
The breeze gently waves Moook's beard.


2010-09-21 | Moook's diary
The end of summer is lonely.
(2010年9月)Moook 4歳1ヶ月

 父ちゃん:「夏も終わりだねえ。寂しくなるなあ! 」
 Moook:「夏よ、さようなら! 今度は食欲の秋だぜ! 」

 Daddy " Summer ends, too. It becomes lonely. "
 Moook " Good-bye in summer. Autumn comes this time the tastes abundant. "

We came near to Matsubarako in the way back of hiking.
It is a very quiet lake.

Thank you for your time.
「シュナウザーはボートが好き 」 by Moook

The schnauzer likes the boat.