


2021-05-08 20:23:27 | Newsメモ
BBC Europe migrant crisis: Ten days of Atlantic peril in search of Spain 2 December 2020 By Guy Hedgecoe

"We have sacrificed a lot to come here, to work, to get a better life," Mohamed told the BBC. "Because in Africa, if you're not from a family linked to the state, or from a rich family, you're not going to live well. That's what Africa is like."

BBC Europe migrant crisis: Rescuers find owners of wedding rings lost at sea 25 November 2020

BBC UN to provide food to Venezuela children amid crisis 20 April 2021

The United Nations' World Food Programme (WFP) has reached a deal with the government of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela to provide food to the country's schoolchildren.

Child malnutrition has been on the rise as Venezuela's once-prosperous economy has gone into freefall and health services have collapsed.

And while more goods are now available again as traders set prices in dollars, they have again become largely unaffordable to the poor or those without access to the US currency.

BBC Amazon fires: Forest loss challenges Paris climate ambition By Navin Singh Khadka 28 August 2019

BBC International Criminal Court may investigate UK 'war crimes cover-up' 18 Nov 2019

アクアカタリスト フランス人さん、2.5万本の廃タイヤを海に捨て漁礁を作ろうとした結果 → 逆に環境を汚染していたことが判明する 2018年09月25日

afpbb 「サンクチュアリ」が汚染源に...南仏、人工魚礁のタイヤ2.5万本撤去 2018年9月24日 14:12 発信地:ヴァロリス/フランス



そればかりではない。2005年に地元ニース大学(University of Nice)が実施した調査で、重金属などの有害な化学物質がタイヤから周囲の環境に漏れ出していることも判明。海洋生物への悪影響だけでなく、人の健康被害も懸念される事態になっていた


日本ソリッド株式会社 水域構造物 中古タイヤで生物の棲家


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