Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (223)

2017-08-26 23:02:08 | 日記
Alzheimer clerks, so many, unnecessarily, in each Supermarket, and the commercial facilities always want other clerks. Miyuki took the photos of the advertisement of the "wanted! Come to join us, especially, domestic wives!" in every building of the supermarkets.

Human resources' cost should be cut, was Business Decision. However, in Shirakawa, Business would not be establish, because they don't know any Business rule at all. Economy, they don't know. Just accumulating debts, they are. And they themselves are free from anxiety. The state tax was used for this stupid shopkeeping play.

Now, the debts of the state is calculated US$10.78 billion at all. Even though, Japanese government continues to suppert this childish Alzheimer play. The satans they are, and they themselves pay the debts, of course, and of course, earlier than our collecting job, Total Vanishing of Satans, all in a body!!!

Satanic black trousers, they wore today in commercial facilities. To conceal their leeking of shit or fass in the diapers, Miyuki said it clearly. Black is formal use in case of necessity for all Alzheimer satans. Muck is their liking word no.1, thus they speak in a loud voice, on such a dirty word!!!

When Miyuki approaced to the cheese corner of Benimaru-Mega-Stage shopping mall, two famale middle aged BUSU fat short bithes came to disturb her check, ans started to talk on their desire to work in some supermarket. "I want to work there, however, I am busy, thus, I am now in wonder..." Oh, they are busy! Like YUKARI! Always busy, according to her thinking. Always she is busy to do it, to do cooking, to wash the clothings, to collect the trash, to sleep in her chamber, to disturb others' happiness, to do wrong, etc, etc.

Busy fakind was called Business, in Japan. Thus, Miyuki remembered that Kyorin staff expressed always as if they were busy. Busy by what?, was not be questioned. Only Miyuki was accused when she confessed that she was really in busy. "Why you said that you would not participate in the meeting?" As always. And she was not allowed to ask the reason to the colleagues. Unilateral. Non eveness world, she was there!!!

For Miyuki, formal denial mode, while for satans all, informal OK, OK only mode. Kyorin rule was called Kyorin standard, and it was transmitted to AOYAMA GAKUIN Versity, by way of Munehide NISHIZAWA, ex-Kyorin staff.

NISHIZAWA's teeth were so black and dirty was Miyuki's impression on him. YANI-TORA, Miyuki nickenamed. Taeko FUKUDA liked to meet him, the real version. And now? Oh, black guy, she thought, however, not so much! Only teeth were black. Really dirty, he was!!!

got interested him, because of the nickname, and followed his academic careers, and found, "Oh, Knocked Out Versity graduate. Thus, he disliked Miyuki, and chose FUKAWA." Miyuki was saved by their exclusion of Miyuki from their trip to France and Portugal. They wanted to trap Miyuki to be killed. For Miyuki, a struggle against AOYAMA GAKUIN versity started with NISHIZAWA's exclusion in judiciary level.

AOYAMA GAKUIN versity had no future already, Miyuki presumed. And now, the real sodomy world, they are! Oh, oral was replaced to doing ass hole type? Both. Oral is not so unusual, while, by ass hole, not so much. Oh, thus, Ass Holl Versity. And many Shirakawans, rural type, want to go there to study sodomy???

Miyuki said clearly the fact in Tokyo. You can buy bitches, foreigners, at US$70 per 30 minutes. Thus, Shirakawans now are moving to MITAKA area. Good choice. Near Musashi Kosugui. Exist big dome and private airport. Arround there. Route 16 is near. Thus they put Route 12 on the caravan type unusual red and white van, near Shirakawa high school. Oh, the three stories pink building has the van. For boys only type? No. チンドン屋 or CHIN-DON-YA or Old fashioned Japanese Advertisement system. Sandwitch Man, it is called, and the impression is really this type. Shame! Miyuki said so in short!

for them, it was coolish!!! Oh, Sandwitch Man is coolish for them! rural potato boys they are!!!

For them, going to Tokyo is unusual experiment. Thus, they are now in a good mood. OK, go, now to Tokyo, Inferno, the same!!!

Thus, they vanished, already. Miyuki learned a lot in Shirakawa, yes. However, so much muck, incessantly. Mad Dog type, are the real Shirakawans. Old is already "I can do it as I like" Means in Shirakawa. HARUMI is such a type.

