


2008-12-11 15:17:10 | 英語の学習と研究
1. 祖父は食後に薬を飲みます。
   My grandfather (a. takes) medicine after each meal.
2. 今夜、外食します。
   We (b. are going to eat out) tonight.
3. 最近、3歳の息子が電話に出ます。
   My three-year-old son (a. answers) the phone these days.
4. 「電話よ。」 「僕が出るよ。」
   "The phone is ringing!" " (b. I'll answer) it."
5. 父は毎晩ビールを飲みます。
   My father (a. drinks) beer every night.
6. 「飲み物は何にしますか。」 「ワインにします。」
   "What would you like to drink?"  "(b. I'll have) wine."
7. いつも週末に本を何冊か借ります。
   (a. I borrow) some books every weekend.
8. 毎週火曜日に医者に行きます。
   (a. I go) to the doctor every Tuesday.
9. 歯がとても痛い。歯医者に行くよ。
   I have a terrible toothache. (b. I'll go) to the dentist.
10. 「英語の教科書を忘れた。」 「私のを貸してあげるわ。」
   "I forgot my English textbook." " (b. I'll lend) you mine."

問題 各文の(   )内の語を適切な形にせよ。
1. The young man lay (dream) about his future.
2. Kate stood (wait) for her friend.
3. He looked (surprise) to see me.
4. The student went (swim) in the lake last summer.
5. I saw a cat (watch) the gold fish in the pool.
6. She heard a pitter-patter of feet (come) toward her.
7. He felt himself (lift) up as if by magic.
8. I couldn't make myself (hear) above the noise of the traffic.
9. I won't have him (talk) like that.
10. Someone must have left the water (run).
11. The teacher kept the student (wait) outside the classroom.
12. Can you make yourself (understand) in English?
13. He made himself (acquaint) with all the people at the party.
14. He kept the stove (burn) all night.