English Collection


Fun Police

2018年05月15日 | 英単語
図書館から借りる本の間に読むThe Answer by Allan & Barbara Peaseを読んでいます。
A typical loser's bad habit list usually includes:
Letting people get under their skin
Being the Fun Police
Being in a job they hate.
"Fun Police" の意味がさっぱり分かりません。普通の辞書には説明は見当たりませんでしたか、次の俗語辞典の意味で使われていると思います。
・Urban Dictionary: Person or group of people who make others stop having fun for whatever reason, usually out of jealousy or spite, but sometimes because said fun is against the law.
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dressing over

2018年05月14日 | 英単語
多読本のThe Stranger by Andrew Watson(HeinleのPage Turners series Level 12)を読みました。
A moment later, Dad walked slowly into the room. He had a large dressing over the cut on his head, and he looked terrible. He looked older and smaller than I had ever seen him.
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she couldn't tell a 'mouse' from a moose

2018年05月12日 | 英単語
Miyuki Miyabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
"Sorry to keep harping on this, but how was Ms. Shinjo with computers herself? Could she have messed around with the Roseline system and extracted customer data on her own?"
"Are you saying that that's what happened?"
"No, I'm just testing a theory. While she was living with you, did she have the kind of know-how a person would need to pull off something like that?"
Her response was immediate. "Kyoko, she couldn't tell a 'mouse' from a moose."
"A mouse?"
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house of cards

2018年05月11日 | 英単語
Miyuki Miyabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
Honma thought about Kyoko Shinjo. Would she be off on an outing on a day like this? Or just airing her bed linen and squinting up at the sun? Tamotsu came to mind as well. Was he planning to turn up the entire schoolyard? Not that it was possible. Honma should have tried to stop him.
Maybe it had all been an elaborate mistake. Maybe he should knock down the house of cards he'd been building and get back to work, real work.

"knock down the house of cards" の個所の意味が分かりません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An insubstantial or insecure situation or scheme.: his case was a house of cards until Attorney Jabowski stepped in
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that a system, organization, or plan is a house of cards, you mean that it is likely to fail or collapse.: The film is a house of cards. If one scene fails to hold, the entire credibility of the film comes crashing down.
・Random House Unabridged Dictionary: a structure or plan that is insubstantial and subject to imminent collapse, as a structure made by balancing playing cards against each other: The scheme is so overly complicated that it's likely to prove to be just another house of cards.
日本語で言う砂上の楼閣ですね。小説では定冠詞の "the" が "house" の前に使われていましたが、辞書では不定冠詞の "a" が付いていますね。冠詞の使い方はネイティブでも微妙なことがあるのでしょう。
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2018年05月10日 | 英単語
Miyuki Miyabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
His hand twitched on his lap. He loosened his tie. "When she married me, they took her off her family register back in Mureyama--her hometown--it's in Fukushima prefecture. But they added the usual line to it, saying who she'd married and where my family register was kept. Even after she was living with me and shouldn't really have been involved at all, the bill collectors were still pestering her. They'd dug out her address here, and they came pounding on our door. Kyoko's family had done their flit in the spring of 1983--which was four years before we got married.
"flit" は文脈からすると所謂夜逃げのようですがどうでしょう? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: An act of leaving one's home or moving, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations.: He made a moonlight flit from a rented flat in Plymouth Road, Thurrock, after racking up over a £1, 000 worth of unpaid rent.
・WordNet Search - 3.1: (a secret move (to avoid paying debts)) "they did a moonlight flit"
"moonlight" が付くと正に夜逃げですね。
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loud getup