Alzheimer electric poles are here and there also. They put as they liked, and now, the result. Unnecessary electric poles, so skewed cabled ones, eatrh put ones, mazohistic tight metal put type, knit like so many cables put type, inclined ones, variety of strange and dangerous electric poles world.

Now, Miyuki is going to take a shower. She feels stiky in her throut. Thus, see you tomorrow on our blog, Rightous Brothers!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are ugly bitches, beyond the limit of our morality! Satans, you are! Muck! Shit! Fass!!!

From Uncle MIYUKI, and her supporters, called 8 MEN, with Big LOVE!!!! Yacult likes her way of cleaning up! He sould like to love with Miyuki! Oh, welcome!!! And he doesn' want to be touched...I respct his choice, yes. however, I would like to touch, after his accordance. Before, not at all! Miyuki is not rapist!!! Fluff-Fluff, their brest feathers are, yes. However,up to the certain moment, Miyuki refrains from touching his brest feather. Attractive, yes. However, minimum morality, it belongs the pledge. Thus, Miyuki is waiting for his accordance!!!

Spakoinoi Nochiyu!!! Good night, Rightous Brothers!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (222)

2017-08-26 13:32:03 | 日記
26/08/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) Miyuki did her cleaning job, and ADACHI assisted her so much! ADACHInDerella, Miyuki nicknamed him in this field. So diligent to clean up each corner! Ohly wet tissues can do it type job, he did!!! Wet ADACHI, thus...Dry Tissue papers wanted Miyuki's running nose like OHTA, while, wet ADACHI, likes her cleaning job mode. She cleaned the deskside, and the face washing basin side. Not complete, however, evidently clean, ADAHI yelled! BAKAYAROU!!!, how dirty your offece it! Any male could put up with this nasty situation!!! Only uncle type could put up with it! And Uncle MIYUKI was stolen her precious US$5 coin inside the house.

Now, the value reduced, however, even now, some one does stealing in the office. Alex would not move only by US$5. He wants to be richer type. Thus, he would not the suspect.

Recently Clare often comes to the office, however, to meet Alex, mainly. And Miyuki came back to the office, earlier than before, thus, Miyuki had chance to meet Clare. Reasonable.

And today, it had a heavy rain at 7:10, for almost 20 minutes, then, the sun started to appear and now, so hot! While Miyuki was planting seeds, YUKARI started to wash by impulse. Not so many dirty clothings, however, at noon, almost, she started to wash. Strange. And Miyuki got to notice YUKARI's washing, when she came back from the courtyard.

YUKARI popped out from the office, opening the door, with a basketful of wet clothings. Oh, today, she did it within one hour! Marvelous! And she continued to wash next basketful of clothings, and did it, and left it after the machine's stopping. Forever washing mode, again. And why, so late, she started to use the machine? 9:00 would had been fine her washing.

She is accustomed to come to the office, while Miyuki is in the bath, yes. And now, during Miyuki's courtyard job. Miyuki is so cautious their wrongdoing, thus, she brought her portch in the courtyard. Thus, she was not stolen her precious money.

Even one coin, they steal, was Miyuki's new recognition. And Miyuki recognized the smell of soap near the desk. Some guy with this smell came, however, didn't enter into her territory.

Probably, YUKARI was there with her basketful of clothings to conceal the money stolen from Miyuki's wallet. Probably it was her technic of the survival in HACHIOJI. Miyuki stopped paying for her, because she lost so much money in vain, and she didn't come back to SHIRAKAWA after Miyuki's repetitive request. Terrible! Why she is here even now? How she pays her foods? Miyuki got upset. She should pay, if she wants to stay in my residence! Useless dirty snail like existance!

And YUKARI did her kids' washing job, only. Miyuki refused her cooking, errand, washing and so on. However, she continued to wash their clothings, and collected the trash, up to the end of her stay in HACHIOJI. The same happens in Shirakawa. Alzheimer's inclination to the both. Dirty, however, like to work only in this fields.

YUKARI was accustomed to do so, and HARUMI was her adviser. They are the team, and HARUMI's chameber is an ideal place to observe who is in the office. The sound effects. And they like to steal from other members of their own family! Thieves, in short!!!

HARUMI's advice for survival. Instructor HARUMI. How DDMs could live in this harsh moment.

The book would be called like that!

Now, Miyuki would go to her errand, dispite of her so few coins in her wallet. Yes, she is now rich in fruits. Fruits kingdoms, Miyuki gained, and her orchard, field, garden would be called Ignolandia's Fruits Imperial Palace.

