英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2010年05月23日 11時14分01秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)

China has called on both parties to remain calm, but its fence-sitting risks damaging its ties with South Korea, East Asian officials said.

"The level of South Korean anger against China is the highest I have ever seen," said Brad Glosserman, executive director for Honolulu-based Pacific Forum of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

He described the sinking of the warship as "major formative experience" for a new generation of South Koreans as they come to grips with the unpredictable military threat posed by North Korea. ・・・


「韓国の支那への怒りは私がこれまで一度も見たことのない水準にまで上がっている」と、ホノルルに拠点を置くパシフィック・フォーラム戦略国際問題研究所のBrad Glosserman研究部長はそう語っている。


To that end, South Korea will request that the U.N. Security Council take up the issue in an effort to tighten sanctions on North Korea, the officials said. The United States has indicated it would support such an action, U.S. officials said. President Obama and Lee spoke via telephone on Monday, according to the White House. Lee briefed Obama on the probe, the White House said, and the two "committed to follow the facts of the investigation wherever they lead."

The Obama administration is also leaning toward relisting North Korea as a sponsor of terrorism, a move that would open the door for even more sanctions that could strike at the heart of North Korea's economy. ・・・



It is unclear whether Beijing would support taking the issue to the Security Council; a senior Chinese official said China would first need proof that North Korea launched the attack.

Analysts said China would be reluctant to take strong measures against North Korea because its main interest is to keep the country intact. North Korea's collapse would create hundreds of thousands of refugees and probably lead to the emergence of a Western-leaning united Korea on China's border. ・・・

Another consequence of the report, experts predicted, is that Lee will request that the United States delay for several years a plan to pass operational control of all forces in South Korea from the United States to the South Korean military. About 28,500 U.S. troops are stationed in South Korea. ・・・




Domestically in South Korea, the sinking of the Cheonan may be a pivotal campaign issue in local elections on June 2. Opposition leaders have rejected allegations of North Korea's involvement in sinking the ship.

They accuse Lee's government of manipulating the incident to stir up anger and secure votes. The opposition Democratic Party, which supports peaceful coexistence and increased trade with the North, has created its own fact-finding committee on the ship's sinking and has announced that it will not accept the findings of investigators working with the South Korean government.

Lee's support among voters dropped sharply after the explosion that sank the warship. But his government's early restraint in making accusations against the North -- combined with an investigation that includes experts from around the world -- has brought Lee's approval ratings to near record highs.






б(≧◇≦)ノ ・・・打倒、民主党!
б(≧◇≦)ノ ・・・ルーピー鳩山、一刻も早く退陣しろ!


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