Miyuki said, "I deeply do know that you are one of the satans, like YUKARI and HARUMI. You are in the same line. You are the lover of concamptious world. And your final choice is satanic side. Then, you should vanish, as satan. Your choice, Alex.

Alex told all in the line of YUKARI's side, rather, namely, DDMic world, and IDIOCRACY.

Thus, the end. He said, "I go to school, work, rightously! You are jobless homeless! You threw off your paternal job all! Mentally illed, yes, thus, I can understand that I should put up with the situation miserable like that. However, you are shameless, wearing childish clothings every day!"

Alex, I don't criticise your messy conservative clothings, and I gave freedom all, as much as possible. I respect your rights. I don't want to be protectionalist. However, your choice is YUKARI, the Alzheimer totalitarian feeder. OK, you shall know the result.

Miyuki sighed. Oh, he got involved in the ancient resime. And couldn't maintain from the distance of DDMic world. Unfortunately, you did wrong, Alex. You are so similar to YUKARI!

Oh, thus, the day before yesterday, Alex ate the dish which YUKARI prepared for him, with MICCHIKU like dirty noise, like chewing some sticky ingredients.

Alex couldn't survive, in short. Already, this result was predicted. For him, without wi-fi, without TV, without smart phone, without any plastic figures, without any ANIME related goods would be out of mind.

And he is forgetful. He asked Miyuki, not to throw away any of his belongings, and Miyuki predged it sincerely. And he forgot now, and for him, throwing others' things should be allowed by the owners. Property right only for him, and not for Miyuki, because Miyuki is categorized mentally illed. All MICCHIKU line, he chose.

He is the supporter of Kyorin Versity, and feeding and washing Alzheimer YUKARI is convenient, and he wants be treated as YUKARI's supposed husband in her illusion!

Nasty, however, this is the fact of Japanese boy's averege choice. Thus, Alex follows her, even if she is the real Alzheimer patient.

For Miyuki, it is too tough to understand, however, ADACHI explained so well to Miyuki. Kyorin boys, he is. Not so promissive, at all.

Thus, Miyuki said clarely to him, "Unfortunately, I would lose one of my kids, because he is a satan. You would vanish with YUKARI."

For Miyuki, unfortunate result. However, the fact, yes. And all of others think like that, except us, yes.

She yells so nasty. "Alzheimer patients, all Shirakawa residents, without exception, are! They are satans! Cruel, messy miserable satans!"

At NANKO lake, she found the big fact. The mountain doves were hunt and killed, after being spilt amphetamine. Too sly and cunning. Usage of gun is already so sly, howver, using faiting medicine is out of mind! All gun lovers would kill SHIRAKAWA hunting guys!!!

Miyuki deeply sighed, and Alzheimer Gun hunters should vanish, immediately! She yelled!!!

And she found, that the bourvard, the pararel of Route 289, was almost vacant, and only one vehicle appeared. And two satans only popped out.

Why? Now, SHIRAKAWA is more populous, because the guys, who moved to urbanized area like TOKYO, retured to burry their fatus and deciesed kids in the concealed place like field or courtyard on the courty houses.

They registered in the urban area as residents, to contribute to increase or maintain the population, and went back to contribute to keep the faked population of the village. Double register is also OK, and faked names are also allowed to use the vacant houses, according to satanic undrstanding.

Yesterday, Miyuki watched a tiny rural old male satan guided three big young sourth eastern satans, near Shin-Shirakawa area, and the younger three appointed their fingurs as if "Oh, I like this vacant big house! It would suitable for us all!" like expression. Oh, this is their technic, Miyuki got to notice it.

Miyuki is categorized mentally illed, yes. Thus, she is all free from satanic accusation, yes. At the same time, she should put up with the nasty rumours on her. And HARUMI, YUKARI and ALEX are in the same line.

Unfortunately, this is the fact. For him, no air-conditioned world any more! And no wi-fi, at all! This is his final choice, and he wants to have MIYUKI's place, because it is more cool with air conditioned air.

Indulged boy, he was. Bye, Alex. I don't forget how I passed with you, forever. However, with you, we can't get along with. Satanic choice, you did. Thus, every night, you put the air conditioner, and Miyuki got chilled because of it.