After her marking jobs, they atacked Miyuki's pots. So many kiwi kids were picked up off, and died, drying up. Torture! They came to meet us all, and they did, even now! They are team work, and always, they fake as if they did unintentionally! Crazy and forgetful, thus, they believe that others believed their inocence!!! Stupid!!!

No time for the loser! YUKARI, now, again started her third basketful of washing!!! Time consuming, terrible energy loss. Mad Dogs, they are!!!

Forever washing, in her head, and in the washing machine. Terrible satans. Vast indemnization should be paid!!!

See you, rightous guys! Miyuki can't put up with the sound of the washing machine! How farmful, they both are!!!
They are ETE, only Alzheimer twins could do it!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Forever virgin, because of your Alzheimer disease!!!

Miyuki made a circle trip of 6 supermarkets of the rural village SHIRAKAWA.

She found one more NOGUCHI note in a wallet! Strange, however, it appeared. Anyway, better to be nothing. Thus, NOGUCHI, my love! You came back!!!

Yesterday, she said "Chiao!" to him. No any NOGUCHI, more. Only US$9 left...And sighed. She confirmed. And calculated, and during the errand, he popped out. "Return to see me, NOGUCHI! You love me so much! I missed you, so many times! Don't go to satanic world, forever!!!"

Spell cast for him. A necessity. He is reuse type. Thus, even without his intention, he departs from Miyuki. Adeu, Miyuki! I need to go! My mission! Oh, NOCGUCHI, I will cry for you! I will miss you!!! Oh, Oh!!!

Thus, the system change. Noguchi only world, now. Thus, Shirakawans do so many errands, up to fill the baskets.

This afternoon, Miyuki watched an old bug, who did put two basketful of errands in Benimaru-Shiwamachi. Absurd! Why she needed to buy so much? And how she will bring the products to her vehicle? With the cart? Unusually much of errand, she did!!!

Miyuki only bought US$1 package of meat, namely, Canadian sliced pork and chiken legs, each. She bought also a package of Wang Tong or 雲吞 or soup type small Chinese meat pyes, and another package of シュウマイ or Chinese meat stoll cylinder shape steamed up type meat pyes in Beisia, at US$1 per each. Thus, she can economise so much, for several days.

Her fredge ans freezer is small. Thus, just for few days would be fine to think the all of the contents. She can calculate all of the combination of her sext few meals. Just like Miyuki's brain. Quicker, she wants, and not so confused, please! Chinkor and Yacult yelled. So scarse, would be fine. However, needs knowledge, and skill. More appliable knowledge, she is gaining now.

She found an old house, in the middle of being taken off. Wooden house. Old principle house was reformed so many times, and turned to be a big house of almost 5 rooms and a living room, and a kitchen. 5LDK. Two stories.

Miyuki watched the skelton of the wood slumbers, and found some so effective suggestions from her detailed observation. Poles are enough with 10cm x 10cm type. And if Miyuki mathematically calculates well, and uses a holizontal line measure, she would establish such type of house, so easily by herself. Oh, the rest is just a cover. Thin slumbers are used for walls. And the rooves are thin steel type parts' combination.

And she found the fundamental big mistake on the building. The facade triangle is supported by the connection of two fat slumbers, and one is wider more 2cm rather than other. After the combination, the carpenters did notice the big mistake, however, they prefered to conceal the fact, covering the wall on it. And now their shame got exposed.

From the begining, Shirakawan capenters have been degraded. Such a level! I would build the wooden house better than them, by myself!!!

Not so difficult for some guys, who are percistent to calculate well, the position of each part. Math exactness, their job is required. However, Shirakawans are idiots, and not liked such troublesome job, and they did, as they liked. No conception of danger or safety.

Alzheimer carpenters. Sidione got upset! Dirce accused him, "He is cruel for me! He should be called Side-ONI!", in case of their struggle. At first, Miyuki got so astonished at their relationship. Oh, cruel devil! Why dirce gets along with him? So unusual!

And she found that this is the way for Dirce that she is not satisfied with his conducts. From outside, they got along with each other, so much. However, according to Dirce, he is ONI or devil!!!

