Welcome to TANN'S_blog(中島富男)



2009-11-20 00:10:05 | twitter
07:50 from TwitBird iPhone
It is cold this morning.
20:54 from TwitBird iPhone
To use a laundry machine is permitted by 22 o'clock in my dormitory.
22:00 from TwitBird iPhone
Today's supper is Japanese style cooked buns. Too much for me but I wanted them when I was in a bakery.

22:59 from web
I shouldn't think things so difficult. Let them be.
23:07 from web
I finished cycling a washing machine. Thursday night is my weekly washing time. It is a very important task for me.
23:33 from web
Today, I took no time to read only news by my iPhone.
by tann2009 on Twitter