For Miyuki, getting a cold would be fine. It is a good reason to go to hospital, and she would vanish there. Their line. And Alex agreed totally. Miyuki is totally cruel for us all! He yelled.

For his understanding, Miyuki should be kind to us Alex and Clare. And Miyuki is cool to both of us all. Thus, she should be categorized as rotten mother. Thus, she would be killed, immediately!

Oh, thanks, Alex. I heard your opinion. Thus, you should prepare for total vanishing.

Alex remained silent. This is the fact. Miyuki declared him total vanishing, because he is in YUKARI's line.

YUKARI and HARUMI feeded Alex for it. And explosion. The end, Alex. Miyuki chose us, rather than you.

Miyuki did know when he was 5 years old he said, "I want to be like YUKARI, who doesn't work, and is inside the house only, even after being adult. My ideal life."

Miyuki regretted that Miyuki couldn't bring him near Miyuki, and he was under the protection of HARUMI and YUKARI.

And in May, in 2015, Miyuki asked, "Do you think if it were right that a rich father's boy were treated more benefitted by him rather than other promissive common boys, in the same school or company?" Alex said, "For me, it is too natural that the father treats his son, specially previledged rather than other promissive boy."

Oh, Alex, it is your choice, at this moment. I hope in the future you would change you mind on the contrary.

However, he couldn't in short. He would gain money by Miyuki's succession, after Miyuki's death. Thus, he agreed to trap Miyuki to catch a cold.

Miyuki put up with the divine ordial, and she is so cool to recognize the fact. Alex couldn't recognize the fact at all, and for him, this plain strange insurance inclined world is paradise for non promissive boys like him.

OK, your choice. You categorize yourself like that, and you would fail because of it, OK, you have right to do so.

Not my shame, but your shame. We are not twins. Thus, we don't want to play the same role, Alex! Clare stopped saying so. Anyway, the dice was cast. Already done. Thus, bye, Alex!

Alex insisted his belongings were kept in safe, untouched. And for Miyuki, your dirty birdies's feathers should be thrown, of course! He has no rule of eveness. Equality, he didn't know. Indulged, was his catch word.

Thus, bye, boy Alex. You lost big chance to be a big boy, in the wild world. He was so nasty to say so, however, wild life is not his line. Miyuki also presumed it. And for his consumption only world would be destroyed soon. He probably couldn't put up with it. Always, enemy's side, Alex. Miyuki gave you all of chance, and you couldn't take advantage of it. Just BLA-BLA-BLA was enough for you, now. Illogical, anyway, scolding works world, he lives.

Mini satan, he was. And now, he turned to be a satan. Thus, insurance chaser, he would be. rather convenient, than gaining money by himself.

Shirakwan choice, was accepted by YUKARI and HARUMI, and now, also ALEX. Thus, Miyuki doesn't touch more on him at all. Ignorance, total.

Miyuki put up with the last ordial. The last night with the three all. OK, this is the rule. Alex would be a good boy, yes. And he couldn't. Thus, he played the role of naughty boy. And he couldn't. And indulged boy, he turned. This is the fact.

Miyuki's objects should not touched. However, they robbed. For them, nothing at all. Thus, why they touched? Nothing, thus, untouched, it would be the rule, not?

DDMic world is different. I think nasty, thus, I would throw world. This is their rule. Thus, why Alex could put up with the rule?

Crazy mad lady in the house, she is Miyuki. He wrote in the letter to his friend. And Miyuki would not ge upset at all, because his opinion. He thinks so, and I am not so. And a bit earlier, it would be fatal for Miyuki's career, however, now, their system of catching her doesn't work. Just bow-wow to vacant air.

Miyuki is so mature, and now does know her limit. For Alex, it is no important the feather problem. Property right, Miyuki said, and he couldn't think of it at all!!!

For him, it's difficult! No! He insisted already, for his behalf. Thus, he required Miyuki to keep his property right, while, he himself is indifferent from Miyuki's suffering from YUKARI's attacking.

For him, Miyuki doesn't exist. Thus, why he accuses me, as "less than YUKARI, his substitute mother."???

For him, YUKARI is not Alzheimer at all. Strange! He is so stupid not to recognize her illogical gag like BLA-BLA-BLA. Already, his mind doesn't function well, probably.