Just "He is chilkish!" Dirce wanted to say, Miyuki later understood. However, she was really upset against him. More frank uncle type. Italian, plump and robust cheerful carpenter. Thus, Miyuki remembers him. He made chests for her kitchen, Suitable for the size. Just, it should be.

However, Shirakawan carpenter lied a lot. Now, in the moment of the desconstruction, it appeared. So many faking jobs, here and there. Even these skewed poles, the house remained over 50 years.

and Miyuki found that Shirakawan carpenters had a conception of flatness of surfice, however didn't have that of holizontal line. Thus, always, "I think this is flat." and it turned to be the base. Thus, from the begining, the house was fated to be inclined.

In Tokyo, buildings were established like that, and it caused Miyuki's appalled eyes, and NEMO-KATSU's rolling mode with his hands on the belly. Anyway, sustainable for several years. Then, they forget. We gain a lot.

So expensive, these cheapy houses. Miyuki calculated at max US$10 thausand, if she buys the materials in some Home Center. Thus, their choice was all skewed, confirmed.

Carpenters are needed for her work, they yelled. And carpenters were satans, in ancient age. ONIROKU or 鬼六, they were called. In stead of the life, they offered unusually rapid and sustainable job, like bridge construction, palace making and so on. And Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA failed, because of it. Alzheimer erotic satan, he was revealed.

And he had a lot of admiror in this region. Tea Ceremony Club was composed by funs of him. And these male bitches had a dirty work tradition. Arrogant, Ugly, selfish, Jealous!!! Miyuki never got along with any of them!!!

Wild flowers are beautiful, however, after picking, they get chilled. Thus, with roots, we appreciate, with total accordance with them. And in case of denial, just watch them, in their place. Agreement system, Miyuki adopted, thus, it worked.

sometimes, it needs to persuade them. however, they can change their mind, after her attmpt to persuade. If they deny, she respects their judgement. Thus, she is popular among them!

She found that in Beisia campus, there is ATM of JP bank, which functions even weekends. Thus, she tried to use today, on Sunday. And found a grasshopper, green and brownish a part, and a tiny ASAGI-MADARA type black with white dots type buttefly inside the ATM corner. Thus, Miyuki tried to save them both. However, the butterfly refused to exit. And a grasshopper, finaly decided to move from there. Thus, Miyuki brought him to the nearest abandoned weeded courtyard, back of Beisia. Sometimes, satans attaked there, however, many of the weeds survived. Thus, she put the grasshopper on the long leaves with a bit brownish part. Just like him, Miyuki thought. And he liked it! Dew dropping type! In case of necessity only. And sometimes, inside of ATM is better than Beisia Campus.

Grasshopper was quiet during the movement. She talked on him, that probably the nearest evacuation, she would put on. Not so promissive, yet. However, better than campus. This is rotten place.

Thus grasshopper liked Miyuki. She predged to leave him alone. Not to eat! I ate your kin INAGO, however, I dislike it. Not for eating. Just on behalf of you. However, I enjoy this trip with you. And so on.

Grasshoppers would be welcome in her forever green palace of Ignolandia. Emperial Palace for Fruits. Thus, now, she is interested in carpenter's job. Not so difficult, however, persistent calculation is necessity. Just fit, would be fine. And the slumbers should be drying up for several years!!!

Thus, old and non-crack type would be fine to use. Confirmed the strength. However, in Shirakawa, gaining it would be difficult.

The poles are not necessary to be eaqual size. We could calculate the size and the place. 10cm x 10cm or more, is the correct answer. Horizontal like measure, would be the suitable answer. Miyuki could build a hut, after satans' vanishing! As a trial, she would be! For precarious stay would be fine, however, she prolongs the stay more and more. HARUMI and YUKARI started to claim. And you, HARUMI and YUKARI?

For them, "This is our place. MIYUKI is nasty. She is a kind of stranger. Thus, she should live in another place." This is their remarks. They think as they are. And they are both Alzheimers, who forgot that they were just occupationers, not legitimate power holders. Alzheimer twins, Miyuki yelled so much.

They frustrate others so much. They are unkind, and cruel for us all. Satans. Clare yelled for Miyuki's audacious ignorance against HARUMI.

When Miyuki got out from the office and went to the courtyard, HARUMI popped out from the main house, and yelled, "If you like, listen! I would like to ask you how to throw the recycable trash!" And Miyuki ignored HARUMI entirely. She doesn't exist for me. Satans. Unnecessarily she popped out and started to catch me. Miyuki was going outside to make an errand. Thus, Miyuki did so, totally ignoring HARUMI's yell.

