English Collection



2024年03月25日 | 英単語
Yasuo Uchidaの "The Togakushi Legend Murders" を読んでいます。
Though Keiichi was being as polite as possible, Tatibana could see he would brook no refusal. Overpowered, Tatibana nodded assent. Only then did Keiichi relax and take another sip of tea, which by now was thoroughly cold.

小川を意味する名詞の "brook" は知っていますが、動詞の "brook" は知りません。辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: not brook something/not brook somebody doing something/brook no… to not allow something: The tone in his voice brooked no argument.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone in a position of authority will brook no interference or opposition, they will not accept any interference or opposition from others.: She'd had a plan of action, one that would brook no interference.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to not allow or accept something, especially a difference of opinion or intention: She won't brook any criticism of her work.
・Vocabulary.com: A brook is a small stream. On a hot day, you might enjoy wading in a babbling brook. As a verb, brook is a rather stuffy word for "put up with." The lord of the manor might say, "I will brook no trespassing on my land."
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