For him, Miyuki is the guy for only acute guys only world. Yes, I am. And he can't. Thus, he got upset. Jealous. Satanic character no.1.

Thus, he turned to be a satan. His choice.

Any guy should make effort to be someboy. He gave up to do so like YUKARI. Thus, YUKARI's side, and young Alzheimer he turns so soon.

Morally degraded and intellectually more and more!! His choice.

Miyuki was so shocked by the feathers vanishing matter. Desk is mine. YUKARI wanted to say. Why???

Mountain doves and crows, almost all. And for Miyuki, yells from our side. "We are watching you! You behave bravely! We protect you!" or, "Miyuki, you did it! You are the winner of the reward! This is the proof!"

Each time, Miyuki felt so proud, when she found feathers. And now, Miyuki is also collecting the feathers, also. And probably, for Alzheimer guys, property right is not understood at all, thus, they should vanish, really Miyuki thinks so.

Each guy has important suvenier and memories. however satans don't respect them at all. PErsonality is established with these things, and Miyuki's rewards were stolen by satans. Why they stole so easily? Even now, they do wrong, incessantly.

Total Abandonment or DANSHARI 断捨離 world they live. Thus, we should refrain from them all. They don't know the exact value of each property at all. Just devastate, and forget. Terrible. Why we are obliged to put up with such nasty repetition?

They thought that they did it for their cleaning up. Miyuki is so dirty not to clean up the desk. We did it, instead of her. She should pay for us all!, they both yelled.

No choice, however, they did know their limit. They should move to some concealed place. They would be concealed in a small house, prefablicated modern type, distant from us all!!!

For Miyuki, surrounded by satans, it would be cruel and everyday's threatening, probably. However, for them, the same satans, they would get along with the neighbours, so much. Group Hope is a good idea, as IZUMI-san proposed.

Miyuki is too too right to criticise Alex like above, however, he has some friends, and they are in the same line. Thus, he chose to vanish with them.

Miyuki is not. Thus, survives, yes. Plants world is ideal for her. No jealousy, and a lot of amusement, and for her, IDIOCRACY is the enemy. However, for others, not at all. Thus, they need to be feeded by others, like domestic pets???

For Miyuki, too too right to say so. And Miyuki has right to say so. And now, Miyuki is free from such kind of anxiety. His choice. Terrible YUKARI the II!!!

For Miyuki, near departure for the future, yes. Lemmon orchard, she dreams. And for others, not at all! Lemmon presumes a lot???? Lemon is wise! Oh, my type! Effective and wise!!! Good! For thrifty only????

Miyuki would like to caltivate other citrus fruits, however, any citrus is so old. Preservation put type. Terrible! Miyuki should invest on semi-dried Orange, Grape Fruit, and other, at US$1.5 each, just for berry in the pot, not for eating????

Confusional situation. Fresh is good, however, investment is needed. IZUMI-san did it! Oh, IZUMI-san! You are so rich!!!!

Miyuki is so so nasty to say so! She invested, and gained! Oh, shooting? Now!!!

Oh, congradulations! Thus, I would buy, just for gain the fruit...however, Miyuki is thrifty, thus, would eat the rest...probaly.

Rotten, however, eatable, and anyway, delicious, at minimum. Thus...OK! Tomorrow, Miyuki will buy a lot of variety of citrus!!! Grape fruit, Mineora Orange, tangerine orange, Miyuki found. Nable Orange, Miyuki bought, and ate, and buried, and probably, shooting. Miyuki thinks probaby they, the 4 kids are neble oranges, however, not so sure. Lemmon, also has a possibility...

Probably, put in the pot of berries, thus, probably, nable oranges...

Recently, peach season. Peach, Plum:red soldum type, Nectarine, Gold Peach, Miyuki berried. And today, Miyuki bought Plum package. And tomorrow Miyuki will put probably half of the package of it.

Plum would work for purification. Miyuki's grape orchard would be a bit difficult. No seeds type Mexican Sugar Grape, lady's finger type, Miyuki bought, and found so tiny seeds, and buried on the lemmon pot. Thus, Grape Fruits would produce, Miyuki expects now...

And today, Miyuki bought 2 packages of tiny quick red raddish's seeds, and spilt a bit. Italian long type!!!