2018年05月09日 | 英単語
Miyuki Miyabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
He cleared his throat. "One girl from our class in school said she'd run into Shoko once, two or three years ago. Said she was wearing such a loud getup, she didn't know what'd come over her."
"loud" は音や声だけを形容する言葉と思っていましたが、ここでは10年前に取り上げた "get-up" ("getup" は8/21/2012 に取り上げた)について形容しています。となると、その意味は派手なというような意味だと推測できますが、辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Vulgarly obtrusive; flashy.: a man in a loud checked suit
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe something, especially a piece of clothing, as loud, you dislike it because it has very bright colours or very large, bold patterns which look unpleasant.: He liked to shock with his gold chains and loud clothes.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of clothes) having unpleasantly bright colours or too strong patterns, or (of a person) demanding attention and talking and laughing loudly: You shouldn't wear anything too loud to a job interview.
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2018年05月08日 | 英単語
Miyuki Miyabeの「火車」All She Was Worthを読んでいます。
Shoko SekineになりすましたのはKyoko Shinjoであることと突き止めたHonmaはKyokoがどのようにしてShoko Sekineの事を知ったのかを調べているところです。
Funaki made a face. He wasn't familiar with even the basics of word processing, and had littel patience with the subject.
"It wouldn't be any easier for her to try to hack her way into the right system either. That's got to be risky. The computer links with the outside--back and forth between the warehouse and distribution center--they have their own reserved phone lines, with unlisted numbers. Now even assuming that, as an insider, Kyoko Shinjo might have been able to get the phone numbers, that alone wouldn't be enough. You can't withdraw money with just a PIN number and no cash card. According to Wada, it's the same thing."
Funaki scowled. "So that deep-sixes this angle for the time being?"
"Seems so. But only the part about Kyoko using the computers herself to ge the data."
"deep-sixes" の意味が分からないので辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: a discarding or disposing of something
Origin: from six feet deep, the traditional depth for a grave
・Dictionary.com: complete rejection or ruin: The prescription for U.S. policy, then, should be clear: deep-six the sequester.
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to get rid of someone or something; to dispose of someone or something. (Refers originally to burying someone or something six feet deep, the standard depth of a grave.) Take this horrible food out and deep-six it. That guy is a pain. Deep-six him so the cops will never find him.
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on the sly

2018年05月07日 | 英単語
Miyuki MiyabeのAll She Was Worthを読んでいます。
These small bars tended to be on the quiet side. No Karaoke system like Bacchus had. Not much money spent on fixtures and fittings like there would be in a bigger place. Not likely to attract walk-in customers, more of a roost for mid-level white-collar workers--and not the better-paid ones at that. A place to keep a bottle of Scotch on the sly. Even now, when there were four customers in the bar, all four of them were drinking alone. Still, it was comfortable enough.
Probably that was why it had managed to stay in business for ten years.
"on the sly" も初めて見る慣用句ではありませんが、"sly" の「狡猾な」の意味だけが頭に浮かび "on the sly" の意味を思い出せないので辞書を引きます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: In a secretive fashion.: she was drinking on the sly
・Collins Dictionary: To do something on the sly means to do it secretly, often because it is wrong or bad.: Was she meeting some guy on the sly?
・Cambridge English Dictionary: If you do something on the sly, you do it secretly because you should not be doing it: He drives his mother's car on the sly while she's at work.
"on the sly" の意味を思い出しましたが、"sly" に元々「狡猾な」だけではなく「秘密の」の様な意味があるに違いない。辞書で "sly" を確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a remark, glance, or facial expression) showing in an insinuating way that one has some secret knowledge that may be harmful or embarrassing.
・Collins Dictionary: If you describe someone as sly, you disapprove of them because they keep their feelings or intentions hidden and are clever at deceiving people.: She is devious and sly and manipulative.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: seeming to know secrets: "You'll find out eventually," said Mary, with a sly smile.
なるほど、 "sly" を単に「狡猾な」と覚えていましたが、秘密や隠し事などを知った上での態度、振る舞いをするから狡猾なのですね。
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Super Friendly

2018年05月06日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 'Is This Normal or Nuts?' からの引用です。
I have this compulsion to say hello to everyone I pass in the office or on the street.
This strikes me (and everyone else) as a little much, but I can't seem to stop. How weird is this?
"Are you from the South?" asks psychologist Ruan. She lived for a while in Atlanta, where people were very friendly and chatty, even from the next stall in the restroom. "One woman started talking to me," says Ruan,...
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Dou you like hugging?

2018年05月04日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 'Is This Normal or Nuts?' からの引用です。
My friends are all huggers, and I hate it! When they see me, they throw their arms around me and squeeze away. I'm not a germophobe, and I love my friends. I'd just prefer a handshake. Is that so wrong?
...hop on a plane. In about half the world, it's hugging that is rude, not not hugging.
You're not a nut; you're just stuck in an increasingly hug-happy culture.
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