臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Be a Station Master

2009-11-08 | Script


One of George's favorite things about being in a country was running his own rail road.

Hello. Hi, Bill.
The kite flyers convention just ended. I'm going to be coming home on the No.7 train.
Okay. What time will your train arrive at the station?
The No.7 will arrive home exactly three o'clock.
Alright. I'll be there. Bye-bye.

George, you wouldn't wanna bother coming to the train station to pick Bill up, would you?
It's too early to go now. His train won't arrive for hours.
I'll show you how it works.
This is the train Bill would be on; this is you and me.
Even if we're at the train station, we have to wait until three o'clock for Bill's train'll get from there to here.

Okay. we can go to the station early, and you'll see how it really works.

This was exciting. George had never been to the train station before.
Hiya there, young fellas. (Aren't you) Taking a trip, are you? I'll recommend traveling my boat.
Oh, we're not traveling. George wants to see how trains run.
Well, would you like to see it from inside the station very nerve center?
Are we arrowed up there?
Well, of course. My brother's the station master. I'm bringing his lunch.

Hey, Flint.
Hey, Clint.
Meet my mates George, and...
Well, you are the man with the yellow hat?
I see you in town from my peer, cause you stick out like a.... like a big yellow thing sticking out.
Yeah, well, this particular little monkey wants to see how real trains run.
Yeah, yeah, well I'm the station master; from here I watch every train on the line. It's important for me to track every train to keep them on schedule.
Well, I'll see you there. The No.1 train's supposed to get here first, No.2 second, 3 third, simple.

Exactly I have to get the No.1 ahead of the No.2.
No.2, I'm switching you to the right way, so No.1 can pass.
Okay, station master.
So I've got a switch the tracks to move it ahead.

George saw exactly how station master Flint did his job.
(It's) Time for the No.1 coming to the station.
See here now, follow me.
And there is No.1 ride on time.
Now you know nerve to run a rail road yourself.
Lunch break.

No thanks.
Great, Northern rail road! Are you trying to cheat me, Clint?
Oh tell me your sail there Flint? What's your beef?
Yours is big, mine's all small on the ends like, like something with small ends.
Well, I cut them in half and in half, both halves.
I'll make a new one and show you yours is wrong, and pencil the trout.
You'll be judge, so it's fair.
Uh, shouldn't someone be running the rail road?
Oh, it's okay. I always stretch my legs at lunch. Anything unusual happens, this warning bell rings.
George can stay. He can't harm anything.
Remember, be a good little monkey.

While Bill waited for the No.7 train to arrive, George was able to find the station where Bill was waiting.
He also saw the trains were out of order.
Then they got even more scrambled.
Luckily, George paid attention to what's station master Flint showed him. He can fix this.

Station master, this is No.7. Why did the No.9 pass us?
Uh, Could you repeat that?
Okay, whatever you say.
George could run toy trains in count to ten, haff and puff could this be.

Could you repeat that? What did he say? No.7, No.8, anybody understand that?
I don't understand him, but I trust him.
Fast work, Station master. We're all in order.

Station master, we're sort of out of order again.

Station master, you did say,"reverse", didn't you?
Real trains were even easier than toy trains for a smart monkey.
All he have to do was simply to move the No.5 train first.
George was a great train master, the 5 moved into position, follow by 8,7,9,6.
Then 6,7,9,8 and 5.
Then 7,5,6,8,9.
and then three hundred and fifty six?

Is it just me ear? It does sound like a monkey.
This wasn't like his toy trains any more. George needed help.

Flint was right outside, comparing jerry sandwiches; unaware that little monkey needed him.
George didn't know why the warning bell wasn't going off.

See, it whole sandwiches are equal, the halves must be, too, right?

Thanks for hold number fort, George. I'll take it from here.

That was the crazy as train ride ever. You won't bereave it, George.

George still wanted to be a station master. But only in his own home where
he could eat that one piece sandwich. Cutting sandwiches in half only raise to trouble.