For Miyuki, "I didn't like to listen. I chose, and she said, "If you like!", thus, I didn't listen." Good girl, HARUMI wanted. And for HARUMI's primitive understanding, YUKARI is ideal for HARUMI. Thus, they combined.

Only such a trifle, she popped out from the main house. Why she chased Miyuki unnecessarily? Miyuki disposes her trash, by herself. What is her reason to disturb Miyuki?

Just HARUMI wanted to yell in public was the rightous answer. "I am yet respected by my daughter, professor of law, Dr.Miyuki SATOW. Only one guy, who has doctral degree in this rural village." And HARUMI was ignored in public.

Any guy could yell, yes, however, they were all refused by Miyuki harshly!!!

To gain Alex's affection, YUKARI talks in artificialy childish language. Like talking to pet, is YUKARI's attitude toward the kids. Miyuki dislikes it. "Shokka. Iko, Iko!" YUKARI says to him, as always. This is "Soudeske. IIKO desune." in correct way. The meaning is "I see. Good boy!"

And Alex responded in her level! Nasty, however, probably for him, a kind of training. To use various levels of language, Miyuki thinks so. Alzheimer kids' language school, Alex presumes.

MIYUKI got astonished at the dinner of Alex, which YUKARI cooked and brought to the office. Only a bowlful of rice, a soy bean paste soup, and some side dish. Any main dish at all. How he can survive?, Miyuki got in wonder.

He requested a piece of fish, however, YUKARI brought another, saying, "You ate one already". This is the technic to conceal their big mistake. "Your fault, not mine." Miyuki does know well this technic. YUKARI uses so many times in case of her failure. Alzheimer from fatus type. YUKARI came here to distroy Miyuki's life, probably.

48 old bitch in the childish way of saying? Yes, this is the reason of Miyuki's catch. They replaced the reason of mentally illed situation of YUKARI and KUSODAMARI toward Miyuki's catching reason. In family level, YUKARI, while, in professional leval, KUSODAMARI.

Alzheimer disease is increasing in Japan. Morally degraded satans are wandering in car, here and there. And also in a bicycle.

Miyuki was so emotioned by the beauty of the dramatic sunset of orange clouds and blue sky. Absurbing blood. So many guys were killed, it means, Miyuki thought, and she took several photos near the Big Cross, on the way from Benimaru-Yokomachi. She started to sing, "Bebado e Equilibrista". Bloody Absumptious clouds, Joan Gilberto sang. The same scene. The brush touch is that of David, the french painter after the Revolution age.

She was in the side of Benimaru, and she got astonished, whey an old male bitch yelled as if in his drunken mode, "you don't do it!" in a loud voice. He was in the bicycle, presuming the sould of pedal stepping. She thought that he was a Mad Dog, who had experience to be faked police man. Miyuki didn't recognize what he prohibitted. Anyway, he ordered some prohibition. Who is he?

Miyuki avoided to cross to his side, which were the side nearer to her house, and waited in the big cross, for a while, and watched him, a rider on a bicycle. He was beside another old guy, however, soon, they splitted at the cross, and the rough rider went toward 円明寺 or EMMYOUJI direction. He wore Festival's Shirt, called 祭半纏 or MATSURI-BANTEN. Probably, he is the Mad Dog, hired at Benimaru-YOKOMACHI. Nationalist wearing, as usual. And he couldn't recognize the different between inside the supermarket and outside, on the publice road.

Any prohibition is OK to be done by old guys, was Shirakawans tradition. Scolding mode. Old Alzheimer threteners are left now. For them, anything is allowed, subjectively. Always they are correct, while others are impolite. No excuse at all for their past and actual wrongdoings. Snails, we yelled to them.

HARUMI refused to admit her Alzheimer disease holding. "I am normal. Totally mentally sane. Miyuki is different. She is menatally illed." Is HARUMI's remark, as always. No excuse at all, we said to them, however, they both, accused to be called Alzheimers. NINCHI-SHOU, or just idiots. BOKE. HAYA-BOKE, Koukotsu-no-hito. Illusionists. Rumour only world's residents. Believers of IKKYO, without knowing the religion's name. Politeness is superior to Justice. Mad. Crazy. Stupid. Acepharos. Brainless. Ugly bitches. Satans. Muck.

