臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Caillou Watches Rosie

2011-12-25 | Script
What have you got, Grandma?
Read it, Grandma!
Today's story is called, "Caillou Watches Rosie."

Caillou and Rosie were having lots of fun playing with Rosie's new toy.
Lots of noisy fun.
Moo! Cow!
Quack, quack, quack! Ducky!
Moo, moo! Baa! Oink, oink!
Caillou, Rosie!
Caillou, I have a bad headache and I need to lie down for a while.
Can you be a big brother and <color=blue>watch Rosie, so (that) she doesn't get into any mischief?
Yes, Mommy.
Thank you, Caillou.

How about you two draw animals instead? That way will be quiet if you need your rest.
Caillou knew that he could do a good job watching Rosie.
We're going to draw now, Rosie.
Me, too.

Rosie, no!
No, Rosie. Give me that!
No, no! Mine!
Stop it!
Be quiet, Mommy would be mad!
Caillou, what's going on here?
Caillou, I asked you to be a big brother and take care of Rosie, not fight with her.
Caillou thought it was very unfair that Mommy was mad at him.
He had done his best to be quiet. It was all Rosie's fault.
Mommy, I was trying....
Rosie, you need rest.
Rosie didn't....
I'll be right back, Caillou.
I, I, I don't wanna be Rosie's big brother anymore.
Oh, Caillou. Now tell me what happened?
I wanna Rosie to stop but she didn't listen (to me).
It isn't easy being a big brother, is it?
Now I'd better clean off that wall.
I wanna help you.
That would be terrific!

When I was a little girl, I once had to watch my little cousin Bella when my parents had a party.
Do you know what she did?
She squeezed a whole tube of tooth-paste.
She got all over herself.
That's very bad!
And I got into trouble just like you did!

Nice work, Caillou!
Caillou! Cow!
Caillou, you're getting to be such a big boy!
You are such a wonderful big brother to Rosie.