And tomorrow, the rest. Now, the field, almost 1 meter x 1.5 meter size patch, is almost empty. Thus, Miyuki decided to use the field, in stead of others. With agreement, yes. A patch, 20 cm x 20 cm was already borrowed, yes.

And Miyuki, dashed to gain the accordence from her father, and did. Now, tomorrow, her orchard paradise, and red quick raddish spilling job day it would be!

Miyuki ate Rechmont Bree Cheese, and felt a bit anmonium. Probably, a bit old. And Chinkoro liked it. For him, anmonium is a spice, and only some guys who knows groumant road, could appreciate it. Adult like taste, he assured.

For Miyuki, a bit older than she imagined. And for him, ideal, and sufficient. OK, this road needs to mature tougue. Chinkoro today lost chance to have a cup of chocorate icecream. For Miyuki, one cup is too much. Semi-demitas cup is already enough, as dessart. Thus, contradiction. Thus, in case of hunger for lunch, as supstitue, Miyuki could eat. And a bit more, some fried eggs on pincho are sufficient as lunch.

Today, Miyuki felt thirsty, however, not Icecream. Thus, probably, tomorrow. After her plum seeds putting job, Miyuki would go to her traning center, and would gain some sufficient muscle, and then, train to gain longer leggs, and music lesson, then, go to eat special chocolate cup. Probably, paper cup of chocolate icecream with the name of ractice, at US$1, she would try, if it would be fine.

And Miyuki found some conxecutive shocking fact. The residents of urban areas, who came back to Shirakawa, are doing dirty job in Tokyo, or rather, doing nothing there, just receiving public money, and doing it all day long. Shameful life, they spend, and they kill fatus and infants, as the result of making love whole day long.

The same life in Shiraka area. Thus, non working just faked residents, in Tokyo and other areas. Reluctant to work, and for them, each infant should be paied by insurance, for their consumptious life.

The faked families are strangely composed by almost 6 figures, including infants, and they appear at Supermarkets area, in spooky so messy black loose anti-fashionable cheap clothings. Pyong Yang style!

For them, the same, Phong Yang and Tokyo, and other urban cities, at all! The same life, the same wrong doing. Doing it, every day, and getting pregnant, and aborting fatus, or killing infants for insurance.

repetetive life, they like, as YUKARI. YUKARI presumably would like to be one of them.

Same value holders, they are. They should vanish! Non calculater world, already, however, they want to play the role of clerks, without necessity at all!

In the middle of the calculation, suddenly, the clark said, "Thank you, client!" indifferent from Miyuki's attitude. Her strange custom, Miyuki thought, and yelled, "Alzheimer clerk!" in her wispering voice.

And Miyuki found the secret of DAISO business. Alzheimer patients only world, DAISO perceived, thus, they provided the products all at US$1. In this way, they could gain the cost to avoid the Alzheimer clerks to put the rice tags every morning, and make the calculation smooth.

7&i holdings failed at this point. They couldn't say no to the Alz clerks price tag putting habit at all. The executives who allowed them to do it were already Alz, of course. They had no judging ability at all. No supermarket any more movement won, in the end.

Shirakawan residents are shameless, thus, they were replaced by foreign guys. Their big mistake. Only total vanishing works, probably!!!

The number of the shooting sticks in NANKO increased. They represent the number of DDMs, who died already. In stead of tumbs, they put it in the lake.

rivers were used as dicth, to throw the fatus and infants, and the old guys into, and the plants watched the sceneries. Nasty, however, we should remember the fact. Thus, blue for kids, while white for old guys, Miyuki thought of.

And big hit!!! The reason of Horse Block or 馬町 or UMA-MACHI, and Batou-Kannon or 馬頭観音 or Hourse Head Budda's statue.

Just craneos or head skeltons, or other bones, of human beings. Some guy got astonished at the number of the bones, and asked at the residents, "What is this? Skelton!!!" And the residents responded, "Oh, not so! Just bones of horses" or 馬の骨 in Japanese. So many fatus, kids and old guys were killed in shira nasty old rural villege called Shirakawa.

And historians lied a lot, and produced another more faked polite stories.

And 白河石 or Shirakawa-seki is just a cement concrete, made of ash of the diceased and SHIRAKAWAN called it "Shirakawa only rare stone". Just a shame.

