臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] A Sweet and Sour Day

2015-01-25 | Script
Caillou was on his way to Grandma and Grandpa's house and he was very eager to get there.
Hello, Caillou!
Huh? Hi, Grandma!
Hi, we're here!
Look at my new truck!
Isn't that nice.
I'll be back in a little while to pick you up. Have fun!
I'm doing some work in the garden. Would you like to help me?
I think these flowers could use a drink.
I can water them.
Thank you.

Caillou liked helping Grandma. It made him feel like a big boy.
Caillou pretended he was driving a big water truck.
Looks like you need a drink.
Here some water for Mr. tree!
One shower coming up!

Grandma, Look!
He's come to use the bird bath.
Why didn't he want to take a bath?
I think I know why. There is no water.
Can I put some water in?
There is no water left.
You can fill it up at the faucet over there.

Caillou was afraid he had broken the faucet and he didn't know what to do.
Grandma, help!
Oh, dear. I haven't got around to fixing that. It falls off all the time. There you go.
Caillou was determined to carry the water all by himself.

Oh, no!
Here, birdie, birdie!
Good work, Caillou!
Now, how about we head inside for a snack and dry those feet off?

I can't find the juice, Grandma.
Oh, dear. Looks like we're out. Why don't we make our own juice?
Caillou was very curious. He had never made juice before.
Grapefruits and lemons, perfect!
They're cold!
Can we use oranges, too?
Absolutely. First, I'll cut the fruit in half.
One, two lemons, one, two oranges, and one, two grapefruits.
Thank you, my assistant.
It's easy to remember what colour oranges are because oranges are orange.
That's right.
Yummy! I like orange juice.
Grapefruit juice isn't as sweet as orange juice, is it?
Nope. Now you making lemonade. I love lemonade!
Yeww! It doesn't taste very good.
It's really sour, isn't it?
It's not ready to drink until we put in the secret ingredient.
Then it'll be delicious.
Here, why don't you try making some juice?
Caillou and Grandma worked very hard and squeeze juice out of all the fruits.
I'm finished, Grandma!
Good job, caillou.
Now it's time for the final secret ingredient.
What is it?
Here, close your eyes. Can you guess what it is?
Caillou was worried that would taste sour like the lemon juice did.
Umm. it's sugar!
That's right. We can make the sour juice sweet by adding just a little sugar.
Do you wanna put it in? Now give it a stir.

Hello, I'm back!
I made juice with Grandma. Want some?
Yes, please.
Caillou was a big help in the garden. He watered all my flowers and filled the bird-bath.
<color=purple>You've suddenly been busy. Umm, this tastes great.
It's made of orange juice, grapefruit juice, lemon juice and a secret ingredient, sugar!
Close your eyes. I have another surprise.
Okay, you can look now!

