

当選者名簿にKim Jong-unの名がない?

2019-03-12 20:39:58 | Newsメモ

BBC North Korea election: Surprise as leader Kim Jong-un 'not on ballot' 12 Mar 2019

North Korea's election has resulted in the expected landslide win for its authoritarian leadership - but in a big first for the country, Kim Jong-un does not appear to have been on the ballot.

 当選者名簿にKim Jong-unの名がない,という:

State media announced the names of the 687 deputies elected to the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) on Tuesday, but Mr Kim's name was not read out.

 アナリストの説明,「"This could be part of North Korea's ongoing effort to be perceived as a 'normal state'," she said. "And in most democratic countries, the president doesn't concurrently have a seat in the parliament."

BBC North Koreans vote in 'no-choice' parliamentary elections 10 Mar 2019

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