文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost ! It was the prerogative of the fraudulent drafting country.

2024年01月04日 10時23分29秒 | 全般

It was the prerogative of the fraudulent drafting country.
January 3, 2024 10:28:08 |
This chapter was subject to the crime of obstructing the search.
Referrer page

He pasted AM.xml.gz in the chapter I published on Goo, and it was directed to the download page.
Is there no way for Docomo and Google to prevent this?
They are persistently obstructing us using the same techniques.

Re-transmission! Two Years After Anna's Death, Maurice Became Secretary General of the UN Environment Council with the backing of Shina, who had just joined the UN.
November 20, 2023 
Two years after Anna's death, Maurice was appointed Secretary General of the United Nations Environment Council with the backing of Shina, who had just joined the UN.
November 21, 2022.
Even the fact that China, the mastermind behind this COP26, has exposed the collapse of the lie they created to the full extent of the world.
It is the chapter I sent out on November 16, 2021.
It needs to be reread, not only by the Japanese people but by people worldwide.
He seemed slightly disappointed that his climate model was used as a scam. 
I wrote This chapter on 2021-10-21, titled "The Climate Model is a Scam.
It should be reread not only by the Japanese but also by people worldwide.
It is a must-read, especially for those who make their living in the mass media and politicians worldwide.
At this time, he began working with China to "undermine the industries of developed countries under the pretext of environmental protection and to make money from the Environment....
China, the mastermind of this strategy, has exposed to the whole world the collapse of the lie they created, which is the result of COP26.

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of Shukan Shincho, published on November 16, 2021.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
This paper, in particular, is a must-read for all Japanese citizens and people worldwide.
Emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.
A Nobel Prize-Worthy Scam
Nebraska has hot days and cold nights.
The weather is changeable, so many people who grow up here are moody.
Anna Louise Strong is said to be a representative of this group. 
When she learned about communism at the University of Chicago, she was utterly absorbed. 
She flew to the Soviet Union, whatever came to mind. 
The dashing American woman is helpful.
Stalin left her to her own devices.
At the time, the famine and purges in Ukraine were all the rage, but she didn't see it.
She continued to publish an English-language newspaper in Moscow, chanting Long live communism.
Moody Anna eventually became interested in Mao Zedong in China, meeting Zhou Enlai in Chongqing and visiting Yan'an. 
When Louise asked Mao to see the front lines, Mao wrote to Deng Xiaoping, "She is a good publicity stunt. Treat her politely." 
A document remains to this day.
Perhaps she liked the treatment she received; Anna abandoned the Soviet Union in 1958 and settled in Beijing.
She believed that China was the ideal communist state.
But that year, Mao launched the "Great Leap Forward," which starved to death 30 million people.
At the same time, in Tibet, Mao ordered the slaughter of tens of thousands of people resisting the Chinese invasion.
While traveling in Lhasa, where the blood stains are still drying, she makes a statement that lifts Mao, saying, "In Shina, they do not execute or exile those who commit crimes.
It's a communist mouthpiece that shows no hesitation in lying.
But it is said that it is because of her nephew, Maurice Strong, that she makes such statements.
Thanks to her, the Canadian-born nephew became deeply entrenched in the Chinese ruling class through his aunt.
*As I was translating here, it is no exaggeration to say that Kissinger was a second Maurice Strong.*
Two years after Anna's death, Maurice was appointed Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Environment, with the backing of the newly-entered Chinese branch of the UN.
*Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize prematurely, which must have been mainly due to China's backing.*
At this time, he began working with China to "undermine the industries of industrialized countries under the pretext of environmental protection and make money from the Environment.
The trigger was the "radiation balance" theory presented at Princeton University at the time.
The Earth emits more heat than it receives from the sun, and the Earth's average temperature is 17 degrees Celsius below zero. 
The story goes that it is thanks to C0₂, which is contained in the atmosphere at a mere 0.03%, that it is kept at an average of 15 degrees Celsius.
The conclusion drawn from this was the assumption that if C0₂ increased, global warming would proceed rapidly.
The Chinese and Maurice plotted a con story on that basis alone.
Industrialized countries that emit large amounts of C0₂ could buy emission credits from less developed countries.
However, China, which emits one-third of the world's C0₂, was treated as backward and excluded from the application.
It was the prerogative of the fraudulent drafting country.
This article continues.

