


2020-12-25 22:12:32 | Newsメモ

Ziyadhan's father fought in that first Karabakh war. A ceasefire was declared at the end of it but no peace treaty was signed.

The Nagorno-Karabakh region is internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan, but it is controlled by ethnic Armenians.

"If you mix water with soil, you get dirt. If you mix soil with blood, you get the Motherland," his mother says.


"We will go back there, we will build homes and schools, grow our gardens. On the one hand my heart is bleeding because I have lost my son, but on the other I am full of joy because finally we won't have to be the refugees anymore."

 息子が死んで辛いわよ? でもこれで私たちは難民じゃなくなるのよ―。
 うん、これ、我々、21世紀の日本人が考える感じでの「平和的解決」は無理だな! うん! 無理! ここまで重いのでは、無理…!

BBC Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Human cost of two nations fighting for 'Motherland' 1 November 2020 By Rayhan Demytrie

Nobody knows how many people have lost their lives so far in the latest war for Nagorno-Karabakh. Russia's president said recently that 5,000 people had died - soldiers and civilians. These are the stories of some the men who died fighting on both sides.

But we know that Armenia is going through many more funerals for fallen soldiers than for victims of Covid-19.

For a small nation of three million people, the human cost of this conflict has been immense.

"My daughter says that dad has become an angel and is looking at us from heaven. She repeats my words. The children don't understand it yet that he is no longer with us, " says Aziza.

The family always kept an Azerbaijani flag in the house and Aziza now hopes her four-year-old son Ruslan will one day join the army and become a general.

"I will be teaching my children to hate Armenians because they killed our sons. So many women became widows, mothers lost their children. But this is our land. Everybody knows it's Azerbaijani territory."
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