


2024-03-02 10:15:48 | 感染症


CDC Drops Five Day Covid-19 Isolation Despite Controversy


Oregon and California recently lowered isolation guidelines from five days to only one day if symptoms had improved and the person hadn’t had a fever for 24 hours. The CDC is now following suit. They suggest that people continue wearing masks for five days after resuming normal activities.


The initial isolation for Covid-19 was ten days. This was lowered to 5 days in December 2021 after the Delta Airlines CEO complained about disruptions in airline services. Dr. Lucky Tran, a science communicator at Columbia University, says, “The changes in the CDC guidelines [now] are really a result of political and corporate pressure. It's a dangerous change that goes against the science, encourages disease spread, and prioritizes corporate interests, making it easier to exploit workers.”


CDC Drops Five Day Covid-19 Isolation Despite Controversy

CDC Drops Five Day Covid-19 Isolation Despite Controversy

Following Oregon and California




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