

Optimistic Moon

2018-10-14 14:20:00 | Newsメモ
BBC South Korea's Moon optimistic about end to Korean War 12 Oct 2018

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has told the BBC that it is only a matter of time before the US and North Korea declare an end to their state of war on the Korean peninsula.


 Videoのなかで、『あなたは人権派弁護士でしたけど、北朝鮮指導者についてどう思うんです?』と問われて、しかし圧力でもって人権思想を押し付けるのは効率がよくない、国際社会に受け入れてそのなかで―という旨、文大統領はいうのだがそこで私の不出来な英語エンジンが活動してしまうくらい「おまえなにいってんだ」という気にはなった―but that way is not effective, the way has been not effective in these three or four decades, as I remembered.

They deceived the international community in the all cases of communication and negotiation. Then they had developed the nuclear weapons and inter-continental missiles and has been keeping them until now. All these events show the "reliability" of North Korea.

Mr Moon has met Mr Kim three times this year and has acted as a mediator between him and Mr Trump.


Mr Moon said that he had had "ample discussions" with President Trump and other US officials about an end-of-war declaration.


What is very clear to me is that his extensive diplomatic efforts, which also involve praising these two unpredictable leaders, are part of a personal mission. President Moon is driven by his desire to see peace on the peninsula. That's why he's in politics.


President Moon is an optimist when it comes to his dream of ending the Korean War. But some fear that he may not be a realist.

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