Miyuki found a horse mark on the public pedestrian hedge stone, near KAINZ HOME, and thought, "Only here. Like a private chamber's decoration. They can't recognize the difference between private and public. The visual proof is."

And today, on 13 of August, they lit the fire on the thin small wooden sticks, in front of the house. OBON's 迎え火 or MUKAEBI, it is. However, it was too too smell. Why they used some plastic including faked woods, in despite of

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (199)

2017-08-13 00:11:00 | 日記

However, at least, Miyuki perceived, their repetition was not because of their own Alzheimer disease. Miyuki almost laught at MISAGO's every Friday's, "Strange! What happened in this printing machine?" frases, in a small voice, with its own head skewed position.

Miyuki thought it as male, in its SARUSHI suit. Short guy, with young Alzheimer disease holding. What is its subject?, Miyuki was curious. 痴呆特権, or Idiot's priviledge, probably, they were adopted by this famous female only college with.

And sudden change of MISAGO, in her clothings and in her attitude, after April, 2015. Suddenly, from male SARUSHI to FURISODE, Japanese festivity only formal KIMONO style, and from rat like coward modest mode to ANEGO like threatening mode.

Abrupt personality change, she showed in front of us all! Miyuki felt so nasty to met MISAGO in KIMONO, because she smelled so much...OMANKO KISAI!, Bianca, you did know this frase so much!..and the shape of KIMONO was so loosen, which should not be for any KIMONO user type. Basic knowledge as social existance lacked for both!!!!

And Miyuki finally discovered that MISAGO's major was public hygine...Oh, this course is international relathionship. Why more natural science, which suitable for more expert for basic health, not for versity level, MISAGO taught in one of the renoun women's colleges in JApan.

The founder Umeko TSUDA would cry their existance, Miyuki wrote in her legal letter to sue TSUDA. The founder wanted to take advantage of the unbenefitted but promissive group called Japanese female youth's situation, and to train them as International Business suitable girls.

And the result? Just kinkiest tradition of wearing KIMONO as power holder of the college. Just wearing KOMONO was enough, was MISAGO's appealing point, and thus, KUSODA liked it, as female.????

MISAGO itself said that it was a male, and KUSODA thought it as a male servant. And KUSODA introduced it as her brother like existance to the clerks, and then, she itroduced it as the professor of law, and then, as of public hygine. And then, it would be my successor. Cheers, for you all! like expression, and vanished.????

For Miyuki, KUSODA said, "I am going to participate in training course of some institute". The proper name, she didn't inform to Miyuki at all. Studying abroad? Max Prank Institute? Sorbonne in Paris???

Miyuki didn't know her career at all. And even now, not at all. Just she graduted from WASEDA'S master course, and worked for NAGOYA area'S wemen's college, and came to TSUDA. And her family lived near TSUDA, and she lives also near, independently from her parents.

She got married with a younger mate in her master course, and he worked for EHIME Versity or 愛媛大学, as an associate professor of law, and they met only several times a year.

Her younger brother graduated from versity of WASEDA also, and turned to be a laywer.

All according to KUSODA herself.

Miyuki didn't know what she said to us all on Miyuki? Mentally illed should be killed and pushed away from the world. Oh, Constitutional Law, her major was. Out of mind!

Alzheimer in the last stage turned to be satans. They wispered, and it was revealed as true. A-Ha-Ha-Harman! Spandar Ballet!

Jamiroquay, was thrifty. Thus, KANASHIRO, her ex-pupil, a plump guy, liked him. And Miyuki yelled him, "the same category. Uncle. Thus, KANASHIRO, if you make an effort to reduce your fat, you would approach JAMIROQUAY's class, probably!"

Not so bad in fisiolonomy, however, so plump. Now mascle type, they both are...they, Alex and KANASHIRO.

Alex met him in Miyuki's class, at Kyorin Versity. Miyuki introduced Alex in front of pupils and old Kyorin professors, and Alex did his presentation job, asked by Miyuki.

Junior high, however, bigger than any pupils there in her class. Junior high, really? And Alex liked KANASHIRO, because he looked similar to him, probably.

KANASHIRO was one of excellent students at Kyorin Versity, at that time, according to her categorization. Thus, Miyuki yelled him, and he responded well, mainly.