Soundless mode, they both are. Thus, Alex took advantage of them both. He tried to search of the hour of opening of ATM banking. After one hour, YUKARI informed to him, "365 days, from 7 to 10." Thus, Alex said, "OK, thus, here we go! We are now at 21:00. Good time to go outside! Wait three minutes! I will prepare for it!"

And now, the both, YUKARI and Alex went out. Oh, YUKARI went out in the night! An adventure for both!

Why Alex didn't check it by internet? how YUKARI searched without internet? What is her tool to search the hour? Exist ipad or so to search it?

She refrained from the office to do the search. Thus, probably in her chamber, some tools exist. Magic Trritory, her chamber is. Thus, Miyuki doesn't touch her secret at all!!!

Miyuki found some young generation trees under the Eleking Tree. They came! Eleking chose correctly, probably. He needed to choose leaves or fruits. Thus, his choice was fruits. and the leaves dropped. However, Miyuki remembered that stings are kind of leaves, and also produce oxigen with chlorela. Thus, a bit early autumn for him. Almost bold except green balls like fruits. Miyuki deeply sighed. Good grief. Anyway, your kids are here and there. I will pick the green balls, as much as possible, to grow in our garden. they would be the protectors our Emperial Palace of Orchard. At least four Eleking kids, in the corner. East, West, South, and North. With stings, they would protect our palace. Twigs also sting type. TOGUE-TOGUE. For unkown guys, needles, they would be!

Aroma defusers, they are! Smells good. Thus, they came. They would delay to appear, however, Miyuki waits for long long time. Every day, some seeds, just increasing only. So many promissive areas and promissibe trees, here and there. Miyuki found some, and started to negociate on their suitable near future place.

Olives, three, agreed her idea! Near River Bank of YANTA. Their kins already wait them three there!

yes, they survived, however, the biggest one was inclined for the sun direction. Not suitable for him, probably. They are rather pretty with fruits, and now, at Cainz Home Center, in the section of fruits trees, Miyuki watched a strange fenomenum. No fruit at all fenomenum. Satans picked them all off! Why they took all? To sell at Supermarkets? They are not so mature yet. Why they picked them so earlier? And they didn't change the tag.

In Beisia, this week, Miyuki found that all of Downward Flowers were taken off from the pots. And the price tag was the same. Almost US$150 per each pot. Ridiculous! Orquid, without flowers is the same price, of that with flowers. And the day after, they were all replaced with the same species with flowers, with the same price.

they really don't know the price at all. At Supermarkets, Miyuki found the same type fanomenum, especially in fruits section. So rotten peaches were put so expensive price, and the reason of rottening was pushed by Alzheimer consumers. Miyuki gazed the process, directly.

a mother with a faked kid, a boty with 10 years or so, touched so hard on the surfice of the peaches. They allow her to do so. Alzheimer priveledge. for them, kind, while, for us, cruel, because the shopkeepers are all Alzheimers.

HARUMI and YUKARI, both Alzheimers, are doing their Family Keeping Play, in their childish mode probably. Alzheimers are brainless, and they are satisfied with treated as kids. Thus, to be nasty against them both is too too correct answer. They are superior, they both think. Thus, we should get obliged to pretend to be inferior. Clare dislikes Miyuki's Alzheimer yelling. Ms.Forgetful only, please. We feel like we are all Alzheimers. Almost! If you were rightous, you don't need to think as Alzheimers.

For Miyuki, it's OK, because Miyuki is totally affirmed that Miyuki is superior to them both, in every meaning. However, for others, they are superior to them in some point. Exist such points?

For Miyuki, astonishing. However, for them both, they are all inferior to them both. KAMI-NARI, or Semi-Goddesses, they are! Thus, Miyuki continues to ignore both of them. They don't exist at all. Zombies, they are. Alzheimer satanic zombies. Muck, in short!!!

Miyuki is not good at cleaning, thus we can wash, they declared. And their way of washing is just wasting of energy, cost and time. Big Loss. They themselves are big loss for others. Burden for us all!!!

For Miyuki, cleaning up is a process, and exists another purpose. Staying in a clean atomosphare is feeling good. Thus, ADACHInDerella, she turns to be. For both of them, not at all! For others, OK, I accept as my duty as stayer.

Seeds were picked up by Alzheimer twins was Miyuki's presumption, and it was revealed as the fact. So many times of caution, Miyuki got to recognize it. Terrible attackers, they both are!!!

