英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2009年05月19日 18時51分19秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)





と、少し乱暴になりましたが、私はそう思っています。蓋し、「スリランカ政府軍はよくやった、西欧中心主義の野蛮で傲慢な「国際人権法違反」非難など無視せよ!」とそう私は思っています。以下、この歴史的事態を報じた海外報道紹介。出典はNew York Timesの” Sri Lankan Rebels Offer to Lay Down Their Arms”「スリランカの反乱軍、降伏を表明」(May 18, 2009)です。

Fierce fighting was reported Sunday in Sri Lanka in what appeared to be a final battle with Tamil separatist guerrillas as the country’s president declared that the quarter-century civil war had ended.

The Sri Lankan military reported that the last of tens of thousands of trapped civilians were pouring from the combat zone after months of bloodshed and that the remnants of the guerrilla force were launching suicide attacks as troops closed in on them.

On the verge of defeat, the rebels offered to lay down their arms, saying they wanted to protect civilian lives. There was no immediate response from the government, but it has ignored rebel calls for a cease-fire in recent months.

“My government, with the total commitment of our armed forces, has in an unprecedented humanitarian operation finally defeated the L.T.T.E. militarily,” said President Mahinda Rajapaksa in reference to the rebels, who are formally called the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

Speaking in Jordan on Saturday, the president said, “I will be going back to a country that has been totally freed from the barbaric acts of the L.T.T.E.”・・・






Sunday’s fighting came after the military said it had for the first time secured the entire coastline on Saturday, cutting off escape by sea. It said it killed at least 70 rebel fighters Sunday morning as they tried to flee from their final refuge, a spit of sandy land less than one square mile in size.・・・

It was unclear whether the leaders of the rebellion, including its elusive founder, Vellupillai Prabhakaran, were still trapped in rebel territory, had fled or had bitten into the cyanide tablets they carry around their necks in case of capture.・・・

In a statement carried on the pro-rebel web site TamilNet, the Tigers’ chief of international relations, Selvarasa Pathmanathan, said, “This battle has reached its bitter end. It is our people who are dying now from bombs, shells, illness and hunger. We cannot permit any more harm to befall them. We remain with one last choice — to remove the last weak excuse of the enemy for killing our people. We have decided to silence our guns.”

The militants have vowed to revert to their roots as a guerilla army if they are defeated on the battlefield. Even as the fighting has continued in recent months, they have carried out terrorist attacks elsewhere in the country.





The rebels have been fighting since 1983 for a separate homeland in northern and eastern Sri Lanka for the Tamil minority after decades of marginalization by the Buddhist Sinhalese majority.

Tens of thousands of people have died in a brutal insurgency that has employed massacres, suicide bombings and assassinations, deepened ethnic divisions and helped to stall economic development.・・・

Among the victims of the insurgency was former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India, who was killed by a suicide bomber in 1991. The Tigers have been listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and neighboring India, which is home to the world’s largest Tamil population.

With large-scale economic aid from a committed Tamil diaspora, the rebels fielded a conventional army with artillery units, a tiny air force and a sizable navy that included submarines.





Last year, after repeated failures, the military broke through rebel lines and began an offensive that drove the rebels from areas in the north that they had controlled for decades.

Since earlier this year, the remnants of the rebel force have been cornered in a tiny enclave on the coastline, and human rights groups say both sides have fought with a disregard for large-scale casualties among civilians who have been trapped there.

Despite its denials, there are continuing credible reports that the military has been shelling areas where civilians have crowded together in tents and lean-tos. The Tigers have been reported to be killing civilians who try to flee, using them as human shields and forcing many of them, including children, to join the battle.

In March, the United Nations high commissioner for human rights, Navi Pillay, said, “Certain actions being undertaken by the Sri Lanka military and the L.T.T.E. may constitute violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.”

Determined to end the insurgency and to control for the first time in decades the entire territory of the nation, the government deflected international criticism and pressed ahead with its offensive.






Independent journalists, foreign aid groups, diplomats and United Nations observers have been almost entirely barred from the war zone, and reports by the government and Tamil groups have been impossible to verify.

The United Nations has estimated that 7,000 ethnic Tamil civilians were killed between Jan. 20 and May 7. According to unverified reports from the area, hundreds more have been killed since then.

As the end appeared near in recent days, demands grew from around the world for restraint on the part of the military for fear of what some foreign aid groups said might be a civilian bloodbath.

Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general, sent his chief of staff, Vijay Nambiar, to Sri Lanka last week to try to bring the conflict to a peaceful end. President Obama on Wednesday called on both sides to protect the lives of civilians.

As the Tigers have been weakened, groups of civilians have been making their way from the war zone, and some 200,000 are reported to be housed now in government camps.・・・









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