DX TransPacific in Saitama


TransPacific DXとは太平洋を越えてくる電波をつかまえることです。

DX News Vol.73, No.30-Sep 18, 2006

2006-09-30 | NRC DX News
近着のNATIONAL RADIO CLUBの会誌"DX News"からX-bandの日本でも聞こえそうな局のログです。

1680 KAVT CA Fresno. 8/11 0757. Radio Disney program notes; legal ID at 0759.45, then back to Disney programming. Good signal and alone on the frequency, but smothered at 0801 by the bane of Denver-area DXers, namely IBOC, this time from KDDZ 1690. There are 13 stations in the Denver-Boulder area running IBOC, severely limiting SR/SS DX.(John Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, Drake R-8, DX News Vol.73, No.30-Sep 18, 2006)