No choice for the Alzheimer Twins. Sly smile to beg forgiveness, while harsh attack to give a big damage for us all. Cruel, and sly. nasty, in short. Only muck can do it!

Picked up, and stolen. They thought as if they were superior to Miyuki, when they were picking Miyuki's shoots. For them, substitute of Miyuki, they are.

Today, YUKARI used amphetamine, to wake up. Thus, hush-hush mode only. time consuming washing process, and wrongdoing in the courtyard, and BLA-BLA-BLA, all day. HARUMI likes YUKARI's "vivid mode", thus, she is also in high tension, when YUKARI uses Amphetamine. Alzheimer medicine, it is called, and they are categorized as third, now, as you know. Thus, they can use it, as they like.

Alex can do his money related job only under the accordance of YUKARI. Pet dog, he turned. And now, marifana smells. YUKARI also smoke in her chamber, however, not lit type. Electric Cigarette, it is called. Thus, YUKARI is categorized as third grader. Alzheimer schooling play, they are doing. Dr.Dull like Dr.Idiot, she and HARUMI. All Alzheimers, and think all of them, as if they were superior to us all. Team Play, however, so childish, and all lies world.

Ignorance is the first step for Alzheimer. Thus, Miyuki would be categorized grade 1 by their doctor. And he failed. He is forgetful, and he forgot the name of their disease. Some A related. Amirodosis? Oh, no, not at all! Sticking process, they are passing. Thus, soundless mode. Steps were aukward for them both.

Dirty nasty ugly bitches, however, it was nice to see YUKARI's panic mode in ATM corner. Always, "What shall I do next? Do you know, Alex?" And Alex reads out the instruction in a loud voice, in his childish mode. And YUKARI decides what she should do. Always, so many minutes for her. Alzheimers, they are. Thus, it takes so many times to do unusual jobs. Custom job only. Thus, always, washing and trash collecting. Terrible repetition, however, not at all for them.

Reliable guys they are! Alex thought on Miyuki's Kyorin Staff, and failed. Just only dumbs. And now, all Alzheimer guys. 3G especially!!! Grand son, Alex was said by one of them. Grand son of whom? Miyuki's. Oh, where is my son or daughter???

We don't know. And Miyuki was killed already, in the faculty. Exists a legend in Hachioji Campus at Kyorin Versity, that Prof.SATOW was killed here, thus she vanished. So presumable. A monument, they should establish. And the reason? Some guy, who realy hated him, shot her! Oh, understandable! almost, yes. Already Miyuki was attacked violently there!!!

For Miyuki, laughing legend, and for us, also. Monument would be a good idea!! They put it in vain. "Look at the clock tower! At noon, she was shot and killed instantly! Brave, she was! The real rightsous guy, she was!!!" The fight at noon. TOMOCHI liked the idea!!!

外し、or HAZUSHI, in Japanese, the destruction of building is called. 解体 or KAITAI is also. HORIKAWA Industrial Company is doing now. And then, they start to construct new wrong prefablic houses. They are not reliable, Miyuki does know well. They are doing so bad, and gain well. However, vanished, already, so many times.

Each time, they appear, and do, and vanish. As always. Just precarious way, they asked, and they did, and vanished. Precarious is also beyond the limit of endurance. Thus, they all in a body should vanish, immediately!!!

For Miyuki, training period, now. And orchard job, she gained, yes. And legs? Underpart, yes. Now, under and upper, both parts of legs. And upper body, also. Body, entirely.

And now, Miyuki is cleaning up the toilet. Miyuki remembered "God of Toilet". Thus, probably Miyuki would gain more beautiful face also!!!

Toilet is basic necessity, thus, we need to open the door of the office, The Alzheimer twins yelled. You both have a banch of keys, yes. And why you need to say so???

They just like to be attacked by others, or want to get them to attack Miyuki. They are such kind of guys, in short. Miyuki is targetted as aim of their hatred, and now, the level is explosive. No reason. Just hatred. As usual. Alzheimers, all Shirakawans are! Supermarkets' clerks are all showing their hips, to avoid to be heard something from consumers. Avoiding is the symptom of their forgetfulness. Miyuki does know well on this attitude in the campus of Kyorin Versity. Downward eyes, they are called. Anti-productive, and greedy, at the same time. Arrogant, in case of HARUMI and YUKARI.