臥龍鳳雛 学ぶ門に書来る♪

☆りゅうタンまん☆と一緒に学ぶ English & Chinese バイリンガルに育てる予定が、3ヶ国語になりました。

[SCRIPT] Peeling

2010-01-31 | Script

Watching for the man with the yellow hat to come home was easy,
for a sharp-eyed monkey like George,
because no-body else was that yellow.
Well, almost no-one.
Seeing the man was great, but seeing him with a present was even better.

Well, hello. How was your morning?
Were you a good little monkey? That's my monkey.
Hold on, George. That present's not for you.
It's for Professor Wiseman's birthday. You can see what's inside when she opens it, uh tonight at dinner.

Dinner was years away, maybe just one peek now.
If you really want to unwrap something, come in the kitchen.
Here. You can pretend the orange peel is gift wrap.
You'll be helping me, and unwrapping, too.

Orange skin didn't feel like gift wrap, but there was something good inside.
Maybe that thick skin was there to hold back squirts.
Now the onion had skin that felt like gift wrap, but it didn't smell like any present.
And no wonder they keep cheese wrapped up.
These coverings were all different, but they hid the same thing; something smelly.
But that couldn't be the same reason the present was wrapped, could it?

George, could you please peel me one apple?
This was much better, the apple smelled good.

Uh, George after you've done one apple, leave the bowl of unpeel fruit out, okay?
Those are Professor Wiseman's favorites that I bought especially for her birthday.
Uh, George, could you pick up my pants for me?
They're being altered at the department store.
Don't worry we won't open it without you.

Have a seat. I'll be back in one moment with the pants.
The man with the yellow hat was right. This errand had completely taken George's mind off the (present)...
Fancy beautiful wrapped presents.

Nothing to eat, nothing to smell, nothing.
All George uncovered with a mystery. Why just wrap empty boxes?

Give me your honest opinion, I'm very proud of this display.
This is not a display, it's a story, "Remains of the birthday!"
Brilliant! I love it!
Why? Well, I... Thank you.

Wrapping always hid surprises, so why wrap these if everyone could see right through it?
George decided that some wrapping was there just to keep monkeys out.

People sure are buying a lot of coffee makers. I just wrapped 15 in a row.

There you are! I've been looking all over for you.
George wanted to play with the wrapper people some more, but he had to get these pants home.

George hadn't been gone very long, but when he got back, the present had disappeared.

Uh, thanks for picking up my pants, George.
I know how curious a little monkey can be, so I put the present away.
That should take your mind off of it.

But hiding the present only made George more curious.

This was the first time George noticed the walls were wrapped.
It looked like wrapping on top of more wrapping.
Maybe there were a hundred layers of wall-paper under here, or not.
Since he reached the end, George tried to put it all back, but it didn't wanna go.
Then he thought of a way to make this the perfect bathroom for the professor's birthday.

Uh, is that you, George?
Make sure you wash up before professor Wiseman gets here.
And would you make sure that bowl of her favorite fresh fruit is out where she'll see it?

You can't get away with that.
You didn't wash. This hand is all sticky.
Okay, now...wow! What happened in here?
Professor Wiseman. Help me hide this mess.

Hello, George. Everything okay?

I'll be right out. I got your favorite fruit, help your self.

Is this a banan-gerine?
You can't put skins on fruit, George. Only nature can do that.
On the other hand, nature doesn't make banan-gerines.

Uh, I'm sorry. I'm... Happy birthday from George and me.
Oh, you didn't have to (do that). Would you like to help me open it, George?

I never would've guessed that's what was in this big box.
That's, that's why it was wrapped that way.
Oh my favorite symphony. You remembered! Thanks.
Let's listen to it during dinner.
Oh, here. I'll get that.
George figured he'd better eat something, because this was gonna take a while.