Miyuki yelled KANASHIRO, "Oh, KANESHIRO, my son would come to my another class. Don't you want to participate in the class?"

For Miyuki's so primitive understanding, Kyorin is private versity, thus, within the limit, she could try more challengeable project. "Training Alex, junior high pupil, at Kyorin", and she tried, and failed.

Hitomi KIMPARA participated in the class of his father, professor of some private versity, whose major was English Literature. Thus, with accordance of all participants of the class, Miyuki could bring him to the class. Thus, Miyuki started to negociate to do this project, from March. Already gained agreement of other 2 old professors. Thus, all OK for her.

If student claims on his appearance, it would be considered at that time. Anyway, try! ADACHI yelled, and Alex did his presentation, in his as always mode. Big Guy! They all yelled. Anyway, spacy!

Alex did not astonish the old guys at all. For Miyuki, "Oh, they are accustomed to semi-blooded guys." was impression.

Not at all! They are astonished, and thought, "Is he whose son?" Mine!

Some new member came called Alex. Miyuki's team mate, probably. Versity pupil, probably.

Alex is always asked, "Are you versity pupil?" in Shirakawa. A kind of. Versity visiting, already. Miyuki brought him to TSUDA, also. And started her introduction jobs for all, as much as possible. Anyway, he exists like attitude. For her, sincerity, wanted to show to others. Thus, she took him to show up a bit.

He disliked Miyuki's showism mode. Always, "This is my son Alex. He is not similar to me. However, we are parent and son." At a glance, not similar, anybody perceives. Thus, she needs to say so. Who can perceive that his boy is one of the prof's son?

Wemen's college, thus, a male is not so welcome. However, if you like, you can stay as you like, away from my class. And he went somewhere, and came back, after her class. Concealed in toilet???

It was difficult to find male only toilet, he got afraid. Japanese women's college, he got interested in. And the result. Kyorin, in minor version. The same. Versity is not so stimulative.

Miyuki brought Clare to Kyorin twice. Once with Alex, to ask her new years card writing assistants. They worked and Miyuki paied for both of them.

And once, on the way to go out with Clare. Miyuki needed to pick up some important document from the office, because the clerk requred her to do weekend job.

Miyuki bought several doughnut in Crispy Cream daughnut at Tokyu Suqre building, and ate them in the bus, on Sunday. Family time was thus devastated by the versity.

Japanese way of life, the related guys explained. And Japanese was equal to Satanic. Japanese are satans, in short.

Thus, in every country, Miyuki was said, "Japanese are cruel" so frankly. Miyuki didn't know the fact, thus, she started to explain like that, as usual, "Japanese are rather kind, however shy. Not cruel. Look cruel, yes, however, in fact, not at all!"

It was for her, Miyuki the past, just a reality. Thus, she said so with her sincerity. However, now, Miyuki recognizes that her remarks above were totally erroneous. Miyuki failed, yes! As a result, Moriko, OKINO and Miyuki did the same job, without knowing, "Advocate of satans"...too too nasty, however, too too factual.

Thus, now, they all three, are trying to regain the power to devastate satanic world!!! Up to the last one bitch, was their killer words!!!

Miyuki tried to be better, and Satans stopped. Thus satans got revealed their leggs. Domestic wife's life, you should spend, they yelled, on 16 of December, 2015, at almost 22:00, when she was taking a bath.

Now, Miyuki would take a bath. Yesterday, too sleep, thus, Miyuki couldn't. This morning, YUKARI attacked, thus Miyuki couldn't. Thus, today, necessity.

Always, they attack, when they want to attack. Satanic arrival. Thus, just ignore their existance is the rightous answer.

In Miyuki's case, they both think that Miyuki is mentally illed, thus, they both are superior. Thus, they attack more harshly. Satanis hirarchy, Miyuki really thinks so.

For the superiors, just obedience, as mazochists, while, for the inferiors, just arrogance, as sadists.

Miyuki is good at their own rules. They themselves, have no idea of grasping the rules. Thus, just KAOS, for our understanding. And Miyuki's hobby works so much. Riddle solving job creating company. ADACHI established already. She starts to feel strange, and stocks it in her memory, in her own vague mode. And then, she checks it, and when she finds some similarity or relationship, she combines, and some hypotheses, or only BINGO! answer.

In these days, consecutive BINGOs, only world. And now, her acquaitances, almost all were dead already. Of course, they should be!!!

Miyuki likes to collect shames so much. They provided so many episodes to me. Now, they are all shames. I have a lot of episodes among them!!!

She loves to do this mission. "When I was in the graduate school of Faculty of Law at Tokyo Versity..." ADACHI yelled, "Oh, Hikaru GENJI Story!" Bold? Bald, not bold!!!

TSUBAKI oil would be eatable? Miyuki remembered the pledge with ISUMI-san, when they were in 6th grader in Primary School III in SHIRAKAWA.

For our understanding, probably not eatable, and only for hair, at that moment. And we didn't betray the predge. Thus, they both, entered in the Cemistry Club, in Junior High.

Now, Miyuki remembered that Olive Oil was yet for hair and skin. A kind of ointment for both, or rather, the genration, at that moment.

Thus, Miyuki would try to eat a bit a bit, almost all of plants, near her. A bit a bit. And as much as possible, because sometimes, leaf is eatable, however, root is not, like fenomenum happens.

New vegitable and fruit Venture business, she starts. For her understanding, lemmon is so fine, as basic food, and then, as sweets. Drink, juice, all OK type. Appettite, in all use!!!!

Lemmon only party, would be provided, someday, in Miyuki's Lemmon Orchard!!!

Apperitif : Lemmon Liqure with lemmon peal, with a bit of sugar, if you like.
Lemmon dressing salad, with seasonal variety of vegitables.

Soup : Greek Lemmon Soup, with Backweat Oats.

Main dish : Beef or Lamb stake, with a half cut lemmon, with butter, and lemmon flower, as cherrish

Side dish : Lemmon squised juice with any boild or row seafood, for sexample, small squid, shrimp, cram, bonito or tuna and so on

Dessert : Lemmon Merengue Pye, Miyuki original. Probably you would gain some lemmon related tiny gift inside the pye.

Tea or coffee : Lemmon juice squeezed with, as you like.

Under the lemmon trees, with a bunch of butterfries. You would wear some lemmon related clothings or accesories. Lemmon sweets eating, in case of entering, also OK.

And now, cherry trees like shooting is starting.

Now she is caltivating:

Lemmon : Normal and Cicilian, both came from Hiroshima
Neble Orange : came from Australia
Cherry : Satow-Nishiki, American, both Japanese pruducts
Nectarin and Peach and Plum
Grape : Mexican. Lady finger type

Strawberry : Tochootome
Black Berry and Rasberry

Cool Mint & Basil
Lemmon Baum & Oregano
Fennel, Common Time and Rosemary

Quick Red raddish

Several weeds, also. Including wild hare weed.

Thus, Miyuki is better farmer, rather than Shirakawan averege residents. They always cut the weeds and garden flowers, only. They just want to use chain sow.

Thus, probably, YUKARI started to use chain sow, and she unintentionally changed the direction, and cut the tomatoes, and found the power of it, and liked the result.

All of them got terrified! YUKARI made a sly smile, saying, "Sorry, Clare! I cut your precious tomatoes, unintentionally!" and did it again.

Don't borrow it to her! Clare asked again and again, however the father of YUKARI allowed her to use it. Mad dog with chain sow. Jason, accomplished. Oh, all of us are in danger.

For her parents, all OK! They would be killed by her, even now. However, we all are thrifty for our life, of course!!!

Miyuki is chilled to watch the chain sow inside the Jimny. YUKARI is in good mood of it. Jason's world, she is participating in. for her, OK. However, for others, she should vanish, immediately!!!

Sly dirty smile holders, they were. Miyuki would remember them both in the near future.

Now, Miyuki is going to take a bath. Lemmon Party is waiting for us all!!!

Good night, for us all, rightous brothers!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly, dirty, nasty and cruel, dangerous, Alzheimer satans!!!
Thus, HARUMI in yellow car is also Jason's conducting machinery mode.

They should be punished harshly!!! Vanish, immediately, satans, all in a body, without any exception!!!

For us all, see you tomorrow!!!

From Cyborg 009, with Big LOVE!!!